4th Age Roleplay-Fires of the past
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Author:  Malrid [ June 11th, 2005, 4:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

Alrik frowns at the elf and raises his axe again.
"I will gladly slice your head off where it stands if you talk me and my kinsmen like that again."

Author:  Curunìr [ June 11th, 2005, 4:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

Borum sigh himself to himself.

"Tell me...what would you do with, that mithril? To make weapons, that will be placed on the walls to dust as you dance in the forests hunting and enjoying yourselves? No armor or weapon is useful, if it hangs on the wall...We instead would use them. We have to protect our homes! The orcs come from the mountains threatening our very way of life trying to take Erebor`s wealth, the easterlings are moving in the east and some raids have been made against the men of Dale and the wargs hound us on the barren plains."

Borum looks the elf in the eyes while speaking.

"An orc can be killed with a mithril axe, an easterlings sword turned away with a mithril shield and a warg impaled with a mithril spear. So how would you use the mithril? We need mithril in order to have a safer future for our people."

Borum looks the elf straight in the eyes defying the elves authority.

Author:  Allorien [ June 11th, 2005, 5:03 pm ]
Post subject: 

"Do you believe, master Dwarf, that you are the only ones with these troubles? We too have errands and people to protect. You can get mithril from your mines but we must wait for opportunities such as this. Do not think that your lands are the only ones worth protecting."

Author:  Curunìr [ June 11th, 2005, 5:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

"Mithril from our mines? No dear elf those mines are going to be running low if we don`t find a new one to support them."

Borum just realised, what he had said and took his business man isntict in knowing, that this could work out to be a profitable relationship for both of them.

"What if...we go back to my first suggestion with a longer relationship? We dwarwes could fort, that place and drive the orc out for a while. That would be enough to dig up much mithril as we need! 4/6 for the dwarwes from all the mithril including these already digged up. Or are you elves scared of takig on a rubble of orcs?"

Author:  Allorien [ June 11th, 2005, 5:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

Allorien glares at Borum.
"This new offer must be discussed in private among ourselves." She rebinds him and Alrik. "You will remain here until our return." She and the other elves walk a ways away. Allorien breaks the silence.
"I do not believe that letting these dwarves mine here is a good idea."

Author:  Elenanna Lothenedhel [ June 11th, 2005, 6:22 pm ]
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Elenanna shook her head. "Neither do I." She sighed as she pulled her hood off, letting her silver hair fall.

Author:  Allorien [ June 11th, 2005, 7:14 pm ]
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Allorien nods.
"I believe we should allow them to carry off what they wish, as long as they don't come back."

Author:  Lady Isteleth [ June 12th, 2005, 11:37 am ]
Post subject: 

Isteleth followed silently she was torn between, she was half elven and took the sides of both the elves and the dwafs, she looked up and opened her mouth to say somthing but closed it again.
She stood and listened some more to the argument before saying anything.
"To be honest i highly doubt these dwaves will harm us if we leave them be, yes i understand what they have done they have come onto our lands without permission and mined without permission, they have even insulted us, but if we get the Mithril back from the orcs, with the dwafs help, then i say we share the Mithril 50/50 to be fair" she looked round her gaze resting on Aliorien.

Author:  Silmeriel [ June 12th, 2005, 12:34 pm ]
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Silmeriel spoke up once more. "Much though I am loathe to say this, the dwarves did discover the mithril. It seems more fair that they receive more of a share in the mine- say, the dwarves receive 60 percent, while we receive 40 percent?"

Author:  Allorien [ June 12th, 2005, 12:48 pm ]
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Allorien nods.
"Then we are decided. We will allow the dwarves to carry off most of the Mithril after it is returned from the orcs. However, the dwarves shall not be allowed to come back to mine." She nods and turns walking back to the dwarves.
"After council, we have decided to aid your recovery of the mithril stolen by the orcs, and let you have half of it. But, you will not be allowed to mine here."

Author:  Lady Isteleth [ June 13th, 2005, 11:35 am ]
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Isteleth nodded in agreement.
"That sounds fair to me"

Author:  . [ June 13th, 2005, 1:23 pm ]
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Lithoniel agreed to the terms.
"As do I"

Author:  Silmeriel [ June 13th, 2005, 1:39 pm ]
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"And I." Silmeriel added.

Author:  Malrid [ June 13th, 2005, 1:57 pm ]
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Alrik looked at his kinsmen.
"I will agree with what my kinsman says, for it was his discovery."

Author:  Allorien [ June 13th, 2005, 8:27 pm ]
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Allorien looks at Borum.

(I have to leave for a few days, head's up....ya know...)

Author:  Curunìr [ June 14th, 2005, 7:39 am ]
Post subject: 

Borum looks at everyone who are waiting for his decision, he looked at his kinsmen and was happy, that the dwarf who didn`t even know him was drady to accept his decision.

"Aye...Then it is setted and all of us are happy.."Borum smiles and blinks his right eye at Alrik."Of course after we have cutted some orc necks.."

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