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PostPosted: July 8th, 2005, 8:37 pm 
A-U's Official Tolkien Scholar
A-U's Official Tolkien Scholar
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Okay, I wrote this last night because I couldn't sleep. It is the end to my third POTC fanfiction, which isn't actually written yet (i have it in my head). The reason I've done this so early is that I need to be perfect. this is just a rough draft done while I was half-asleep, but i would very much like your opinions.

The Death of a Pirate

Another victory in battle. It was a close win, but we did it. I turn to smile at Jack, only to find him doubled over in a fit of coughing. His hands are covered in blood that I know doesn’t come from a wound. Will and I help him to his cabin, where he rests on his bunk. I sit holding Jack’s hand while Will goes to fetch some water. As we sit there alone, Jack looks deep into my eyes and mutters the words that will echo in my mind for as long as I live: “Blackbird, I’m dying.â€

Last edited by pirateoftherings on July 13th, 2005, 7:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: July 12th, 2005, 8:29 pm 
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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here's the next chapter===

Chapter 5
"So, what is your real name? You can't expect us to call you Steven anymore." Martin said while we ate breakfast.
"My name is Rose Anderson. I promise everything else I told you was the truth!"
"We don't doubt that...Rose." he paused and then added, "It's a very pretty name. My mother loved roses. She had a large plant of them growing right beside out front door. They were blood red, and always smelled so sweet. You remember them, Davie. Don't you?"
"Yeah." David didn't seem much like talking.
I wondered if it had to do with me. Maybe he didn't like me anymore.
There was brief silence and then Martin said cheerily, "Well. If everyone's done. We might as well get moving. No use hanging around here."
So we packed up and left. No one talked as much. And David seemed to be sullen and extremely quiet. Much quieter than what he had been when I first joined them. I wasn't in too cheerful or talkative a mood either, so I didn't mind too much.
Only Martin seemed to be in high spirits, even though he didn't talk much either. So I was left to my thoughts. And none were pleasant.
We stopped for lunch after noon. The day was very beautiful. The weather hadn't been so nice for several days!
I helped cook and they eagerly ate it all.
"One thing hasn't changed." Martin said looking at me.
"What?" I asked.
"You can still cook wonderfully!"
I blushed slightly at his praise and said, "Thank you."
I looked away at David. He was staring at the ground, slowly eating his food. He hadn't said more than a couple words all day.
"Don't take David's silence serious." Martin said noticeing my glance.
I looked over at him and he continued. "David always gets into these silent moody moods."
David was still sitting there as if he hadn't heard. I looked questionly up at Martin.
"There's no explanation." he answered.
It never ceased to surprise me when Martin seemed able to read my thoughts.
"I've calculated that we'll get to the farm late afternoon tomorrow." Martin said. "Once we find out if the man is still there or not, we'll get you taken care of."
"If he's there?" I asked.
"I'll leave David and take you on to Sacramento."
"But, what if my father isn't in Sacramento?"
"We'll take care of it. I'm not going to leave you all alone after all this. Don't worry, Steve!" realizing his mistake he blushingly corrected himself, "uh..R..Rose!...s...sorry."
I smiled and said, "It's alright."
David suddenly said, "Can we get a move on?!"
Martin hopped to his feet and started getting everything packed up. I got up as well and helped. David did a little, but not much. Soon we were on the move.
That night, we rode a little later than usual. When we stopped for the night, I helped set up camp and cook our food. They seemed to expect me to cook now. Especially knowing that I'm a girl. I didn't mind though.
After eating, I went to bed. Martin had said that we would get up earlier so that we could reach the farm sooner. I fell asleep to the quiet rustling of wind in the grass and Fire's gentle breathing.
A little after dawn, I woke up. After breakfast we packed up and left. No wasting time.
We traveled in silence. No one seemed inclined to talk. And the day wore on.
Long shadows were falling on the ground when we spotted a house.
"There it is." Martin said.
"Your farm?" I asked needlessly.
"Yeah. The farm."
We rode up to it, then Martin dismounted and walked up to the door. He knocked and waited a few moments until a young woman answered it.
"Can I help you?" she asked hesitantly. She seemed extremely nervous and I felt somewhat sympathetic for her. Martin after all was very imposing.
"Hello, Miss. I was looking for Mr. Paul Brody. Does he still live here?"
The woman relaxed a bit and answered, "No,Sir. He moved out of here last fall after harvest. Sold my pa the place."
"Thank you kindly, Miss. We'll be going then."
Martin turned and walked back to Dust. He quickly swung up. Not clumsy mounting like ordinary people do, but one swift clean movement swinging clear of the saddle and lightly sitting down. No clinging tightly and hauling oneself up. I always liked to watch him mount. I wished I could mount like that. I was sure he could just jump on if he wanted to. He was definitely a horseman. And a very good one at that.
"On to Sacramento." Martin said as soon as we were away from the farm.
I prayed more than anything that I would find my father still there.

