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PostPosted: October 2nd, 2008, 9:50 pm 
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Durion let a small smile creep across his face as Mylia glared at Tulmind. "Mind you, elf," she scolded. "the next time you vex me or insult my art, I'd remember who you turn to when you're ill or hurt." She paused for a moment. "That's me. If you want me to take care of you, then you'd do well to remember that I am the healer here, and I do not dole out food that does not have the utmost benefit. If you can't understand or respect that fact, then get out of my ward and find another healer." She gave him one last glare and then turned to rummage through a messy shelf. Durion turned to Tulmind and gave him a sympathetic look. From the short time Durion had been with Mylia, he knew she was one to give tongue lashings over nothing more than spilt milk. Even among the elves, who greatly surpassed her in years, she treated everyone in a stern, maternal manner. Mylia suddenly pulled a small tin from the shelf. She shoved it at Tulmind. Before he could even ask fr an explanation she explained. "Its for the cut on your head. Smear some of the contents on it. You'll need it to stave off infection from the orc blade that did that to you."She shook her head. "Nast orcs. Don't even have the courtesy to clean thier blades. It would my job so much easier..."
Durion's smile widened. Glancing out the window he was the girl Deawen on a horse, cantering around. She was human, but rode just as well as the elves. Durion was impressed.

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PostPosted: October 3rd, 2008, 7:43 am 
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THe next challenge was Deawen's least favorite. Formation. Individual merits she could handle but forming a group and depending on a group of minds took practice. Not only the riders working together to achieve some goal but the horses had to be able to ride side by side. It started out as partners ridiign around the ring then turning around and heading straight for the dummy Deawen was next to last with her partner a younger elf who thought it fit to tease Deawen about her short stature, claiming it was a miracle that Deawen could even ride at all. Deawen took these all in strides Elves may be fair but some wern't above teasing.

Lips, ripe as the berries in June
Red the rose, red the rose
Skin, pale as the light of the moon
Gently as she goes

as always a hero comes home

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PostPosted: October 5th, 2008, 9:48 pm 
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Tulmind only smiled as he took the healer's comments in stride. Hopeing that she knew he was only joking he turned his head to watch Deawen form up with the elves she was riding with. Tulmind's eyes widened at that site. How could she even hope to match the elves skill with doing that circular form? Quickly patting the male elf's shoulder he smeared some of the green goo over his eyes and shuddered as it was absorbed by his skin leaving not a trace. Not having the time to think about the oddities of the lotion he ran to the fence. He whistled loudly for his black horse Lómea but after a couple of seconds and still no horse Tulmind almost called out to Deawen. Not only was the formation difficult it was also dangerous, if she missed one subtle hint she could be thrown from her horse. Tulmind paced eagerly about waiting for Lómea to come through that front gate.


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PostPosted: October 6th, 2008, 6:47 am 
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When it came to be Deawen and her partner's turn she patted her mares neck in reassurence. Both riders lined up side by side and looped their reins together. Both coaxed their mounts into a trot, it seemed at first that Deawen's partner was leading Deawen around the ring. Then Deawen sped her horse up so that they were even. They rode around the ring several times picking up speed as they went until both horses were at break neck speed. Deawen loved to ride fast it was thrilling and dangerous. Deawen glanced at her partner signaling she was readt to complete the task. He nodded in responce then turned the horses towards the triple jump and the dummy at the far end. Still at break neck speed they cleared the jumps Deawen's focus was entirely on her jumps, moving with horse horse and keeping up with her faster partner. But at the last second in the third jump Deawen looked up and saw Tulmind watching. She wasn't sure why it threw her off her concentration but it did. Her horses hooves touched the ground witha jolt nearly throwing Deawen off. Determination made her correct her seat and continue on. She drew her sword and togther as a team they slashed at the dummy, decapitating it in a swift motion. Once stopped Deawen's partner threw her, her reins saying " not bad".

Lips, ripe as the berries in June
Red the rose, red the rose
Skin, pale as the light of the moon
Gently as she goes

as always a hero comes home

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PostPosted: October 7th, 2008, 3:33 pm 
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Tulmind put one foot on the first rung of the fence, ready to jump in when he saw Deawen begin to fall from her mount. But as her determination kicked in and she brought herself back into the correct sitting position he brought his foot back down. Tulmind clapped slowly, still recovering from Deawen's almost accident. As he clapped a black figure approached him from behind. He spun and almost punched out but when he saw a large nose that could only belong to a horse he crossed his arms. "And where have you been?" he question raising his eyebrow. Seeming to understand Tulmind she slumped her shoulders and bent her knees and panted heavily, showing Tulmind a,I got here as fast as I could!, look. He furrowed his brow and brought a slender arm over her head and plucked a piece of grass off of her neck. "What is this?" he questioned sarcasticly knowing full well what it was and what it ment. "Grazing? You are one lazy horse, Lómea." As if to prove him wrong and show him how fast her reflexes were she snapped her head foreward and bit for the piece of grass. But unfortunatly for her Tulmind was faster and he had the grass shaking back and forth, playfully scolding her. "Games then?" he smiled and stuck the piece of grass between his teeth so the length of it pointed teasingly toward the horse. He planted his feet wide and lifted his hands to either side of his head and wiggled them. He opened his eyes wide to futher ensue the game and was jumping away from the horse before she even began to snap her teeth towards him. And so for a few moments Lómea and Tulmind competed for the piece of grass.


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PostPosted: October 7th, 2008, 6:57 pm 
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Deawen after her turn rode out of the ring to Tulmind. She was smiling and very pleased with herself. " How long have you been watching?" she asked dismounting.

