POTC: Old Dog New Tricks
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Author:  Rhavaniel Falathiel [ October 19th, 2011, 3:38 pm ]
Post subject:  POTC: Old Dog New Tricks

:bye2: Hi all! The idea of a PotC RP has been tossed about for a while and I've decided to try and kick-start one :) This is meant to be set either pre-Black Pearl or after it, depending on whether we can fill the roles of Will and Elizabeth! As of yet there is no set plot, although I do have some general ideas :pirate:

O l d D o g N e w T r i c k s

It all began with a single map - one that would lead to the riches of an Aztec tomb…
Jack Sparrow has discovered the map to the tomb of Teixiptla (Tee-yep-la), an ancient Aztec God of wealth and riches. Of course, he’s going to need a crew, so he’s made land in Tortuga to aquire one at an inn called the Red Roger. After proposing his quest, the crew begins their adventure to Tenochtitlan, an ancient Aztec city that has been abandoned for many years. Here is where the tomb of Teixiptla can be found and the treasures deep within it, but also danger and a few suspicious statues…

And to top that, Jack has been dreaming- and not dreaming as in a rum and wench filled evening on a deserted beach, but a hard cold dreaming that wakes him up at night in a sweat. Great stone angels surround him and move ever closer- yet he cannot escape. Faces from his past seem to crop up now and again and yet he can never speak to them and they turn from him.

Something odd is at foot in the Caribbean, whispers of voodoo and mysterious deaths seep out of the Louisiana Swamps scaring the western traders out of their wits. Can Jack convince enough people- Including a few old frenemies- to join him?

C a n o n

Jack Sparrow- Aramel
Will Turner
Elizabeth Swann- Arabella
Tia Dalma
Hector Barbossa
Cutler Beckett- Rhan

N o n - C a n o n

Rhavaniel Falathiel
Devina Jones
Thomas Hobbs

Aramel Eruraina


Guinevere Elliot
Cairbre Eagle

Arabella Baggins
Felicity Rey

Author:  Amara [ October 19th, 2011, 5:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: POTC: Old Dog New Tricks

I'm going to HAVE to bring back Portia. ;) I'll put up my info soon.

Author:  Rhavaniel Falathiel [ October 21st, 2011, 1:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: POTC: Old Dog New Tricks

Hurray!! :p

Author:  Aramel Elyanwe [ November 3rd, 2011, 10:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: POTC: Old Dog New Tricks

[[I remember the Teixiptla idea from what seems like forever ago. Mind if I join old pal? I'd be bringing in Vari (whose backstory has changed a lot since you've last seen her) and I could take whatever canon characters need filling. ]]

Author:  Rhavaniel Falathiel [ November 5th, 2011, 7:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: POTC: Old Dog New Tricks

Sure! Devina's backstory has changed a bit too :pirate: Would you take Jack on then, Aramel? I could handle Cutler... Shall we fill the rest as we go along? If its pre-CotBP Will and Elizabeth wont need filling :)

Author:  Aramel Elyanwe [ November 5th, 2011, 7:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: POTC: Old Dog New Tricks

[[I'll take Jack - brushed up on him a lot since you and I last played together and I think I've got his character pinned down now. :yes: I'd love if more people would take an interest in this but I'm okay with doing a smaller roleplay for once. I'll post Vari's basic bio once I've written it up :) ]]

Author:  ~Goldleaf~ [ November 5th, 2011, 7:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: POTC: Old Dog New Tricks

(*Peeks in* Awesome plotline! Mind if I join in, guys? =D If it's okay, I'd like to join with 2 charries of mine, Guinevere Elliot & Cairbre Eagle :happy: Will I need to post some general info for 'em? =)

P.S. Please put my username down as Goldleaf, since I'm in my Hallowfest persona right now ;) )

Author:  Arabella Baggins [ November 6th, 2011, 3:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: POTC: Old Dog New Tricks

I'd love to join too! I have an old OC for Pirates (I think I might have made her up when I was twelve!) that I can revamp for this RPG. And, depending on when we decide to set it, I could also take on Elizabeth Swann as a character too. Whatever works out best for you guys. I'll come back with my character bio soon!

(Oh, and I echo what Goldleaf said--I changed my username for the Hallowfest, so if you could put me down under Arabella Baggins, that would be great!)

Author:  Amara [ November 6th, 2011, 3:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: POTC: Old Dog New Tricks

I'm still gonna be in this, but I wasn't sure how exactly to write out Portia's bio. Was this taking place after the last time we roleplayed Pirates together, Rhav?