We reached Sacramento after another two days of steady riding.
It was a large town and full of people. It was the biggest town I had ever been in! Why it should be a city! I had no idea how we would find anyone here! It was so crazy!
"Stay close, Rose. We wouldn't want you to get lost here." I heard Martin call over his shoulder to me.
I said alright, but he didn't hear me. We continued riding through the town. We stopped at a hotel.
"We'll stay here the night. I'll check around town for your father, Rose." Martin said as he swung down and took his packs off the horse. David and I did likewise. After that we all entered the hotel.
"Two rooms." Martin said to the clerk.
"Yes, Sir." the clerk replied in a nasal tone. "For how long?"
"One day, for now. But possibly for two."
"If you would like, we have a room that can accomodate all of you."
I suddenly remebered that I was still in boy's clothes, and to any passerby would look just like another boy.
"No, two rooms." Martin replied firmly.
The clerk sniffed and he and Martin took care of the remaining business. Afterwards, we went to our rooms. Mine was adjacent to theirs. We left our bags and went outside. Our horses had been taken to the stable. I was thinking about visiting Fire when Martin stepped over beside me and said,
"Rose, take this money and get yourself some proper clothes."
"I can't take anything else from you!" I replied. "I'm already so indebted! I can never repay you!"
"I don't expect to be repayed. Now go on. You can't keep going around in those." he cast a reproachful look at my worn trousers and frayed plaid shirt.
"But if my father's here, I can get them from him. I can't use your money." I retorted growing warm under his steady gaze.
"And if he's not?"
"It'll be easier to travel not in a dress."
"You're stubborn. Do I have to drag you there? Or buy it myself?"
"Oh, don't let him!" David said in disgust. "Do go on, Rose. You would never want to be seen with him again if you let him! And who knows what kind of grandma's dress he would pick out!"
We all laughed. I was glad David still joked.
"He's got a minor point" Martin replied. "Now won't you go?"
I reluctantly agreed. So Martin gave me some money and I went to the shops.
I still felt bad about spending his money, so I only bought one cheap dress. It was blue gingham with white trim. Nothing fancy, but nice all the same.
The woman at the store was very odd acting when I bought it. I'm sure if it wasn't for her wanting business, she would have turned me out! She was probably just curious as to why a girl would be dressed in boy's clothes,,,,
I returned to the hotel. Martin and David were sitting on the front steps obviously awaiting my return. My heart warmed at the thought. They had come to mean so much to me. Especially considering my brother that was lost. They stood as I walked up and David instantly asked,
"Well...what did you buy?"
"I bought a dress." I returned simply.
"A dress?" Martin asked, "As in meaning one?"
"One is not enough for anyone!" he replied.
"I've gotten by on one outfit these past weeks."
"But still....Go get another."
"I don't need another. But I do thank you for your generosity." And I handed him back his money.
He looked thoughtfully at the money laying in his palm and then without a look at either of us strode off.
"Where is he going?" I asked David.
He shrugged his shoulders and then turning to me said, "You hungry?!" with extreme cheerfulness.
I sighed and followed him in. I ate a little of the food, although I wasn't very hungry.
Martin returned a little later. He didn't have anything and he wouldn't answer any questions either. But he seemed slightly distressed, and was very thoughtful all night. He kept glancing at me and acted like he wanted to say something. But he never did.
I said goodnight a little later and retired to my room.
And that night I was able to sleep in a real bed!