Lips, ripe as the berries in June
Red the rose, red the rose
Skin, pale as the light of the moon
Gently as she goes

as always a hero comes home

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PostPosted: October 19th, 2008, 9:34 am 
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(sorry life's been crazy.)

Tulmind looked away from Lómea to acknowledge her but his clever horse siezed the chance to snap her head forward and take the piece of grass from Tulmind's teeth. He turned back to his horse and just shook his head, but she hardly cared already chewing on her new treat. Tulmind turned back to Deawen, "Long enough to see your preformance." he bowed low to further compliment her.


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PostPosted: October 19th, 2008, 10:00 am 
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Deawen simply smiled " wasn't very good was it?" she laughed patting her horse's powerful neck.

Lips, ripe as the berries in June
Red the rose, red the rose
Skin, pale as the light of the moon
Gently as she goes

as always a hero comes home

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PostPosted: October 19th, 2008, 10:14 am 
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"Well, when you put it that way," he moved closer to her and bumped her shoulder playfully, "I think I could have done much better."


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PostPosted: October 19th, 2008, 11:52 am 
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" You most likely could have," she said returning the playful bump " I am not one to boast. I do my best..." Deawen never liked to compete with elves, it was useless a task that was easy for an elf could be difficult for a human. But Deawen flet that today was a good day to really test that theory. " Alright Tulmind I challenge you to the test... without stirrups. State your terms and I'll state mine."

Lips, ripe as the berries in June
Red the rose, red the rose
Skin, pale as the light of the moon
Gently as she goes

as always a hero comes home

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PostPosted: October 25th, 2008, 12:17 am 
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Tulmind smiled when he heard her proposition. He knew that elves were far better at horse riding than humans but that Deawen was the most advanced human he had ever met. Even though his kin were far more skilled, Tulmind had scarcely rode his horse Lómea in the past years, fearing it would cause too much a distraction when he entered Lorien. This was going to be a fun challenge.

"Terms?" he questioned. Tulmind was unfamiliar with challenges concering horses but decided to make sure she would not pick up on that minor fact. "I only have one." he stated harshly. Then turning on his heel he faced Lómea. "No more grass!", he scolded pokeing her forhead with every word.
"Your turn!" he said as he turned and bumped Deawen again.


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PostPosted: October 25th, 2008, 8:41 am 
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"And what term is that?" she asked, mounting her horse again. " Mine is simple If I win you have to admit I am a better rider than you." she said with a smile.

Lips, ripe as the berries in June
Red the rose, red the rose
Skin, pale as the light of the moon
Gently as she goes

as always a hero comes home

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PostPosted: October 25th, 2008, 1:49 pm 
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(I was talking to my horse when i said "no more grass")

"Fair enough." he conceded when Deawen mounted her horse. "And if I win," he responded thinking deeply, "you must give me a kiss." Tulmind tilted his head and smiled. He knew that he had suprised her. No elf would say something like that... but then again Tulmind was no ordinary elf. Mounting Lómea, who was more than ready for the challenge he trotted over to her. "Do you agree to the terms?" he asked.


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PostPosted: October 25th, 2008, 3:43 pm 
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Deawen made a face " I agree to the terms " she said after a moment. She then spun her horse around and trotted back to the gate of the ring. She looped her left rein around his right rein. " No going back now" she said with a smile.

Lips, ripe as the berries in June
Red the rose, red the rose
Skin, pale as the light of the moon
Gently as she goes

as always a hero comes home

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PostPosted: October 25th, 2008, 6:52 pm 
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"Are you sure you wish to do this?" he asked as he unstrapped his right scimitar so that both he and Deawen only wielded one sword. He trotted his horse over to her and laid a hand on her arm, "You do not have to prove anything to me. I know you are more than capable but this is dangerous." He smiled and met his blue eyes with hers, "But then you would owe me a kiss automaticly for backing out!"


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PostPosted: October 26th, 2008, 9:55 am 
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"You will have to earn that kiss." she said kicking off her stirrups then she had a better idea. She dismounted suddenly and began to undo the girth of her saddle, she slipped off the saddle and placed it on the nearby rail of the fence. She remounted by grasping the mane of her horse and then jumping off of one footand pulling herself up onto her horse's back. THe chocolate palomino nickered and tossed his head in eager anticipation. Deawen threaded her fingers to her horse's creamy mane the hand held her reins. "Now or never!" she laughed as a fellow rider gave the signal to start the jumps.
The Horses started out in an uneven pace that Deawen corrected by slowing her horse down then it was like the horses were made for the jumps. Both had the same length in stride, as well as the same determination. " Now we speed up!" she said to Tulmind, she urged her horse faster with a gentle nudge and click of her tounge. THe horse jolted forward slipping easily into a slow canter. They past the halfway marker and the horses exploded into the gallop. Deawen laughed as this was her favorite part, the feel of the wind pulling at her long tresses and the reckless feel of being on the brink of out of control. The jumps loomed ahead as they turned as one. Deawen leaned into her horse's mane just as her horse collected itself for the jump. THe first jump was smooth and effortless as was the second jump but the third jump Deawen felt her horse speed up and she began to slip backwards. She glanced at Tulmind as they cleared the jump, they were still even. Deawen drew her sword and slashed at the dummy. Her horse touched ground and Deawen felt her teeth grind together at the sudden jolt. She had missed the dummy completely she stopped her horse and scowled.

Lips, ripe as the berries in June
Red the rose, red the rose
Skin, pale as the light of the moon
Gently as she goes

as always a hero comes home

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