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PostPosted: December 4th, 2007, 8:37 pm 
Elven Shieldmaiden for Christ
Elven Shieldmaiden for Christ
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Aryth smield at Angil, despite of herself. "Then I thank you both, for your kindness, though if I this foolish and weak again, go ahead and kill me, as an example to the Dark Lord's forces."

Just became a college freshman; be on sparingly

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PostPosted: December 5th, 2007, 5:21 pm 
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Shamíra stabbed another Gondorian man through the heart with a cry of delight. As she continued to rip through the line of men, she pondered the mercy that had been displayed earlier. She was incapable of feeling mercy, much less compassion. It was a mystery to her why one might spare an enemy.

Thanks to Revenge for the lovely set!
~Married Legolas of Gondolin April 6, 2006~

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PostPosted: December 6th, 2007, 12:28 pm 

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Nia wandered over to a place where she can watch the battle and not be noticed. She was tired of fighting already, and thought that she wouldn't be able to take the smell of human blood and corpses anymore.

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PostPosted: December 9th, 2007, 4:47 pm 
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Shamíra grinned maliciously as the reinforcements arrived. While she enjoyed slaughtering humans, it was mindless work as they gave poor sport. They were easy prey, which took much of the enjoyment from the excercise. She preferred to battle Dunadans and elves.

Thanks to Revenge for the lovely set!
~Married Legolas of Gondolin April 6, 2006~

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PostPosted: December 17th, 2007, 1:38 pm 
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“I shall heed your warning, Deawen. Helcano is my name if I didn’t tell you earlier.”
Fire was spotted around the building and two of the archers’ cloaks were starting to burn.
The chaos created by the fire gave Helcano enough time to make his move.
With a quick move he had unsheathed his sword and hit one of the soldiers on his side.
The man fell down grasping his throat and before the other soldier had reacted, Helcano pushed him in the chest with the ring hand.
He started to cough and quip for air as his lungs felt the cold hands touch on his chest.
A swift move later the man was no more…
But three rangers and two Gondorian archers were still standing and Helcano decided to retreat towards Deawen and the rest of his company.
Two arrows whistled past his right shoulder as he jumped down to the stairs.
He touched the stair with the ring hand and the stone stair was glimmering with frost and ice.
After a quick leap he exited the passage leading to the streets ahead.
Remembering Deawen’s warning, he quickly threw off the cloak and mask and took out his bow to meet the 6 pursuers.
Too Helcano’s joy, two of them had slipped on the stairs and was now unconscious.
Helcano fired two quick arrows at the two that followed the falling couple.
Both fell to the ground reaching for their chests with a gasp.
The two still standing was smart enough to not walk the stairs and tried instead to fire some arrows at Helcano.
One of the arrows was very close at hitting him, but was instead impaling a nearby orc warrior.
Helcano knew that these to where to strong for him alone and started to sprint towards the fire that he believed Deawen had conjured.

When Helcano started to sprint away, one of the rangers had managed to awaken the Gondorian archers that had been knocked out from the fall to the ground.
They then started the pursuit and were now running with drawn swords towards the now fireless ground around the group.

Helcano greeted Deawen and said:
“Thanks you, Deawen!”
“Without that fire I would probably had gotten more of a challenge than I had asked for…”

(OOC: Sorry about not posting anything in this one for over a week. :blink:
I couldn't come up with anything good to write. :annoyed: )

[Awaiting a new signature banner by me]
My former names on AU:
Callondhaer, Duilantion

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PostPosted: December 17th, 2007, 1:47 pm 
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Deawen nodded in greeting, noting the soldiers approach she extended her hand, nothing seemed to happen at first but as the soldiers got closer they slowed thier faces were suddenly transformed into grimaces of pain one fell and writhed on the stone and began to shriek in terror and pain then laid still. The others soon followed the first one's example. But the last one was obviously stronger than the others, Deawen admired strength even in an opponet she had an idea she quickly retracted the fire she had conjured inside the man he coughed and his chest heaved clearly he was puzzled. Deawen strode towards him drawing her sword in a swift move, he took a solid stance he studied his shorter and dantier opponet with astonishment.
She took a more relaxed stance, she let him attack first a long side sweep, she step back and to the right batting his blade away in a playful bat. he attacked again this time with more power and skill. Deawen blocked and parried constantly switching sword hands. he attacked over and over trying to drive her back but only provoking her into useing complicated moves and stances he finally found an opening in her seemingly solid defense. she was too late in blocking it and felt the cold steel pierce her right shoulder she shuddered her whole length he retracted his blade thinking he had vanquished his foe.

