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 Post subject: Re: Lets RP!
PostPosted: October 19th, 2011, 11:11 am 
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-Sorry its been a while- I think thats a really good idea! That way Sauron is 'safe' and Locien has a reason to be so unhelpful! Although he still does his bidding, he knows Durion wont punish him the way Sauron would have :D

Locien turned back his Master with an unreadable expression on his face. He had not realised that Durion's mother was still alive. In fact he had not had many thoughts concerning Durion's heritage. He had assumed that the Dark Lord had dealt with the elleth that had borne him a son in the same way Locien intended to deal with Thranduil- Quickly and painfully after he had served his use. But to keep the woman alive? To secretly house her in the tower where the possibility would always remain that she may escape? It scared him to know that one who held such power was capable of making some mistakes.

He thought back to the first years after his companies capture at the Siege of Angmar so many ages ago. He had been lucky enough to be in the same group as his wife- The elves important enough to be held without immediate mutilation or death whilst Sauron considered their use or deaths. Once information had been extracted they had been dispatched quickly and quietly. Once it was clear that Rhavaniel was closest to the king's son and was a she had been taken and he had spent a good week mulling over if there was any way to spare her what she was surely experiencing. Once he had decided to offer himself and what he knew to spare the screams had stopped and eventually they had been free to go. He had not expected to have the Dark Lord keep his side of the bargain- It seemed cruelly thoughtless of him. They had feared for their lives every night until they had made it back to their camp- All five of those allowed to leave from the party of close to eighty who had been taken.

Was Durion apt for making the same mistakes as his father? Why let live when death would solve so many problems that may or may not be encountered on the road? Friend . He wondered if Durion was capable of understanding what that type of emotion meant- Or rather, whether he was capable of feeling love or friendship. Sauron had understood love, yet he had never felt anything like it. He had known how to exploit it.

Locien looked down sideways as Durion towered over him. He had no wish to be punished for his insolence, but he could not stop himself:"I ask only what use her life has other than to further agrevate a delicate situation. You trust my advice," he paused and cast a sly look upwards,"If she endangers our cause, brother, she is an obstacle. Have we not always dealt with them harshly?"


Rhavaniel placed a hand on her heart then drew it away in a horizontal arc as she bowed, as was the way with her people: "Buion na 'ell," she murmured with a gentle smile.

As Nessa continued to speak, she was stricken by her words. It seemed as if she was hearing what she herself would say should she ever be lucky enough to have a death-bed. There were so many deeds that she was proud of, that others remembered her for and yet the blood-soaked past she carried with her weighed her down. There was no shame in the glory of the battles she had fought and won. And yet she could never be forgiven for certain things and she could never forgive herself for others.
Rhavaniel found herself blinking quickly as Nessa trailed off. She took a step forward and lay a hand on Naerwen's shoulder. She had learned to read her companion well enough by now to know she must have some sort of close tie with the woman.

"We all have our regrets," the Duke's sister said carefully, meeting the woman's gaze with a cool stare,"It is the curse of immortality to ever increase their number."


. O r b i s N o n S u f f i c i t .

 Post subject: Re: Lets RP!
PostPosted: October 21st, 2011, 6:33 pm 
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Evelyn returned Rhavaniel's meaingfull glance. As Nessa and Narwen seemed close, Evelyn backed up to give them space, moving to the ede of the room. It seemed much excitment was confined to the houses of healing that moon.

"We all have our regrets," the Duke's sister said carefully. Evelyn nodded in encouraging agreement at the wisdom.

"Shall i alert the king?" Evelyn asked softly, directing her question at Nessa and Narwen. She wished for the errand partly because she was sure, as Rhavaniel was, that Nessa had important information, and partly because Evelyn had no wish to be left standing in the back of the room with Morfindien.


 Post subject: Re: Lets RP!
PostPosted: October 24th, 2011, 3:39 pm 
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~Again sorry for the late replies. I am currently going through a break up. Least that is what I think it is. We are meant to be taking time apart, but it's been two weeks now and I am going crazy. Maybe this will take it off my mind.

