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 Post subject: Star Wars episode 1 through 8 critique
PostPosted: February 6th, 2018, 11:03 pm 
Warden of the Knight
Warden of the Knight
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Star Wars, The Complete Work (Went over the spelling twice, but it messed up on me... so sorry for all the mistakes I no doubt missed.)

In this critique I will be judging the movies on a scale of 1-10. A 1, in my mind is pretty much hardly worth watching. 10 is a movie I will watch repeatedly, over and over and over and over... etc.... I'll try to cover most of the main points that brought me to my ultimate conclusion, but feel free to make new points of your own! :D

Episode 1:
Although many dislike episode one for several reasons. (JarJar Binks...) I, myself, appreciated it as a whole. JarJar was overdone at times, admittedly. Nonetheless, Episode one explains Vader and is necessary for the over all story. It adds depth to the story.

Negatives of Episode 1:
--JarJar is, admittedly over done at times. Many people did not appreciate the attempt at humor. I myself didn't dislike it, but it didn't strike me as a major success.
-- The mystery of the Sith. Mace windu mentions this mystery and that Darth Maul might be the answer to unraveling it. In the end, however, this "Mystery" seems too disappear and is never elaborated on. What exactly WAS the mystery of the Sith? We see later on in the clone wars that the Jedi are well aware of where the sith came from and how they got started. We also see in other expanded universe subjects (KOTOR games and TOR Online) that the origins of the Jedi and Sith are historically preserved. Even though this is a little bit of a loose end, it's not a major thing for me, as an avid star wars fan. I was just supper excited for another star wars saga.

Positives of Eppisode 1:

--Young Obi-Wan is one addition that I greatly enjoyed. I always liked Obi-Wan in the original trilogy and to see his story through the second trilogy was an exciting thing for me as a young child. I always enjoyed his character.
-- Qui-Gon Jinn was also a welcomed addition to me. He has been one of my favorite Jedi ever since the first time I saw episode 1.
--Darth Vader's backstory. It really helped me to understand Vader's character more to get the back story. This is a thread that will remain through 2 and 3 as well, but seeing him as a young child I think was essential to explain why he was the way he was.

Conclusion: All these considered, I would give a controversial rating of 7 out of 10 to episode one. I enjoyed the movie and the addition to the original saga.

Episode 2:
Episode two, though essential to the story, had a few more issues than the first in the prequel trilogy. All the same, it remains on my shelf and is watched from time to time. Anakin is a brat, yes... but he is supposed to be. It explains WHY he became Vader and WHY he was so easily manipulated. Further more, the clones are awesome, so that makes up for a bit. Obi-Wan was a pretty iconic character here as well, I think.

Negatives about Episode 2:

--Anakin's whiny brat attitude gets old fast. I can excuse it simply because I recognize it as essential to the plot, but it's a cring worthy addition.
--The romance between Anakin and Padme. I don't mind romance, but I didn't think this particular romance story was well played out. The movie was too short to add a reasonable progression. It felt rushed and almost like a childish or immature relationship. (Anakin's fault I think)
--The EASY death of all the Jedi on Geinosis. This really took me off guard the first time I watched the movie. Jedi were always made out to be supper warriors... so I thought. The relatively easy death of many of them was really a downer to me.
--The Foolishness of Obi-Wan and the council in letting Anakin protect Padme alone and assuming he is ready to fulfill the prophecy etc... This just struck me as a little off. They should have seen more of his faults than they did and taken precautions.

Positives about Episode 2:
--Obi-Wan is my first big positive. Even though he showed a little less caution with Anakin than I would have liked to see, he )in my mind) Made the movie work.
--The clone wars were cool. The clones were cool... Or maybe I just enjoy war and action? :P
--I loved getting to see a bunch of Jedi and getting to see them in action. (Aside from the easy deaths mentioned above)

All in all I enjoyed the movie, but less than the first. If the negatives were taken out I think the positives would have made episode 2 a better movie than episode 1. It had more potential... but that seemed to fall flat in too many areas. Because of this I give episode 2 a 6 out of 10.

The Clone Wars Animated Series:
The clone wars was a big expansion between episode two and three and went a long ways to making Anakin a likable character. It, in essence salvaged his character for episode 3. (Who was not very enjoyable the first time through episode 3) It also adds a lot more to the clones, which I loved. As well as getting to meet new Jedi, getting to know them, and see them in action. All this makes the Clone wars animated series a must for me.

