Enno's Requests [[Legolas]]
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Author:  Zandaïn [ April 6th, 2011, 5:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Enno's Requests/Claim [Revamped] [Goldy]

Enno! you´re back! glompf! :hug:
hopes are rising for the new Forum, so could you make a sig set
in the poll winning color for me? - coronation green?

Graphic: set
Size: 600 x 200
Subject: Arwen & Aragorn (Strider)
Character: Arwen & Aragorn
Pictures: fx. the river kiss in TTT?
Text: ?
Anything else: coronation green, soft, maybe antiquish?

good to see you again, :)

Author:  *Ennostiel* [ April 7th, 2011, 5:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Enno's Requests/Claim [Revamped] [Goldy]

@Goldy ~ :happy: You're more than welcome, I'm glad you like it :D :hug:

Hey Zan :D :hug:

Um.. I made two :P Because I got a bit confused, and was very inspired [which is odd considering I haven't done any LotR stuff in a while, but awesome :teehee: ] So take your pick, or take them both, I don't mind :) ;

I may have made this one too soft, I'm not used to green colour schemes :P ;


& this one might not be soft enough! plus, the green didn't go quite how it was meant to. :P although, I do think it quite fits the scene.:teehee: ahaha, if you want anything changed just let me know :happy:



Author:  Zandaïn [ April 8th, 2011, 4:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Enno's Requests/Claim [Revamped] [Zan]

They´re beautiful!
I realise green is different, but they look great! :yes:
I´ll take both of your suggestions, thank-you.
:whistle: off to the vault they go....

Author:  *Ennostiel* [ April 8th, 2011, 2:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Enno's Requests/Claim [Revamped] [Zan]

:happy: Thank you & you're welcome :)
Different is always good - it helps me experiment/improve more :yes: that's the way I see it at least :teehee:

*holds out cookies* anyone else? I have cookies :innocent: :P

Author:  ~Goldleaf~ [ May 4th, 2011, 5:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Enno's Requests/Claim [Revamped]

*Peeks in* I’ve got three requests for youuu! :-D I hope you don’t mind – your graphics are just too pretty. <3 :hug:

Graphic: Avatar sig set
Size: 100x100 avatars. Five avatars for the banner. =)
Subject: OCs
Character: Cairbre Eagle & Guinevere Elliot
Pictures: ... ?album=170 ... p?album=31
Also, this pic for the center avatar would be awesome; if you can find a better one though feel free. =D ... 20-448.jpg
Anything else: Could you make the style kind of pretty and romantic? <3

Graphic: Header for fanfic
Size: Your choice
Subject: OCs
Character: Cairbre Eagle, Rosalind Eagle & Guinevere Elliot
Pictures: ... ?album=170 ... p?album=31
(For the Natalie pics, ones where she has black hair would be great. ^_^)
Text: Not all treasure is silver and gold
Anything else: Style is completely up to you!

Graphic: Sig set
Size: Up to you
Subject: LOTR
Character: Gandalf
Pictures: Your choice!
Text: Also up to you. An inspiring quote from the wizard himself would be awesome. =)
Anything else: Style again up to you. =D

Thank youuuu! =D Hope I'm not bothering you :lol:

Author:  *Ennostiel* [ May 17th, 2011, 2:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Enno's Requests/Claim [Revamped]

Hey there goldy :happy: Why thank you, and I'm so sorry for your wait! :hide: I've got one done, and I'm working on the other two :)


I've done something a bit strange with the gaps, by letting the swirly/starry brushes go over them and be semi-transparent... I liked it in photoshop, not so much now, so just let me know if you'd rather it be completely transparent :D
Other ones coming up!

hope this is okay for you.

double ETA~
gandalf :)


Author:  ~Goldleaf~ [ May 17th, 2011, 6:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Enno's Requests/Claim [Revamped] [[Goldy]]

... <333333 Eeeeeeeeeekkk!! :swoon: :notworthy: Seriously, wow!! :-D These are all so worth the wait, missus! :hug: I lovelovelove 'em all =D I'm v.v.happy indeed, thank you so much! *rushes off to change siggy* <333

Author:  *Ennostiel* [ June 10th, 2011, 6:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Enno's Requests/Claim [Revamped] [[Goldy]]

:happy: you're welcome and thank you :D <3 I'm really glad you like them :hug:

Exams done, completely free time minus a few orchestra rehearsals/performances means more time for graphics. :teehee:

Author:  ~Goldleaf~ [ June 10th, 2011, 7:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Enno's Requests/Claim [Revamped] [[Goldy]]

