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 Post subject: Strangers in Middle Earth
PostPosted: June 29th, 2012, 9:54 pm 
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Trey's morning had been a full one, and he had finally gotten his kids to sleep, and all he wanted to do now was to put up his feet, and relax for a bit. He quickly looked through his movies and put on The Fellowship of The Ring, and after fixing a small lunch for himself sat down and slowly ate. When he was done he decided to wait a little while before putting his dishes away. After everyone had swore to aid Frodo in his quest Trey paused the movie, and put his dishes in the sink, grabbed a quick small drink of water and then went to sit back down, but before he made it to the chair he noticed a wired warp in the tv screen, and it looked like it was moving.

"Oh no, don't let this screen be going bad." he said with a huff. It seemed like all the tvs in the house had messed up screens, and know the one that had been fine appeared to be messing up also. As he got closer he began to realize that the moving spot was getting bigger, and that it seemed to be swirling. He then noticed that their was a soft sound that seemed to be echoing, and as the swirling spot got bigger, the sound got louder. He soon felt a light pull towards the screen coming from the area of the spiral, and he began to back up, as he did this he finally realized that the sound he had been hearing was a voice, and it keep repeating saying "You shall be the fellowship of the ring."

He eyes went wide in surprise at what he was hearing, and he turned to run from the room, but as he did the spiral quickly grew into a large vortex that sucked him into itself, and into darkness. After a few seconds he began to see a light, still hearing the echoing sentence over, and over again, and fell threw a vortex that was blowing out, instead of pulling in. He then fell from the sky landing hard on a stone floor. He thought he heard scrapping metal nearby, but it could have just been the ringing in his head, so he pushed himself onto all fours, and then lifted one hand to rub his head, and said "Oh boy, watch that first steep. It's a loo, I could really aspirin right now." A deep baritone voice then said "What is this "Ass Brine" he speaks of?" Trey then stopped rubbing his head as he slowly stood up, and looked around at the very group of people that he had just been watching a movie about, and then said in a very shocked voice "I don't think I'm in Kansas anymore."

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Previously Known As Orophin

 Post subject: Re: Strangers in Middle Earth
PostPosted: June 29th, 2012, 11:28 pm 
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Cate was getting a headache. She loved reading, especially when she was reading Lord of the Rings, and she loved writing, so writing about Lord of the Rings should have been tons of fun. It was a research paper, though, so just the thought of it seemed to be draining some of her energy. With a sigh, she looked at the pile of books on the table in front of her; all three volumes of The Lord of the Rings, a biography of Tolkien, four history books about the First World War, a collection of poems, print-outs of scholarly articles, and a decaying copy of Sherriff's Journey's End.

Journey's End. Ha. More like Unfortunate Early Stages of Planning a Journey.

Still, she had notes, and an incredibly vague outline that probably didn't deserve to be called such. With that in mind, she allowed herself a short break.

"Come on, dogs," she called, hearing a jingle of two collars in response. "Let's go outside." Maybe the dogs were just being lazy, but she made it to the door before either of them, only to find...

Actually, Cate wasn't sure what she was finding, but it certainly wasn't her yard. Too many trees--not the right trees in the right places, and oh, yes, that brief moment of panic was enough to send her stumbling into a small shrubbery. Hopefully the neighbors didn't see.

Looking up, though, revealed that that was the least of her worries. If the yard had been something entirely foreign, her surprise was much greater at finding that her house had completely disappeared. And why... was this... this was a dream. It had to be. She must've just fallen asleep while reading the Council of Elrond chapter and it stuck in her mind or something. Still, as far as dreams went, this was shaping up to be a pretty good one, so maybe it would be best not to think too hard about the nature of its reality.

"I'm sorry about your garden," was the first thing she could think to say. The plant looked alright, but she had fallen into it. Not a great introduction, as far as they went.

- married fingon fingolfinion 6/4/13 -
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 Post subject: Re: Strangers in Middle Earth
PostPosted: June 30th, 2012, 8:34 am 
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Kinga was furious. Her younger brother Dorian as always was putting on the music so loud that she couldn't collect thoughts. She was reading "The Fellowship of the Ring" by Tolkien, one of the books, she really adored. It was about time to read LotR - she wanted to make a site with hobbits stuff and she needed background.

"Come on, Dorian, keep this even louder, I don't want to hear my thoughts!" she shouted in direction of her brother. He only smiled to her and...did what she wished. She put the book down in the Council of Elrond moment and went to kick Dorian in the most sensitive part of stomach, when she heard something.

At first there were only silent voices.

"Do you hear it?" when Dorian nodded, she stood in eager position. The voices became stronger and louder and even overlayed the music. When she wanted to run from the room she saw that she isn't in the room anymore. She stood in hall with many people were surrounding her.

She swallowed.

