- The Official RPG Help & Advice thread -
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Author:  Will [ April 8th, 2011, 11:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: - The Official RPG Help & Advice thread -

^ That's very true. Those were probably to complex, having too many characters anyway to make it even understandable for outsiders. :P

Yet, sadly, most of those have left to RPG on another forum, and with that half of the RPG community has shrunk on AU and is not that intimidating anymore. :teehee:

It's very nice to see you again LDM. :happy: Are you perhaps interested in joining a new RPG?

@ Eä

*feels watched* :teehee:

Well, I'm not sure if I'd made that clear, but I did want to make this a platform where older/experienced RPer could meet newbies and advise them about all kind of things. A mentor system could originate from those itneractions, yet not many newbies have been spotted around here. Therefore we probably first need to advertise. :)

Author:  Lady Dark Moon [ April 8th, 2011, 12:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: - The Official RPG Help & Advice thread -

Hiiiii Will! I'd love to join a new rpg. I have a bad track record for staying with rpgs lately, mostly because people make loooong posts and my attention span is, um, devolving. Which is counterproductive, since you guys are trying to get new rpers to make longer posts :P

I do miss the classic fantasy rpgs though. The ones where you sit your characters down in a tavern with no plot, and just see what springs up.

That actually leads me to this point...that a lot of rpgs now start off with complex backstories/worldbuilding, and it's hard to keep up. Maybe if we stopped trying to be awesome, we'd attract more casual rpers.

Author:  Will [ April 8th, 2011, 12:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: - The Official RPG Help & Advice thread -

I can see your problem LDM. :yes: I think it's safe to say that it really depends on the kind of RP (nr of players/speed/structure) whether it's suitable to make those long posts or not. It might be appropriate in some cases, but it might also scare away others. But quality always comes over quantity although I think that one-liners are not-done, but a guideline of filling the QRB might lower the threshold for some RPGers. ;)

And I think it's very tricky to start out with no plot, yet I've done such RPs before and with a group of commited RPers I think it's not impossible to make it work out. Yet I do think that every story needs a goal, I think it's not fun to stay in that same tavern and go here and there without purpose. :P

But I would be interested in joining a fantasy-RPG! :-D I'm not able to do a high-speed RPG but if it's ind of slow paced I could do it. And I'm also planning to start a HP RPG, so if you're interested (I'm not sure if you're a HP fan) than take a look over here.

It's great to see you around again! :hug:

Author:  [ April 8th, 2011, 1:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: - The Official RPG Help & Advice thread -

Will, I think this is already a great thread. The intention is good too, but the way the discussion developed with the experienced RP'ers weighing in with lengthy pieces of advice.. I dunno... I might feel intimidated as a newbie... but since it has been stated a few times that this is for all levels to meet and interact there is no point in discussing the intention anymore! :P

By the way, I find my attention span the same as LDM.. so don't feel watched.. I usually just browse the sections.. you know just to see what's going on but it's true that it's hard to keep up plot-wise so I .. don't actually read that much... :whistle:

Lady Dark Moon wrote:
That actually leads me to this point...that a lot of rpgs now start off with complex backstories/worldbuilding, and it's hard to keep up. Maybe if we stopped trying to be awesome, we'd attract more casual rpers.

I kinda know what you mean.. I had so much fun in my young tagboard RP-days.. which was basically just sit in a tavern and wait for someone to yell "Orc attack!!" However, I know it doesn't work so well on the forum where people are not interacting live but the idea might work. You know less planning, more going with the flow. Sort of like a creative sandbox to try out characters or an outlet for... ehh..this and that..! :teehee:

I believe the key to an attractive RP section is diversity so there's something for every taste both plot-wise, pace and post-length... but you're right.. advertising first! :)

Author:  Will [ April 8th, 2011, 2:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: - The Official RPG Help & Advice thread -

Eä wrote:
Will, I think this is already a great thread. The intention is good too, but the way the discussion developed with the experienced RP'ers weighing in with lengthy pieces of advice.. I dunno... I might feel intimidated as a newbie... but since it has been stated a few times that this is for all levels to meet and interact there is no point in discussing the intention anymore! :P

I kind of disagree with this, especially when it comes from you, Eä, the Queen-of-beautiful-built-up-yet-lengthy-posts. :teehee: Both you and JF (but also many others) stunned me with your lengthy, well written posts of advice, or thoughts about Lord of the Rings, real life stuff, or just other things. But though it did intimidate me, it didn't keep me from joining whatever conversation or discussion was being held! ;) About some topics I just don't have much to say, or I don't know how to phrase it right, so then I just wrote short paragraphs, but I don't think that the length of the posts in this thread keeps people away. Or at least, it shouldn't. Since there were no newbies at this point joining the conversation, the others just held conversations among ourselves. :P

