Why is Legolas so humble?
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Author:  *Telcontar* [ June 17th, 2007, 7:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

~Miriel~ wrote:
Most people do not think he is humble.

I do like how he submits to Aragorn and respects him as the leader of their company without complaining. Just because he doesn't have all that many lines doesn't mean he wasn't thinking.

Right said!!! :)

Author:  Tifa Rokkuhato [ August 29th, 2007, 9:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

I suppose he is humble around some people but not Gimli, he always brags around Gimli, and you cant say he doesnt :-D
But yeah he is very humble, I suppose he was brought up that way, I mean all the Elves that I have seen in the movie were humble, very well tought n' such so I suppose it not that much is a reason other than he was brought up that way. But yeah I guess that a good leaders always remembers where he came from so thats true

PS: He may not be humble around everyone but one thing is true he is...very hot around everyone and their mother :-D Teehee!! *runs away*


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