Family Tree Situation
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Author:  Erin Lunaire [ January 28th, 2012, 12:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Family Tree Situation

I'd like to help out in some way.

I don't fully understand how the family tree works, but I still want to do something. I don't have a scanner, so I can't draw the family tree.

Author:  [ January 28th, 2012, 3:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Family Tree Situation

^Thanks Erin, it's wonderful that so many people are interested in helping out. Stay tuned, this is the thread where we're organising everything. :-)

@Aerli: Thanks for volunteering. As with everything on A-U activities work on a volunteer basis so you put in as much time as you want to. I'm afraid I have no idea how much time it would take to draw the trees, it depends on if you draw them by hand or computer and how much of a prefectionist you are. ;)
Also, the time you'd need for the organising part is really difficult to predict because it depends on how popular the trees grow and how many want to join but I guess that after everything has been sorted and the tree drawn the general maintenance wouldn't take up too much time. However, it would take a very dedicated person who is active on A-U and regularly visiting the forum.

Other opinions?

Author:  Erin Lunaire [ January 28th, 2012, 3:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Family Tree Situation

Maybe a few people could be in charge of drawing the tree. Like, one person draws it, but instead of just one person updating it, a couple of people could.

I recommend drawing it on the computer, it would be easier to update that way.

Author:  Aerliniel Baggins [ January 28th, 2012, 4:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Family Tree Situation

Alright, Ea! Thank you! And thank you too, Erin!!

I honestly don't know how much time I can dedicate to this. I can draw the trees by hand, but it would take me a while...

Author:  [ January 28th, 2012, 4:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Family Tree Situation

@Erin: Yup, the ideal would be that a small group of people were in charge of drawing the tree and updating the changes/addition of family members. The problem is that only one person has access to editing the post - usually the first post - with new details. So, say if you were the one who posted the tree you would also have to update the post in the future.
The moderators can edit all posts and of course I'd be willing to help out when needed but since we also have other mod duties to see to it is a lot easier if there is a member or a group that is truly dedicated to the Family tree. :)

Author:  Erin Lunaire [ January 28th, 2012, 4:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Family Tree Situation

There could be a way to update it. In photobucket, if you delete a current picture, when you upload another picture with that same file name, it automatically changes everywhere.

We could make a joint photobucket account, that everyone has a password to, to update the picture that way. Only the people in charge of updating the tree has the password to the account.

It's complicated, but a suggestion.

Author:  Tinker Bell [ January 28th, 2012, 11:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Family Tree Situation

Thats an interesting idea Erin, and if you were to have a group of people be like the Tree committee or something, they could all use that account specifically for the Tree map. That would help take the pressure off of one person.

Author:  Lhunardaien [ January 29th, 2012, 7:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Family Tree Situation

If you need more people to keep track of the changes and additions to the tree, I would like to help as well :) The idea of a joint Photobucket-account sounds interesting! That way, several people can keep track of all the changes, but there's still someone needed to add those changes to the first on the forum, right?

Author:  [ January 29th, 2012, 7:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Family Tree Situation

Wonderful that so many people want to help out. I should probably state my own availability and role in this. Like I said before, I don't intent to be a part of the Family Tree organising, meaning I'm not going to do any of the actual work. :P I will help in facilitating the discussions and keep the ball rolling, and you can have me do stuff you'd need a mod for.

So it's entirely up to you guys how you want to organise the job and divide the tasks among you.
This task is appointed to you, and if you do not find a way, no one will. :-)

Author:  Lhunardaien [ January 29th, 2012, 8:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Family Tree Situation

Okay, I have been reading through all of the pages of this threat, and to me it's not quite clear who is in charge of this whole thing. So I thought, I'd make a kind of outline of all the things that were recently discussed, so we can all see where we stand now and what has to be done.

Spouses: Lithoniel wrote she wants to let the thread to claim your spouse go on for a week or so, and than start to make the official pairings.

Lines: Arweb will still the the starter of the line, maybe Erulisse will still want to be her sister/daughter. Since it's not clear how many people want to be involved, it will be just one line for now, more can be added if necessary.