She raised her hand pointing to the sky and in a sweep from her chest to her opponet a bolt of lighting struck the man dead in his tracks. She shuddered again, stumbling backwards she retreated to the safety of the group, she sat on a broken step leaned against the stone.
She looked up at Helcano with a crooked smile, " he was a worthy opponet" she commented " It just proves that i am indeed still human " she laughed bitterly.

Lips, ripe as the berries in June
Red the rose, red the rose
Skin, pale as the light of the moon
Gently as she goes

as always a hero comes home

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PostPosted: December 22nd, 2007, 2:57 am 
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Shamíra mounted one of the walls where some of the archers were still posted, firing at will. We ought to make for the city soon, she thought.

Thanks to Revenge for the lovely set!
~Married Legolas of Gondolin April 6, 2006~

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PostPosted: February 25th, 2008, 4:53 pm 
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The Story so far (for people who don't want to read the entire thread or have missed something):
Xoroku, leader of a group of warriors was waiting near the Morannon.
The entire group, except for Xoroku was 30 minutes late and if no one showed up in 5 minutes, she would leave without the rest of the group.

Deawen Elsent was the first to join the group, closely followed by a nervous and tired Nea of Rohan.
Angil and Shamira followed suite and joined the rest of the group.
As a prominent member of the group Shamira, noted her displeasure that the group was still not full, even though such a long time had gone.
Amarthiel and Alyth Stormmoon joined the group shortly after Shamira.
Deawen spoke with Nia and Alyth while a ranger named Helcano walked up with his horse to the others.
While the man was trying to see what his companions where like, one of the groups members had walked up to him to talk.
As the man had answered her question, the leader Xoroku started to move her horse ahead of the group, telling them to follow.
The group was then joined by a male elf named Aradan, who joined Helcano’s side to talk.
While the party was now moving towards the battle ensuing, they where joined by the last member of the group Fearan.
As the group closed in on the Anduin, the orcs was starting to fill the ranks at the shores.
Shamíra walked up to the orc captain and was not pleased about the slow movement of the army.
They boarded the boats and were now heading towards the awaiting Gondorians on the shore of the fallen city of Osgiliath.
Shamira led the first attack on the city, by commanding the orcs to start firing their arrows.
At the same time as arrows where flying against the city, Helcano and Deawen created a mist around them to make it harder for Gondorian archers to spot them.
The boats hit the shore and the hoards of Mordor were now entering the city with swords in their hands.
Many of the group was leaving the shores entering the city with swords in their hands.
As battles was ensuing around them, Nia of Rohan was facing one of her Gondorian friends Riko.
After letting the man go, Nia was now in a very dangerous situation as the rest of the group noticed her mercifulness towards the soldier.
As Amarthiel was now questioning Nia, the fire wielding “human” Deawen formed a circle of fire around them to hinder interference in the groups problem with Nia’s actions.
With the decision of putting Nia on probation, the group was now once again thrown into battle.
Helcano, who had decided to infiltrate a tower of Archers and Dunedain warriors, was now in a dangerous position, as Deawen had used her magic on him.
As soon as the spell lifted, Helcano was starting to kill the people in the tower that was now in flames. After several of them was killed, he ran towards his companions.
Deawen took care of the pursuing Gondorians, but was injured in a battle with one of the Dunedain.


Helcano had followed Deawen's fight with the Gondorians with great interest.
When the Dunadan pierced her shoulder he had raised his sword to come to her aid.
But just as he was about to make his way to her, she had performed lightning magic on the man who was now lying dead near her feet.
He watched her stumble back to were Helcano and some of the members of the group were.
Helcano was very concerned about the now bleeding shoulder wound and said in a soft voice:
"Deawen, stay here. I will treat your wound."
With a shrill whistle, he called for his horse Suldal to come to their location.
The horse galloped towards its master’s call and greeted its master with a slight poking on his shoulder.
Suldal had been carrying Helcano's bags, carrying extra clothing, water and other useful things for travelling long distances.
He picked up a white shirt and ripped out a big piece of the strong material to use as bandage for the injured shoulder.
"Do you mind if I have a look at the wound?" he asked her.
Awaiting her answer, he called for Aradan to come to his aid.
"Aradan! I need your help with this wound! Our young sorceress has been stabbed in the shoulder."

