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PostPosted: June 16th, 2009, 10:39 am 
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[[I would’ve been here sooner, but our power went out last night… I hate stupid thunderstorms. :frust: Tortuga sounds like a great idea, Maeth. :yes: I hope this is all right… I have never roleplayed Jack before. :blush: ]]

In the heart of Tortuga, Jack Sparrow was reeling from a night of rum and pleasurable company. Amongst him sat four, no, <i>five</i> women, was it, all clad in figure-flattering dresses and smelling of cheap perfume. Each one had a smile plastered on her face, knowing that Jack had certainly been one of their best customers. Unfortunately, noon was drawing close and the little rendezvous with Gibbs had certainly not left his mind. Prying himself from the near death-grips of the women, Jack stood and headed for the door. “Ah, ladies, I regret to inform you that I must be taking my leave, as it were.”

“But you didn’t pay!” the red-haired prostitute objected, watching him swagger towards the exit. They had definitely earned some nice money from last night, that was for sure.

Jack turned on his heel, the trinkets in his hair clinking loudly. “But I am most certain that you all will agree my company was payment enough, eh?” He eyed each of them carefully, flashing a smile of gold and silver, and one of the blonde women giggled. “Ta-ta.” Righting his tri-cornered hat, Jack stepped out onto the dirt street littered with drunks and snapped his spine back into place with a loud <i>crack!</i> “Ahh, much better,” he sighed, also cracking his knuckles for emphasis.

“’Scuse us… some people are tryin’ ta sleep ’ere!” Said a man resting against an empty barrel of ale.

Jack raised an eyebrow and leaned into the drunkard’s face, frowning. “An’ some people are tryin’ to find a gent named Mr. Gibbs. Seen him ‘round here?” Without giving the man a chance to answer, he replied, “Thought not.” With that, Jack snatched the half-empty bottle of alcohol from the man’s hand and started to walk away, drinking it all down in one large gulp. “Rum’s gone,” he announced to really no one in particular, and tossed the bottle backwards. Planned or not, the bottle shattered over the drunk man’s head and he slumped over, unconscious.


[[For now, I suppose I’ll have Vari and Ed along with Barby’s crew, since they don’t seem to fit anywhere else. :erm: ]]

“She should know better than to barge in there when he’s in a bad mood,” Edward replied, folding his arms across his chest as he leaned back against the railing of the ship. “Adds insult to injury, what with Jack stealing the map like he did.” He glanced over at Varianna Pierce, who was grinning from ear to ear at the mention of her longtime friend. <i>Sparrow,</i> she smiled. The man was brilliant, if not eccentric, and his little escapade somehow had not surprised her. But perhaps after sailing with him for a little over a decade she had a bit of insight into that twisted mind of his.

“Well, there’s no use in standin’ outside the Captain’s door waitin’… any of ye up for a game of Liar’s Dice?” Vari questioned, mostly towards Loraline, who would offer the greatest challenge. Albeit young, the girl certainly knew what she was doing, and Vari admired that.

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PostPosted: June 16th, 2009, 1:39 pm 
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[ Jack was great Ara :) ]

Salma snorted softly. It was obvious that the Captain was not in charge, not in this cabin at least. Her extended knowledge of men told her that the woman had to be his girl or lover otherwise this powerful man would not be silenced like this.

"So you decided to stoweaway on a pirate ship to get away from the drunken pirates?"

Anger flared up in Salma's chest. She felt judged by this stranger. Did she know anything about her?
"You've got good ears Paddy" she responded sharply. "Although a ship filled with drunk pirates can hardly be better than a stinkin' town filled with drunk pirates. But it's a start."

Her hand brushed lightly over the bruise but did not wince. "I will survive" she said a bit taken aback by Andrea's offer. Cuts would heal and bruises would vanish. That's what they always had done.


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
Children, rejoice, rejoice..


It doesn't matter you don't believe in God, He believes in you.

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PostPosted: June 16th, 2009, 3:54 pm 
Lady of Gondolin
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[sure thing Lothy! Aurora needs all the friends she can get <3]

Aurora stopped mid stride, one leg hiked in the air as she heard her name spoken by a familiar voice. Her head turned, apple held between her teeth and arms outstretched to keep her balance. Because logically in her mind, when she heard her name she froze in whatever position she was in, but let's just say Aurora wasn't exactly 'stable'.

