some banners on photoshop - any help or ideas?
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Author:  Alanna [ September 4th, 2011, 9:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: some banners on photoshop - any help or ideas?

thanks so much! I've taken a bit of a break from it, just because I was frustrated with it. I guess I should have another go at it and see if I can't get things to look the way I want them to. :)

Author:  Alanna [ September 12th, 2011, 2:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: some banners on photoshop - any help or ideas?

here's some more I finished:


Image <-- this one has to do with a video from the Elijah-Fan club. :P





and a question for someone who knows how (that would be everyone else...): I've seen like little light-reflection things you can do on pictures. I think what I'm thinking of is like the background in a recent banner I saw (by Lembas, of Sam, I believe). how do you do that? it looks so pretty.

I'm having a terrible time with brushes and textures. if anyone has tips on how to use them, I would appreciate it so much. :)

...and yes, I know I should probably pick a new subject. :goofy:

Author:  lembas [ September 12th, 2011, 2:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: some banners on photoshop - any help or ideas?

I love the new banners, the colours on the Galadriel and Frodo one are great, and the last Elijah one is awesome - I'm envious of your beautiful fonts and text!

Do you mean this banner? the dotty lights were actually part of the original screencap but you can create the same effect really easily by using a light texture like this or this and setting the blend mode to Lighten or Screen. Hope that helps :)

Author:  Alanna [ September 12th, 2011, 3:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: some banners on photoshop - any help or ideas?

thank you Lembas! yes, that was the banner I meant. it's one of my favorites that you've made. :) thanks for the texture pics. now I'll have to try using them! :hug:

Author:  lembas [ September 12th, 2011, 3:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: some banners on photoshop - any help or ideas?

No problem :hug: can't wait to see the results :) Lighten is totally my favourite blend mode.... which is quite sad really xD

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