Viggo Mortensen
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Author:  Evil.Shieldmaiden [ May 8th, 2016, 3:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Viggo Mortensen

Especially considering he was a last minute replacement, and the first scene he shot was the fight sequence on Weathertop.

Author:  Jax Nova [ May 8th, 2016, 4:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Viggo Mortensen

Yeah, I remember something about that. Who was the original actor again? It's been forever since I've considered that aspect.

Author:  Captain Boromir [ May 9th, 2016, 2:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Viggo Mortensen

I had to look it up, it was Stuart Townsend.

But yeah with how much Viggo invested into the character, especially watching the behind the scenes, was amazing!

Author:  Jax Nova [ May 30th, 2016, 11:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Viggo Mortensen

Ah, I see. I think he could pull off the part with his looks but he is a little young. I still think Vigo looks the part better.

Personally I have not seen him act in any movies so I don't know what the would have acted like... but yeah.... as much as Vigo put into that role I can't imagine anyone else doing it that good. He went all out which was really cool. I loved the behind the scenes stuff and how he wore his sword into resturaunts to get used to it and all that stuff.

Author:  Evil.Shieldmaiden [ May 31st, 2016, 12:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Viggo Mortensen

Two of Mortensen's best performances to date are in A History of Violence and Eastern Promises. Be warned though, these films are R rated, but the performances far out rank his work in The Lord of the Rings films.

Author:  Jax Nova [ June 1st, 2016, 8:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Viggo Mortensen

Really? Seems like a hard performance to top! I do think of him as a very talented actor, though.

Author:  Taurquende [ August 9th, 2016, 7:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Viggo Mortensen

I heard this fabulous conversation with him the other day: . It's also available as a podcast.

He's such a private person, I don't think I've ever heard him speak for so long. It's lovely to get to know him better.

Author:  Evil.Shieldmaiden [ August 10th, 2016, 3:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Viggo Mortensen

Awesome interview! Thanks for sharing the link.

Author:  Jax Nova [ August 11th, 2016, 12:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Viggo Mortensen

Ditto! :)

He always was one of my favorite actors.

Author:  Hanasian [ January 16th, 2017, 5:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Viggo Mortensen

Evil.Shieldmaiden wrote:
Two of Mortensen's best performances to date are in A History of Violence and Eastern Promises. Be warned though, these films are R rated, but the performances far out rank his work in The Lord of the Rings films.

Yes, these are good movie. I especially liked Eastern Promises.

Author:  Jax Nova [ June 1st, 2017, 9:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Viggo Mortensen

I knew most of this stuff but it just impresses me every time I read this stuff.


Author:  Gandolorin [ June 2nd, 2017, 2:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Viggo Mortensen

I have no issue whatsoever with Viggo Mortensen. But I don’t see him as being ideal physically (and that includes facially) for the role of Aragorn (Stuart Townsend, whom I saw in his performance of Dorian Gray in “The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen” seems even less ideal to me). I’ve racked my brain about which actor that I know would fit Ralph Bakshi’s cartoon rendering of Aragorn, and the best I can do to date seems to be Liam Neeson. He may not be just under the 6’6” like I imagine Aragorn to be, but especially his performance in “Batman Begins” puts him in the current lead (pending unlikely discoveries on my side, with my ignorance of movies post RoTK). “Cool” in the original sense. Restrained. But when it comes to it (displaying a “not amused” persona when needed) it should scare the s**t out of friend and foe near him – Éomer and the Rohirrim meeting him in TTT, for example.

Now we come to the very serious issues I do have with somebody – he got so much right, how could he so thoroughly screw up on issues that are utterly not secondary to the book? Why does he seem to feel this sick need to wimpify almost every character opposed to Sauron??? Aragorn wrenching the Orthanc Palantir from Sauron – correct description? Think Gandalf poking decrepit Théoden on the forehead with his staff, result: Saruman crashing to the ground on his back with a very serious lump on his forehead! Gandalf THE WHITE on Shadowfax facing the Witch-king – the latter gets distracted by the Horns of the Rohirrim, otherwise he would have been annihilated – Gandalf was ALSO not a man, and Shadowfax would have kicked the Fell Beast into the east way beyond Mordor (I exaggerate minutely). The totally junkie zombie he portrayed Frodo as … The Ents including Fangorn are such pathetic morons that they have not noticed what Saruman has been up to on their borders, and thus instantly revise a decision (totally wrong as per the books) that they took some days arriving at? Faramir such a brain-dead, pathetic wimp??? (Faramir was wiser than his father Denethor by far …). And then out of his here extremely perverse, sick little mind, “giving Gollum his little [I forget]”, and basically turning the entire LoTR on its head, that Frodo needs Sam, and Sam wil never, ever, abandon Frodo ... Sam killing Gollum would have been much more believable here ...

Author:  Jax Nova [ June 2nd, 2017, 3:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Viggo Mortensen

I have to admit but Liam Neeson as Aragorn is about the only acceptable option I have heard other than Vigo. I myself only saw the cartoons once when i was very young ao I base little to nothing of my LoTR expectations off of that. But you are correct that Liam's performance in batman begins was an outstanding performance and I was highly impressed with it.

As for the other tid bits, I do wish PJ had stuck closer to the books in many cases. All in all, I guess I'm not a pure pureist nor am i a total movie fan. I love the written works but I feel like PJ did a very good job with LOTR over all. Yes, there are several things I wiah would have been better "Book aligned" but I can hardly imagine anyone else doing a much better job to be honest.

Author:  Gandolorin [ June 2nd, 2017, 4:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Viggo Mortensen

Jax Nova wrote:
... but I can hardly imagine anyone else doing a much better job to be honest.

To put it another way probably anyone else would have done a worse job (more Hollywood-brainwashed, and I’m not even going to start commenting on Disney), but in the EE, for example Tom Shippey (and others) commented; had PJ just read Shippey’s books and understood them, brain-dead moronity should have been seriously reduced. But maybe PJ’s background in splatter and comedy / horror movies had deformed him too much towards the “funny” baddie side to keep out this garbage from the LoTR, being of an entirely different sensibility.

Author:  Jax Nova [ June 2nd, 2017, 11:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Viggo Mortensen

I gotcha.

And yeah, I honestly have never seen any other film by PJ so I have no idea his film history but it does seem odd to go from that to LOTR

Author:  Gandolorin [ June 3rd, 2017, 12:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Viggo Mortensen

Erm – as this is a Viggo thread, I’ll move my reply as to PJ’s other moviemaking activities to Movie Discussion >> New Zealand (Miscellaneous Movie Discussion) >> PJ's other movies (new thread).

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