Author:  Rhavaniel Falathiel [ November 6th, 2011, 3:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: POTC: Old Dog New Tricks

Hurray! The more the merrier! I think it might be more fun if the charries get to 'discover' or 'rediscover' each other, so I think I'll remove my bio ;) :pirate:
So pleased that there are more takers!

-Amara: Hmm.. Not sure... What do you reckon?
-Arabella: You could take on Elisabeth if you like ^^ Then I'd set it after BP and before DMC :p

Author:  Arabella Baggins [ November 7th, 2011, 10:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: POTC: Old Dog New Tricks

That sounds awesome! Are we not doing character bios for OCs, then? If we're not, I'll just tell you that my character's name is Felicity Rey...I can also take on a male OC if we find we need more guys...which we might. XD And anyone interested in being the Will Turner to my Elizabeth?

Author:  Rhavaniel Falathiel [ November 7th, 2011, 11:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: POTC: Old Dog New Tricks

Hmm... I guess I'll start then :pirate:

It was warm and cosy in the Red Rodger- especially after a three week trek through the jungles of Cuba. The port in Thomas Hobbs' glass was tawny and had a nutty chaser to it, but it was nothing compared to the rich decantered liquid he was used to drinking. He sighed heavily and sniffed. He felt that he must have caught at least seven different types of fever on that unlucky journey. And he didn't hold it against Henry- Devina, he chastised himself silently, he mustn't forget who his friend really was. He was the one who had pressed his fellow surgeon into boarding "The King's Head" at any cost; the revelation that it had brought him had been ground-breaking, yet he still felt oddly calm. And slightly excited.
The Carribean was nothing like what people had said. It was less of a tropical paradise and more of a beautiful kind of hell. The slavery made his stomach twist and hygine was so bad that he felt it was a miracle that anybody lived at all. But he had wanted, no, he had needed to leave his father and the perfect life that had been planned out for him. Henry Bartholemew had been the spark that had kindled his desire to discover more about himself and the world. That he, no, she, he corrected himself, had turned out to be who she was was an added bonus.
And now here he was, sitting in a gloomy corner in worn out pub in Tortuga, waiting for her to reappear. He felt like he was a character in one of the novells he had read as a boy, ripped along into an adventure in an unknown country. She was so peculiar, so believable as a young man with her hair pulled back and her white wig on. She acted the part so well, laughing and joking with their fellows and completing her work as well as any one. Noone had ever suspected- And now noone would ever would. They were in the New World.
Thomas allowed himself a tiny smile. And he was a new man.

"And what am I drinking then?"
Thomas started out of his reverie and blinked somewhat confusedly at the woman opposite him. She had slid into the seat quickly and languished there now, gently swirling the heavy port and sniffing gently.
"Can you not just appear like any other person?" he asked, reaching forward and plucking the beverage out of her hands.
"No," she smiled lazily "What would be the fun in that?"

He gave her a measuring look. She had changed, he noted absently, changed and washed. Still looked the part of a young man, but more feminine now that all the dirt and grime was gone from her face. She didn't flinch as the serving boy, who was nearly as drunk as the merrily dancing wrenches on the table on the other side of the room tossed a dirty glass of gin in front of her.

"Do we have a place to sleep tonight?" he asked, leaning forward.
She gave a funny little bark of laughter and raised an eyebrow "I do. You'll be sleeping on the floor."
He smirked "I wouldn't want to know how dirty the mattress is."
"Mm," she said, absently watching the dancing;"But then again, I wouldn't want to encounter any of the native fauna."
Thomas leant back in his chair with a complacent smile: "I can't believe we actually made it. Where are we? Tortuga?"
Devina nodded "The one and only. Its morals aren't worth what a pig could spit. Easy enough place to start in the world."
He followed her gaze "You've been here before? I though you said you lived in Port Royal?"
She gave him a sharp look "I said my name was Henry, Tom, and lived like a man for five years."
"Fair enough," Hobbs downed the rest of his port and waved to the bar-maid.

He couldn't believe where he was- Or that he had actually made it across the Atlantic. Of course, the shipwreck off the northern coast of Cuba and the subsequent race south-east through Spanish territory had not exactly allowed him much time to mull things over. He felt strange, slightly drunk, but decidedly strange. Each new hour he spent with Henry seemed to open up new doors to him. He had already admitted that he knew nothing about him- her at all. It seemed that Henry Bartholemew was indeed a completely unreadable book. A fascinating subject to study, the medical mind whispered in his head. A woman living as a man. He wondered what other secrets would be divulged.