The next day, I met Martin in the hall on my way to eat breakfast.
I had my new dress on and I knew he was staring. I had done my hair up so no one could tell that it was still relatively short. Thankfully it had grown some after the butchering I had given it. And I thought that I did look somewhat nice. I actually did look like a girl! And I remembered that Martin had never seen me as anything other than a boy before so I'm sure it was quite a surprise for him!
"Good-morning, Martin!" I said cheerily.
"G..G...Good-morning, Rose." he stammered out.
He turned slightly red and then stood awkwardly beside me.
"Are you going to eat?" I asked acting as if I didn't notice his embaressment.
He nodded and said, "Uh, yeah! Davie's still asleep though."
"Are there any plans today?" I asked trying to hide my excitement.
"Like what?"
"Just a few. Shopping mostly. You can come if you want. Otherwise the hotel isn't very fun."
"I'll be glad to come!" I said trying to hide the disapointment I felt that he hadn't mentioned anything about helping me.
"Then you're welcome to. And maybe I can get you to buy another dress. Although I have to admit you do look lovely in that one!"
"Thank you." I said, hiding the blush that crept into my cheeks. After an awkward pause I asked, "Shall we go eat?"
Martin nodded, so we went down. David joined us a little later.
He was speechless when he saw me and I almost laughed at his bewilderment.
"Close your mouth and sit down, David!" Martin said, "People are watching."
David sat down and slowly said, "Well, Rose. Nothing boyish about you now! You do look very nice though! I hardly recognize you!"
I smiled and said my thanks.
After waiting an eternity for David to eat, we went shopping. Martin said they needed provisions for their trip. They didn't want to hang around too long in Sacramento.
We went to several shops, and Martin practically forced me to get another dress along with a new pair of boots. Mine were rather worn and out of place with a dress. So I obliginly did, and I was very thankful for them. After shopping, we had dinner.
Once dinner was over, we went for a quiet walk a little away from the town. It was very peaceful and beautiful. The new spring flowers were just opening their petals to the sun. And the emerald sea stretched away in endless waves. The distant mountains could be seen looming above the world shrouded in their cold mistiness. I gazed about in wonder. Speechless in the beauty of the place.
After a time of silence I worked up my nerve to finally ask the question that was plauging me.
"Martin, are we going to look for my father?"
There was silence and I almost thought that he hadn't heard me when he said quietly,
"I'm sorry, Rose... Last night, after you got back from shopping, I went out. And I did inquire about your father. His name is John Anderson.. correct?"
"Well...Oh, Rose! I'm so sorry!"
He was very distressed and I suddenly grasped the meaning of it. I looked at him with tear dimmed eyes.
"No! Martin, please not that!" I pleaded.
I felt a lump grow in my throat and the tears threatened to spill over.
Martin couldn't answer me. He swallowed hard and I could tell that it grieved him to tell me the news. He hung his head sadly and didn't speak.
David stood by not saying or doing anything. But seemingly surprised. Obviously he hadn't known though.
"!" I yelled and sank to my knees crying bitterly. I wasn't aware of anything around me. I didn't feel the sun or wind. Or even the wetness of my own tears coursing down my cheeks I felt all alone! Alone in nowhere! With nothing!
I couldn't stop crying. All of my hopes of joining my father had been destroyed. But I cried for more than that. I cried for everything I had lost. My mother. My brother. My home. And now the final blow, my father!
Every pain I had surpressed came to the surface and dealt me their relentless blows.
My shoulders shook uncontrollably and I buried my face in my hands. I wanted to stop crying, I wanted to forget everything! All the pain!
Slowly I became aware of arms around me and a gentle voice murming something to me. I couldn't understand anything being said, but I instinctively turned towards my comforter and sobbed into his shoulder.
Once my tears had finally worn themselves out, I lay on his shoulder catching my ragged breath. And ever so slowly I became aware of everything else aroumd me. The wind, the sun, my wet face. And the gentle arms holding and comforting me. Along with the soothing words and soft voice.
I pulled back and saw Martin. His shoulder was wet from my tears. His face held pain and I knew he really was sorry for me. But he looked so kindly and gently at me. I blushed instinctively and drew back a little farther.
I wiped my wet face with my sleeve and waited silently hoping someone would break the silence.
I didn't know how long I had cried, but I felt exhausted.
"Rose." Martin softly said.
I looked at him. He still looked pained.
"Do you want to know what they told me?" he continued.
I nodded. I didn't feel as if I could talk.
"He used to live here. Right in town actually. They knew his name and everything. Their description of him matched the one you gave. One night there was a huge storm. He was riding his horse out on the range. It fell and he was thrown over the cliff. There's a really deep chasm there. No one could have survived the fall. They found him and his horse at the bottom one day...I... I really can't tell you how sorry I am, Rose!" he swallowed hard again.
"If you want you can see his grave..I can show you it. I saw it last night." he added.
I didn't speak. I was practically mute.
After a few more moments, David said quietly, "We should head back. Sun's setting."
I hardly heard him. I stood still, staring silently out into the distance.
More time passed and then Martin came up to me and said quietly, "Rose, we do need to get back."
The sun was casting long shadows over the ground. Already the birght beauty of the place was dimmed in them.
I allowed Martin to lead me back. We all skipped supper, including David. And Martin led me silently to my room.
I hardly slept. The pain was almost too much to bear! I felt like my heart was completely shattered. But my thoughts turned to the mountains...could I? I didn't think it could be possible.

