The Houses of Healing
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Author:  ~Shattered Heart~ [ June 24th, 2005, 10:03 pm ]
Post subject:  The Houses of Healing


Author:  brego145 [ June 25th, 2005, 3:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

Maglor look at the elf he would be caring for. He wipped her forhead. Sleep,Luthien you need rest. He said his voice quiet. As he stuied the banage on her leg. Herbs would help,but it would not help as much.he thought. He sat down watching her.

Author:  Malrid [ June 25th, 2005, 7:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dionysus walked into the houses of healing smiling at the sun whenever he saw it. He moved toward a pillar and looked upon the elf in the bed. He remebered finding her in that bloody field and the anger rising within him.
He shook his head and watched the healers from a distance so he wouldn't get in the way.

Author:  brego145 [ June 25th, 2005, 8:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

He saw Dionysus wathching him for a distnces. He had see him move. He felt anger in him.
"Hello Dioysus."He said. as he look over at dionysus.

Author:  Malrid [ June 26th, 2005, 6:25 am ]
Post subject: 

Dionysus bowed his head slightly.
He turned his attention back to the elf.
"How is she?"

Author:  ~Shattered Heart~ [ June 26th, 2005, 6:32 am ]
Post subject: 

Lúthien longed to answer, but she could not find words. Her mouth was dry and though it was warm within' the room she felt cold. She allowed the man to wipe her forhead and listened to his voice. She felt weaker, weaker then she had ever felt before. All she could do was look, look at what lay in front of her.

Author:  Pearl Evenstar [ June 26th, 2005, 8:40 am ]
Post subject: 

Vanesse slowly walked into the Houses of Healing, she had not been here for a long while she had missed Gondor alot.

Author:  Elenanna Lothenedhel [ June 26th, 2005, 11:40 am ]
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A horse whickered as she trotted through the gates. The guards ran over to her, and pulled off the unconsious rider. The elven daughter of Lady Galadriel moaned slightly, and whispered, "Falathiel."The guards looked at her and said, "Let's get her to the House of Healing.."

They took the Meara to the royal stables, while carrying Elenanna Lothenedhel to the House of Healing.

Lady Ioreth, the main Healer, sighed slightly as she fnished tending to the Lothenedhel's injuries. The elven lady had several ccracked ribs, and there were quite a few arrow shafts in her. She looked up at Vorownwe Orophinion as he walked in. He looked at his wife, and sighed . "How is she?"

Ioreth looked at Vorwonwe and said, "Your wife most likely will be here for the next few weeks...but after that, she will need rest." He nodded and looked to the door as his twins came in. Eruaviel and Nedhudir looked at their father. The twins both wore battle gear, and they looked at the elleth that was their mother.

Author:  brego145 [ June 26th, 2005, 3:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

"She is dong fine I hope."He said. "But I feel she is geting weaker and weaker for her leg."He said,

Author:  Malrid [ June 26th, 2005, 5:00 pm ]
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He nodded.
He turned away.
"I will take my leave. I guess she needs rest."

Author:  Silmeriel [ June 26th, 2005, 5:54 pm ]
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Darkness billowed around a dark figure as lightning crashed. The man laughed maniacally as she drove his sword down into the figure thrown prostrate before him. The small bundle cried out in pain and managed to throw a dagger through the man's throat. He fell to the ground and bled to death as the bundle sank down, down....
Silmeriel woke up, gasping. She was in a bed, with dimly lit lanterns around her. Healers stood over her.
"Where am I?" she asked quietly, calmly, showing no trace of the terror that had posessed her a moment ago.
"In the Houses of Healing, my lady." one Healer said firmly. "You have quite a few stab wounds, and they'll produce rather impressive scars soon. Now rest. You need it." Silmeriel obeyed without question, though just before she slept she caught a glimpse of a handsome face, just leaving.
Who is he, I wonder... she thought.

Author:  Pearl Evenstar [ June 26th, 2005, 6:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

as Vanesse entered the ouses of healing she bumped into a young man "sorry sir" she said politly her beautiful lavender eyes shing in the sunlight

Author:  ~Shattered Heart~ [ June 27th, 2005, 4:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

Lúthien tried to stay awake but she eventually gave in, gave in to the evil presence pulling at her soul. Little she was aware of the curse that was placed upon her. She passed out for a bit.

OOC: Sorry for short post and corney reply, writers block.

Author:  Silmeriel [ June 27th, 2005, 9:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

Silmeriel woke as the sun began to rise, casting a pearly glow across the room. She wrapped herself in a cloak and rose, walking slowly to the window. She stood motionless, though if any had seen her face, they would have caught the silvery glimmer of a tear on her cheek.

Author:  brego145 [ June 27th, 2005, 9:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

He stood near Lady Lúthien. He had wonder near the window see a tear ran down Silmeriel face. "Milady what is wrong, can I help you?" he asked. He loked out to the window.

Author:  Elenanna Lothenedhel [ June 27th, 2005, 10:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

Elenanna opened her eyes and she looked around. Vorowne looked at her, and he smiled as he saw her awake. "Elen." She looked at the brother of King Thranduil, and smiled. "Voronwe." He stood up, and walked to her bed, and placed a gentle kiss on her cheek.

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