-That seemed to be much less when I wrote it o.O XD

Author:  ~Goldleaf~ [ November 12th, 2011, 12:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: POTC: Old Dog New Tricks

(Hope no one minds me making the second post! =) btw, since this is going to be set before DMC, I assumed that Jack would still have the Pearl, and that will have been how he got to Tortuga? =) So I’ve made my two charries members of his crew. I hope that’s alright; let me know if anything needs changing =)
btw, I'm v.sorry this is so long! It's probably because it's an intro to my charries - so don't worry y'all, not all my posts will be as lengthy :lol: )

They made a striking duo, walking into the Red Rodger side by side. He was tall and dark-haired, and she had vibrant red hair, creamily pale skin and blue eyes, which twinkled as she leaned towards her companion, making a laughing remark. They were so relaxed in each other’s company that any onlookers could easily have assumed that they were a couple; however, they would have been mistaken. The fact was that Cairbre loved and had always loved his loyal friend of ten years, but Guinevere seemed to remain completely unaware and oblivious. This meant that they remained in a kind of limbo, and almost everyone who knew them or called them friend found it a singularly frustrating situation to be acquainted with, wishing that they might resolve matters between them.

They were members of Jack Sparrow’s crew, however improbable that seemed. They appeared unusually stately for Tortuga; one would be hard-pressed to find a more unlikely pair of pirates. Their very appearance and the atmosphere around them clashed against the tavern, which was filled with drunkards and pickpockets. And yet they seemed perfectly happy to be there; Guinevere led the way towards a table in the corner, untying the neck fastening of her green cloak as she went. She was vaguely aware of a wolf whistle from one of the aforementioned drunkards, but she ignored it, swinging the cloak over the back of the chair she’d picked out.

“The captain isn’t far behind, is he?” she queried Cairbre, glancing briefly towards the doorway. A short laugh followed.

“I doubt that he is. Would he ever get lost on his way towards a tavern?” he smiled as he sat down. “Are you having anything to drink? I’ll get the orders in.”

“Not yet.” Guin seated herself too. “Let’s at least wait for Vari.” She leaned back in her chair, draping one arm over the back and turning her head ever so slightly to graze her resolute blue eyes over the tavern. A small smile lifted the corners of her lips very slightly, and she tilted her chin a fraction. “Nothing ever changes, does it?” she said, suddenly, a hint of a laugh in her voice.

“What d’you mean?”

“This. Tortuga. I don’t know, life,” Guin replied, easily. “This place is like a moment, frozen in time. People coming here, drinking themselves into oblivion night after night. A never-ending cycle.” She raised one slim eyebrow. “Having worked as a barmaid in a tavern for one year of your life tends to give you a pretty grim view towards alcohol.”

“How old were you then?” Cairbre could remember; Guin had told him all these things long ago, but he felt like asking the question anyway, to prompt his friend into talking about herself.

“Twenty.” Her smile flickered and faded just a little, as she thought about that time eleven years ago. But she recollected herself quickly, looking towards Cairbre with her usual sparkling smile. “Never mind. Let’s not get too reminiscent. The thing about life…” she tapped her hand on the table surface lightly, “…is to think about now. Where you’re going in the present.”

A raucous laugh alerted Cairbre and Guin from their conversation; the wolf-whistling man had staggered towards their table in a drunken stupor and had taken to eavesdropping. His hand landed on Guin’s shoulder, and she shoved it off roughly, scraping back her chair and standing up.

“I know where I want to go with you, love!” the man declared, chortling, unsteady on his feet. “I’d take you home with me right now if it wasn’t for your bloke standin’ between us.” He tried to clasp Guin’s waist but she seized hold of his wrist and gave it a swift twist. He uttered a sound akin to that of a dying cow.

“Keep your filthy hands off me!” she exclaimed. “Direct your attention elsewhere - suffice to say, I don’t desire it at all.”

“Hang on there! What’s he got that I ain’t?” the man demanded to know, gesturing towards Cairbre, determined to see this through despite his new injury.

Cairbre was on his feet too, his expression tightening with anger. In one quick movement, he grabbed the drunkard’s hands, which had begun to attempt to rove across Guin again, and pinned them behind his back. “I think it’s high time you went home,” he said, sternly, ignoring the man’s protests. “Don’t you think?” There was more than a hint of hatred in his voice as he forced the drunk towards the tavern door, pushing him out into the night and releasing his wrists.

