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 Post subject: anyone have any scary stories?
PostPosted: June 25th, 2005, 1:29 am 
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Anyone have any scary stories to tell that have happened to them? Personally, the only thing that ever happened to me that was scary was...... My family and i went biking on a trail, close to some little canyons.. my little sis was way ahead of me and my family way behind me.. Well, anyway, as i was walking along pushing my bike i looked up on top of the huge hill beside me and (you won't believe what i saw) I saw a panther looking below!!! It was really scary.... then soon the panther turned around and left out of my view. I froze untill my family caught and dad said "did you see that thing that walked in front of you a little while ago?"
It turn's out the panther crossed the path in front of me and went up the hill looked down and left! That was one of my most scary experiences.


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PostPosted: June 25th, 2005, 6:52 am 
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About three or four years ago my dad, my two sisters and I were on the way to Wales for a holiday... we were just near to the Severn Bridge and suddenly the whole front of the car erupted into fire! We we couldn't just stop in the middle of the motorway so we veered onto the side of road and ran into the open field next to it- JUST BEFORE THE FLAMES ENGULFED THE FRONT ENTIRELY. We had so much stuff in the back of the car, we were pulling it out as fast as we could to stop it from going up in flames. My little sister was scared stiff- she was only six years old!

Was the scariest thing ever... :blink: :confused2:

(Became a Valar on 16/06/05!)

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PostPosted: June 25th, 2005, 8:25 am 
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There's this foresty thig where I live and at one part there is this dich in there. It was fall so there was leaves about knee heightand I tripped over something and my sister tried to find what I had trpped over when she piked it up it was a pice of a human back bone. But I'm sure what ever happend to him he had it coming. Well there was the war of 1812 around here. Meh. :bones:

In the beginning, the universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry, and has been widely regarded as a bad idea.

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PostPosted: June 25th, 2005, 9:10 am 
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Ohhhh, scary! All 3 stories!

Near where I live, there was a landslide, years and years ago. Now people have made their own paths and bridges, and people often go down their to walk their dogs and stuff. It's a large place, but fun to go to.

Well, my oldest brother decided to take my youngest brother and I trasure hunting down there some time a few years ago. We had the metal detector treasure thing, and we were searching just before this wooden thing, and the detector started beeping REALLY REALLY loud.

So we decided to dig it up to see what it was, and it was a bomb :| Like a land-mine sort of thing. The whole area was barricaded off for ages, and no-one could go down there until the army had come to remove it.


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 Post subject:
PostPosted: June 25th, 2005, 2:36 pm 

One word: Roswell.
It was not a weather balloon folks..IT WAS NOT A BALLOOOOOON!!

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PostPosted: June 25th, 2005, 2:55 pm 
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*is wondering about Rumil is on about*

I was in France a couple of years back with my family and we were looking in a museum at a load of WWII memorial stuff, when suddenly I heard a sound of a gun shooting - at first I thought it was one of those stupid videos or audio things that scare the hell outta you every time you stand next to one, but this guy just suddenly came running through the glass doors and he had a gun - I was scared ****less! Then a load of police came in and told everyone to get down on the floor and not move... by which time the gunman had already gone and out across the fields somewhere. No one was hurt as far as I remember, but it scared me horribly :confused: that was the first time I ever saw a real gun.. it could have been shot at anyone, which was the scary thing!

Also, the next scariest thing was finding out that my favourite teacher from my junior school was actually a paedophile (sp?)... he was found out just after I left that school, which was lucky for the kids still at that school :confused:

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PostPosted: June 26th, 2005, 12:46 pm 
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those r all really freaky!!! all i can think off is this:

Once my Grandmother, Bev, and some of her friendsdecied to go to Hawii on vication. When they met their neighbors because of a car disfunction they told Bev that some spooky things might happen in the house she had rented. The wife's father had died there a few years ago. Bev didn't believe tin ghosts so she wasn't worried.

That night she heard sounds like some one was moving things around downstairs. That moring all of her friends denied ever going down there. Then next night she heard it again. And the next night, and the next.

One night Bev summond up her corage to look downstairs. when she look into the kitchen she saw a mass of air swirling things around. It look like a miniature tornado. As Bev watched the thing stopped swirling and dissapered.

Bev left the house and retured home the very next day.

This story is completely true. You don't have to believe it, but that's what happened.

^ Made by Perian. Thanx!
Princess Tora of Mirkwood
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PostPosted: June 26th, 2005, 10:10 pm 
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I have bear stories:

One time we were trail riding in the mountains, we were following this narrow trail that had a deep ditch like thing on one side and a steep side of a mountain on the other. Well down in the ditch was a huge blackbear, it made so much noise. That my horse spooked half way up the mountain. It happened really fast...After I brought my horse back down the mountain, back onto the trail. We continued onwards, only to find out a tree had fallen causing the trail to be blocked so we had to go back by the bear again. Agh! It was so scary, I sang nursery rhymes all the way back.

Another time, when I was much younger. I was sitting in our living room watching Pochahontas. I was so happy because my favorite part was when Jon Smith and Pochantas played with the baby bear. Finally when that part came, I heard something on our back porch. I looked out and there was a black bear smelling our flowers. I stood up frozen in fear and dashed upstairs to where my mom was doing her email. I told her there was a bear on our porch, of course she didn't believe me until she went outside. I still remember her shriek, which scared the bear away.