"Where am I? Is this some kind of a trick?" was only what came to her mind.



Last edited by Cara on June 30th, 2012, 1:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Strangers in Middle Earth
PostPosted: June 30th, 2012, 10:04 am 
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Dorian just saw as his sister was sucked by a strange portal that appeared from nothing and still was there, like a storm cloud, blue and tempting. He has also seen what was at the other side. There was Elrond, Frodo and all other characters known from Lord of the Rings books.

He took the Fellowship book from the couch, the same that Kinga read before she was taken. It was opened on The Council of Elrond chapter. He didn't know what to think, maybe only that Kinga was stupid to read that book right now, when this portal was supposed to open (as if she could predict that).

He was little afraid, besides he was only 19 years old school boy, what he knew about...magic? Because it has to be magic, laws of physics didn't work here. The portal started to fade.

"I am not a coward. And I have to watch her..." he told to himself and jumped into blue hole. After a second he landed painfully on the ground, just next to his sister.


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 Post subject: Re: Strangers in Middle Earth
PostPosted: July 2nd, 2012, 12:28 pm 
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Ronald sat in his room, reading over The Fellowship of the Ring. He had only ever watched the movies, but some friends had bugged him into reading the books, so here he was. To be honest, fantasy usually wasn't his genre of choice, but he liked to keep an open mind. He reached over to his nightstand and grabbed his iPod. He always preferred to read with music. It was a little late though, and he began to dose off around the 'Council' chapter. It was always difficult to read what you've already watched. As he nodded off, he tapped the crowbar he kept by his bed. He didn't know why he kept it there, but he just chalked it up to unfounded paranoia.

As he closed his eyes, AC/DC playing in his ears, something seemed to shift. He opened his eyes and found himself looking at The Council of Elrond. Scrambling to his feat and grabbing his crowbar, he backed himself into a corner and watched everyone closely. It was obvious what had happened. He had been kidnapped by cosplayers. Yeah, that was it. "Look, I don't know where I am, but you all need to back off before something bad happens......please?"


 Post subject: Re: Strangers in Middle Earth
PostPosted: July 6th, 2012, 9:12 pm 
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Location: Once more, into the breach, dear frineds.
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(Sorry, been really busy, and haven't had a chance to reply until now.)

Trey looked around at the group assembled at the council of Elrond, staring in shock, and disbelief. Gimli then said in frustration "What nonsense does the boy speak of now? I know that he hit his head, but was it really hard enough to scramble his brains, and make him loose all sense of reason...and what is he wearing?" Everyone who had gathered at the council was amused by the dwarfs rambling, but also agreed that they need to learn who this strange young man was as soon as possible.

Elrond then steeped closer to Trey, and said "The dwarf speaks brashly, but he is right, tell us who you are, how you came to be here, and more importantly why you are here boy." Trey was about to answer, and had only managed an unintelligible "Uhhh..." when all of a sudden other people began to appear around them as well. First a young woman fell into one of the bushes where she was getting up, and apologizing about the garden, another two people had appeared next from the same portal, first another young woman, though it was possible that she was older then Trey himself, and then a young man who landed on the ground next to the new woman, and lastly a young man who looked mad, but it was the crazy mad, not angry.

Trey recognized his old friend Ronald, as he held his crowbar in an attempt to appear threatening. Trey could only smile at the humorous sight at first, and then he realized that nothing about this situation was funny, they all had appeared out of nowhere, into a place where no one knew them, and know one of them brandished a weapon. This was bad, just plain, and simple bad. Trey walked carefully to Ronald, and attempted to calm him by saying "Ronald listen to me, come on man. It's me, Trey. Your old buddy. You need to put your Freeman crowbar dawn, before the nice people with the deadly weapons choose to kill us all, just to make things easier on themselves. OK bro?" As he was saying this Elrond looked around at all these strangers in anger, and confusion, and shouted "Somebody better start explaining whats going on here...KNOW!"

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Previously Known As Orophin

 Post subject: Re: Strangers in Middle Earth
PostPosted: July 7th, 2012, 11:44 am 
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"You all pretend the Council of Elrond, don't you?" Kinga pointed at Elrond himself and Gimli, trying to look amused but she wasn't at all. "I was reading Lord of the Rings and now you appeared...I think I might say I have gone crazy or you all gone crazy."

She looked at Dorian trying to stand up but medieval robes he was wearing (he was going to medieval party) were making it difficult. "So you are here too? Say it, it's as always your fault, you stupid maggot. Excuse me Mr-Wannabe-Elrond, I must bring brother to his normal look."



 Post subject: Re: Strangers in Middle Earth
PostPosted: July 9th, 2012, 12:00 pm 
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Seeing that there were other normal people appearing here and there was somewhat of a relief. Whatever had happened, then, wasn't an isolated incident, so maybe there was a way to fix it.