But for everyone following this thread, yet not sure whether or not to join the conversation : Please join! We do not bite! I have cookies to hand out! :goofy:

Author:  *Ennostiel* [ April 8th, 2011, 2:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: - The Official RPG Help & Advice thread -

Will wrote:
But for everyone following this thread, yet not sure whether or not to join the conversation : Please join! We do not bite! I have cookies to hand out! :goofy:

That tempted me out of hiding :teehee: cooookies <3 *cough*

Yeah, my name is Enno and I am a lurker :bye2: I've been following this since it's been up and it's very awesome. :yes: I love reading through what you guys have to say, and though this post is pretty pointless, I thought I'd post anyways, because y'know, cookies ;) I would post something more worthwhile but my brain is a bit fried at the moment. Maybe later :P

My point is, I've not really been involved in any RPs here, but I am hoping to join in very soon, and I am plotting a fair bit as well :)


Author:  Darkheart [ April 8th, 2011, 3:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: - The Official RPG Help & Advice thread -

More people! Yay!

I've gotta say, one of the reasons I'm only a lurker on 90% of the forum is because at times it just seems so built up that it's almost impossible not to feel like an outsider - even though I know that isn't anyones intentions at all. It's pretty much the same reason for me not taking the plunge and joining a Pirates RPG... it just seemed like there was so much going on that any contribution I made would be unnecessary. I can see how that might affect people reading/stalking us right now... D:

@ LDM: I agree with the comment about casual RPers, but I think that's going to come with the advertising/asking people what they want from RPGs, 'cause to be honest, no-one knows what anyone else wants from a RPG at the minute, so it's kinda hard to get something put together with absolutely nothing to work with. If you're willing to collaborate with us, though, that'd be awesome. :D

On the subject of complexity of backstories, though, I'm not too sure on that. Having a thoughtful first post kinda makes me think that the original poster has given some thought to what we're doing, which is comforting, 'cause I find wandering aimlessly a little tiresome sometimes. I get nervous if I've got no particular place to 'go' in a post for a character, the fact that I'm not trying to drag my character to a particular point makes me think that until I get to a point where something major happens I'm just rambling to fill the blanks which, to be frank, is something I really can't stand. It's all down to personal preference, though, I suppose. :)

^ Ennooooo! -tackle- Glad you're finally invading the RPG boards, we need people like you around! :hug:

Author:  [ April 9th, 2011, 6:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: - The Official RPG Help & Advice thread -

Will wrote:
I kind of disagree with this, especially when it comes from you, Eä, the Queen-of-beautiful-built-up-yet-lengthy-posts. :teehee: Both you and JF (but also many others) stunned me with your lengthy, well written posts of advice, or thoughts about Lord of the Rings, real life stuff, or just other things. But though it did intimidate me, it didn't keep me from joining whatever conversation or discussion was being held! ;) About some topics I just don't have much to say, or I don't know how to phrase it right, so then I just wrote short paragraphs, but I don't think that the length of the posts in this thread keeps people away. Or at least, it shouldn't. Since there were no newbies at this point joining the conversation, the others just held conversations among ourselves. :P

Thank you Will. One thing I learned from being on this forum in thick and thin is to think before I post and how even a clearly worded post could still be misinterpreted because there's so many different people on here. :P And I do admire you too for your down to earth way of being. You obviously have an opinion on many things and you're never afraid of sharing it in a polite and positive way. Great talent. :)

But back to the topic. Like I said.. I do feel I don't belong here because there's only a slim chance that I might ever join a RP, and frankly I have no clue to how RP'ers want the RP section to run. However, I'd love to support whatever initiatives you guys come up with and I think you kickstarted an interesting discussion on how to develop this place. :)

So can I have a cookie, please? :teehee:

Author:  Will [ April 9th, 2011, 7:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: - The Official RPG Help & Advice thread -

Thanks Eä! :)

*offers Eä and Enno chocolate cookies*


Author:  Lady Dark Moon [ April 9th, 2011, 10:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: - The Official RPG Help & Advice thread -

Hey there, Enno.

@Will - I'm not sure about HP. It's been a while since I ventured there and I don't remember much of the canon stuff :P I tend to lurk in the rpg section though, so if I see one I like I'll definitely join.