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PostPosted: June 27th, 2005, 11:01 am 

It wasnt me, but yesterday my sister saw my pet rabbit have a heart attack...

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PostPosted: June 27th, 2005, 2:39 pm 
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..Rumil.. wrote:
One word: Roswell.
It was not a weather balloon folks..IT WAS NOT A BALLOOOOOON!!
haha.. that what they tell everyone..

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PostPosted: June 29th, 2005, 2:57 pm 
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I don't have any scary stories, but my humanities teacher told me about her ghostly encounter in Scotland.

She went with this ghost tour group to the Underground City, (you people from Scotland should know what i'm talking about.)

How should I explain it??? The Underground City was where poor people lived and it was built underground. Several families lived in one room, so it was easy to pass sickness from one to the other. When a people in the Underground City got sick with the plague and such they just took some dirt and rocks and sealed off that part of the City, so they pretty much buried them alive (or dead.)

Continuing with my teachers story.

They went down into the pitchdark underground of the city eith only flashlights. (It was a whole group of people including a little girl) The tour guide said he'd never had any weird experiances down there except sometimes his flashlight would go out. They went into one of the rooms that hadn't been sealed off and sat down. The tour guide, btw his name was Jan, told them stories......not ghoststories......just stories. Nothing unusual happened. Then they got ready to leave. My teacher was at the front of the group of people, and she was already waiting in the hallway before anyone else. She looked down the hall into pitch blackness, and then out of the corner of her eye she saw a green light coming from the room down the hall a ways.Everyone came out in the hallway and my teacher told them to look. No one else saw it. Then she told them to stare down the hall and then look at the room out of the corner of there eyes. Then people began to see it, even Jan. Jan wanted to check it out, so they walked down the hall and looked in the room. Nothing was there. My teacher stared into the room and again out of the corner of her eye, she saw a ball of green light floating just above the floor a few feet away. She told the others to look out of the corner of there eyes in the direction of the corner where she saw the green light ball and they saw it to. My teachers friend asked what it was and they came to the conclusion that it was the ghost of a child.

BTW, in Scottish history it is believed that ghosts are green, so that s why they thought it was a ghost and they thought it was a child because there was a child in the tour group, and they believe the ghost child wanted to make contact with the child in the group.

If you don't believe it thats fine with me, but I believe it and I'm getting the willies just sitting here writing about it.

I have to go post somewhere else now........... :-D

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PostPosted: July 1st, 2005, 8:11 pm 
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One time when I was about five, my brothers and I were eating lunch at the kitchen table. Everything was pretty normal, until my brother spilled his grape juice. That in itself was not odd (three-year-olds spill stuff all the time), but when we looked down at the floor, the spill was in the shape of *gulp*...BARNEY! *shudders*

Disclaimer: I do not actually find Barney the Purple Dinosaur terrifying (though he is kinda creepy when he talks). This is a true story, but was told for the sole purpose of your amusement.

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PostPosted: July 1st, 2005, 10:25 pm 
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:blink: Those are some pretty strange stories....


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PostPosted: July 2nd, 2005, 1:22 am 
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I have one...

We live in the Quad-Cities down by the Missippi River, and we got a boat. First day out was GREAT. So we took it out again the next day.

There's this place called The Mark, and it's where all the Expos, concerts and stuff happen, and there was something we wanted to go see. It has a dock, so my family (me, dad, mom, two brothers) dcided to just take the boat up there.

There was only one way to get through to the Mark in the direction we were going in, and that's through the Old Locks. There used to be a Lock & Dam there, hence the name. The Lock & Dam is gone now, and it's really dangerous for small boats to go through there after a big boat like the Channel Cat (it's like a taxi for the river) has passed through it, because the big boats naturally have a bigger wake and make large waves, and if the boat is big enough, whirlpool.

We didn't know that a good-sized boat had just gone through there, because it's narrow and has a steep wall of rocks on each side, and it curves, so we couldn't see the boat that had just gone through there.

The waves looked pretty small, we thought we could take it. I was sitting in the bow of the boat with my two brothers, Eric and Nathan. The first two waves were pretty big, but we got through them O.K. We were in the middle of the Old Locks when a third wave washed RIGHT OVER THE BOAT. It was like diving under the water in the pool, only it was so cold and muddy. I was holding onto the bow railing for dear life. I was pressed back against the winshield of the boat. The force of that wave was so much, I thought my glasses would snap. I couldn't breathe or see, all I saw was water.

We got through it, but the water knocked out our engine. So here we are, floating in the middle of the Old Locks, and we can't move. We immediatly grabbed the oars and starting rowing, but it was really hard work. Luckily, we got out and got the help of a fimly who towed us to the Marina nearby. We got our clothes dried and free ice cream. We had to really thank the family-we were in a huge piece of trouble.

That memory stands out as my scariest moment, although I've had quite a few scary moments. But I could have died that day-we could have gotten swept into a whirlpool, or I could have fallen over the side of the boat and be drowned, even though I was wearing my life jacket. You really don't realize the dangers of water until you wind up in a situation like that.

And that is my near-death experience. It was REALLY scary.

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PostPosted: July 2nd, 2005, 11:18 pm 
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:jawdrop: Wow! you we're really lucky! That had to of been really scary! but i'm glad you got through it okay.


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