Negatives of the Clone wars
--They. Killed. Fives! -_-
--I felt like the nightsisters and mother Talsin were slightly overdone. I mean... really... can't she just die?
--The mediclorians were a little... unexpected? *shrugs*

Positives about The Clone Wars:
--They expanded on... everything. Loved it!
--Getting to know the Jedi better.
--Getting to know the cloens better. Some really cool clone characters!
--It also adds more depth to episode 3 and as mentioned salvages Anakin's character for the movie.
--Two words... Asoka Tanno. Nuf said...
--Deathwatch was a cool addition.
--I never expected to see Qui-Gon! Cool cool. :D
--Seeing Assaj Ventres progress as a character was pretty cool.
--Seeing Barriss Offee's transformation was a neat twist as well.
--I love seeing so many species and planets. The bennafits of having an expansive series instead of a limited movie.
--I could go on, but I'll end there.
--It was really neat to see Darth Maul's story continue

All in all The Clone Wars was a wonderful addition to the story, Lore, and character development. I give it a 9 out of 10 ONLY because of the weirdness of the medicloriens and the annoying-ness of mother Talsin. (They KILLED Fives! -_- ) <--- And that... that wasn't cool.

Episode 3:
I bought episode 3 as soon as it came out on DVD and watched it that very day in the back seat of my mom's car as she drove around doing shopping. ( I wasn't aloud to watch it in theaters at the time so this was my first time watching it) I was supper excited to see lots of Jedi yet again, and I thought the clone wars were pretty cool. All in all, I even thought Anakin's turn to the darkside was mostly realistic. He felt like it was his only way to save Padme.... I could buy that... for a nickle. :P Then... came the major let down. Just as my complaint with episode two... why the HECK were the Jedi so easy to kill?!?!

Negatives about episode 3:
--They KILLED fives! .... Oh wait... that was the clone wars, but episode 3 would have been WAY cooler if they had NEVER killed Fives!
--Anakin's turn to the darkside, though realistic to a degree, still seemed a little less epic than I hopped.
--The Jedi died WAY to easily. This was a major let down for me.
--Padme's death made absolutely NO sense. Why exactly did she die? She was depressed, sad, heartbroken... I get all that... but really? She just... dies? Knowing that she just had TWO children to care for and she just gives up? :/
--I didn't really care for the new A.I in the droids. How they seemed to be almost intelligent and have a sense of humor. Some people loved it, but I didn't really think it fit.
--Obi-Wan, Though I hate to say it.... First, he should have done better against General Grevious, he should have made SURE anakin was dead on mustifar... and.... O_o What the heck was up with that hair cut??

Positives of Episode 3:
--Obi-Wan. (I'm a fan if you can't tell) In spite of the negatives mentioned above, I still loved seeing him in it and getting the complete "Obi-Wan" story.
--We get to see how Anakin becomes darth Vader. Not just his turn but the suit. That was cool.
--Two words... Zet Zukassa! Nuf said. (I totally think Zet and Asoka should have been together!)
--Count Duku Finally dies. :P

All in all I liked the move, but because of all the depressing content and negatives upon negatives I only give this one a 5 out of 10

Star Wars Rebels:
Star Wars Rebels was a fun show, though it lacked the original star wars feel in some areas. (Disney *cough*) Either way it was fun to follow a new story and I love having the mandalorian presence in the show. (Mandalorians are amazing) Granted there is at least one season yet to come, but I will assume it will fall in with all the others in quality.

Negatives about Rebels:
-- Ezera. I know he is the "main character" but I never really liked his attitude. :/
--The lack of legitimate Star wars feel. This was probably my biggest complaint.

Positives about Rebels
--Getting to see how the Rebel emblem started with Sebine
--Sebine Wren. (Clan vizsla has always been my favorite)
--They bring Asoka back!! :D
--And.... they bring Darth Maul back!! O_O Loved it!

All in all, though it had a very different feel to me, I still enjoyed it. It is always neat to get more of a gap filled in between the movies etc.. So I give Rebels a 6 out of 10

Rogue One:
What can I say... it was executed to near perfection. Not my favorite line up of actors and actresses, but that's a minor thing when the movie actually FIT into the star wars universe.