Durion returned his gaze to his friend. Although his expression was unreadable, his tone was unmistakeable. The news of his mother would have been surprising enough without the news of her escape. Durion sighed deeply, his shoulders falling. His mother had come to look for him. Mordor had been the last place she had ever imagined she would find her son. The expression of shame, disgrace and hurt nearly had Durion on his knees begging for mercy. Instead he pleaded with her to listen to him, understand his plan. Sure there was flaws to Sauron's plan, but the essence of it was good. His mother was not for listening. She said she would get warn everyone of his plan. He had no choice to lock her up. Killing her had crossed his mind, but could he really take away the life of the person who helped to give him his own life? He was sure his father would not have been pleased with this train of thought, but he just could not help himself. He knew death was a certainty in his ventures, but he could not accept his mothers death, certainly not at his own hands. Durion, in his times of loneliness, had wondered why his father had not killed his mother after he was born. Sauron was not the one to make mistakes. There had to have been some reason for his actions. Perhaps it was to keep Durion's existence a secret. His mother would certainly not want to broadcast that she had fallen for the dark lord.

Durion immediately straightened as Locien asked his questions as though to exert his rank and power. "Do you doubt me Locien?" Durion raised his brow. "I have my reasons and it would bode well for you not to delve into them." He fixed Locien with a cold stare before crossing over to an orc. "Gather a small scouting group at once. You will go to Minas Tirith. You are not to draw attention to yourselves you are only to find out what they know. I will expect you back in five days time." The orc looked as though he was going to question Durion's orders. Durion hissed sharply. "Do I make myself clear?!" The orc nodded and scurried away to fulfil his duties.

Durion began to pace, not out of a nervous habit, but a habit that showed he was deep in thought. "My mother will not have wasted any time in telling Elessar of our plans. We are going to need to speed up our plan. The elves must side with us. The dwarves too. We are going to need an army. Elessar will not bow down to this. He will also, no doubt, have allies. We shall need to, at the very least, triple our number. We need enough to make him stop and listen to us." His eyes bore into the ground. "And if he does not listen he shall be destroyed. Just like everyone else who would not listen."


Nessa seemed to be regaining strength as she rested. She hauled herself up into a sitting position, batting away at Naerwen's arms as she attempted to push her back down. "Naerwen I am not an invalid. Please, these wounds look terrible, but I will survive."
Nessa looked over Naerwen's shoulder to Rhavaniel. "You are a very kind woman to show me sympathy when I deserve none." Her eyes moved to Evelyn.
"If you would not mind. I would fetch the King myself, but..." she cast a wary glance to Naerwen. "I believe my carer would not allow it."
Naerwen recoiled as though she had been scolded be her parent for doing something bad. "Nessa I only worry for you. It would appear you have been through much on your journey let alone where you actually received these wounds." Naerwen took Nessa's hands in her own, her keen eyes picking out the fading bruises around her wrists. "Some are even old. Where on earth have you been Nessa?" Naerwen sighed heavily. Guilt thick in her voice for not being there for Nessa more. After all she did owe her.

Nessa fell silent again, her eyes staring at the door, unseeing the people who passed or entered. Finally she answered. "I have been at Mordor. I went to find my son and found more than I bargained for." Naerwen parted her lips to ask another question, but stopped when Nessa raised her hand to silence her. "Sit all. I have a tale to tell and some harrowing news to tell you all." Nessa waited patiently while everyone either took their seats or at least looked comfortable. Naerwen had fetched a bowl of warm water and had began to clean Nessa's wounds. This was Naerwen's only habit, even as a child she had been a fidget. She always had to be doing something with her hands. This habit grew worse in times of great stress or worry. Nessa grimaced deeply, knowing what she had to say would hurt Naerwen badly. She knew Naerwen had kindled a flame for Durion. Nessa had hoped that flame would blossom into a great romance and take Durion further and further away from his hidden history. Off course his history had not stayed as hidden as Nessa had hoped.

A faint glaze slid over Nessa's eyes as she began to recite her history. "It was a warm summers day and I had been sent to the fields to gather corn. I liked this particular job, because it took me away from the noise. It was so quiet in the fields. It was just me and the wind most days except this one. A dark rider was passing through. I was sure he was going to ride on by, when he stopped behind me. He said his name was Mairon and that he was in desperate need of refreshment. Having worked most of the morning and afternoon I was pretty parched myself. So I brought him back to the local inn and we just simply got to talking. An amazing romance blossomed before my eyes. I gave him everything and then he was gone. Obviously I was stricken with grief, even more so when I found out I was pregnant. Shame then took it's place when I learned who Mairon really was. Distraught with myself and having no desire to face the disappointment of those who knew me I left, never to return. I had created a lovely home in time for Durion to arrive and vowed to raise him as I was raised and never would he learn who his father was." Nessa's eyes refocused and moved around the room as though guaging everyone's emotions. She swallowed and then continued, staring at the doorway once more. "Durion grew up, oblivious to his heritage, with Naerwen. They even joined the guard and life went on as normal, at least so it would seem. It would appear that Durion had been doing some research of his own. Whilst out on a job with Naerwen and a few others he disappeared. For years and years Naerwen and I searched for him. Naerwen, as much as it pained her to, gave up on my orders and continued on with her life. Only I continued on searching."

