Book Faramir vs. Movie Faramir
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Author:  Meldawen [ July 28th, 2006, 9:21 pm ]
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But as I've been saying, Faramir in the movie DOES understand Frodo's quest. Which is why his conscience bothers hm when he sends Sam and Frodo to Minas Tirith. He knows it will not do good in the hands (or on the hand :P) of his father, yet he wants his approval. That's why he eventually lets them go, because he understands.

Author:  E.M.Sherbert [ October 1st, 2006, 10:16 am ]
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I liked the book Faramir a lot better than the Movie one...

And while Faramir understands Frodo and Sam's quest in the movie, it takes him the whole trip to Osgilioth and the speech thing to finally act on that understanding. In the book, he understood and let them go on the spot instead of battling himself all the way to Osgilioth.

And it seemed like Movie Faramir was a lot weaker than Book Faramir. And less noble, wise, etc.

But I had no problems with Boromir. He was a warrior, he understood power, he experienced power every time he killed or fought, therefore I think he was more susceptible to the lure of the ring of power.

Author:  Aerandir [ October 5th, 2006, 5:40 am ]
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Oh, wow. I forgot I posted in this topic earlier. I'm going to restate my opinion though: Book Faramir is way cooler, being more noble, caring more about doing what's right than gaining his father's approval by doing something that would doom Middle-earth.

Author:  Princess of Ithilien [ October 11th, 2006, 11:30 am ]
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Er...since these are all Faramir fans on this thread, could someone tell me how Finduilas dies, please?

Author:  The Nightingale [ October 17th, 2006, 1:43 pm ]
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Sorry if I'm coming in in the middle of a conversation. I have to go to bed so can't really read through everything... Book Faramir is better. Though you've probably found out by now I think the books are so much better than the movies, but I think Tolkien's idea of Faramir is better than PJ's interpretations.

Author:  Drew's Destiny [ April 7th, 2007, 10:23 am ]
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Well, I like book Faramir better. I like how he was so noble, wise, selfgiving, ect, ect. However I understand why PJ changed Faramir a bit in the movie. To be honet if PJ had tried to write Faramir in the movies as he was in the books... in particular the second book...I think that I would have became very confused. There wouldn't have been enough time to explain why he was not tempted by the ring when his brother so clearly was, in the movie. It would have became confusing. Plus I think that as Chaleins of Norbury said they changed the times of when things happened with Faramir rather than his least for the most part. So I can forgive PJ for changing Faramir related stuff a bit. I liked both Faramirs but the book one is preferrence. Yay for Farami! :bounce:

Author:  greekevenstar [ September 8th, 2007, 6:38 am ]
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Well this is one of the things i really hate about LOTR movies.In TTT they totally ruined Faramir's character by putting him to be so tempted even more than Boromir!Book Faramir in my opinion was NEVER tempted by the presence of the ring.He was far more noble and niwhen i saw the movie i was totally furious... :frust:

Author:  Larael [ September 17th, 2007, 10:09 pm ]
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I like to think of Faramir as a stronger character than Boromir. Book!Faramir was never tempted by the Ring. He was that temptation as a weakness that his brother had. Sometimes I think Faramir wanted to separate himself somewhat from his father and brother, and the only way to do this was to do the exact opposite of what they did: to not be tempted by the Ring.

@ Princess of Ithilien: I don't think anyone knows for sure how Finduilas died. Most likely it was from sickness or somesuch thing.

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