" eh 'eeley" She tried to speak with the apple still in her mouth until Dante pushed her leg onto the ground and yanked the apple from between her teeth, before placing it into her hand

"A-Rose, I don't understand you sometimes..." His voice deep, leaning against the wall with his hands crossed over his chest, looking amongst his friends who were all standing outside the Captains Quarters.

This was not the safest place to be right now. The last thing all of them needed was to be in the Captains or Lady Andrea's way when the door was burst open and they came storming out like he figured they would.

No no, they needed to steer clear of the strange couple until things were fixed.

"Aye. I be the eyes and ears of this group. If not for me they would know nothing. " Eli said with pride and slight puff of his chest, which doubled over when Loraline poked him in his stomach.

"You are in some sort of delusion if you believe that Eli. I think that Vari's plan is the best. Savvy? A bit of Liar's Dice to leave off of our interrupted game of poker." Loraline nodded her head to Varianna, the only real competition she had on this ship.

Dante nodded his head as well in agreement. He may have been a shoddy Poker player, but he was quite good at Liar's Dice.


The waves that C R A S H E D upon
The R O C K S that you were trying to step along
And in my head I heard them play a S O N G

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PostPosted: June 16th, 2009, 4:05 pm 
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Lothy Vashta Nerada wrote:
Cameron nodded and smiled. "Lieutenant Commander on the Valiant out of Dover. Beautiful ship she was. Not as beautiful as my Keeley though." He stopped himself and looked down at the rope he was holding. "Well, atleast I hope she'll be mine one day."

Alasdair nodded understandingly. "Well, a Lieutenant Commander in His Majesty's Navy has a better shot than most," he said, tugging his sash tighter. "How long've you been on the Pearl?" He asked, steping towards the midships.


Son of Bellatrix

Banner by Pandora

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PostPosted: June 16th, 2009, 4:19 pm 
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[I was doing it again guys. Just re-watched DMC and was like "Oooh, That's where Andrea would be standing!" or as Beckett came ashore "I coulda sworn I just saw Keyara!" and "That's where Alanna and her crew are hiding, right there!".]

You've got good ears Paddy, Although a ship filled with drunk pirates can hardly be better than a stinkin' town filled with drunk pirates. But it's a start.

Despite the ten years Barbossa had sailed with Andrea, he didn't actually know that much about her. Sure he knew her habits, how she liked her rum (not atall, she opted for more powerfull, expensive stuff) and had even managed to work out what week of the month to keep as far away from her as possible. He knew nothing of her past except the fact that 11 years ago the ship she was on sank and it was the Master Ragetti who had spotted her drifting on a piece of wood just off their starboard side. What he did know however, was what happend to the last person who called her 'Paddy' and couldn't look back on that day without cringing for the poor bu<b></b>gger. He only just managed to catch her round the waist with a strong arm before she did any damage.
"Why you fecking harlott! Let go off me! I'll tear your eyes out you little cow and shove them up your-" He slapped a ringed hand across her mouth to stem the banshee-like shriek and hoped she wouldn't bite it.
"Ye'll have te forgive me first mate, she's a tempermental little blighter." He said. "Ye keep out o' her way and ne'er be insultin' her heritedge again' an' I'll let ye stay on me ship. Do we have an accord?"


Keeley laughed at her friends' antics and walked over to join them. "I'll have a game too." She nodded, but stopped when she heard Andrea's shrieked curses. "Oh god help us!" she exclaimed.


"Just over a few months." Cameron answered following him. "Keeley and I stoleaway from Port Royal and ended up in Tortuga, then we ended up here. What about yourself?" He too then heard the shrieking from the captain's cabin. "This is all going to end in tears."

Illuminate the way to my heart,
It's twisting on a thread


 Post subject:
PostPosted: June 16th, 2009, 5:09 pm 

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Marianne heard furious shrieking noises coming from the captain's cabin. She raised her eyebrows and shook her head, glancing at the others. "What the hell?" she shook her head. Marianne prided herself on never going into any form of shrieking or screaming fit; however angry she was, she restrained it as much as she could so it was only expressed as quiet, cold anger. "God save whoever the captain's got installed in there."

She straightened up from her slouching position, her narrow shoulders rolling back gracefully as she stretched.

"Liar's Dice? Might as well join in. Look's like the captain's going to be quite busy." She fished around in her pockets for some more tobacco for her pipe.


