Sean Bean in The Hitcher?
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Author:  LadyValaren [ January 24th, 2007, 9:43 am ]
Post subject:  Sean Bean in The Hitcher?

Has anyone seen The Hitcher yet?
I am wondering how it is as I LOVE Sean Bean and want to see him in it, but I have heard that some of the scenes are a bit scary or even gruesome.


Author:  Imlosiel the Lost [ February 7th, 2007, 10:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

I was a bit surprised to see Sean take on such a role. :confused: And while I have not seen it, I don't think it's gotten very good reviews.

Author:  LadyValaren [ February 8th, 2007, 9:22 am ]
Post subject: 

Hello Imlosiel,
Thanks a lot. I actually did see that the movie didn't get really good reviews and all that. Some say it is really good (people who actually saw the film and reviewed it) and others that said it was not that great.

Oh well, I guess I will wait unitl Sean's next film. He has a few on that look really interesting :)

Thanks for your post :bye2:

Lady Valaren

Author:  Porteuse de l'anneau [ March 10th, 2007, 5:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

ohhh yes I heard of this film !!!In France we have only the teasers for the moment !!! it seems to be very good !!!! and I agree with Imlosiel it's strange to see Sean in this Role !!!

Author:  Merenwen Melwasul [ March 14th, 2007, 9:55 am ]
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What kind of movie is it then? I'm curious! Is it a thriller or so?

I've just discovered he also played in Black Beauty (the movie, not the series) :D

Author:  Eruraina [ June 28th, 2007, 3:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

I watched it... he was kinda mean in it.. and disturbing... but good! When I saw it, I had no idea who played in it. I thought it was some other actor who played the Hitcher. That is until I saw it. I told my family, and they're like "nuh-uh" and I'm like "Uh-huh" and look on the cover of the movie, and poof! I'm right!

Sean Bean also played in Black Beauty... I own that movie... *goes off and watches it* Hey, yeah! He's Black Beauty's first owner, the guy who's there when the horse is born! lol!

Author:  Eruraina [ June 28th, 2007, 3:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

I watched it... he was kinda mean in it.. and disturbing... but good! When I saw it, I had no idea who played in it. I thought it was some other actor who played the Hitcher. That is until I saw it. I told my family, and they're like "nuh-uh" and I'm like "Uh-huh" and look on the cover of the movie, and poof! I'm right!

Sean Bean also played in Black Beauty... I own that movie... *goes off and watches it* Hey, yeah! He's Black Beauty's first owner, the guy who's there when the horse is born! lol!

Author:  Precious [ August 7th, 2008, 1:26 pm ]
Post subject: 

I watched it a while ago and it didn't occur to me that Sean was the dude --- that's good though, better not be recognized as the guy whod dies in LOTR. :D Anyway, I thought it was a good (and I use that loosely) movie. All the gore and blood is.... well... I'll just say gorey and bloody (not that I haven't seen worse) but when the boyfriend is strapped in between the two trucks and gets ripped in half.... that was pretty creepy.

Author:  Rinoa Amarth [ November 26th, 2009, 8:42 am ]
Post subject: 

I thought The Hitcher was good. In fact it is one of the few Horror movies I don't laugh at, it intrigues me.
Sean is typically known for baddie role but this one has to be right up near the top. His character doesn't pull off a clever heist or the like but the sadistic and slightly stalker-ish nature of the character makes him a bad person to encounter (obviously). It was a different type of baddie/character for Sean but he was good at portraying him.

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