Hooray for exams being done! :hug: You know what this means - I'm back with more requestin'! *tries to resist urge to say "I'll be back" Terminator-style* :cool:

Graphic: Sig set
Size: Your choice
Subject: OC pairing
Characters: Eve Summers & Edward Blackhaven
Actors: Clemence Poesy & Jared Leto
I don't know where to get really good pics for Jared, but I'm sure he has a fansite somewhere - please could you use a pic of him with black hair? <3
Text: I'm always in this twilight
Anything else: Up to youuu! =D

Thank youuu v.much in advance, you're a graphics genius missus :-D

Author:  Zandaïn [ June 11th, 2011, 1:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Enno's Requests/Claim [Revamped]

Enno! don´t have to say `more time for graphics,´ twice!
I´m sort of on a Beren & Luthien-trip!
banner: 700 x 150
pictures: any you want
color: complementary to AU´s new forum
& a dedication

weee....Enno has time, time, time :teehee:
ehm...thx :)

Author:  *Ennostiel* [ June 23rd, 2011, 3:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Enno's Requests/Claim [Revamped]

I jinxed myself, I know. So sorry for the wait, I did have time, and then I managed to get an ear infection which knocked me out up until orchestra rehearsals/performing which then took up my time. I've never saying I've got time again :P Zan, you'll have yours by the end of the today, Goldy, extra sorry for the wait as yours should be first but it's a very dangerous thing sending me looking for Jared Leto pictures ;) and I'm playing about with a few things. You'll get it tomorrow at the latest <3 :hug:
hope this is okay for you Zan. Couldn't find the exact picture(s) I was looking for, but here you go;

Author:  Turwaithiel Rochben [ June 24th, 2011, 1:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Enno's Requests [[Zan]]

Could I request something, Enno, dear? :) Since I hear a rumor that you have some time to murder...:whistle:

Graphic: Sig Set
Size: Standard (750x100)
Subject: Jame Bell :D
Pictures: Please use this one :)
Text: Jamie Bell
Color scheme/anything else: I dunno if this is possible, :D

Thank you so much!

Author:  Zandaïn [ June 24th, 2011, 9:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Enno's Requests [[Zan]]

Enno, you know very well that I have the patience of a....turtle?
anywhoooo...I love it! :swoon:
well worth the wait, as I knew it would be...thanks so much :)

Author:  *Ennostiel* [ June 24th, 2011, 5:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Enno's Requests [[Zan]]

^patience of a turtle? :teehee: that's awesome :D you're very welcome, I'm glad you like it :happy:

tur ~ ...well that is definitely the weirdest colour scheme/anything else request I have had but I shall try my best :P you should get it tomorrow :)

goldy! come back with these two any time. so many awesome pictures to choose from. hope this is okay for you :)

[I researched a little and sorted the eyes, and I'm not sure how well the blue works against the green here... can't decide. If you want another colour scheme, just let me know. It's easy enough to change :D]

Author:  ~Goldleaf~ [ June 24th, 2011, 6:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Enno's Requests [[Zan]]

*Ennostiel* wrote:

goldy! come back with these two any time. so many awesome pictures to choose from. hope this is okay for you :)

[I researched a little and sorted the eyes, and I'm not sure how well the blue works against the green here... can't decide. If you want another colour scheme, just let me know. It's easy enough to change :D]

.....EEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKK! Omyword, I'm practically gabbling like Gollum over here!!! :swoon: Ennnooooo, it's sooooooooo beautiful, I'm having a major squee-fest over here! Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouuuuu! I looooooove it! It's gone straight onto my sig on another forum, but I don't know if I'll have room for it in my sig on A-U! O_o I'll have a try anyway ;) I will most definitely be coming back for more Edeve, you're a genius! :hug: In fact, I think you were born to make Edeve graphics :yes:

*rushes off squeeing* <3333333

EDIT: Unfortunately adding in my new banner makes my AU sig incredibly long :'-( But rest assured, it's looking lovely over on another forum! <33333 And your work of art shall definitely make an appearance here soon ;)

Author:  *Ennostiel* [ June 26th, 2011, 11:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Enno's Requests [[Goldy]]

Oh goldy, your reactions are priceless <3 :happy: Don't worry about putting it up here, I was just saying because I hadn't checked it against the green, it's fine :) It's one of my favourites I've done actually, so maybe you're right ;) You're more than welcome :D

tur ~ I hope this is okay :) And I assumed you meant 700x150, but I made 750x100 as well just in case :teehee:



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