"I found Durion in Mordor, rebuilding Barad-dur in all of its disgusting glory. He intends to finish what his father could not. He wants to control everyone's mind and will. He has been successful at his already. I believe King Thranduil has not been himself as of late? That is my sons doing. He wants to rule us all. He will stop at nothing to do so." Nessa dabbed at her cheek, surprised to find moisture. Her cheeks were warm with embarrassment. "I cannot begin to express how ashamed and sorry I am for bringing this upon us." She took a deep breath. "Durion intends to build an army. He is trying to coax our kin to his side. He intends to do the same with the dwarves. We have to act quickly."

Naerwen stared at Nessa, unblinking. "You must be mistaken. Durion would not do that. He couldn't. He..." Naerwen covered her mouth and withdrew from Nessa's chamber and from the Houses of Healing. She ran to the small wall that housed the sanctum. She felt sick to her stomach. Her eyes darted across the city to Osgiliath. The deaths she had witnessed fighting of a nameless army had been her loves doing. How could she not have seen it coming?

Nessa lowered her eyes to her now bandaged arms and torso, her head bowing in shame.

~Woops! Got a little carried away!


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 Post subject: Re: Lets RP!
PostPosted: October 30th, 2011, 6:34 am 
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-Dont worry about it!! :hug: I hope you can sort things out.. I know how difficult things can get..

"Durion," Locien said "I have not survived thus long by doubting," his voice was velvet covered steel "I am here to advance our cause, not hinder it. Mayhap you should have informed me sooner, brother, and I would have dealt with this new problem myself." I have none of your qualms, he added silently.

Years of life as one of Greenwood's Hunters had hardend him to the prospect of death. In battle it mattered not if your enemy was man, woman or child- If he or she was wielding a blade they were to be incapacitated immediately. War was no place for the soft hearted. As he regarded Durion he felt his thoughts go back to his own father.
In his youth he had had the voice of an angel and had been able to play the lute as if it were merely an elongation of his body. His mother had exhibited his talents until he had won a taste for praise and played at the Royal Gatherings from dawn until dusk, loving every second of the applause and laughter that accompanied his music. And then one day, after his father had returned from war it had all been taken from him: He had no longer been allowed to play until his fingers bled, but had watched the mighty warrior take his instruments away. Arda had no need for another minstrel, he had said in his low voice; But a defender, a hunter was always welcome.
So he had begun training. The songs of great lovers had been drowned out by the songs of bows and swords at work. He would have given anything for respite, yet he had always known there was no other way. War was indeed brewing and life was about to change.

"You must be wiser with knowlege, Durion," Locien smiled "It may be power, but it is no use to anyone if not properly exercised."


Rhavaniel laid a hand on Naerwen's arm but jerked back as she ran from the room. She knew all to well what it was to discover that a loved one was not who he seemed. She still felt the wrench of icy hooks in her stomach when people mentioned Oropher, still had to control her features when Locien was mentioned. That one so loyal could have been so false… To return home beaten and scarred to find that they were traitors.
She touched the thin white line that ran down the side of her face- for years it had been an ugly testimony to the torture she had narrowly escaped thanks to her husbands sins. Now it reminded her of how much he must have loved her. "More than all the kingdoms of elves and men" he had always said. And as it had turned out, he had meant it.

"Nessa," as she adressed the injured elleth she felt the memories ebb "Perhaps…"

Morfindien, who had been as silent as ever took a step forward "Deal with her," he said sharply.
Rhavaniel nodded curtly and exited the room, for once pleased that her brother was with her. Although they argued constantly it was a relief to know that he still cared.

The Duke took a deep breath. He had no way of comforting women- And no way of dealing with the pains and misery of love. He had seen his sister touching the scar that had once marred her features and to him it was a clear sign that she should leave. Rhavaniel could deal with Naerwen instead of her own grief. Her passion was better put to use comforting someone than diplomacy. He would deal with this, his eyes flickered to Evelyn searchingly, this woman.