As Cairbre made his way back towards Guin and their table, he tried to read her expression. Her face had flushed pink, as it usually did whenever she was angry or embarrassed, and in this case she seemed both. He couldn’t help wondering what she made of the drunk man’s assumption that she and Cairbre were together, in that sense of the word. However, it seemed clear that she would not discuss it.

“Thank you,” she said to him, obviously grateful. “But I could have handled it, you know.”

“Well…” he didn’t want to indicate that she couldn’t have handled it. After all, hadn’t she been the captain of a ship for many long years? She was far stronger than she looked, despite her slim build. “You’re welcome. Now come on, let’s sit down. Let’s hope that episode was simply a blip in the evening.”

“A blip? In Tortuga?” she found herself laughing as they sat down again. “I’d say it was more of an unavoidable occurrence that’s bound to be repeated more than once whilst we’re here. Don’t forget where we are.”

She wasn’t being arrogant; it was a statement of fact. She was an attractive woman, and in Tortuga, it was unhappily true that men would try and throw themselves at her. Guin had never taken to dressing in men’s apparel for greater safety. She believed that her very safety lay in appearing as harmless as a fly. During her captaincy of the Anne Boleyn, she’d often taking to disguising the ship as a merchant vessel; who, upon seeing a woman in a dress on top deck, would suspect otherwise?

“You shouldn’t have to put up with it,” Cairbre said, sounding quite earnest. “You shouldn’t have to endure ruffians like that trying to paw you about.” He knew that Guin wasn’t a glass ornament, and that she wouldn’t break as easily as she looked she might, but he couldn’t help it.

In response, Guin lifted her shoulders. “What remedy is there for it?” she asked, rhetorically. “Don’t worry. You know I can send the likes of old whistler packing, no problem at all.” Smiling, she patted the pistol strapped to her belt and outstretched an ankle; beneath the hem there was obviously concealed some other weapon, most likely a dagger strapped to her ankle. “Now!” she was moving on to a different subject. “Where can Sparrow have got to? This voyage is important to him. Getting blind drunk’s important to him!”

“You needn’t worry over him – he’s so used to calamity by now, a little more won’t hurt him.” Cairbre laughed good-naturedly, and Guin rolled her eyes, unable to suppress her smile. She leaned across the table towards him, and he moved closer too, to catch her words, which were now softer pitched.

“You know what he’s about,” she whispered. “The map. He needs more crewmates to accomplish… what he wants to accomplish.” She didn’t want to speak of it in greater detail, with the chance of anyone overhearing.

Cairbre nodded. “I know. It’s a delicate matter, alright. Let’s hope he gets what he wants. I suppose like it or not, our fortunes are linked with his.”

“That can be the way with captains,” Guin agreed. “If they climb high, you climb with them. But if they fall…” she raised her eyebrows. “Let’s get something to drink and toast to his success.”

Author:  Aramel Elyanwe [ November 13th, 2011, 6:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: POTC: Old Dog New Tricks

[[mate, you spelled my username wrong in the main post up top there :P But no worries. Alsoooo, could you put down Varianna’s last name as Pierce? ]]

The doors to the tavern flew open, smashing against the wall on either side of them. An eerie gust of wind whistled through the Red Roger Inn, causing candles to flicker and the patrons of the bar to grow quiet. It was an entrance suited only for the captain of the Black Pearl himself. At his side was a slim woman clad in black, gold and crimson - the ever temperamental Varianna Pierce. Fortunately for Jack Sparrow, the Spanish flame had found herself in a rather good mood as of late and did not take to using him as means to satisfy her anger.

“Sparra!” A few of the drunkards called out, laughing and grinning. The music in the tavern resumed and the atmosphere returned to the chaotic state it had been in before Jack and Vari arrived.

“One of the usual if you please,” he said to the barmaid in passing, who simply nodded with a knowing smile and went off to prepare his drink. “Order whatever you’d like, it’s on me tonight, luv.” He told Vari as his eyes caught those of a man at the bar – one clad in fine clothing and a white wig. It seemed so very out of place for Tortuga, but then again, he had seen far stranger things in his life. His brown orbs lingered on the gentleman for some time – wondering why he looked so familiar – before finally glancing around the crowded tavern. It would be difficult to discuss matters here without everyone listening in; he had expected it to be full, but the place seemed bursting with down on their luck men and women eager to please anyone for the night.