Just call me RoI :D

 Post subject:
PostPosted: July 14th, 2005, 10:08 pm 
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Location: I don't really live some where I never really had a place to call home, We move to much

Hope fateds
by Merry Greenleaf

[font=Courier, monospace][/font] I wonder down the hall of the New Zealand acting building right out side school. "John!" I heared my best friend steph yell for the end of the hall. "You forgot this." He said handing me a bag. "what do I need these books for." I asked. "Are you out of your mind. You know that if we past our acting test every one pass we get to go to the set of Lord of the Rings."He said giving me is I am going to hurt you if you don't know what I talking about.

That afternoon I sat in my room reading the books Steph had give me earlyer. "John, time to eat."
My brother yelled up the stairs.
"Josh I busy and I am not hungry!" I yelled back down. "Fine!" He yelled.

A few hours later I rush down the stairs. "There's no food leaved for dinner." My brother said.
" I goting for a drive,ok." My brother yelled.
"You all care about about your self,I hate you. I yelled.

It had been a few hours since he leaved. "John tthere's something me and your father need to tell you. Josh died to night. He was hit by a druck driver.
"What thats not true its not real."I said trying not to cry. Were head down there you want to come." My dad said.
"Coming." I said graping my coat. I stood watching seeing my brother body for the car. The druck driver trying to say sorry over again. I walked up to the car the lettter I would never for get.

"John I love you,I sorry." Thats all it said.

The next few days I stood in my room not looking at the books I need to read. The letter layed on my desk. Friends and family who lived in the states came vist.
"Hey. Your fav unlce here.What to come down " She said.
"No!' I snapped
"I sick of feeling sorry for me!" I yelled at the wall.
"So I heared." I heared a voice.
"Who told you?" I asked
"The walls." The voice said.
"The walls tell me every thing." The voice said as the man walked out of the room.