"No, stay a while, Eve," he said quickly, his voice tense;"I would know more before Estel and Legolas decide how best to go to war," he turned on wit piercing eyes Nessa "How is Thranduil involved in this?," realising he may be being rash he arranged a courtly smile on his face and began again "Do you know who I am, madam?"

His mind was rolling: How was this possible? Who else was involved and how were elves been coaxed to Durion's side? He had never been aware of anyone of that name. One of the guard, the woman had said, but who was in the guard? Who had been in the guard?
Taking a calming breath he tried to order his thoughts. Sadron may know and Emerion could be trusted to run that errand if the need arose. And he was capable. He closed his eyes briefly. He may not be his famed father, but he was more than capable.
He was more than capable.


. O r b i s N o n S u f f i c i t .

 Post subject: Re: Lets RP!
PostPosted: October 30th, 2011, 7:43 pm 
Rider of Rohan
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(I'm so sorry, but the way life has been taking over I think I'll have to drop out of all the RPs I'm in. :'-( So I give you all permission to kill off my character in whatever way seems best to you. :lol: Anyways, I really am sorry about this; it's been fun and I was looking forward to what would happen next. Bye, ladies, you've all been so much fun to play with! :hug: )

Zirakzigil ai menu Duzhuk! Zirakzigil, at your service!

 Post subject: Re: Lets RP!
PostPosted: November 2nd, 2011, 4:56 pm 
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~Alas things were not meant to be. Going to try being friends, but I think that might be hard.
~Sorry to hear you're leaving Laesneniel. I do hope you can return! xx

"I shall try and not make that mistake again." Durion hissed quietly, tired of being treated like a child. He was his father's son. He should be respected, maybe even feared. Not chastised. "Come," he said, his voice relaxing. "What done is done. Now it must be fixed. Action must be taken. As soon as Elessar has this news he will plan to come to us. To fight us." Durion sat under Locien's tree, taking a drink of the wine. "The small scouting group shall spy on Elessar while we advance our numbers. The elves are slowly coming round. The dwarves shall not be as easy. We shall need to apply to their tastes..." Durion raised a crooked brow. "Time to delve deep into our pockets brother. The dwarves will prove to be an expensive investment." His mind fell to Osgiliath. "Furthermore, the army in Osgiliath will need to be dealt with. I will no longer have them thwarting my numbers. I do have one request. I know of one elleth that works amongst the men there. Should she be found I want her brought to me unharmed..." He stroked his chin thoughtfully, glancing to Locien, as though looking for approval.


The scene in front of Naerwen began to swim before her eyes. It took her a moment to realise she was crying. With a sound of disgust, she dragged the tears from her cheeks. Naerwen was not one for crying or showing much emotion. She had shown much since Nessa's arrival, she would show no more. She had to be strong. If she thought the last few days had been hard, they were about to get worse. Durion was not the type to go back on his word. Once he set his mind to something, he would see it through. Naerwen was fully aware of Durion's talent. She had witnessed it first hand. He had once been dubbed as one of the best in the guard. He had extremely keen eyesight and was very swift with his hands and his feet. This was part of what had drawn Naerwen to Durion. That and his uncanny ability to know just what to say to her. He was very kind to her. Always looked out for her, not that she needed it.

With a heavy sigh, she began to compose herself and come up with plans in her mind. Durion did not have many weaknesses. It would take extraordinary force to pull him down. A jolt ran through her stomach. Never did she imagine she would be plotting against Durion. Plotting a marriage and how best to raise children sure, but plotting his demise, never.


Nessa's eyes moved to rest on Morfindien's, her breath caught in her throat as she registered his cool stare. "You have not changed a bit Lord Morfindien." Nessa exhaled sharply. "No longer advising King Thranduil?" With a shift in her weight, Nessa was sitting up straight, the breeze from the open door a welcome comfort. "I believe my son has tapped into the gifts he would have inherited from his father and is using some form of necromancy to control the King...Much like Saruman had controlled King Theoden." She answered his question without stuttering. Her time spent in Mordor had been longer than she had ever wished to, but she had managed to gain some knowledge of her sons plans. "I assume he uses his gifts and Thranduil's power to persuade our kin to follow him. There is some who resist, but their existence never lasts long.Durion would not want negative publicity right now. Not when he attempts to draw the dwarves to his side." Nessa paused for breath. "I believe Thranduil is being manipulated and used as a puppet. I believe he does not know what he is doing." She finished, fatigue crashing over her in waves, but she knew she had to stay awake. She had to make sure the message was passed on.