Author:  foot soldier [ April 9th, 2011, 5:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: - The Official RPG Help & Advice thread -

Well, this thread exploded in a fairly short amount of time. :D It's delightful.

I must say, I'm pretty excited about how many new faces popped into the thread. Granted, you're all new faces to me, but I'm still happy. From what was previously posted in this thread and in others, I felt that the RP community had dwindled to extinction or something. It's nice to see the thread expanding and becoming more varied.

And now... an attempt to tackle the things on which I feel like I have input.

Long Posts and Intimidation: I've discussed with Will before how I believe that surrounding 'newbies' with vastly experienced and amazing RPers who can type a whole book in a response is the best way to help them learn. Yes, they might get a little scared and try to balk, but that's when you just tie them down and... well, I suppose it doesn't hurt to be gentle with someone who isn't used to making posts so long or complex. That being said, if there isn't a standard set for a 'newbie' to strive for, how will they ever get any better?

Mentoring: I don't remember who suggested this, but the idea of old, experienced RPers mentoring new RPers is phenomenal. I remember when I was new at RP looking at those who were already at the level I wanted to attain and having to figure out how to get there all on my own. It would have been so nice to have someone readily share their trade secrets with me then. And it would be nice now. I've seen those PotC RPs, too. They're scary amazing. I'm no where near that talented.

No Plot RPG: These are, as Will said, tricky. If everybody's got it poppin and is ripped and ready to go, they can be awesome. But if one person slacks off... the whole thing can drag. Granted, that's true of most every RP, but the type of RP without much structure requires a whole new level of dedication. It can be done and I'd like to get into one if one ever crops up. I have an old story that I was writing in early '10 that I can donate as an OP as the main character began his journey in just such a tavern as described. The basis of the story was 'he left home looking for donkeys and returned a king.' But it could really go anywhere.

Lurkers: Stop that. Jump in, conversate. Cookies have already been mentioned.

Author:  Harthad [ April 9th, 2011, 6:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: - The Official RPG Help & Advice thread -

I would be interested in a HP RPG! Hey, I'm a Newbie, and I don't feel intimidated in the least by all your long posts. ;) But maybe that's just me. I can do whatever to help the RPGs get back up and running. Any chance of having any more cookies? :)

Author:  Lady Dark Moon [ April 9th, 2011, 8:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: - The Official RPG Help & Advice thread -

I think it's just preference. As far as post length, I post anywhere from pages and pages to a single line, depending on how much I have to say. I'm getting the vibe that long posts are becoming more and more the "standard," when sometimes we don't need a whole book in response. Nor do we (I?) want to read it.

Example: dialogue. Sometimes I read posts where two characters are talking, and I'm reading this incredibly detailed post and thinking, "Does this character really think that much in two seconds' pause?" Or during an action scene, when sometimes it's more fun to write simply "Joe tossed the sword to Marcus," and then have Marcus respond by catching the sword and slaying the orc. Much cleaner, much more interactive.

I've had the most fun in rpgs where one-liners are acceptable.

Anyhoo, I'm trying to say that good rping is just good writing. I don't believe there are any "trade secrets" other than stay in character, respond to other characters, keep plot in mind, and--as mentioned--say more with less words. And practice.

Author:  Erucenindë [ December 14th, 2011, 1:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: - The Official RPG Help & Advice thread -

I am interested in joining an RPG, but don't know if there are any that are open. Anyone wanting to start one, or anyone who wouldn't mind another player? :)

Author:  Will [ December 14th, 2011, 2:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: - The Official RPG Help & Advice thread -

Hey Erucenindë!

Nice to see you here in the RPG section. It's probably hard to discern which RPGs are open, since the RPG section is not that active at the moment. I believe that there has been talk in the Osgiliath section to set up a "Once upon a time" RPG, based on the new tv-show Once upon a time. In the Non-LotR section there are some pirate RPGs active, another that is based on the animation movie Tangled and a Doctor Who roleplay. There are also a few LotR RPGs very active. Those are just a few from the top of my head. If you are interested in joining one, you can just ask by posting in the thread or by PMing the founder of the RPG. ;)

Have fun! :happy:

Author:  Arabella Baggins [ December 20th, 2011, 8:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: - The Official RPG Help & Advice thread -

As the founder of the still-not-started yet Once Upon a Time RPG and the co-moderator of From Fantasy to Reality, started by Amara in the LotR RP section, I welcome you to join some of the RPGs around here, Eruceninde! And I'm sure others in different RPGs would be happy to have you as well. It's always nice to get new writers in on the stories! :)

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