Negatives about Rogue One:
--Casian Anders actorlse, and didn't like their choice... but after I watched the movie I had to take my hat off to her. She played the part to perfection. So this is a negative/posit
--Jyn Erso's actress was ALMOST a negative. I probably still would have picked someone eive.
-- And, last but not least... well, yeah... that's about it really.

Positives about Rogue One:
--It fit PERFECTLY into the original triliogy.
--Seeing the beginnings of the Rebellion and how they got the plans to the death star the first time
--Seeing Vader
--Seeing Leia
--They got Bail Antilies in it!
-- They kept it mostly true to the star wars feel.
----Jyn Erso's actress was ALMOST a negative. I probably still would have picked someone else, and didn't like their choice... but after I watched the movie I had to take my hat off to her. She played the part to perfection. So this is a negative/positive.
--I LOVED the ending how it plays right into episode 4!

All in all, my complaints were minor and I have to give rogue one a 9 out of 10

Episode 4:
What can be said? Maybe it's because episode 4 was my introduction to Star wars. Maybe it is because it is simply an epic introduction to an immense universe full of excitement, wonder, and adventure? Either way, it was a well done movie that had little to no flaws in my mind. It was on the cutting edge of the movie making technology for it's time, pushed that edge, and created new edges all at the same time. Luke is a little whiny in the beginning, (Kind of like Anakin) but in a subtle and VERY believable way. He acted like an actual 19 year old who was stuck on Tatooine and wanted to get away. So that is hard to add to the negative sections. All in all, it is a great movie.

Negatives about episode 4:
--The Lightsaber fight between Vader and Obi-Wan. This is not a huge negative for me, but I always thought it should have been a little more impressive of a fight. Secondly, I understand why Obi-Wan was ok with "Dying" but why didn't he stick around to train Luke? *shrugs* Minor things, though.
--Alderan being destroyed. It literally made me cringe. Not because it was a bad move plot wise, it was great plot wise... but one of the things that attracts me to star wars is the vastness of the universe. I literally felt my mental "Star Wars" box shrink when I had the thought, "Now no one will EVER get to see what Alderan is like again..." O_O
--Not even a real negative... just a thought that has NEVER left me alone since my first time watching this movie... What would it be like if Luke HAD gone with Han Solo after they received their reward for rescuing Leia?

Positives about Episode 4:
--Great epic move, solid story, well put together, etc... etc... etc...
--Obi-Wan was always a cool character to me.
--I loved seeing Luke's introduction to the force.
--Chewbaka! :D Gotta love Wookies!
--The back and forth banter between Solo and others is always amusing.
--The biggest positive, other than the first one, is that there are so few negatives. Those that do exist are hardly worth the mention. That is HUGE!

Simple nostalgia aside, I give episode 4 a 10 out of 10. It deserves it for opening the viewer to the wild and wide universe of Star Wars! The fact that there are virtually no negatives worth talking about is amazing.

Episode 5:
Episode 5 had a lot of anticipation hanging on it for me. To that end, I was hardly disappointing. There were a few moment I would have altered, had I been in charge, but that's almost always the case.

Negatives about eppisode 5:
--I wish I would have got to see more of Luke's training. I know, realistically it couldn't fit into the proper movie length, but I felt like it was just a bit too rushed for my liking.
--Lando Calrision. Never liked the guy. Even after he "Turned good."
--I always felt like Vader should have been able to find Luke after he dropped out the bottom of cloud city. If Leia could find him when Luke called to her, why couldn't Vader sense him?

Positives about Eppisode 5:
--Luke's training. Even though I would have liked to have seen more, it was neat to get to see him trained by Yoda.
--Luke makes a very reasonable progression. He is still a little cocky, hanging on to the "Child like" demeanor form episode 4, but clearly more mature and trained etc... It seemed a very realistic progression.
--Han Solo getting frozen in carbonite, though it was not part of the original script, I always felt like was a neat and unexpected twist.
--Continuing from episode 4, it was a great all around movie with an epic story that left you waiting for the next one. (Fortunately my first viewing was after all three were out, so I got to skip the wait. :P )

Over all, hardly anything to complain about. I had a few minor alterations I would have made if I was in charge, but nothing that was cringe worthy. I give episode 5 a 9 out of 10 ONLY because Lando Calrision and cloud city. I also feel like it, being the middle movie, was simply left unfinished (Though intentionally) Where as 4 is the beginning and so builds anticipation, while 6 was the final show and drew it all to an end, 5 just floats in the middle as an epic string between the two that, admittedly, fits seamlessly and perfectly in.