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 Post subject: Re: Lets RP!
PostPosted: November 5th, 2011, 8:42 am 
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-Well, as the Head Nurse said to me: If he wont change for you, leave him be. It'll get better, I promise! :hug:
-Me too! We'll have you back anytime! xxx

"Of course," Locien smiled."Whatever your pleasure is," He could feel his master's tension, read it in the lines on his face and the stance he occupied. "Perhaps it would be advantageous to show ourselves to the dwarves? They may have more faith in us if they met us. There is a party in Ithilien as we speak. Their leader is Gimli Gloin's son- his father was imprisoned by Thranduil for a spat not too many years hence. "Most of the dwarves he had known had surely died by now, the others would have no knowledge or way of recognizing him. And if they did? Then perhaps he could get a message home: "To snare a fish we must first bait it, brother," he said quietly "And I know just the jewel in your father's coffers. The Okvard Diamond that he stole from them himself. Surely noone could resist such unflawed beauty.

He remembered how he had felt once he had been informed that Rhavaniel had indeed engaged herself to Castien as according to Durion's plan. It had been a cruel move for certain, one to cement his own loyalty to his new over-lord, but it had only taken a little persuasion to arrange for his 'accidental' passing. A series of commands and a little of what magic he had gleaned from Sauron in all his years- and of course, his own.
And his wife, for he still saw her as such, she could not be blamed for seeking such company. He had been gone for so many years now.

"In any case, mylord," Locien said with a funny glint in his eye "I have had experience in dealing with such fickle creatures."


Rhavaniel stayed in the shadows until she heard Naerwen sniffing and wiping her eyes. She remembered how she had felt once she had heard of Castien's betrayal. She had been conflicted- not only angry at the man she had loved, but also at herself. In fact, more at herself than anybody else at all. She had once again placed her eggs in the wrong basket and once again the outcome had not only been personal but public humiliation. To be engaged to the king's granddaughter's fianceé? She shuddered. The looks she recieved from her kin made her feel ill: there were those who blamed her for the diplomatic nightmare, for his death and her own unhappiness, and those who simply pitied her. Two traitors in one lifetime- It had taken a lot of wine to allow her to sleep those first few nights. Now a rigid drilling of the king's elven hunters, sent to guard his royal blood in Gondor allowed her to catch a few hours of rest.

"Naerwen?" she asked quietly, slipping around the corner and nearing her friend slowly"'tis I. Come, let us go somewhere quieter."
Morfindien inclined his head slightly:"I would worry if I did," he said softly "I do not remember you from court though, mylady. If you search your memory, my brother Sadron is more suited to the task of counsellor. His majesty and I parted ways a long time ago. Once Rhavaniel returned to Greenwood she was denied entrance to his halls thrice- I left with her and began rebuilding our father's dukedom. He took offense that she would not take his punishment and that I 'abandoned' him to further my own goals," his smile turned cynical "I do believe he wanted her back at court. She always held a certain fascination for men of power," his gaze slid to the window, and in his mind's eye he saw Locien leaning with his back against the sun, shaking his head.

No, the two had never been friendly. People respected Thranduil because he was Oropher's son, crowned king of Greenwood. They had loved Locien for who he was to them. And Rhavaniel had always aggravated any conflict the two had by being as capricious as always, transferring favours and support to whomever it suited her. But then again, she had a different way of reading the hearts and minds of people.

As the Duke looked at Nessa, sitting straight-backed in her bed, he found himself formulating a plan of sorts. His sister had had contacts with the dwarves for far longer than she let on, trading in mithril and jewels with them. And she would go gladly, he supposed. From the arguments they had had he knew she did not feel at home amongst Legolas' and his opposing courts. Castien's death had shaken her more than she let leak through.
If she were to go to them, perhaps there was a way of finding out exactly what they were up against. Naerwen would surely accompany her, and perhaps Evelyn- Gimli son of Gloin and his people were in Ithilien, preparing the lands for habitation.

"Let me worry about Thranduil," the Duke said, trying to ignore the bile raising ini his throat "I have measured myself against him before and so far I have only profited. Perhaps you should rest. Elessar would never forgive me if I sickend you further by plying you with questions."


