All hail Johnny Depp!
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Author:  Johnny's Fan [ October 12th, 2007, 9:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

@ Ea - Oh, no! Edward is a very gentle character, and he gets very upset when he accidentally cuts himself or cuts or people. I'm sure you will like it. :-)

Hmm... I haven't seen it myself, but from what I hear, I doubt you would like it really. ;)

@ Tar - I don't actually remember there being much blood... save when he cuts himself. :P

Author:  Tar-Vanimelde [ October 13th, 2007, 12:44 am ]
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Are you talking about Edward Scissorhands or Nightmare on Elm Street, JF?

Author:  Johnny's Fan [ October 13th, 2007, 1:05 am ]
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Edward Scissorhands. I haven't seen Nightmare on Elm Street.... where JD gets eaten by a bed... :lol:

Author:  Tar-Vanimelde [ October 13th, 2007, 1:13 am ]
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Haha, that is an amazing scene. Sometimes I watch the movie just for that.

And I didn't say there was a lot of blood, I said what little that exists isn't real looking. I thought at the end when whats his face dies there was a little blood. But I could be wrong.

Author:  [ November 3rd, 2007, 5:46 am ]
Post subject: 

You haven't seen Nightmere on Elm Street, JF? Why's that? How come? Whate are the reasons?

I want to see both now. That's the worst thing about coming in the movie/actor threads, there are so many movies I need to see...

It's not that I can't see blood, it's more the violence and the way it's done in various movies. If we're on the Fight Club level it's alright because people choose to go down there to get beaten up, but if we're on mafia films... eww I can't watch it because they cut the finger tips off poor people who can't pay their junk... makes sense?

Author:  Johnny's Fan [ November 3rd, 2007, 7:59 pm ]
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It's just not the type of film that interests me really. :no:

I'm not a big fan of more recent horror films.

Strangely enough me and my brother were only talking about violence in films last night. I ws thinking of quite a few guys on here when we were talking.

We were talking about Viggo Mortensen's new film, and how violent that is (my brother says, I haven't seen it) particularly one fight scene, but that is part of the story and also the culture of the film (Russian Mafia). And then you get films like Hostel, which is basically about a group of teenagers that get taken and tortured and killed by people who have paid to do that..... and if films are there to entertain you.... who out there is entertained not by these gory acts alone... but by the sick idea that someone paid to do that?

So I think if I had to be upset or going "ewww" at something that is gory and bloody, it would have to be something like that latter really.

Author:  Tar-Vanimelde [ November 3rd, 2007, 10:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dude, Hostel was not good. Great torturing, but other than that...haha, point taken.

And History of Violence (with Viggo) was kinda violent as well. Go figure.

Author:  [ November 4th, 2007, 12:52 pm ]
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I haven't seen neither Eastern Promises nor A History of Violence because of the reasons I stated above. I understand what you are saying JF and it would seem like the logical way to react; watch the violence when it's a natural part of the storyline and plot. My mind just seems to be working differently. In fact I think it's worse when it's a part of the movie plot... because then it could actually happen in reality - and it's just bad and evil and cruel. Then my over-empathic sense kicks in and I'm grossed out by the graphics first of all and secondly that humanity can act so cruelly.
According to that logic, I should be able to watch horror movies and gory movies that are gory just for the gore, because it doesn't happen 'in real life'. But again there is no logic to my reactions. I can't watch it because it makes my sensitive gut physically sick... I really wish I didn't feel it so bad.

Author:  FRODOFAN [ November 7th, 2007, 5:15 pm ]
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Hey, stick to topic guys...

lol. All hail Johnny Depp and gorey movies. :P

Author:  Tar-Vanimelde [ November 7th, 2007, 11:22 pm ]
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Haha, sorry we got on a bit of a tangent there...

December 21st is not coming fast enough!!!! Sweeney Todd come out already!

Author:  FRODOFAN [ November 8th, 2007, 12:45 am ]
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Know exactly what you mean. At they're counting down to its release. I probably see it the first week it's out with a friend of mine. I've been watching the preview.

Author:  Aramel Elyanwe [ December 1st, 2007, 1:59 pm ]
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I wish I was allowed to see Sweeney Todd: Maniac Barber of Fleet Street, but teh evilish 'R' rating...


Author:  FRODOFAN [ December 1st, 2007, 2:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

That's the "demon" barber of fleet street. ;) I am so excited about it. I'll probably see it pretty soon after it hits theater.

What about when it's out to rent?

Author:  Eruraina [ December 6th, 2007, 4:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

I can't wait to see Sweeney Todd. I mean, JD is singing it it!!!!!! And from the trailors I've seen, he's got a really cool singing voice! He should sing more often(but not become a singer, because he's too awesome an actor to change professions). I know it's rated R, but I don't care, I'm watching it anyway. I'll cover my eyes if there's any bad parts... like I usually do.

But, JD singing. That's the main reason I want to see it. My mom says Sweeney Todd is originally a theater play in New York or something like that. And also that it's a musical.

Johnny Depp in a rated R musical about a Demonic Barber. It's seems to me to be an interesting combination.

Author:  FRODOFAN [ December 7th, 2007, 3:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

An awesome combination! Ha ha.

Yes, it is a musical. I read an interview with Burton where he said he didn't really care for musicals but that he saw Sweeney Todd when he was in college and enjoyed it. He actually came up with some ideas then and drew what he imagined the actor and actress to look like. Apparently he looked at it before he decided to do the film and realized it was very similiar to his wife and Johnny, so he chose them for the parts.

Johnny Depp's voice does sound amazing. I can't wait to hear more of it. Apparently Sweeney Todd will basically be one song after the other from what I've read, which sounds good to me.

Author:  Eruraina [ December 7th, 2007, 4:02 pm ]
Post subject: 


I really can't wait to hear Johnny sing more in that movie! lol!

I wonder... did Johnny enjoy being his character in Sweeny Todd more than his character in PotC? I've heard that Jack Sparrow was his favorite roll yet... but is it still his favorite roll? Has JD said anything about that yet?

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