Episode 6:
Episode six brought it all together. It was a great conclusion to an epic story that captured the minds of people across the world. (Or universe, in Star wars terms) It was great to see Luke as a Jedi Knight, and his display at Jabba's palace was impressive. Of course, his fight with Vader and the rest of the movie was too. There is really hardly anything to nit pick at here, in my opinion other than Luke's little temper tantrum on the deathstar about Vader talking about Leia.

Negatives about episode 6:
--Luke's temper tantrum on the death star was, to me, a little out of character from his "Matured" self. Perhaps a flashback to his childhood times? I don't know, but I felt it could be better done.
-- And... yeah, that's pretty much it.

Positives about episode 6:
--Seeing Luke display his skills as a Jedi Knight. Always enjoyed the battle scenes and lightsaber duels.
--Seeing Luke as a more mature individual. Character progression is great. (Save his little lapse during his fight with Vader)
--Getting to re-visit Tatooine. I know it's supposed to be a "Nowhere" Planet, but I always loved the place.
--Ewoks! Nuf said. :P
--The moon of Endor was an awesome planet. It makes me want to go exploring. (Which I have got to do thanks to certain Star Wars games and it was AMAZING> *nerd moment I guess* )
--Seeing Luke overcome his temptation to the dark side.
--When Vader turns.
--Weird as it seems, getting to see Vader's face without his mask. I always wondered (up to that point) What he looked like under the mask.

A solid movie the whole way through. I give it a 10 out of 10! Hardly anything to complain about and it was an wonderful finish to an epic story!

Episode 7:
Episode seven was... well, where do I begin. Mostly , it was NOT what I was expecting... at all. Nonetheless, the third and fourth times through it, my brain came to terms with the "reality" of the situation. So I have reached a begrudged truce with the "New" star wars brand. I am, first and foremost, a star wars fan. I love to have seen the fandom expanded on, just would have done it different.

Negatives about episode 7:
--Kylo Ren takes off his mask. Really... you were way cooler looking with it on. Should have kept it that way. :P
--Rey has WAY to easy a time using "Learning" the force. I have forced my mind to explain this by saying she had some sort of training before she was dropped on Jaku... but who knows if that holds true.
--Fin and Poe.... -_- I don't know what to say about these two other than I simply wish they had either picked different actors or simply not been in the movie AT ALL.
--The space pirates that came after Han and Chewy were... WAY to Disney sci-fi ish... :/ :yuck:
--Of course you have all the changes from what once was established cannon as well... that kind of ticked me off.
--Luke was hardly in it!
--They couldn't come up with a better "Bad guy weapon"?" Really?? It's like they just coppied the death star, only bigger and better.
--To that end... there were some well done references to the originals... but many of them fell flat.
--There is more... but mostly minor nit picky things so I'll leave it at that
--I didn't really like how the Rebellion was right back where it started and seemed to have gained no ground since 4, 5, and 6... oops, I didn't end it there, but I will end it here. :P

Positives about Episode 7:
--Well, It was cool to see Lukes old lightsaber... O_o

--Ok... just kidding. There were a few more positives. I did like Maz Kinada and her establishment. It reminded me of a Massassi temple.
--I liked the idea of what Rey did to survive on Jakku. It seemed like a neat start for the story.
-- Han Solo
--Rey. I actually really liked her character.

All in all it was a great movie and I enjoyed the story... it just wasn't as much of a "Star Wars" movie as I was hoping. Couple that with the reckless abandon of established Lore and the poor choice in characters/casting for some of the "Main Heroes" It didn't really do it for me... I can only give it a 4 out of 10, sadly. I think I'll like it better as the years go by... but right now it's just not working for me.

Eppisode 8:
Episode 8 had many of the same issues as it's predecessor, but this time I came into the movie already having abandoned hope and expecting the worst. I guess in a way I was pleasantly surprised to see a movie that was at least slightly better than the one before, I thought.