Of course, this did seem to be Rivendell. Even if it wasn't real, it was beautiful in its own right. Reading the book and suddenly ending up here was mysterious, but when she thought about it, Cate realised that Rivendell--even some kind of imitation or dream-Rivendell--was a much better alternative than ending up at the Somme. Oh god. If the wrong book had been open...

Normally, she would have been content to let other people make the awkward introductions, but it didn't seem like things were going very smoothly at the moment. There were weapons in the room, a quick look around told her, so the sooner they could settle down, the better.

"Let's calm down for a minute," she suggested. "I'm sure everyone is confused right now. I know I am. Is there anyone that can explain what's going on here?" That was worth a try; kidnapping, magic, or some bizarre fragment of her own mind, there was a chance someone would speak up.

- married fingon fingolfinion 6/4/13 -
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 Post subject: Re: Strangers in Middle Earth
PostPosted: July 9th, 2012, 6:56 pm 
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Alex had a nice shower. She was clean and no longer smelled of sweat, horse manure and a strong dose of puppy dog kisses. Her muscles ached mostly because Zip - her friend's less than saddle broken, soon to be roping horse - was most uncooperative that day. She wouldn't rein, and completely ignored every command Alex gave from her seat. The mare got so frustrated that she threw Alex into a a fence and she had a fantastic red brush burn on half her back from sliding down it. In fact, she had hopped on for only three more minutes - enough for a decent circle at trot before warming her down and calling it a day.

The brown haired girl shook out her wet hair and threw on a pair of pajama pants and a fleece sweatshirt - her roommate, Kara, kept it colder than the top of Everest. Alex never complained because Kara paid the utility bills; let her keep it as cold as she wanted. It was no drain on her pocket. She continued to walk out of her bathroom and onto the solid, concrete...wait that wasn't right.

The brunette stared down at her feet and then at the surrounding council of mostly men who stared at her. From the looks of it everyone was in varying states of distress, the wizard - because who else would be carrying around a staff like that - looked flustered and annoyed. From off to the side she heard someone talk about the Council of Elrond and then it hit her. Hard.

Sinking down to a sitting position while the fact that she had stepped through her bathroom door and straight into the most important council in fantasy history, while in her pajamas, was something difficult to come to terms with.

Is there anyone that can explain what's going on here? She heard another dimensional traveler exclaim.

"Interdimensional travel. A wormhole, probably," she stated quickly. And then looked up with a small - bordering on hysterical laugh - "Magic? That's a safe enough guess. Maybe, probably. I don't know. But how do we get back?" She smiled at the grouped fantastical creatures. "No offense, but I have pretty much zero survival skills for this world. Unless you count boiling water. I can do that."

Heavens no. Hell Yeah.



Set 1: Nurr | Set 2: Me

 Post subject: Re: Strangers in Middle Earth
PostPosted: July 9th, 2012, 7:47 pm 
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Ronald looked at Trey, then to the others who were NOT Lord of the Rings characters. "The cosplayers get you to bro?" he asked, not putting down his crowbar. He heard a few others of this little gathering suggest magic and wormholes. The thought was starting to occur to him that this might not be a kidnapping. "Nah, nah this can't be happening. This is like a plot out of some role play thread. I mean, stuff like this JUST DOESN'T HAPPEN!" he slid down the wall he was backed against until he was sitting down. He layed his crowbar down beside him and put his head in his hands. "This is not happening, this is not happening, this is not happening..."


 Post subject: Re: Strangers in Middle Earth
PostPosted: July 11th, 2012, 3:49 am 
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"This IS happening" said Dorian, standing up from the ground and pulling off his sister's hands. "This is actual Council of Elrond and any excuses won't do nothing. I saw how Kinga disappeared in this portal. I heard words spoken by Elrond."

He looked at the council.

"But this doesn't mean we are not they'll kill us and send our dusts in the any meaning of these words. Put that crowbow, man, do you really think that it will help us, if you will be throwing yourself into violence?"

He looked at new girl, who just popped on the ground. She was right, the magic, wormhole, anything but they had little knowledge of "medieval" worlds. He trained as a viking knight but it was different.


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 Post subject: Re: Strangers in Middle Earth
PostPosted: July 11th, 2012, 12:51 pm 
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Trey popped Ronald in the back of the head, and then said "Snap out of it bro, the last thing we need right know is to go losing our heads. Now put your crowbar down, and lets see if we can smooth things over here." Trey then stood straight, and walked to stand in front of Elrond, walking the way he had learned to when he was in the Air Forces Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps. As he stood in front of Elrond he placed his right fist over his heart as he dropped down on his right knee, and put his left fist on the ground in front of him.