[Awaiting a new signature banner by me]
My former names on AU:
Callondhaer, Duilantion

 Post subject:
PostPosted: February 25th, 2008, 5:28 pm 

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Nia, with some little energy back in her, came back into battle, carefully aiming her arrows into the crowd of fighters. Her arrows hit their marks, making several men fall without a cry.

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PostPosted: February 25th, 2008, 5:38 pm 
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Shamíra was motionless for a moment and closed her eyes as she considered their next move. She elected to consult with Xoroku.

Leaping from the wall, she charged through a cluster of humans, leaving them dead in her wake and arrived by Xoroku. "We ought to move in towards the city before the humans think to pen us in whilst we fight here." She noticed out of her peripheral vision a group of humans sprinting in their direction, their swords raised. Shamíra killed them effortlessly with a black wave of energy without looking in their direction.

Thanks to Revenge for the lovely set!
~Married Legolas of Gondolin April 6, 2006~

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PostPosted: February 25th, 2008, 6:16 pm 
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[[*Peeks in* Erm, sorry about this everyone! :blush: Thanks for the recap, Erumaro! It really helped. :hug: ]]

Aradan turned around swiftly as he heard his name being called. Looking past Helcano he saw Deawen laying on the ground with blood pouring from her shoulder. He quickly made his way over, making sure no one hindered him in the process. Aradan's golden eyes surveyed the gash before he spoke in a low voice, "It's a pretty deep wound... we will need to stop the bleeding, or she may suffer death from hemorrhage."


Xoroku wiped the sweat from her brow as Shamíra came over. She listened intently to the other woman, nodding her head slightly. "Order the troops to move in towards the city, then. Once the city is under heavy attack, we shall make our move." Her crimson eyes glanced at Shamíra quickly.

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PostPosted: February 25th, 2008, 7:48 pm 
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Deawen scowled and tried to pull her self up when Helcano whistled. she felt faint and dizzy, but her stubborn will protested. " I am fine!" she growled attempting to stand up, she sank back down as the ringing in her ears persisted. She finally nodded with a snort. She sat quietly as Aradan inspected the wound. She took out a knife and cut away her soft tunic exposing the wound further, it was a deep but clean cut. Her was just below her cloak line, " Pity... had I went a bit lower the blade would have only hit my cloak..." she commented with a sigh, showing Helcano the inside of her cloak which was two layers of thick wool, in between that was a thin layer of chain mail.

Lips, ripe as the berries in June
Red the rose, red the rose
Skin, pale as the light of the moon
Gently as she goes

as always a hero comes home

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PostPosted: February 25th, 2008, 10:17 pm 

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Nia walked towards to where Xoroku was, silently waiting for her orders. She looked around at all the dead warriors without any regret at all in her eyes.

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PostPosted: February 25th, 2008, 10:59 pm 
Travelling Shieldmaiden
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Amarthiel grinned wickedly as she buried her daggers into the flesh two more mortal soliders, her eyes glimmering with glee as spots of crimson splattered upon her dark tunic. Walking over to Xoroku, she first gave Nia a cold look before turning her attention to Xoroku. "Your orders, General?" she asked.

AWESOME set by the AMAZING Lembas!!!

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PostPosted: February 25th, 2008, 11:48 pm 

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Nia caught the cold look launched towards her by Amarthiel and then returned her attention back to Xoroku, after spitting towards the body of a dead Gondorian soldier. She was not intimidated.

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PostPosted: February 25th, 2008, 11:53 pm 
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Shamíra's scarlet eyes brightened at the thought of more blood. "Excellent." She sent another blast of energy at another wave, making sure to allow it to pass through their own troops without damage...well, without too much damage. She departed from the group and onto the back of her mount, which was brought to her by an orc. She screeched out the orders in Black Speech and galloped her mount towards the city, cutting down men as she passed.

Thanks to Revenge for the lovely set!
~Married Legolas of Gondolin April 6, 2006~

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