Negatives about Episode 8:
--Fin and Poe... -_- There was literally NO point to ANYTHING they did!! O_O They accomplished nothing the entire movie. Why were they even there?
--Leia using the force to bring herself back from the spaceship bridge being blasted. I didn't mind that she used the force, just the way they did it seemed... lame.
--Vice Admiral Holdo could of at least done... something to reassure the crew... ?
--Fathiers... Cool critters but wish they would have chosen a different name. Really... I can't say it without thinking of "Fathers." Just weird...
--The way they make the force seem to come so, "easy."
--Snoke's identity crisis... or the lack thereof... however you want to see it.
--Rey's Parents (Though I don't believe it is true) being nobodies... that's just stupid... why would Kylo say "THAT" was why he KNEW she would stand with him... all because he saw that her parents were nobody??
--There are a few other things here and there, but I'll leave it alone for now.
--Ok... there is one more thing... Just kidding...

Positives about Episode 8:
-- I liked the progression in Rey's character.
--Getting to see more of Luke.
--Getting to see Luke's past and struggles etc...
--The salt planet was cool
--The critters on the salt planet and the Fathiers (inspite of the name) were really cool critters.
--The ancient tree with the Jedi text. I thought that was pretty cool. Besides... all Jedi having their begining in Ireland?? That's awesome!! :P Jokes aside, I liked the tree and the books.
--The fact that Rey takes the books. I loved that move.
--Yoda. It was nice to see Yoda as a puppet and with Frank Ozz doing the voice.
--Luke deciding the help, making this eppic show, then turns out he wasn't even there the entire time.
--The red guards that Kylo and Rey fight. They were pretty dang cool.
--I even kind of like the little, I like you but you're on the opposite side, sort of vibe going between Rey and Kylo. Weird, but it could work.
--I was supper relieved at the fact that they did NOT have Rey and Fin end up liking each other.
--Vice Admiral Holdo's suicide, very epic and stunning visuals.
--There are a few other things, but this covers most of it. :P

All in all I liked it better than episode 8, but it Poe and Fin had been gone I would have loved it! But... because they remain, I can only give episode 8 a 5 out of 10... sadly. :(

So there you have it. My star wars opinion in a nutshell. Yes... this IS the nutshell version. I tried to keep it very brief.



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 Post subject: Re: Star Wars episode 1 through 8 critique
PostPosted: February 7th, 2018, 3:04 am 
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HOORAY! You got there! Your Starwars review El Dorado!



 Post subject: Re: Star Wars episode 1 through 8 critique
PostPosted: February 11th, 2018, 10:46 pm 
Warden of the Knight
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Lol I did indeed! I will also add... If you ACTUALLY read all that, I am impressed! :P lol



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 Post subject: Re: Star Wars episode 1 through 8 critique
PostPosted: February 12th, 2018, 3:45 pm 
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I can only comment – and not overly much at that – on the original trilogy and the prequel trilogy, even though the Clone Wars Animated Series is – or was – shown on one of our smaller advertising-financed private TV channels. Bought the two trilogy boxes a while ago, and did watch them all. They’re just not overly memorable for me, in the literal sense that little has become lodged in my long-term memory. But then I also own a ten-film DVD box of the Star Trek films up to “Nemesis”, plus the first prequel. “First Contact” is the only one that has left any lasting memories.

It’s not that sci-fi fantasy films leave me cold entirely. The “Alien” Quadrilogy with Sigourney Weaver on the space sci-fi side was far more memorable for me. For the superhero genre, “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” takes the gold medal (and “X-Men: First Class” is the best prequel that I know of, even though there are some inconsistencies with the previous series), with the first two “Dark Knight” Batman films starring Christian Bale (“Batman Begins” and “The Dark Knight” right behind. The first “Avengers” movie comes close. Of somewhat different genres (and ratings categories) both the “Matrix” and the “Blade” trilogies were memorable for me.

But I very much enjoyed animated films on the comedy side, with the first “Ice Age” and “Shrek” movies topping anything I mentioned above. The odd sequel of theirs is also not bad, the most recent ones, though … never mind. And the “Madagascar” series has its very own charm, with the nutty penguins having rightly gotten their TV series as a spin-off.