He then looked up at Elrond, and said "M'lord Elrond, my name is Trey, son of Bill, and the young man sitting against the wall is Ronald, son of Damon. I am a simple young man from a place called Earth. As far as I can tell we have all come from there, and that we where brought here by some type of portal caused by magic, possibly even by your own Valar. To what point, and purpose I could not say, but I swear to you that we mean no harm to any hear, or to the mission that you are about to undertake. In our world you are all a fictitious story, and magic, elves, dwarfs, and many other things that you would consider common place do not exist for us."

Elrong starred at the young man before him for time, and then turned his attention to Gandalf, and said "Mithrandir, what do you think about all of this." Gandalf looked around at all of the gathered strangers, and said "It does seem likely. He does not seem to be lying, and if he is he is very talented, I also find his story to be too amazing to have been made up, and they're all generally surprised to find themselves here, some even terrified to do so. So I believe that we can trust them, and possibly use their knowledge to help complete our goal more quickly, and more safely. With your approval, I would bring them along with us, but I would suggest that until we are sure of them we all keep an eye on them." Elrond nodded in agreement and then said "I would like for all of you who have appeared here come stand behind this young man, and introduce yourselves to this council."

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Previously Known As Orophin

 Post subject: Re: Strangers in Middle Earth
PostPosted: July 13th, 2012, 2:54 am 
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Dorian made a grim expression and followed Trey, standing near him before Elrond.

"I am Dorian" said in dangerous low pitch that had to affect the listeners. He didn't want to be hostile, he just felt in danger here and regreted that he followed Kinga. Viking fights one but landing in Middle-Earth? With all those orcs and Uruk-hai and Sauron and Saruman? Common! They had to see it! "I am school boy. I still learn how to live. But I am at your service."

He noticed Kinga stepping to him and putting her hand on his shoulder, giving him comforting squeeze.


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 Post subject: Re: Strangers in Middle Earth
PostPosted: July 14th, 2012, 8:41 pm 
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Ronald rubbed the back of his head as he stood up. He was starting to get his wits back about him. This was happening. It was really happening. But what now? How would their presence affect this story? The way he saw it, if they could just stay out of it, the big parts at least, they could stay safe and let events play out as they were intended. He walked up behind Trey and gave a slight bpw from the waist. "I'm Ronald, and I'm sorry for any threats I may have given. I'm....I'm kinda new to this realm and I'm really confused."


 Post subject: Re: Strangers in Middle Earth
PostPosted: July 16th, 2012, 2:55 pm 
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Alex was not overly keen on this whole thrown into another dimension thing. She was also completely not okay with being out of control of her own life. So this unexpected trip into Middle Earth was entirely unwelcome. She did not sign up for this nor would she have wanted to if someone had asked. Sure, Lord of the Rings was all well and good written on a page. An abstract fantasy to get lost in after a long day of real world life. There were days when Alex thought that she would rather wield a sword and battle evil because it seemed so much easier when the lines were demarcated so clearly. But, in the end, she knew for a fact that war and blood were not meant for her.

The books made the war seem so far off. Sure the characters got caught up in it, but you could guarantee that nearly all of them would get out alive. Being caught in the middle of the council brought the possibility of fighting for her life a very real scenario, one that she was not comfortable with at all. She didn't fight! She was a cowgirl with a big heart, head full of sky and mouth full of sarcasm. Fighting was not her thing, in fact, most of Middle Earth was not her thing.

Her brown eyes scanned the rag tag team and she was certain that, in the real world, this would not be the group she would ask to be with in this scenario. Heck, she probably wouldn't even choose most of them for a softball team! A frown marred her face as they began to sound off names. She filtered them, hoping that she would not need to remember them for too long.

There was the one, Trey, acting all chivalrous and then another attempting to cow them with a low voice - she couldn't take it seriously because he was dressed in a LARPing suit - and the other, Ronald was obviously unstable and should not ever be within reach of that crowbar.

The brunette's turn came quickly enough and she did not bother standing, but remained comfortably cross legged on the ground. She gave a tight smile that did not seem to gain her any favor with the natives and mock saluted with two fingers.

"Name's Alex," she stated succinctly in her best, confident voice.

Heavens no. Hell Yeah.



Set 1: Nurr | Set 2: Me

Last edited by Maethoriel on July 16th, 2012, 7:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.

 Post subject: Re: Strangers in Middle Earth
PostPosted: July 16th, 2012, 3:14 pm 
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Kinga, still untrustfull, stepped next to girl named Alex and bowed like she swallowed the stick... a large one. She couldn't stand Dorian whispering like a night elf so she slapped him in the head.

"You really like to be in the center of attention?" she hissed and smiled to Elrond. "I am Kinga, sister of this little lad. I am aware I am not the right person here but I also must admit that if Dorian will follow your orders, I will do it as well, we are bond together like twins."



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