Does anyone else find the forum change annoying?
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Author:  pirateoftherings [ June 3rd, 2005, 10:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Does anyone else find the forum change annoying?

Owning a website and forum of my own, I understand that sometimes there are complications beyond the webmistress's control, but it's still irritating. I was almost to Elf status on the other forum, and I had several contest that I'm having to meticulously write down scores and transfer all the data to this forum. Was I the only one that this caught by complete surprise?

Author:  Arwen the webmaster [ June 3rd, 2005, 10:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

I suggest you take a look at the thread . Hopefully it will explain to you our reasons for moving. Also, remember that everyone is starting on equal ground on this forum: no one has a higher starting post count than anyone else.

Author:  Herenya [ June 3rd, 2005, 11:44 pm ]
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I was also taken by surprise (mild way to put it but as I have't yet run around the house screaming and informing my family members who honestly couldn't care less I think I'm okay with it) but I can understand the reasons for moving. They are valid, especially the under 13-year-olds having their accounts deleted... which I know was awful for several people. (I spent half a day over email comforting my 12 year friend who was pretty upset...)

So while it was a shock, :yes:, it looks like a much nicer place than the proboards.

Plus - no annoying advertising!!!! :)

Author:  Taurquende [ June 3rd, 2005, 11:49 pm ]
Post subject:  ............

This will definitely take some getting used to! They don't put Re: Whatever in the subject line for me though. And things are very different! And it is kind of annoying that I'm back to zero... I just became a Vala at the last forum!

Author:  Raven Sparrow [ June 3rd, 2005, 11:52 pm ]
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I was like, :blink: when I saw that A-U had moved, but when I saw the new boards, I calmed down automatically. Everything is so much better than it was at the old boards, so I think it was a great thing to move like this.

Author:  amidell [ June 4th, 2005, 1:48 am ]
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same here knobi :blink: i was like flippin out i was like wat the flip is going on here so im kind of mad

Author:  LOTRfreak13 [ June 4th, 2005, 1:58 am ]
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i hate it!! i think we should go back to the old one.. its really confusing and hard to get aroudn with trying to find the buttons and all.. i mean it did take them a long time to set up the forums.. but we had loads of contest starting up and they are nto going to be finish cause of this change..and all the banners request and stuff.. cant just desert stuff. and liek you said A-U moders you said we had to start and finish a contest is what the rule is

Author:  Elanor [ June 4th, 2005, 4:54 am ]
Post subject: 

That rule doesn't apply for contests started before the move. However if you do want to finish them just start a new poll here.

And I love the new forum but I miss my post count. I had been hoping I'd get up to 2000 before the move.

Author:  Alessae [ June 4th, 2005, 7:25 am ]
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Elanor wrote:
That rule doesn't apply for contests started before the move. However if you do want to finish them just start a new poll here.

And I love the new forum but I miss my post count. I had been hoping I'd get up to 2000 before the move.

Oh exactly!

I think I had exactly the same nunmber of posts as you, something like 1816? I don't remember. But I really miss the board.

It nearly made me start crying with frustration before (thats the worst feeling) but you know what? I like it now, I'm getting used to this one, slowly...

Author:  Nienor [ June 4th, 2005, 7:46 am ]
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Of course I felt the same way at first. I had almost 2000 posts, I needed something like 30 more! But I really do think it's for the better of the forum. You all know my brother Radagast, well, he wasn't able to post until we switched! Too young, according to proboards' standards. And having my brother at the forum is far more important to me than my post count.

Author:  Elanor [ June 4th, 2005, 7:49 am ]
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Alessae wrote:

Oh exactly!

I think I had exactly the same nunmber of posts as you, something like 1816? I don't remember. But I really miss the board.

*goes back to the old forum to check*

Your right we both had exactly the same number of posts before the move: 1825 :P

Author:  Leggieluver [ June 4th, 2005, 11:13 am ]
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I was in a bit of shock too at first, but aftfer a while, I got used to it :drool:

Author:  Alatariel [ June 4th, 2005, 11:44 am ]
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I think it's lovely and like it. :)

Oh, and don't you just love these new emoticons!? They are the cutest!!!

Author:  Myra [ June 4th, 2005, 2:03 pm ]
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Well....I see the webmistress' point and I respect her decision....It's just....very weird...
I'm a person who needs habits, and I so got used to the old forum. I still remember exactly the night (it was my birthday) when I joined the forum.
And I actually like proboards.....but yeah, I hope I'll get used to this one too.

I don't mind being a Hobbit again tough. I love the Hobbits. I became a Vala shortly before coming here. But I don't care starting from zero again.....(we all do ;))

Author:  Sidawethiel [ June 4th, 2005, 2:09 pm ]
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I like this one better! It's so much more funner (Ha! making up wordsies) This one seems to be more organized then the old forum, which I greatly enjoy.
I love it! :-D Thanks Arwen the webmiss for doing such a great job!

Author:  Elberethsq [ June 4th, 2005, 2:24 pm ]
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Well, I totally agree with you about the post count, but we don't seem to have much of a choice do we? Personally, I feel that the other forum had more places to go, more options on posting and your profile and all. But the new forum is alright, and we ought respect the webmaster's and the moderators' decisions and hard work in moving the forum.

Still, I agree that the other forum was a bit better.

And all of this is strictly my opinion only. :bye2:

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