~~Siggy by Lembas~~

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PostPosted: June 16th, 2009, 8:25 pm 
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Richmond knew it was time to find relative safety amongst the other crew members when the shrieking started. He briefly considered checking to see if there was anything he could do to help, but it wasn't his problem, and he intended to keep it that way.

"I'd hardly be surprised if this ship's got one less passenger by tomorrow," he commented as he joined the others, who were setting up for a round of Liar's Dice. He wouldn't join in, but he'd watch.

Richmond took a quick head count, wondering who it was that Andrea was shrieking at. He was doubtful it was the Captain, but who did that leave?

- married fingon fingolfinion 6/4/13 -
~art credit~

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PostPosted: June 17th, 2009, 6:08 am 
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"Do you need a hand here?" Nathaniel asked as he walked over to Alasdair and Cameron. With the Captain and first mate disappeared from the deck most of the crew started the game of 'Liar's Dice' as there was no one to put them to work. Nathan, who was used to hard work and above all a terrible liar, decided to help with the work that had to be done.


Salma snickered and watched with raised eyebrows how the Captain had to contrain his furious first mate. Her hateful words did not bother the Mexican girl at all. She'd grown used to insults and contemptuous looks of higher society which happened to pass by town and ignored them.
"Bless you Captain.." Salma grinned. "You should be careful. You might.. burn yourself on that hot temper of hers."

But Salma was not crazy. Greatly relieved she was at hearing his generous terms. The Captain coul d have made his way more difficult for her. Throwing away last of her apple she didn't hesitate any moment. "I accept your offer."
She reached out her hand to shake his but realised that he was unable to follow her example. "She must quite a handfull" Salma spoke sweetly. "If you ever tired of that wild thing, you know where to find me." While speaking she wiggled her skirts somehwat up to reveal more of her fishnet stockings.

Having achieved the desired effect, she marched down to the door but before she opened it, she turned back to Andrea. "Surely you won't take a look at this would you now?" She gestured to the gash on her face and shrugged.
She opened the door and stepped into the warm sunlight and laughed, leaving the Captain and his mate behind in the cabin.


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
Children, rejoice, rejoice..


It doesn't matter you don't believe in God, He believes in you.

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PostPosted: June 17th, 2009, 12:19 pm 
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Barbossa was careful not to let the struggling girl go untill Salma had left the cabin and he had managed to put himself between Andrea and the door. Even then he only took his hand away from her mouth. "Will ye calm down an' stop ye strugglin' lass!" he exclaimed when she still didn't stop wiggling around under his arm, causing him to hold on tighter. "Ye ney goin' after her and I ain't goin' to be lettin' ye go untill ye quit tryin'."

Andrea drew a long breath then let it back out again, trying to calm herself down. Eventually she stopped struggling and half slumped with her arms crossed. Carfully Barbossa slid his hand back from her waist, but not before leaning over her to grab a bright green apple from the fruit bowl on the table.

"Ye best be staying away from her Rhea, I don't quite fancy having my ship covered in blood again so soon." He said, taking a bite out of his apple.

"I think you'll find she's best staying out of my way, Hector." Andrea answered, plucking the apple out of his hand and taking a bite herself, causing the captain to roll his eyes again, before handing it back. Apart from Jack, she was the only person who ever got away with calling him by his first name. In her mind, she had earnt it.


Keeley was the first to spot the girl exiting the cabin. She stared for a bit, taking in her appearance, before spotting the blood and bruise on her face. "By god!" She exclaimed a bit too loudly. "What did Andrea do to the girl?!"

Illuminate the way to my heart,
It's twisting on a thread


 Post subject:
PostPosted: June 17th, 2009, 1:42 pm 

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Posts: 4502

(Will, is it okay if Marianne knows Salma vaguely? ^_^)

Marianne turned at Keeley's explanation as Salma sauntered out of the cabin, a nasty-looking gash marking her face. She frowned. The girl looked somewhat familiar; black hair, of Mexican origin. In a flash she remembered where she'd last seen her; Tortuga, Marianne's tavern. She had - Marianne wondered how to put it delicately - "worked" for a regular, if somewhat unwelcome, customer. Marianne had never wanted that lot coming to drink in her property, but short of firing her pistol through the ceiling (she had done that only once when some no-good attempted to steal the takings from the till, and it had made a hole in the floorboards of John's room), there was nothing much she could do. Those men were violent with the girls who worked for them, and it showed on Salma's face.