. O r b i s N o n S u f f i c i t .

 Post subject: Re: Lets RP!
PostPosted: November 5th, 2011, 11:13 pm 
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Life has been hectic for me too, with school! And i have been sick these past two weeks. I am currently coughting up my lungs.

Evelyn's head snapped over like a bird of prey to obsurve Morfindien as he made his 'request'. Command was more like it. She stiffend as she met his eyes. But then she slowly nodded in acknowlement that she would heed his request. The ambassador part of her wanted to go dircectly to the higher powers, but the friend in her stayed her hand. She knew this matter with Nessa was a personal matter concerning Narwen as well. Besides, she had no wish to push Morfindiend closer to the edge with a curt refusal.

"I agree." Evelyn spoke out loud, "Something must be done. And i wish to be involved however I can. I too, have a plan."


 Post subject: Re: Lets RP!
PostPosted: November 8th, 2011, 7:36 am 
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~I'm strong. I'll be fine :)

Durion listened patiently to Locien's advice, agreeing with each and every word. He was not the least surprised in Locien's intelligence, but he was threatened. It was clear Locien could run this entire operation without him. Would he? Would Locien become the blade in his back? At the very moment success would be his, would it be taken away from him? He cleaned all emotion from his face as he looked to Locien. Locien's expression was also void of any telling emotion as to what was running through his mind. Durion stopped himself fast. He had no time to be questioning his alliances, not when he was so close to losing them.

"You are right Locien. However we cannot leave this place without someone reliable to run it in our absence. Who would you ask to take control? These orcs are beyond our trust brother. Have we many friends?" Durion raised his brows innocently. Off course they had no friends. No friends they could not take off their strings.

Durion crossed over to an orc, his expression stern. "Ready two horses and have them waiting for us at the gate as soon as you can." Durion commanded, turning his back and approaching Locien. "You still prove to be an incredible aid to me brother. I will need to be sure to repay you for your help in the cause." Durion strode into the tower to gather some belongings for their journey and to collect the Okvard Diamond. Locien was right, with the diamond the dwarves would be putty in his hands. A smirk spread across Durion's face.


"Rhavaniel?" Naerwen asked, rushing to destroy any evidence of her heartache. "I...I apologise for the display back there...I do not know what got into me." Naerwen pasted a smile onto her features before turning to face Rhavaniel. Naerwen knew full well that Rhavaniel's grief was still close, even too close for her to be dealing with another's grief. Naerwen nodded to Rhavaniel's request and slowly moved into the shadows, her eyes searching for somewhere quiet and peaceful. She could find none.


Nessa watched the cool interaction between the elleth they called Evelyn and Morfindien. It was refreshing to witness that Morfindien had not changed. "Perhaps some rest shall do me well. Will you be sure to check on Naerwen? Make her see how sorry I am?" Nessa asked in a slightly more strained voice than before, her eyelids becoming heavy. Her heart, however began to race. Beads of sweat formed on her temples. She looked down to the bandages that crossed over her body, blood seeped through, destroying the perfect white.


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 Post subject: Re: Lets RP!
PostPosted: November 11th, 2011, 11:01 am 
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-Thats good to hear! My friend broke up with her bf a couple of months ago and was absolutely destroyed for weeks.

Locien caught the smattering of sarcasm in Durion's voice. Of course they had no friends. To walk the path of power was to be alone, to rely on none but onesself and to shoulder as much responsibility as the world allowed.
"I know of one who may be of use," he said smoothly, his soul begging that he may escape the prison he still lived in. "A cousin of one of the Dunedain. Neurion, his name is. A mere servant, it is true, but loyal to me and mine." As a retort to his master's questioning look he added "His father's father and so on have a debt of honour to me. The orcs do not fear him, but they know he is wiley enough to trouble any trouble-makers without being caught. Do not ask me how, he seems to torture them by his very prescence."

Neurion stood silently and watched the two elves consult one another quietly in their own speech. He had only learnt a few sqant words of elvish from his father, who in turn had learnt from his and so on. But he was the last of his line. His family had survived many years longer than they should have done, in service to the Black Lord and his pet for generations- Locien had always been civil to him. His father had once said that it was thanks to the warped creature that they lived at all- So he served in silence, surviving.
Never though, had he heard an emotion of that caliber seep into the elf's words: He had seemed desperate. Desperate to leave the Dark Tower and the prison he had lived in for time unmeasured.
They seemed to come to an agreement though, for Locien made a deep bow touching his heart and stood back to watch Durion leave.

