Snow White and the Huntsman
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Author:  Will [ July 18th, 2012, 2:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Snow White and the Huntsman

So, I've been searching for a thread about this movie and to my surprise I couldn't find one, so I created one.

I've been looking forward to this movie for a while. A few months back it caught my eye when I checked IMDB and noticed that a lot of fairy tale-based movies were in the making and again, only several weeks back when my sister introduced me to Snow White's soundtrack of Florence and the Machine (which is just epic).

So I finally saw it in the cinema yesterday and I really enjoyed it. The visuals were stunning and I loved how they changed the plot from the traditional fairy tale. Charlize Theron's performance as the Evil Queen was wonderful. I actually hated her and felt sorry for her throughout the entire movie, which proves her qualities as an actress. Chris Hemsworth is just yummy, so nothing can go wrong there.. :P

But still, even though I really enjoyed the movie, I felt like something was missing in the movie, which left me unsatisfied. I'm not sure if it's Kristen Stewart's passive acting style, the lack of character development or some questions that remained unanswered. But it somehow didn't make it an extraordinary movie to me.

So I was wondering if anyone has seen this movie and what your thoughts were! :)

Author:  Johnny's Fan [ July 25th, 2012, 10:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Snow White and the Huntsman

I first heard about this film when I saw the trailer and as soon I saw it, I though "I really want to see this!".

I enjoyed it a great deal. It was good, entertaining film. The cast were all really good, and I enjoyed watching Chris Hemsworth in a non-Avengers role. Never thought I'd go for the blond muscley type, but he has converted me. :P Charlize Theron was pretty awesome as the Evil Queen. The scene with the bath was damn creepy.. although not as creepy as her brother. :blink: The special effects were AMAZING. The forest scene was just... :swoon: .. move over Hobbiton, I want to LIVE THERE!

I saw it a while ago, so the plot is a little fuzzy for me now, but while it wasn't the best plot out there, there was enough to keep me entertained. To be honest I've never seen Stewart in anything and she wasn't bad... maybe a little bit bland. But Chris, Charlize and the effects were well worth watching it for. :-)

Author:  Aranel Fae [ August 4th, 2012, 2:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Snow White and the Huntsman

Johnny's Fan wrote:
I first heard about this film when I saw the trailer and as soon I saw it, I though "I really want to see this!".

Same here. I looked forward to this movie because it looked absolutely beautiful and I wasn't disappointed. Also because I have a huge girl crush on Charlize Theron. And she was amaaazing. I was enthralled everytime she appeared on the screen. Know what else was a big attraction in the film for me? Her costumes! :swoon:

To be honest, I do not get the whole craze about Chris Hemsworth. *ducks behind a shield* I mean, he is attractive but surprisingly, I don't find myself slobbering all over the idea of him like I've seen some women do. :confuzzled:

I do agree with Will about there being something lacking in the film. I saw it weeks ago so can't really put my finger on it.

Author:  Gersemi [ August 6th, 2012, 12:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Snow White and the Huntsman

It looked rather interesting, but not enough to make me really want to go see it in the theater, but instead a movie I would certainly rent when it is released on DVD.

Author:  Leggieluver [ August 17th, 2012, 9:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Snow White and the Huntsman

Although I really enjoyed the movie, I too felt like there were pieces missing to the story. I have heard that there will be a sequel though, so hopefully all of those questions and loose ends will be addressed in the second movie.

Author:  Sírelindë [ August 21st, 2012, 11:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Snow White and the Huntsman

Um... Am I the only one who found LOADS of clichés in this movie? :S
*prepares to be bashed by people who liked the film...*

Author:  Bellatrix [ April 5th, 2013, 2:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Snow White and the Huntsman

^ Why would we bash you just because you disagree? I think we're all mature enough to deal with a difference of opinion. ;)

I love this movie quite a lot. I think everyone did a great job, and I like Kristen as an actress. I think in order to really appreciate her you have to ignore the Twilight hype and watch Speak, this, or Panic Room. Or Welcome to the Rileys.

Author:  Alatáriël Telemnar [ April 6th, 2013, 11:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Snow White and the Huntsman

It's one of my favorite films but it needs a part two because it's missing many pieces and I felt it jumped to The Huntsman love to the princess.

Author:  Bellatrix [ April 6th, 2013, 8:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Snow White and the Huntsman

Alatáriël Telemnar wrote:
It's one of my favorite films but it needs a part two because it's missing many pieces and I felt it jumped to The Huntsman love to the princess.