Last edited by Merry Greenleaf on June 10th, 2006, 9:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: July 14th, 2005, 10:15 pm 
Tolkien Scholar
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once again, me in boring language arts class. to pass the time wisely (meaning not to fall asleep), i began to write an epic poem. it is based on an assignment my science teacher (kind of werid assignment but he was cool!!) so all i had to do was to convert it to poetic form. and here it is
:bones: warning it is more than three pages long :bones:

The Battle of the Gods

At day break, the Greek army march on
To face the Norse enemy beyond
The Greek were led by heroic mortals
The Norse by the Aesir, godly immortals
With many cheers, they gear for war
Fighting for glory, honor, and more
The Norse begin their glorious charge
The Greeks unleash their arrows in a barrage
No Norse god falls from this rain
They seek to give the enemy great pain
Reaching the enemy, the Norse gods fight
But Odin comes into a deadly plight
Hercules shoots a venomous dart
That pierces Odin’s noble heart
Odin’s son, Vidar, goes into a rage
Slaying many warriors in his rampage
The Greeks relentlessly presses on
When two ships appear on the horizon
Both vessels carry a Norse allied crew
So Poseidon’s wrath the ships drew
The god summoned both water and wind
Seeking to bring the vessels to an end
Both sides watch to see how the ships fare
What they saw happen, the Greeks despair
For Poseidon was killed and sent to the sea
Falling into an abyss where no one could see
One ship unleashes the warriors of the dead
With the wily god, Loki, leading them ahead
Naglfar, the other, unloads all the crew onboard
That consists of Hyrm and the Jotun horde
The stone giants go to war with loud bellows
Fighting with former enemies, but fellows
But as the war turns to Norse favor
Something comes from the upper layer
Hordes of harpies appear in the sky
Down upon the Norse they fly
The giants’ head they scratch and bite
Disturbing the Norse while they fight
More creatures come to Greek aid
Loki hews one Greek monster’s head
The Minotaur and Vidar fights endlessly
Medusa kills Hyrm and his gurad mercilessly
Again to the Greek army, victory ring
Until to the war arrives Loki’s offspring
Hel, Fenrir wolf, and Jormungard snake
Comes crashing down into the battle’s wake
Jormungarad brings Achilles’ glorious fall
Filling many Greek hearts with appall
Crashing down into Greek ranks, Fenrir howls
Odysseus and Hercules the wolf embowels
The Chimera Thor and Loki destroy
Vidar kills Hector, fair prince of Troy
Yet again, victory falls into Norse hand
The Greek army quail and begins to disband
But look beyond, the Greek gods appear
Armed with sword, bow, axe, and spear
The gods did not come too early or too late
For the Norse were sealing their enemy’s fate
The Greek gods charged onto the Norse
Riding upon majestic beast and horse
The Greek gods, the Norse run to meet
In hopes of bringing their enemies to defeat
With deadly results the two armies clash
Zeus smites many with a bright flash
Hades summons the soldier of death
Apollo gives his enemies ill health
As the gods come, the Greeks cheer
The outcome of the battle becomes clear
Norse defeat and Greek victory is at hand
The Norse army makes a glorious stand
Just before the Norse army fall
A bright light shines upon all
Soldiers of Vallaha appear gloriously
A resurrected Odin leads this army
Armed with weapons made with great skill
The Greek gods and mortals they long to kill
From the south emerge giants of fire
Their lust for battle never tire
The fiery Muspelheim, these giants hail from
To the aid of their stone brothers, they come
Bellowing, the fire giants help the Norse
The Norse army grows with this force
United the Norse army presses on the enemy
Falling many brave soldiers of the Greek army
Zeus challenges the god, Odin, to a duel
A horrible decision the Greek god will rue
Odin slays Zeus with his mighty spear
Spreading among the Greeks fear
The Hydra the giants of Muspelheim kill
But its poisonous blood cause them to be ill
Interrupted by the raging battle, the Titans wake
They bellow and cry until the earth begins to shake
Then the Titans march to the war, killing all in their path
Apollo’s arrows and Thor’s hammer stops their wrath
The Fenrir wolf devours many Greek mortals
Until he was slain by angry Greek immortals
Thor kills most of the Greek army
Until he is slain by Hades cruelly
In revenge, Odin kills the Greek god of death
And in his rage kills ever y Greek in his path
When Apollo was slain by the Midgard serpent
The blood of the OIympians are all but spent
The Aesir also lie fallen and dead
For the Cerberus hews Odin’s head
The remaining armies fight and kill ceaselessly
The warrior spirits come back and fight endlessly
But in the end, no one won but everyone lost
For the destruction of the earth is the battle’s cost
Asgard burns and Mt. Olympus crumbles
Midgard and the earth itself shakes and rumbles
The earth burns in the fires of doom
And everywhere hangs dread and gloom

i have also began work on another epic poem with a lot of tolkien influences but not copying despite wut my friend said. but i have misplaced it so i will tell it to u asap

I was cured all right.