"We leave within the hour," the elf spoke, his eyes gleaming.
"We?" Neurion asked baffled. His heart began beating quickly, but the expresion on the blond's face quelled any hope he had.
"The master and I," Locien said quickly "Tell your men they have the run of the place," as his keen eyes caught the expression on the heavy-set man's face he rushed to add; "The orcs should be no trouble, but you must hold their reins firmly. Show no weakness or they will feast on you and yours."
Neurion bowed his head "Is this nearly over? Shall we march soon?"
The elf's eyes flashed "That is beyond both our knowledge, do your work. There may yet be rewards to be gleaned."
"Mylord," the human bowed.

Locien took a moment to look around at the four walls that had held him. The old tree seemed rather sorry now that the promise of woods and running water had been made. Memories of green boroughs and golden sunlight flooded his senses. Life surged through his veins.
"Be well, Neurion," he said shortly as he made to follow Durion towards the stables.


Rhavaniel watched her friend wrench herself together with more force than she was ever capable of and gave a crooked smile: "Here," she said quietly as the approached what seemed to be a boarded up door. She pressed her shoulder up against it and gave a powerful shove; "Well," she said, stepping back and brushing the splinters off her sleeve.
It was indeed one of the towers badly damaged by the Battle of Five Armies, tidy but definately empty. A quick glance confirmed the assumption that it was safe. Better to be stumbled across in a private place than in the center of the courtyard, she figured guiltily.

"I-" she paused for a moment to pull another longer splinter out of her clothing; "I am so sorry, Naerwen."


Morfindien fixed Evelyn with a beady look and was wuite obviously about to retort something when he followed her gaze to Nessa. Stupefied he stared at the bandages for a moment before moving towards the bed quickly and slipping the pillow out from behind the elleth's head to help her lie down flat.
"I," he paused once more then stepped back to let Evelyn move closer. He may have been a talented healer, but he was not so arrogant to not know that the Healers of the Golden Woods had skills that surpassed his own.


. O r b i s N o n S u f f i c i t .

 Post subject: Re: Lets RP!
PostPosted: November 19th, 2011, 2:40 pm 
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Evelyn relaxed visibly at Morfindien's invitation. It was easy for her to push all personal feelings aside when working for a common goal. She knelt next to Nessa on the other side of the bed, faceing Morfindien. Her face mirrored his concerned expresson for Nessa. Then she realized that by acknowlegeing her, Morfindien was looking to her for advice. She would likewise, need to look to his knowlege. Evelyn only then realized that, because she had been down the hall at the arrivle of Nessa, Evelyn did not know they others ailment.

"What caused the wound?" she asked, directing her question to both of them.


 Post subject: Re: Lets RP!
PostPosted: November 23rd, 2011, 5:41 am 
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Durion watched the interraction between Locien and Neurion, fighting desperately against the suspicion that was growing in his mind. He could not guarantee that this Neurion could be trusted, but then again the same could be said for Locien. Coming so close to success could anyone be trusted anymore? Durion knew the only person he could rely on was himself and only he could guarantee success and power. In this line of thought, while he had a moment he delved into his deep pockets. He took out one of the not so lost seeing stones and set it in a place that no one would see. There it would stay where he could keep watch over his kingdom, while he continued to safeguard his dream and his father's dream.

Durion straightened, placing a steel cold expression to his features as he walked to the stables. He smiled faintly, as he caught sight of the two black stallions, his minions had got ready for Locien and himself. They were elven bred, and extremely fast creatures. He watched as the horses waited impatiently. They reminded him of Locien. Durion knew it pained Locien to be away from the lush greens of his homeland. The black stone, cut into his feet so deep, that there was no relief for him. Durion glanced over his shoulder to see Locien following behind him.

An orc approached his master with a satchel of supplies for his journey. Durion took the package without thanks and attached it to his horses load. "I have scouts at the Gondor border. They will be returning soon with news. Do not delay in carrying this news to me. Do I make myself clear?" He watched as the orc nodded and disappeared into the shadows. They were vile creatures, but they were the only ones who do the dirty work that Durion needed doing.

"Ready to leave my friend? Breathe the fresh air again?" Durion asked Locien as he approached, while he mounted his stallion.