Once we got confirmation from Erulisse, and when the spouses are sorted out, I think we can start threads for adoption and RP. That leads to another point of interest:

- There is someone needed to open AND update the adoption thread, so everyone can keep track of who's related to who. I think that same person can open and update the RP thread, might be useful if the lines are also shown on the RP thread.
- Some people have also volunteered to draw the trees, either by hand or on the computer. Erin suggested to open a joint photobucket account, so several people could contribute to keeping those drawings updated.

As I recall, in the old Trees we had both a drawn version and a list-version. The list-version can be posted in the adoption and RP threads, with a link to the drawn version on photobucket.
So, I guess, and please correct me when I'm wrong, we need one person to open the threads and keep track of the adoptions and changes and several people who want to help with drawing the family trees, according to the updated lists in the threads.

It's more clear for me now (and I hope for others as well), but did I miss anything?

Author:  Erin Lunaire [ January 29th, 2012, 9:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Family Tree Situation

I'm glad everyone likes my idea. This is how it would work with the image:

A post linked to the family tree.

Someone saves it to their computer and updates it.

They delete the one before, thus breaking all links to it.

Then uploaded the new one, with the same file name as before.

Then that new version took up the same link as before. Thus remaking the broken link.

New image in it's place.

Author:  Tinker Bell [ January 30th, 2012, 12:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Family Tree Situation

@Lhunardaien: I think thats just about where we are. :blink: I'm not sure how long the spouse thread will run though, Ennostiel technically started the thread, I just jumped in and helped contact everyone about it, so its up to her how long it will run before official pairings are made. But people are claimin spouses, old members have been contacted, Arweb has been contacted to let her know what we're up to, I believe I also contacted Erulisse. And yep, as far as I know, once couples get sorted out, the next thing we need is people to start and organize the adoption and RP threads and the Tree. Fantastic outline though, helped me catch up to where we are too! :lol: I would help with the actual Tree, but I fear I wouldnt be very reliable. I doubt I would have the time to dedicate to it, so I'm just helpin out where and when I can, doin whatever y'all need me to do!

@Erin Vanya: So with the actual link to the image being altered, does that mean that anyone that helps make the Tree can go on photobucket and upload the new image, which would automatically change in the original posted thread, even if its not uploaded by the person who originally posted the thread?? Like for example if I make the original posted thread with the picture of the Tree in it, then you were to update the Tree and log into photobucket and upload the new picture, would that automatically change the photo in the thread that I started? I hope that makes sense.... (By the way, I love the Faramir/Eowyn banner!!)

Author:  Lhunardaien [ January 30th, 2012, 6:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Family Tree Situation

I'm glad you like the outline! I was getting irritated by constantly switching between pages to read everything that had been said and now we're kind of up to date :)
At the moment, I've got enough spare time to put some of it in the Tree, so I'd like to volunteer to keep track of the adoptions and add those to a list. I'm a noob when it comes to drawing and Photobucket, so I hope other people will take that job ;-)

Author:  Erin Lunaire [ January 30th, 2012, 9:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Family Tree Situation

@Lithôniel: Yep! As long as the person deleted the image from the album first, then uploaded it with the same file name.

I know this works, because I uploaded an avatar, but noticed a mistake after I'd posted it on here. So, I deleted the link to it in my album, and uploaded the fixed version that had the same file name. When I went to change the link, I was surprised to see that the fixed version was already showing.

So, yes, it would be possible for anyone that has the password to the album account to update the tree, and it doesn't have to be the original poster of the link.

Author:  Tinker Bell [ January 30th, 2012, 11:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Family Tree Situation

Lhunardaien wrote:
At the moment, I've got enough spare time to put some of it in the Tree, so I'd like to volunteer to keep track of the adoptions and add those to a list. I'm a noob when it comes to drawing and Photobucket, so I hope other people will take that job ;-)

If you would like help, I volunteer to be your Adoption Assistant. :) That much I'm pretty sure I can do!

Author:  Lhunardaien [ January 31st, 2012, 7:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Family Tree Situation

That would be great! I'm sure I can use the extra help :)
So we've got people for the adoption thread (Lithoniel and me). Now we need people to open a Photobucket account and draw the tree (Erin, you up for that? And I think Aerliniel Baggins has also expressed some interest?)

And than we'll just have to wait for the claim-your-spouse thread to close and for the confimation from Arweb and Eru, before we get started!

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