Downton Abbey Season 3!
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Author:  Nurrantiel Mashiara [ February 27th, 2013, 8:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Downton Abbey Season 3!

Haha, yeah, I saw he was wanting to leave the show a while ago so I was just like, "Welp, guess they'll kill him off."

But Daisy! Here they are with such a great potential storyline of her owning the farm and it's only mentioned once. Come on people! This would be way more interesting than Rose or Mrs. Patmore and the fair man and whatever. They just need to develop characters rather than throw them in random soap opera situations.

Author:  Larael [ March 4th, 2013, 8:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Downton Abbey Season 3!

That's exactly what it is - very soap opera-y! She really does have so much potential. Honestly, there are so many characters with potential, but somehow it always seems to get ruined. Look at Bates and Anna - I loved their storyline before Bates got into conflict in prison. It just bogged everything down tremendously, and while I was excited when he finally got out, it had dragged on so long that it just didn't have the right effect. That's just my opinion though. [If series 4 is just as botched I might have to switch completely over to "Call the Midwife". But, that's for another thread altogether.]

Author:  Johnny's Fan [ March 6th, 2013, 12:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Downton Abbey Season 3!

I think my philosophy for this is going to be, if I stuck with LOST for all those years and crap storylines and characters then I can stick through with this.

It would be hard for me to stop watching completely, and personally for me, pretty silly as well. I mean I own the books and the DVD's so it would be a waste not to continue with it to see what happens.

As long as I still get to see Carson's disapproving face now and again, I should be OK.

O'Brien is leaving after series 4 as well by the way.

Author:  Larael [ March 7th, 2013, 12:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Downton Abbey Season 3!

I did hear about O'Brien. Hopefully the writers won't feel the need to do something ridiculous and kill her off too. Obviously I'm quite bitter about all this. :P

[Oo, but JFishness, LOST was wonderful because of all those ridiculous plots and such. It kept you wondering!]

Author:  Ariadne394 [ March 20th, 2013, 12:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Downton Abbey Season 3!

Well, I certainly haven't been keeping up with this thread recently! :whistle: Time to catch up on Downton news!

I'm honestly shocked that they're bringing in a new love interest for Mary this soon. I guess I'll have to wait until I actually see what's going on (I, too, will force myself to watch the upcoming season more out of loyalty than anything), but I don't have high hopes. :erm: Silly writers... sometimes I think fandoms could do a better job of writing episodes than the actual writers. A bit ironic, huh?
And I agree - The Dowager, Carson, and Mrs. Patmore will probably be the bright spots for me in the coming episodes. They are sure to add a bit of humor to the show, even if they aren't crucial to the story lines.

By the way, did y'all see that Downton season 3 was the highest rated Masterpiece show in history? This is also ironic, considering the general consensus that most of us were dissatisfied with it.

(p.s. Should I make a new "Downton Season 4 Speculation" thread? We're still critiquing season 3 here, but it seems like most of our conversation is now geared towards the future.... Just wondering if a new thread would be more appropriate at this point. :) )

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