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PostPosted: July 16th, 2005, 10:43 pm 
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Location: I don't really live some where I never really had a place to call home, We move to much

New story yay!!!!!!!!!!

Intill the world of knives

by Merry Greenleaf
"What do you I failed math?" I asked letting myself go back into my own world.
"But,I need that A." I pleaded.
"Why,I sorry Mr. Afera but you faild the most inported test of your life." said my teacher.
I walked home. My black and green shoes dragged down the road. My family had own this ranch the Afera ranch. It was summer. I throw my bag down on the grown next to one the horse stall."Hey dancer,hows my pretty girl?" I asked.
Dancer had been my horse for three years. She had been abouse right before I got her.
"You luckly girl,you don't have to take some silly test to go to collage. do you girl." I said.
"Josh,how did you do?" Mom asked.
"All F which means no collage know nothing." I said.


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PostPosted: July 18th, 2005, 8:48 pm 
A-U's Official Tolkien Scholar
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Those are all amazing! They make my pathetic attempts at writing seem all the worse... :confused: lol

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PostPosted: August 2nd, 2005, 8:51 pm 
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I started to think about this story in the last few months, and here's the prolouge-

Hey all. This is going to be a permanent story, unlike my other ones. I am hoping to get more feedback, and hopefully more constructive criticism.

Disclaimer- I do not own Lord of the Rings, and most of these characters on Earth are real people! Please do not use them, unless you have my permission. Thank you.

Summary/Synopsis- A girl is sent to ME, and turns into an Elf, though she's not that happy she is one. But after around a thousand years in Middle Earth, she becomes accustomed to the life as an Elf. The time for her to go back soon comes, and she is sent back to her old realm. She however misses the life she had as an Elf. She is given a choice-to stay on Earth, or go back to Middle Earth. It proves to be a hard choice, and she tries to distract herself from the choice. But something will happen that will force her to make the choice sooner than she thought.

The OC Characters

Carly Murcek/Elenanna Lothenedhel- the main character

Allison Garner/Morwen Durelen- my friend and her character

Ashley Murcek-Carly’s oldest sister

Megan Murcek- Carly’s older sister

Cody Murcek-Carly’s twin brother

Falathiel Lothenedhel- Elenanna’s triplet

Draughedhel-The evil male triplet

Danielle Braum-Carly’s best friend

Richard Erwin-Danielle’s boyfriend

Katie Belair- The girl that became a good friend to the trio

Jackie and Kirk Murcek-The parents of the Murcek siblings

Pastor Gary LaPietra- Carly’s pastor

Cheryl Ekis-Good mentor to Carly

Vorwonwe Orophonion-Elenanna’s husband

Eruaviel Elenedhel- Elenanna’s oldest twin child

Nedhudir Ohtaredhel- Elenanna’s younger twin child


The hallway was loud with the sound of students talking and getting ready to go home from school. Laughter was heard from two lockers where two friends were chatting. The younger girl, a 15 year old junior at Faith Christian School-Carly Murcek-who was your average A student, laughed as her friend, 16 year old Danielle Braum finished telling the story.

They headed into homeroom just before the bell rang. A few minutes later, the final bell rang, and the 25 students ran out of the room, and ran down the steps, just as the elementary students ran out their floor. They ran outside and Carly waved good-bye to her friends before heading toward her sister’s car, since Megan had already gotten in it. Halfway there, Carly had to back up since another car was pulling out.