But my favorite movie, far and away ahead of any other, remains “Once Upon a Time in the West”, Sergio Leone’s 1968 epic “Spaghetti Western”. That long, long intro at the beginning, where “nothing happens” for minutes upon minutes (and similar episodes later) – I can just imagine the more recent “epic battles 24/7” crowd’s brains going into meltdown mode … :fish:


 Post subject: Re: Star Wars episode 1 through 8 critique
PostPosted: February 19th, 2018, 12:09 am 
Warden of the Knight
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Well, I guess I won't hold it against you for not being a staunch star wars fan since I know you are a hardcore Tolkienite. :P As long as you like either star wars or LOTR I can always find something to talk to you about.



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 Post subject: Re: Star Wars episode 1 through 8 critique
PostPosted: February 19th, 2018, 6:50 am 
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Ok - confession.

I met Star Wars as a young child of the 70's. Not an American or North Hemisphere child, but as a child of the Southern Hemisphere in a very small, very inconsequential place. Kinda as remote as Luke's uncle's farm.

We watched, on our tiny TV over and over again the "original" Starwars. We brought our neighbours from other farms. We laughed, we cried, we slept and waked to blasters and cheesy 1970's "special effects". Over and over again. Because we were remote and there was nothing else. At. All.

US Westerns meant absolutely nothing to us. We had no cultural frame of reference at all.

And we loved it.

We loved it for its strangeness...for it was otherworldly like we were to the monolith that was US/UK hegemony. We were too new, too young, too "other" to comprehend just how much of our own national culture and identity we lost to "the West" (and no, whilst it might matter to you that that hegemony was not your personal doing it does not matter to the rest of us - AKA most of the world's population)

The promise of what this series offered. An escape. A wonder.

And what brought that back?

The modern films. From Rouge One. No, am not a "fan girl". I am perfectly adjusted to Star Wars movies being awesome, average, and *beep*. Recall, I was a young adult when the prequels came out - and stupid enough to pay to see that crap in a theatre.

I remain optimistic, but I am prepared now for them to be what they are.

Will I pay to see them in the theatre. Yes. If I paid for the other tripe, I set a standard. I will stand by that.


 Post subject: Re: Star Wars episode 1 through 8 critique
PostPosted: February 19th, 2018, 6:51 am 
Dunedain Ranger of Arnor
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Jax Nova wrote:
Well, I guess I won't hold it against you for not being a staunch star wars fan since I know you are a hardcore Tolkienite. :P As long as you like either star wars or LOTR I can always find something to talk to you about.

Lol! This is funny. Gando like writing paragraphs on stuff he really isn't into. What are all these other movies and shows he refers to? *yawn*

Anyway, back to the topic..

Jax, in my opinion, you are being quite generous in your ratings of the prequels. Being one who thought the original movie was good, but not great, I never really emmersed myself into the Star Wars fandom in the 80's. I did buy the original trilogy on VHS when it was released in the 90's and the kids loved them (remember the original Jawa the Hut?), and those tapes got (i use an old radio term here) heavy airplay on the VCR through the 1990's. Got to know the original characters much more then, as my one time watch at the theatres in the late seventies/eighties didn't really have me click with them, save Hans Solo. So, the prequels were the live introduction to my younger kids to the Star Wars universe, and though I actually fell asleep during a showing of Attack of the Clones , and the thing that stood out from it to me was the shiddy acting. Natalie Portman gave it some effort, but seemed to bin it part way through. George Lucas, despite this verse being his baby, was a shiddy director in this one.

That said, I got Elora the complete DVD set for Christmas a year ago. Have we sat through the prequels yet? Naw... usually watch the standalone Rogue One... That is a great movie!

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 Post subject: Re: Star Wars episode 1 through 8 critique
PostPosted: February 19th, 2018, 8:09 pm 
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Jax Nova wrote:
Well, I guess I won't hold it against you for not being a staunch star wars fan since I know you are a hardcore Tolkienite. :P As long as you like either star wars or LOTR I can always find something to talk to you about.

When I think about it I guess I was never big on going to a movie theater. I have far more films on DVD than I have ever seen in a theater. I may have mentioned the comment George Lucas made about Star Wars being a bit of LoTR in Space?