"I don't think that was Andrea," Marianne commented to Keeley. A thin smile formed on her lips. She raised an eyebrow as the girl in question left Barbossa's cabin.


~~Siggy by Lembas~~

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PostPosted: June 17th, 2009, 4:46 pm 
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Lothy Vashta Nerada wrote:

"Just over a few months." Cameron answered following him. "Keeley and I stoleaway from Port Royal and ended up in Tortuga, then we ended up here. What about yourself?" He too then heard the shrieking from the captain's cabin. "This is all going to end in tears."

Alasdair smiled and laughed. "More likely in roundshot and powder smoke, but 'tis all the same." He said, looking the Pearl over. "I've been here for a while, I suppose. My ship, the Ceberus, she was captured by a few pirates who knew thier buisness. I deserted, saved my skin, and got dumped on Tortuga. I joined up with Barbossa a while after. Of course, the locals nearly lynched me the night before, so I didn't have much of a choice." he said, shrugging as he loosened a marlinspike from his belt.

"Do you need a hand here?" Nathaniel asked as he walked over to Alasdair and Cameron. With the Captain and first mate disappeared from the deck most of the crew started the game of 'Liar's Dice' as there was no one to put them to work. Nathan, who was used to hard work and above all a terrible liar, decided to help with the work that had to be done.

Alasdair tapped a foor on the deck, turning the marlinspike in his hands. "Well, the magazines need to be looked over, inventories need to be taken, and we should have the chase guns in position. What to do first?" He said, glancing at his two companions.


Son of Bellatrix

Banner by Pandora

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PostPosted: June 18th, 2009, 1:31 am 
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(I love your Jack, Aramel! He's great)

Gibbs waited at the door of the downstairs bar for the women to finally finish business. Most of which, he thought, would be Belinda whining about how Christine always ended up on these adventures, even though it was obvious she didn't want to go. The woman, who fancied herself Christine's mother figure, would then go off on a tangent about Christine needing to stick up for herself. He'd heard it all before when Christine was younger and didn't have the sense to take into another room, and it wasted his time then too.

After two mugs of rum, a now fairly happy, Gibbs spotted the ginger haired woman looking flushed and out of sorts, wringing the strap of her bag while biting her lip. Damm his luck. He'd have to re-talk the girl into going. More wasted time in the blasted hell hole.

"Chrissy...what's troubling ya now lass?" Gibbs asked as the woman scurried over.

"N-nothing!" She replied defensively, grabbing the man's arm and tugging him out of the place while looking about wildly as if a phantom pursued her.

When outside it was obvious that whatever had made her nervous inside had also sucked the little color from her face, causing her brown freckles to stand out in a ridiculous manner. It also threw into sharp relief her split lip and black eye that had been cleverly hidden with the large brim of her cap before.

Gibb's frowned and received the same look from the girl in front of him. "Don't you dare say a word," she warned, turning around and stalking off before halting. "I don't know where I'm going," she said loudly as if it made up for her foolishness.

Gibb's rolled his eyes, "Still noticeable, Christine. And the Capn's this way," he said, gesturing over his shoulder before meandering off towards where he last saw Jack.

The two spent about an hour before they came across the familiar, slightly slurred, baritone of their captain. And luck would have that the same man had been looking for him. Gibb's grinned and sidled up behind the man, clapping him on his back.

"Well ya done found yerself yer first mate, Jack. And lookit here, I found our quartermaster too," he said, maneuvering the captain to face Christine who waved back at the man, looking less than excited to see him.

Truth be told, nothing could have made her happy because she was hot, sweaty and tired from being led about in circles. Not to mention her nervousness had been growing and she was fighting the urge to check behind her again. The same strap over her chest once again being turned in her hands.

"Hello Jack," she said with a small smile. "I think I should have a better position that quartermaster," she added, trying to lighten her mood. It also served to hide her previous feelings from the less than observant captain - well, he was observant, but she felt that it would be rude for him to point out a difference as it was obvious she didn't want to talk, and he'd never seem the type to pry for any feelings before.

Heavens no. Hell Yeah.



