Winbrook Academy
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Author:  Eruraina [ March 29th, 2009, 5:42 pm ]
Post subject: 

Laraina nodded, giving the sign she aknowledged his name. Dom. She wondered what it was short for. Dominic maybe? But the redhead kept those thoughts to herself, and instead concentrated on Dom's words as he continued to speak.

"Yes, I wouldn't be supprised if the ceiling caved in one day. And with the luck the dean has with being in the right place at the right time... I won't be supprised," Laraina replied, giving a light hearted laugh that supprised her, though she didn't show it. When was the last time she laughed at the Academy.

Never. The answer was never. Even when it came to her brother's jokes. Laraina inwardly shrugged the thought off and continued. "And it's gotten worse every year."

Author:  Turwaithiel Rochben [ March 29th, 2009, 6:30 pm ]
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Up in the dorm room that the twins shared, Henry was sitting at a desk with a map from the 1500's sitting out in front of him, and was writing quickly on a blank piece of paper with his pen filled with black ink. Henry had gotten his schedule first thing in the morning, and was happy that classes did not start for him until the next day. So, instead, he worked on his own personal studies - maps. He had been working for almost a hour before he was interrupted by a annoying buzz from across the room.


Henry sighed heavily and looked up from his work and across the room, where William was standing near his bed, swinging a short short across his body in a scissored fashion, shirtless, sweat dripping down his neck ever-so-slightly. He was in much concentration as Henry was seconds before, and after a moment was watching William at work, Henry glanced at the time, and noticed that dinner started 10 minutes ago.

"William." No response. "William." Even the crickets were silent. "William..." Swishhhhhhhh, swishhhhhhhhhh, swishhhhhhhhhh "WILLIAM!" After four attempts, William stopped swinging the blade and looked up, surprised.

"Henry, what is all the yelling about? I know I told you that yelling was bound to happen in this Academy earlier today, but that does not mean-"

"William, put your shirt on. We are late for dinner." Henry said, folding the map up carefully while he shut his book, laying his pen beside it. Henry turned to find William grinning as he put his sword away, hiding it under his bed.

"Your going to get caught, ya know." Henry informed him as he was slipping on his black and white shirt after using a towel to wipe the sweat off.

"Uh-huh. Catch me. Right. They never said it was forbidden."

"They never said it was allowed either." Henry counterred as they entered the dining hall. They found an empty table at the end, away from the crowds who were eager to find their friends. But friends? Psh. The twins did not have friends - never had, never would. It was always like that. Brother with brother, alone in everything else. Not that they minded - it was a lifestyle they were used to by now.

Forced to get used to.

Author:  smeagollum [ March 29th, 2009, 7:03 pm ]
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Kira's finger had slid off the dusty binding of the book on spiders before she realized someone was speaking to her. Unnerved, Kira's head jolted back half an inch and immediately spouted out an accusation, "What... wait.. what... are you a spy?"

Seeing how immature that sounded, Kira tilted her head down and took a deep breath to regain her composure. "I'm sorry," she pardoned her last words, "I was not aware that anyone else dared to travel this deep into the maze. Although, if you are seeking an explanation to the skateboard, I can assure you that my intentions are not so childish to be taking up the sport. In fact, I do not desire to perform any such activity that will get be within ten feet of that water balloon fiend, and, before you make judgments, understand that it isn't just this day, but rather a whole entire prior school year here. No. I don't want to talk about it. But, going back to the skateboard, my intentions are more... imaginative." Kira twirled her fingers in the air as if she were trying to grasp the words from the floating dust. "I... desire... to..." she paused for a moment, thinking through the exact words she wished to speak, "dismantle and strategically place parts of his skateboard throughout the school, more preferably in places he would see."

Author:  Meldawen [ March 29th, 2009, 7:17 pm ]
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"Fiend." Sarah quirked an eyebrow. "You don't think that's melodramatic? He's a teenage boy. They're all idiots. Life goes on." She stuck her hands in her pockets. One of them found the cell phone. Idly, she pulled it out and turned it on. Missed one call.

"Whatever. Have your little rivalry." She shrugged.

Author:  smeagollum [ March 29th, 2009, 7:31 pm ]
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Kira stared at Sarah for a few minutes with curious eyes. The thoughts following through her head practically could be visualized oozing out of her pores. Well, duh, life goes on, she thought to herself and fell into a sudden silence.

"But why..." Kira began to ask before she was cut short with her fingers on her lips in thought, "Why would you just move on when you could prank somebody? Don't you ever want to get a decent amount of fun out of your life?"