She suddenly heard the squeal of tires, and the shout of one of her teachers. “Carly, look out!â€


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PostPosted: August 2nd, 2005, 11:42 pm 
Retired Welcomator
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ok *giggles*, this is a story that i made up from watching and playing with the 15 kids my sister and i babysit. twice a month, all of the pastors at our church and their families come over for a meeting to discuss things about new people. and guess what? since my sis and i are the oldest pastor's kids, we get to baby-sit the kids!! it's really fun, though! we play all kinds of imaginary games. this story starts out with the imaginary game we play, and let me tell you, it's not too far from the truth! i used their same names, what they do when we play the game - everything (btw, i'm Katie in the story ;)). so, i really hope you like it! it's called Wolf, because that's what one of the kids named it (lol, i know it's weird).

[i]A noisy wind howled. It carried a foul whistle with it. The warriors stood silent and unmoving. Their names were Sir Daniel, Sir Robert, and Lady Laura (sometimes they were aided by a different Sir Daniel and Sir Trent). They faced the vast, misty field, with trees that surrounded it. They had given orders to the Ladies of the Court, the Princesses and Queen to take shelter and safety in a cave no too far off. They huddled there together, some whimpering and clutching to their babies. Among them was the Nurse, whose name was Katie. She was oldest, and wisest in the skill of medicines and physical care. She was the one who took care of the wounded.

Suddenly, to what all had been dreading, an enormous wolf emerged from the trees and rushed toward them, snarling. Immediately, the warriors raised their swords and rushed to it. Sir Robert was the one who reached it first, and drove his blade into its heart. It dropped to the ground – dead. Sir Daniel and Sir Robert looked around warily.
“He wouldn’t come alone,â€

^Thanks Gily!
<By Bubble Black

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PostPosted: August 7th, 2005, 2:32 am 
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This is a story I wrote quite recently, tonight, infact. It doesn't have a title...but, here eet is:


The roads were empty. Streetlights shone on shadows and paved, cracked streets, houses with no lights on. It wasn’t a good night to be out alone.

Usually, she’d be home by now. Usually, at this late she’d be curled up on the couch with her cats, half-dozing through a movie. But usually wasn’t today.

She’d changed shifts with her friend, Nerai, at the restaurant where they both worked. Nerai’s boyfriend was coming to visit that day, coming all the way from Indonesia to the small town in Australia where they lived. So, being the friend that she was, she had offered to switch shifts with Nerai. They’d arranged it all with their boss, and that was that.

She worked the ten-to-five shift, and Nerai the five-to-twelve. That was why she was out so late. But she didn’t think anything of the walk home when she had offered to switch. It hadn’t even come to her that it might not be the best idea to walk home, alone, at twelve thirty at night, even though she was only a few blocks away from the restaurant she worked at.

She could tell that something wasn’t right, by the way the streetlights shone down on empty, dark streets and shadowed houses, and the way the air seemed to tighten around her, as if it wanted to choke her. The way the wind rushed at her, chilling her, making her feel as if she was being stabbed with a thousand knives all at once.

Pulling her long wool coat tighter around her body, as if by doing that the choking air and the stabbing wind would leave her alone.

There was a sound behind her, faint, but it echoed deep into the empty night. A footstep. Then another. She paused, telling herself that it was nothing, she’d seen to many late-night horror movies.

She turned, and screamed.



All those <i>moments</i> will be <i>lost</i> in Time. Like <i>tears</i> in the <i>rain</i>. Time to <i>die</i>.


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PostPosted: August 7th, 2005, 2:46 pm 
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you people are great writers. I'm writing a story myself, poems too... I'll post some of them when I get the time


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PostPosted: August 8th, 2005, 10:37 am 
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mortaldarkenss, that was very creepy! :)

^Thanks Gily!
<By Bubble Black

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PostPosted: August 10th, 2005, 11:17 pm 
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Danke! I basically framed the whole thing over this one idea:

"She turned, and screamed."

All those <i>moments</i> will be <i>lost</i> in Time. Like <i>tears</i> in the <i>rain</i>. Time to <i>die</i>.


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