Set 1: Nurr | Set 2: Me

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PostPosted: June 18th, 2009, 7:16 pm 
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[[<b>@Maeth</b> - Your Gibbs is amazing as well - I can absolutely picture him saying and motioning the way you describe him. :pirate:]]

Jack glanced over at Christine, the corners of his mouth twitching as he took in her appearance. The twisted look on his face was extremely hard to read as he scrutinized her every movement, every flinch and blink and breath… “You look bloody awful, and <i>you</i> - ” He turned to Gibbs and looked him up and down, cringing as he did so, “ - you smell of swine. But appearances and stench aside, the both of you will be invaluable to me on my forthcoming venture.” He reached into his unbuttoned tunic and revealed a furled fragment of wood that was cut into a circle. “Lady and… Gibbs, I present to you,” he flourished the chart with a ringed hand, “the Fountain of Youth.”


[[Skipping ahead in time a bit… hope that’s all right. ;-)]]


“Fine then, but I’ll prove ye wrong,” Vari shrugged, leaning back in her chair and folding her arms. Sure enough, there were not only seven, but rather <i>eight</i> fives on the table. Edward grimaced and pushed ten more coins in Vari’s direction, adding to the large pile on her side of the table. He shook his head as he watched his pile slowly dwindle, and hers grow. This was absolutely pathetic; it happened every time and he’d swore he’d never play her again, but the thrill of gambling was strong enough to break any promise. “What’d I tell ya? Should’ve went and upped the bid,” she laughed, admiring the gold pieces as they glittered in the candlelight.

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PostPosted: June 18th, 2009, 9:42 pm 
Lady of Gondolin
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"Is that your new favorite word Eddie? Ye ain't doing too well using it." Aurora laughed as she watched the exchange between her friends, grinning as the man moved his coins over to Vari. Her pile had indeed grown large.

Aurora, Dante, and Elijah had all dropped out of the game.

Elijah was just a terrible liar and had lost all of his winnings to Loraline in the first round. Aurora had been next, but only because she had tipped over in her chair and caused her die to be exposed to the rest of the table.

Dante had played well, but withdrew with but a single coin left, his winnings divided among Vari, Edward, and Loraline.

All that remained of the fearsome foursome was Loraline and she was holding her own. Her pile almost as large as Varianna's.

The dice were once again cast and Loraline tipped her cup upwards, head lowering to see what she was going to bet.

"Eli, don't you look." Linny called out with that infamous raise of her brow to which Aurora slid her tri-corner hat off of her head and shielded Elijah's questing eyes.

"Make your bet Linny." Dante grinned, pushing his dark hair out of his face as his eyes moved from the younger pirate to the older Vari.

"I'll bet six twos."


The waves that C R A S H E D upon
The R O C K S that you were trying to step along
And in my head I heard them play a S O N G

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PostPosted: June 18th, 2009, 10:28 pm 
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[To this day I still can't figure out how to play that game.]

There was a bang on the table as another cup was smashed down.

"I bet four sixes." Said Andrea with a cocky smirk as she sat down on an up turned box and placed 5 bright green apples on the table, having stolen them from Barbossa's carbin. She also brought out three bottles from behind her back, one rum, one port and the last her own treasure; vodka.

Many were suprised she could drink the stuff, especially the captain. The sweet and rich drink was usually too expensive for the average pirate, not to mention strong. That was why she liked it and prided herself on being able to hold her liqueor. It was because of the high cost that it was such a treasure and raised the stakes of the game alot.

Illuminate the way to my heart,
It's twisting on a thread


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PostPosted: June 19th, 2009, 9:30 am 
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Salma frowned at Keeley but then realised she'd probably heard there had been a quarrel. "Andrea..? Oh.. you mean that wild cat?" She cast a glance at the first mate who'd also made her appearance on the deck. "Nah.. you should give her that much credit.." Salma grinned but did not react at Marinanne's comment.
"So.. since I'll be staying here for a while.. mind someone showing me a place to tidy up a little?" Her eyes fell on a tall, dark-haored man who was watching a dice game. "You perhaps, handsome?"


Nathan smiled at Alasdair enthusiasm. "It seems like you would be expecting an enemey attack every minute. That's good." He gave the man an appreciating tap on the shoulder. "We could take the inventories first" Nathaniel said, glancing at the skies. "I think the Captain's mood is affecting the weather. It will rain soon."
He walked over to the ladder which led below deck. "So you were both Marines?" he asked his companions. "It didn't bring you both much fortune then.."

[ Oh and the gent Salma meant is Richmond, as he wasn't busy :P ]


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
Children, rejoice, rejoice..


It doesn't matter you don't believe in God, He believes in you.

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