Christopher Lee
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Author:  Ernie [ August 17th, 2005, 7:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Christopher Lee

I thought I would make a thread for Christopher Lee, because I genuinely believe that he is really attractive and swooonsome, or at least he was in his younger years.

I think it's really quite sad that people like Orlando and Elijah and the other younger 'uns are the only ones that people tend to swooon over because, in his own right, Christopher Lee is very attractive.

He's a really beautiful man, he has an amazing voice and his height alone is enough to make him very impressive.

And yes, I'm being serious...

Author:  Raivynn Phoenix [ August 18th, 2005, 10:01 am ]
Post subject: 

I completely agree with you.
Christopher Lee is a very handsome man, as was he in his younger years. All you have to do is look at him as Dracula, so impressive.
His height and his voice also add to give him that certain something.

Much love for Christopher here....and yes, I am serious too.

Author:  Curunìr [ September 6th, 2005, 1:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

christopher Lee rules! well ain`t it obvious? The man has made tons of movies and has become a legend as a bad guy for example dracula as you mentioned before... the man has this certain... how would you say it? Confidency in his characters, like Dooku and Saruman he is always seems this smart and powerful....

Served my country as a volounteer in the winter war... If i recall correctly he never made it to fighting...

Author:  mErRy! [ September 6th, 2005, 1:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

Christopher Lee is awesome! I think he has the BEST voice! His voice is very distinctive...He'd be good at reading stories! lol

Author:  vikingmaiden [ September 6th, 2005, 7:34 pm ]
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i completely know what you mean!!!! he's got an amazing voice and he has got such a presence.

Author:  Curunìr [ September 23rd, 2005, 1:51 pm ]
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and actually his voice is the thing why he suits the role of Saruman because Saruman`s greatest tool is his voice/speech

Author:  Springie [ October 8th, 2005, 4:59 am ]
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Mr Lee is absolutely awesome!
Has anyone read his autobiography "Lord of Misrule"? It's fascinating. The introduction is by PJ and he sounds a like a fangirl in some places! :laugh:

Mr Lee's sense of humor is also amazing. I quote (from the dedication page):

You're writing an autobiography? Who's it about?
PR girl for United Artists, during tour
of USA for "The Man with the Golden Gun"


And many instances thereafter!

Author:  Shadowcraft [ October 14th, 2005, 9:22 pm ]
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Wonderful actor!

Wonderful voice!!

*Swoon* *faints*

Author:  Springie [ October 28th, 2005, 10:41 am ]
Post subject: 

I just thought I'd post some quotes from the autobiography I mentioned. Here we go.

He had 9 lives as a kid, here's one example:
One day, for a dare I had proposed myself and to impress people, I rode a bicycle at great speed with no hands and vanished into the lock [of the mill]. Mother again thought I was done for, and I don't know why I wasn't. The bicycle certainly was.

His skill at knife-throwing:
Some people took exception to my knife-throwing, which they said was too indiscriminate. The most angry of these was our friend Mr Steele, who forbade me entry to the house after I had forced his beautiful daughter Penelope to stand against a door while I threw knives all round her. I said I was very accurate, and that the point of it was to miss her, and that it was ridiculous to be angry about it. Nobody cared for my logic.

After an undeserved tounge-lashing from Group Captain (on the subject of an aerial attack):
Afterwards in the mess Pedro Hanbury commiserated.
- Did he make you feel as if you were entirely responsible? - he asked.
- I caused the whole war, - I said.
- Up to you to win it then.

When serving with the RAF:
Then my Aussie friend Bruce Page had his nastiest moment. One of his 500-pounders [a bomb] stayed clamped to the wing when already armed. Nothing he could do would dislodge it. He dived and looped and twisted, all to no avail. Eventually he ran out of juice [gas] and had to land with the thing ready to go off at the slightest knock. He made it perfectly, and brought the plane to rest a few feet away from my trailer. He said he didn't feel strong enough to walk far for his debriefing.

How he got into acting after the war. (Note: his mother's maiden name was Carandini, coming from an Italian noble family):
In the midst of this graphic account of my sufferings, and my imitations of people who had persecuted me along the vale of tears, Niccolo suddenly said, 'Why don't you become an actor, Christopher?' Between the Chianti and the persuasive tones of a man whose very nature was designed to make the solutions to complex questions merely a matter of will power, I immediately exclaimed 'What a wonderful idea! I'd love to be.'
So that was that. It was settled that I was to be rich and famous, and we passed on to other matters. The fact that in a quarter of a century my sole contacts with acting had been two plays at my prep school, a skit at my next school and the role of acting pilot to an ENSA troupe through the Foggia Gap in wartime, was never even discussed. A typically Carandini decision had been made.

Curunír, yes he did go to Finland as a volunteer. As he says "Our surprised hosts affected to be delighted by this callow set of volunteers, and touched that we had paid our own third-class fares. They gave us some white uniforms as camouflage in the snow, and took us up front to a perfectly safe area. We never saw any Russians, and went home after a fortnight. It was clear that the tiny Finnish army was doing rather well against the Russian colossus, without our help."

Author:  Lhunardaien [ October 29th, 2005, 3:52 am ]
Post subject: 

Christopher Lee is absolutely cool, he's such a good actor. The change in Saruman is so good performed, you can really see him turn from good to evil.. :bones:

He's really a good actor with much talent and a beautiful voice

Author:  Safe In My Arms [ October 29th, 2005, 3:32 pm ]
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Springie wrote:
I just thought I'd post some quotes from the autobiography I mentioned. Here we go.

He had 9 lives as a kid, here's one example:
One day, for a dare I had proposed myself and to impress people, I rode a bicycle at great speed with no hands and vanished into the lock [of the mill]. Mother again thought I was done for, and I don't know why I wasn't. The bicycle certainly was.

His skill at knife-throwing:
Some people took exception to my knife-throwing, which they said was too indiscriminate. The most angry of these was our friend Mr Steele, who forbade me entry to the house after I had forced his beautiful daughter Penelope to stand against a door while I threw knives all round her. I said I was very accurate, and that the point of it was to miss her, and that it was ridiculous to be angry about it. Nobody cared for my logic.

Thats hilarious! I didnt know Christopher Lee was soooooo funny! :bounce:

Author:  Springie [ October 30th, 2005, 4:22 am ]
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Denethor is a pansy, neither did I! That's why I decided to share this with everyone.
I will be adding more quotes as I read further. Funny and curious ones! Lol!

Author:  Fencing Maiden [ September 22nd, 2006, 11:48 am ]
Post subject: 


Other Christopher Lee fans!!

I am so pleased! No, i mean, I am *SO* pleased!

Really, this shall go down as one of the happiest days in my life. For years I have been scorned, mocked, and laughed at for thinking Christopher Lee was talented, and attractive. Well, NOW I know there are others who think the same.

*happy sighs and smiles*

I love ya'll.

Author:  elvishjedipirate [ September 25th, 2006, 8:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

Chris is very cool, and he looks like one of my friend's dads, so that makes it kinda funny to watch him.

Author:  Aftenstjerne [ October 12th, 2006, 4:49 am ]
Post subject:  Cristopher Lee

He is cool! A perfect Saruman. I think I read some where that he has done over 200 films. That's very impresive!

Aftenstjerne :)

Author:  elvishjedipirate [ December 5th, 2006, 2:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'd love to meet him, he seems like such a gentleman.

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