“You know that’s an offer I can hardly resist,” Vari grinned before leaving Jack’s side and heading over to the bar to request some of their hardest liquor. She stood beside Henry and Thomas, barely paying them any attention, too focused on ordering her own drink. “Gracias,” the brunette thanked the barmaid, turning away from Henry and Thomas to find the others.

Jack continued to weave his way through the tavern until he came to one of the tables in the corner. “Eagle, Elliot,” he regarded both of them with a silver and gold smile. Yet the man, normally carefree and half-drunk appeared… different. There were creases in his brow that had not been there a month prior. He had also seemed to be much more introverted, preferring to seclude himself inside his cabin for hours at a time. It was truly unlike the old Jack Sparrow who had been vibrant and witty up until the past few weeks. He waited until Vari returned to the table, drink in hand, before speaking. “I think it best we move this conversation to somewhere more… private.” He ducked just in time for a glass bottle to go flying right where his head had been and smash against the wooden floor.
“Aye, can’t even properly enjoy my drink when it’s this loud,” Vari commented, grasping her mug and watching the dreadlocked captain get up from his chair.

Standing on top of the table, Jack waved his arms in a grand motion and made the announcement. “Any of ye who are interested in sailing the seven seas and finding yerselves amidst a vast wealth of riches and ever-present danger, follow me.” Jumping off the table, he motioned for Guin, Cairbre and Vari to follow him to one of the tavern’s back rooms. It would be a more secluded and private place to discuss the journey at hand and anyone interested could easily join them.


[[ :D And here’s a rough version of Vari’s bio: ]]

Full Name: Varianna Korinda Degaldo-Pierce

Pronunciation: Vahri-AHH-nah CORE-in-daah Day-GAHL-doh PIER-ce

Gender: Female

Age: 27

Birthdate: April 27, 1691 in Barcelona, Spain

Nationality: Spanish & Jamaican

Parents: Peter Pierce (Father), Maribel Degaldo (Mother)

Siblings: Keyara Pierce (Sister), Miguel Degaldo (Half-brother), Monica Degaldo (Half-sister)

Clothing: A red button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows, a black corset/vest over the red shirt, a pair of black pants that go down to the knees and black stockings. Her shoes resemble those of the British Navy, with gold buckles and a small heel. Also wears a red bandanna given to her by her now deceased fiancé, Richard.

Tattoos/Piercings: Both of her ears are pierced, and she bares one tattoo: a small, budding red rose on a thin, curling stem with two green leaves. It is located on her inner right hip.

Personality: Varianna can be an enigma, in the sense that she is completely unpredictable. Her temper may flare at any given moment, especially if provoked. However, her unpredictability has also managed to save her in dangerous situations. Paired with her quick wit and schemes, she is devious and difficult to capture.

C h i l d h o o d:
Varianna Korinda Degaldo-Pierce was born in Barcelona, Spain on April 27th, 1691. During this time, her family was considered middle class, making enough to support themselves and own a house. Due to the mixed cultures of her parents, she was taught both Spanish and English at an early age. Because Vari's mother, Maribel, wanted the best for her children, she had Varianna privately home-schooled during their time in Spain.

When Vari was eight, she learned that her Aunt Clarisa had died. At her funeral, Vari watched Maribel lash out and declare Clarisa's husband, Roberto, of killing her sister. While he continued to feign innocence, Maribel insisted there was no other way that Clarisa could have died. She cursed him before taking Varianna and Keyara by the hand and leading them away.

Promptly after the funeral, the Pierce family left Spain on a passenger ship headed for the Caribbean. Here, Peter and Maribel decided their daughters would have better lives away from the misfortune they encountered back home. However, things did not go exactly as planned. Peter and Maribel had a difficult time finding well-paying jobs, and their family was reduced to living in a small shack on the outskirts of town.

A d o l e s c e n c e:
When Vari was thirteen, her mother fell ill with the flu. Because there was no cure at the time, Maribel passed away four days later. After her mother's death, things began to spiral out of control. Keyara ran away from home, and Peter developed a terrible drinking habit that ultimately lead to his death.

Now on her own, Varianna set about trying to find a way to support herself. She gathered her belongings and took to the streets, trying to find a job so she could afford to eat. No one considered hiring her, mostly due to her appearance and the fact she was a young girl without many working skills. As a last resort, she began to steal; some bread here, some pork there, until finally it became a habit. The navy never suspected her, although many shopkeepers were wary.