I didn't feel that at all. I mean, I don't see it as he already *loves* her, but I see it as she helped him come to an understanding that he wasn't doomed to be miserable for the rest of his life. As for his kiss being the one to bring her back, I also don't think that was because he already *loves* her, but rather that he will, one day, love her. Sort of like it's a prologue to a love story, but they're not quite there yet because there were more important things to deal with, and he had more healing to do anyway. His wife had died, I didn't at all see that he was already ready to fall for someone else, but Snow helped him see that he *could* fall or someone else.

Author:  Elthir [ April 7th, 2013, 8:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Snow White and the Huntsman

Um... Am I the only one who found LOADS of clichés in this movie?

Fairy tale cliches?

For example I find the waiting white horse not only acceptable [if one finds it a fairy tale cliche, for example] but in keeping with the theme that the natural world is tied to Snow White.

Also I read [on a blog review somewhere] that the appearance of the horse was too out of the blue and thus jarring and too unbelievable -- I disagree, as to my mind it's in step with the aid of the birds. It's unexpected and even convenient perhaps, but wasn't that [at least part of] the point? Nature taking a hand in its own revival?

That said, there are things about this film that I would change; and in general I think filmmakers can dare to be more subtle.

Author:  Bellatrix [ April 7th, 2013, 8:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Snow White and the Huntsman

^ I agree about the horse. I mean, the animals too, on some level, knew what horrible state the kingdom was in and they at the same time knew that Snow would help save them. And it followed the whole idea of Snow White quite nicely, that she's so "wonderful" that everyone loves her, including animals.

Author:  Alatáriël Telemnar [ April 7th, 2013, 11:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Snow White and the Huntsman

Bellatrix wrote:

I didn't feel that at all. I mean, I don't see it as he already *loves* her, but I see it as she helped him come to an understanding that he wasn't doomed to be miserable for the rest of his life. As for his kiss being the one to bring her back, I also don't think that was because he already *loves* her, but rather that he will, one day, love her. Sort of like it's a prologue to a love story, but they're not quite there yet because there were more important things to deal with, and he had more healing to do anyway. His wife had died, I didn't at all see that he was already ready to fall for someone else, but Snow helped him see that he *could* fall or someone else.

I believe she fall for him in away or another because if you remember her last look to him; she smiled when she found him between crowds ....

Author:  Bellatrix [ April 7th, 2013, 11:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Snow White and the Huntsman

Alatáriël Telemnar wrote:
Bellatrix wrote:

I didn't feel that at all. I mean, I don't see it as he already *loves* her, but I see it as she helped him come to an understanding that he wasn't doomed to be miserable for the rest of his life. As for his kiss being the one to bring her back, I also don't think that was because he already *loves* her, but rather that he will, one day, love her. Sort of like it's a prologue to a love story, but they're not quite there yet because there were more important things to deal with, and he had more healing to do anyway. His wife had died, I didn't at all see that he was already ready to fall for someone else, but Snow helped him see that he *could* fall or someone else.

I believe she fall for him in away or another because if you remember her last look to him; she smiled when she found him between crowds ....

Yeah, but her having feelings for him doesn't equal that she *loves* him beyond imagination. I mean, you can feel drawn to someone after spending five minutes with them, I don't find it rushed that after all they'd gone through together she was fond of him.

Author:  Alatáriël Telemnar [ April 7th, 2013, 1:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Snow White and the Huntsman

I think it will be love in the next part ;) .

Author:  Johnny's Fan [ April 7th, 2013, 2:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Snow White and the Huntsman

I think there probably will be romance in the next film, if her character is in it. I think the fact that it didn't end with them swooning in each others arms signals that at this point in the story, they are not at that stage yet, and that there was always going to be another film.

It was actually quite unusual when you think about it, that it didn't end with romance. The idea that they both needed each other to complete their emtional journey's makes far more sense in this film, then all of a sudden they are madly in love.

The idea that the animals knew what was going on with Snow White is just another little nod to the tale that we all know. It makes perfect sense that they are willing and waiting to help her, just because of who she is.

Author:  Bellatrix [ April 7th, 2013, 3:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Snow White and the Huntsman

Johnny's Fan wrote:
I think there probably will be romance in the next film, if her character is in it. I think the fact that it didn't end with them swooning in each others arms signals that at this point in the story, they are not at that stage yet, and that there was always going to be another film.

It was actually quite unusual when you think about it, that it didn't end with romance. The idea that they both needed each other to complete their emtional journey's makes far more sense in this film, then all of a sudden they are madly in love.

The idea that the animals knew what was going on with Snow White is just another little nod to the tale that we all know. It makes perfect sense that they are willing and waiting to help her, just because of who she is.

Exactly. The first film was too focused on everything else to end with "and they lived happily ever after", but it definitely gave both characters a chance to grow to a point where love became possible. In the next film if they are both in it, I have a hard time thinking their love won't actually bloom.

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