Naerwen pushed the door open, not even flinching when the splinters cut into the skin on her palms. She walked over to an empty wooden crate and turned it over. With a swift movement the dust was gone and she had taken a seat. Her eyes roamed over the dark room, picking out the many items that no longer meant anything to their various owners. She found herself feeling envious of them. At least they had had the chance of being owned. Apparently Naerwen had just been a stepping stone in Durion's leap to greatness. Her eyes caught Rhavaniel's. "Please, there is no need to be sorry, my friend. I should have been more careful. I should have followed my head and not my heart. Maybe then we would not be in this mess. Maybe we would still be in a state of peace instead of preparing for another war."

Naerwen's eyes stung with fresh tears. "I have been so stupid..." she exhaled, her head falling into her open hands. "How could I not have seen this? How did I not know? You would assume, having grown up with Durion, I would be able to see the seeds of evil starting to grow...But I didn't. I was infatuated with the man. He was charming. He was magnificent. He was wise. He was beautiful." Naerwen sighed deeply, her shoulders crumpling under the weight of her grief.


All power had drained from Nessa's voice. "They must have poisoned their blades...." she gasped, her wounds beginning to sting as the fresh air bit into them. "The orcs were under strict command to not let me out of their sight. I was not to leave the grounds. They were to do everything in their power to keep me. My son could not risk you finding out about him too soon. He was waiting for the opportune moment...An opportune moment that will never come now..." Her mouth moved as though to speak again, but there was only silence in the darkness that encroached upon her vision.


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 Post subject: Re: Lets RP!
PostPosted: November 24th, 2011, 4:19 pm 
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Evelyn closed her eyes as every oath imaginable came to her mind. "It must be the same poison inflicted upon Nostariel!" She exclaimed to Morfindien, then turned to an attendent, "Please, quick, go to my chambers in the guest quarters a few halls down - bring the green saddle bag that is there." Then she turned her eyes back down to Nessa's wound to examine it, then flicked them back up to Morfindien, with once look inviting humbely any help or adivce he had to offer.


 Post subject: Re: Lets RP!
PostPosted: December 14th, 2011, 12:29 pm 
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Is this roleplay still open? I know things will probably be getting hectic at home with Christmas on the way :) xx


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 Post subject: Re: Lets RP!
PostPosted: December 15th, 2011, 12:46 am 
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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And with finals :) I'm still here!


 Post subject: Re: Lets RP!
PostPosted: March 6th, 2012, 5:12 pm 
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Yes please! Gosh over three months... Sorry, major chaos here -.-" Rescue kitten and dead laptop along with studies T.T Anyway... I'm still up for this :D
Just give me a mo to catch up ;) :innocent:

Morfindien nodded curtly and made to leave the room, motioning to the attendant to stay put. He was unaccustomed to running errands, yet he felt himself inclined to do this small thing for the good of another. He knew he must make peace with his sister if was ever to survive in this changing world and acting out of character he knew, would be a sure-fire way of getting her attention. The poison he knew, was beyond his knowledge. Too long had he spent in the company of politicians and warriors to be able to remember his training.
And he would never turn down the opportunity to snoop through the Lorien Healer's belongings. He knew Evelyn would insure Nessa's wellbeing for a little while longer.

"I will return imminently," he murmured as he pulled the heavy door shut behind him.
Rhavaniel stepped forward and took Naerwen's shoulder's: "You must never blame yourself, my friend."
Her tearful words sounded too much like the thoughts that spiralled around her own head. She wondered if Locien yet lived, wandering homeless- or worse dead or captured. Though surely he would have tried to return home to her by now. Her Golden Boy, her own personal guardian...
"No, even the wisest cannot see the seed of evil growing," she gave a slight smile "No, not even with a thousand torches. Now come, no more tears for him. He does not deserve your attention."
Locien felt his heart in his throat as he approached the powerful beast that was to be his mount for the journey. It had been so long since he had breathed the free air- It caught in his throat and stuck there.
He stroked the neck of the horse for a moment, savoring the soft feel of its mane. He pulled himself up and sat, feeling old forgotten muscles stirring. The moved into position, flexing to acclimatize themselves to the idea of a creature below to control.
The elf angled his face upwards and paused for a moment, then turned to Durion: "Let us depart, Master. We have a long way ahead of us."
It was only after he had finished speaking that he realized how he had sounded. Like an elfling, eager for the day's hunt. Hope suddenly streamed through his veins like sunshine. He was free.


. O r b i s N o n S u f f i c i t .

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