Living in the streets, Vari inevitably heard many stories of pirates and the profits they turned. While it was looked down upon, Vari could not help but be intrigued by it. Her own mother had once lived that lifestyle, and perhaps she would have as much luck. After stealing a map from a local cartographer, she set her eyes on the island of Tortuga - a true pirate port.

A d u l t h o o d:
After reaching Tortuga, Varianna was able to acquire her own ship, the Phoenix, aboard which she made Richard Chandler first mate – later, he and Vari fell in love and were due to be married. However, one night the Phoenix became caught in the line of fire by the Endeavour, the flagship of the East India Company under the control of Lord Cutler Beckett.

Varianna witnessed the death of several of her friends, and of Richard, but ultimately was able to escape into the stormy sea below. A month or so passed before she became acquainted with the notorious Captain Jack Sparrow. He allowed her to temporarily join his crew and they had a one night stand as a result of too much alcohol. Upon realizing what she had done, Vari promptly left the crew and did not associate with Jack for ten years afterwards.

Author:  Arabella Baggins [ November 13th, 2011, 9:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: POTC: Old Dog New Tricks

(Do we need character bios for OCs? Just wondering, since Aramel put her [awesome] one up but no one else has. If we do, let me know and I'll whip up a quick one for Felicity as soon as I can! In any case, here is her intro post.)

Tending bar in Tortuga was an occupation Felicity wouldn't wish on her worst enemy, but it served two purposes--it put food on the table and a roof over her head, and it was the prime place of employment if she ever hoped to find a way off of this godforsaken island. Ships of all sorts were always passing through here, promising treasure beyond belief to those who signed on and, most importantly, never returning to these shores again.

Sometimes she regretted it, running away from home the way she had. Life outside the four walls she had grown up in had certainly not been what Felicity had expected--it was cruel, unforgiving. How she had lasted this long in Tortuga with her innocence still intact and with the will to keep going and not return home in disgrace, she didn't know. A year she had worked here, serving rum to drunks too inebriated to remember their own names, cleaning up their messes and serving them whatever slop they were attempting to call 'food' this week, and, occasionally, providing entertainment in the form of song and dance. 'The Songbird,' some called her in the Red Roger, although those who frequented the place called her 'The Tease' and various other unsavory nicknames. 'Get's 'em all riled up and refuses to follow through,' she had overheard someone say once. She had rolled her eyes at the time. She never lead anyone on that way--what they chose to believe was up to them.

Felicity had almost resigned herself to this existence, thinking that the right opportunity to make her escape might never arise. Now, however, she looked on in interest as the dreadlocked pirate made his announcement to those assembled in the bar and disappeared into the back room. "Mary," she whispered to the girl she worked with, drying off her hands on the rag that hung from her apron. "Who was that man?"

Mary glanced over her shoulder. "Ye 'onestly don't know, Liss? 'At's the famous Jack Sparrow, 'at is. Or so I 'ear. Captain of the Black Pearl, 'ee is, wanted by the East India Company...famous 'round these parts. I keep forgettin' you ain't from 'round here, Lissie."

Felicity's eyes widened. "Captain of his own ship, you say?"

"Aye, though 'ow 'legal' it is might be disputed by some..."

Felicity was already moving, on her way to follow the mysterious Captain Sparrow. "Cover for me, won't you, Mary?"

"Where you goin'?" Mary cried, grabbing Felicity's arm. "Thinkin' of joinin' up with those pirates? Ye can't, Liss! Even if he let ye, ye can't. The boss won't like losin' 'is Songbird, no 'ee won't..."

Felicty wrenched her arm away in annoyance. "He had no problem finding me, he won't have any problem finding a new tavern singer. Mary, I can't take this anymore. I can't stand it."

She stopped short of the back room, adjusting her skirts and running a hand through her strawberry-blonde hair before knocking. Without waiting for an answer, she opened the door. "Captain Jack Sparrow? Am I right in assuming that it is you, and you are in need of a crew?"

Author:  Aramel Elyanwe [ November 13th, 2011, 10:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: POTC: Old Dog New Tricks

Arabella Baggins wrote:
(Do we need character bios for OCs? Just wondering, since Aramel put her [awesome] one up but no one else has. If we do, let me know and I'll whip up a quick one for Felicity as soon as I can! In any case, here is her intro post.)

[[Aww, that is absolutely sweet of you :hug: I don't think it's absolutely required, but it would be nice to at least have a basic one, since bios help the other players get to know your character a bit better. I have a really detailed form for my OC's, and that one above is just a basic format. Didn't want to overwhelm you all with information. :P ]]

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