What you did not mention is a small sideline of the Star Wars universe, the LucasArts space flight simulator games of the early- to mid-1990s, “X-Wing” and “Tie Fighter”, (plus some expansion packs) which I played on my 486 PC back then. Found them a lot of fun then.


 Post subject: Re: Star Wars episode 1 through 8 critique
PostPosted: February 20th, 2018, 12:23 am 
Warden of the Knight
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Honestly I am the same way with most anything else. I almost never go to theaters unless it is starwars. I did see return of the King in theaters but that was it on LOTR.

And yes, I do recall that comment. That is a very interesting perspective but makes sense why I love both fandoms so much!

Yes, there is a massive addition to the universe once you add in all the games. I just wouldn't have the fortitude to write a review on all that at the same time!! Lol



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 Post subject: Re: Star Wars episode 1 through 8 critique
PostPosted: February 20th, 2018, 1:54 pm 
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Hanasian wrote:
Lol! This is funny. Gando like writing paragraphs on stuff he really isn't into. What are all these other movies and shows he refers to? *yawn*

Jax didn’t open this as a rah-rah thread – not that I would necessarily care about that. As to differences in reviews, JRRT commented on that in the foreword to the second edition of LoTR in terms that are totally sufficient. :p


 Post subject: Re: Star Wars episode 1 through 8 critique
PostPosted: February 25th, 2018, 11:58 pm 
Warden of the Knight
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Hanasian wrote:
Jax Nova wrote:
Well, I guess I won't hold it against you for not being a staunch star wars fan since I know you are a hardcore Tolkienite. :P As long as you like either star wars or LOTR I can always find something to talk to you about.

Lol! This is funny. Gando like writing paragraphs on stuff he really isn't into. What are all these other movies and shows he refers to? *yawn*

Anyway, back to the topic..

Jax, in my opinion, you are being quite generous in your ratings of the prequels. Being one who thought the original movie was good, but not great, I never really emmersed myself into the Star Wars fandom in the 80's. I did buy the original trilogy on VHS when it was released in the 90's and the kids loved them (remember the original Jawa the Hut?), and those tapes got (i use an old radio term here) heavy airplay on the VCR through the 1990's. Got to know the original characters much more then, as my one time watch at the theatres in the late seventies/eighties didn't really have me click with them, save Hans Solo. So, the prequels were the live introduction to my younger kids to the Star Wars universe, and though I actually fell asleep during a showing of Attack of the Clones , and the thing that stood out from it to me was the shiddy acting. Natalie Portman gave it some effort, but seemed to bin it part way through. George Lucas, despite this verse being his baby, was a shiddy director in this one.

That said, I got Elora the complete DVD set for Christmas a year ago. Have we sat through the prequels yet? Naw... usually watch the standalone Rogue One... That is a great movie!

Yes, I suspect that many would say I was rather generous in the prequels assessment. However, I honestly just didn't find as much wrong with them as other people seem to.

Oddly enough I was reading a review the other day where someone said the prequels we're better than the original. That is certainly taking it too far for me, but I guess you can find an opinion for about any position out there.



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 Post subject: Re: Star Wars episode 1 through 8 critique
PostPosted: March 24th, 2018, 8:58 am 
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My post won't be as long.

But as for Episodes 1-3 I felt they relied too much on CGI and green screens. It really took away the feeling of the originals.

4-6 were in my opinion masterpieces. I know they have flaws considering when they were made, but the use of practical effects really made it feel more real in a sense.

7-8 I have mixed feelings about. 7 was okay, but it didn't feel like a Star Wars movie. It just felt like a random action/comedy/sci-fi and not something that tied in with the rest. 8 was brilliant in my opinion and I felt it left so many doors open it's hard to predict what will happen next.


Rest in peace Carrie Fisher, the legend we didn't deserve.

 Post subject: Re: Star Wars episode 1 through 8 critique
PostPosted: March 25th, 2018, 6:03 pm 
Warden of the Knight
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I have to agree in principle. Most of that is a pretty good summary.



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 Post subject: Re: Star Wars episode 1 through 8 critique
PostPosted: May 31st, 2018, 1:48 pm 
Warden of the Knight
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With the addition of Solo, A Star Wars Story, to the line up, I am adding another post with my opinions on the new movie.