Author:  Maethoriel [ March 29th, 2009, 7:39 pm ]
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Olivia waved good bye to Morgana as she turned away. "Nice meeting you, but we have to go and get settled in before dinner. And knowing someone," she shot a pointed look at Marie, "it'll take forever to get all of our things unpacked. I'll be seeing you at dinner though," she voiced brightly.

A chorus of byes and other farewells were called out after Olivia had finished. Although the three younger cousins liked the girl it was obvious that she was not their age and so it would turn into a more acquaintance than strong friendship, but it was good to know someone.

The girls were all on the second floor, Marie and Elizabeth in one room, Claire and Olivia in the next. The floor wouldn't know what hit it. The Brooks were notorious night owls with a penchant for singing, dancing and loud laughing during the night. At their last school they were constantly chastised for that.

Finally they had finished unpacking and rearranging their rooms and now they were late for dinner. Well...Olivia was late. The other girls had run off at top speed to grab food while the oldest shrugged and stuck her hands into her pockets and traversed at a leisurely pace down the hall her sights set on the cafeteria.

Truth be told she was not very hungry, but when she arrived she dutifully grabbed a sandwich and chocolate milk and took a seat next to her siblings who had stuck her uncomfortably close to a pair of twins who looked less than friendly in the dark-haired girl's opinion.

Author:  Meldawen [ March 29th, 2009, 8:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

"I have fun," said Sarah. "That's not fun." Brandenburg Concerto #3 in G walked down her arm in messy handwriting. She scrutinized the scrawl, then pulled down the sleeve of her sweater and shrugged. "Never mind. I don't care. Do whatever."

The laptop was dormant on the floor. She turned and picked it up. "Kira, right?"

Author:  smeagollum [ March 29th, 2009, 8:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

"Not as much fun as I am going to have," Kira objected, learning forward to see what Sarah was no disgusted by. "And, yes, it is," she soon answered Sarah's question, not realizing that she hadn't confirmed the girl's name. "It was something with an S." Kira mouthed aloud and then opened her album and skimmed through to the S section. "Sarah?!" she spoke in question, but with aspiration.

Author:  Meldawen [ March 29th, 2009, 8:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

"Ding ding," said Sarah without affectation. She turned around with her laptop in one arm and blinked at the album. "What's that?"

Author:  smeagollum [ March 29th, 2009, 8:16 pm ]
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"Just a bunch of pictures of people from school. It is a way to keep track of who is returning for the year. It sorts out the good, cool, and bad," Kira remarked, not too sure if the girl was going to be angry at Kira's tallying and compartmentalizing the student body.

Author:  Meldawen [ March 29th, 2009, 8:26 pm ]
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"Seriously? 'The good, cool and bad'?" Sarah heard herself snort. If not for the actual evidence, she would have laughed at the funny joke. She shifted her stance and jammed an eyebrow up. "Okay then. What am I?"

Author:  smeagollum [ March 29th, 2009, 8:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

(I am heading out to play frisbee, so I won't be posting again for awhile.)

Kira smiled. This girl obviously didn't understand how much work it took to maintain your status in this environment. "Didn't really know you last year," Kira explained, "So, you're cool." Kira smiled, hoping to lighten the mood a bit. Saying something to the sort of At least you're not bad didn't seem appropriate with this girl. So, Kira just waited for the reaction, not really caring which way it went. As Sarah had put it, life goes on.

Author:  Nauriel Rochnur [ March 29th, 2009, 8:53 pm ]
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((@Eruraina:Since everyone else has fast forwarded to evening, do you want move our little shin-dig to the evening, or keep it in the morning and just skip ahead a couple hours?))

Author:  Eruraina [ March 29th, 2009, 10:38 pm ]
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((We can move it to evening, 'cause that seems like it'd almost be easier, if thats alright))

Author:  Meldawen [ March 30th, 2009, 1:12 am ]
Post subject: 

"Okay," said Sarah. "Let me know if I, you know, get a promotion." Because a sticker in Kira Marshall's little photo album meant so much. She tucked her laptop under one arm and zipped up her sweater. "I'll see you. It's almost dinner."

The musky smell of autumn lingered outside. She breathed deeply.

Yes indeed. With a green sticker from Kira Marshall, her life would be complete. Sarah snickered.

Author:  Will [ March 30th, 2009, 4:58 am ]
Post subject: 

[ Lol. Mel I love your char :lol:

*Just waiting for the oppurtune moment to post again* ]

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