I originally heard a lot of negativity about this movie. I myself was unsure about the actor, but after seeing it I find all that negativity to be ill begotten. Solo was, without a doubt, a movie worthy of adding to my star wars collection! All in all, it was a fun (yet sad) viewing experience, and I came away very satisfied with the end product.

Negatives about Solo:
--It is very sad in a lot of ways. I liked Val and Tobias, Rio and L3. Yet they all die... it's kind of a sad, but not much of a negative as it is realistic in a lot of ways. So this is the most minor negative for me.
--Another minor negative was the way Solo got his last name. I just assumed and always knew it as a regular name. I would have left that out, but I have no real issue with it being in there.
-- Another "negative" kind of like the first one... I actually REALLY liked Han and Qi-ra as a couple. It made it even sadder in the end when she leaves him and yet covers for him so Darth Maul doesn't know of his involvement which shows she clearly still cares for him, but knows she can't just walk away from the life she has carved for herself without maul hunting her down. etc...
---The biggest negative (Which I knew would be there) is Lando himself. lol Just never liked the guy. :P That's may jut be me, though.

Positives of Solo:
--- First off, it is simply a good movie with a great plot structure. It's not predictable, but yet it's not unrealistic either. Loved that.
--- Nothing broke established Star Wars lore! :D :D :D
--- Seeing Han's early life and how he met Chewy
--- Great characters all around! Loved them all, even the bad guys made great bad guys! (Except Lando... hehe :P )
--- Seeing Han win the falcon at Sabak. I always knew that was how he got it, but it was cool to see it happen!
--- Getting the story behind the kessel run in twelve parseks. (sp?)
--- The movie made Han Solo easier to relate to in the original trilogy. At least for me.
--- It was neat seeing Solo's good luck charm added in. A cleaver touch, given its appearance in eepisodes 7 and 8
--- I loved seeing Terras Kassi added in! lol Maybe a little bit of my gamer/nerd star wars self coming out there. :P
--- Emfys Nest was a very cool character and worth mentioning alone!
--- L3, like Emfys, was a worthy solo mention in the positives. Loved the attitude of that droid! lol
--- Seeing how Han basically (at least by implication) helped get the rebelion going in the first place without even knowing it.
--- The addition of Darth Maul at the end was.... brilliant!! I'm just dying to know where that leads because you CAN'T end a movie like THAT without it leading somewhere! (I am thinking it leads into the next season of Star Wars Rebels or something... who knows)
--- The bit at the end where Han and Chewy go off to find some "Big shot gangster" on Tatooine... yeah, I thought that was cleaver. lol
--- Just in case I am forgetting something... it was just a very solid, good, entertaining movie! :D :D

Conclusion: It fits perfectly and seamlessly with all established lore, adds in a lot of cool nuances, and fleshes out Han Solo as a character. It's a great story with great characters and a great plot with cleaver twists. (That's a lot of greats in one sentence...) I am very undecidedly setting this movie just a notch above Rogue One. I give it a 9.5 out of 10! :D :D I will definitely be adding it to my star wars library.



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 Post subject: Re: Star Wars episode 1 through 8 critique
PostPosted: June 2nd, 2018, 12:33 am 
Dunedain Ranger of Arnor
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I agree for the most part with your critique. It was fairly obvious who was going to die because we know that Hans and Lando weren't. As far as Lando goes, I thought Donald Glover did a magnificent job playing Lando Calrissian. And yes, it was a bit contrived the way the name 'Solo' was given. I thought of a half dozen other ways it could have been done.

Overall, it stands on its own merit, and does what it intended to do, which was to develop the character.

Guessing theory time.... Is Qi'ra Rey's mother?

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 Post subject: Re: Star Wars episode 1 through 8 critique
PostPosted: June 4th, 2018, 7:58 pm 
Warden of the Knight
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Don't get me wrong, I think he did a PERFECT job of playing Lando! lol I just never liked Lando. :P

As for your theory... I thought that before I even made it home from the theater. Then I found out that Rey was originaly going to have the name Kera (pronounced the same) and it was abandoned. When doing this movie they took that name, changed the spelling, and used it for Han's girl. SO, I am half inclined to think that WILL be the case. Don't really know, but it would be kind of cool. :P



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