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PostPosted: November 9th, 2009, 4:30 pm 
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Dylan listened to Adrianna's words and he knew.. he knew she was right. He knew that the silly scrap of paper was enough for them. It had condemned him, sealed his fate. But all of this, Dylan now realised, did he know already. He had seen it, remembered it.. long ago.

He watched with satisfaction how anger showed on her face. In a soft voice he answered her cold hiss, supressing his own anger: "Of course it's not your government. You're just a simple pawn, a mere messenger." He felt great fulfillment how he could vent all his anger on her. "Of course," he ruthlessly he continued "you don't have any blood on your hands. You were just following orders..."

For a moment Dylan was silent. His breathing was deep as if he'd run a long distance. He realised that it was not smart to expose so much of his hatred just yet, as much as he wanted to show her his contempt for her.

“Staying here is ridiculous. I... why--”

Was it just him, or did her voice seemed softer than before? Was it a slight hint that she would cover him? Or did she want to have the triumph of calling the Warden over to bring him in?

"Run where? To my house which you have burgled and is being watched? To friends or family? So you can arrest even more innocent people for harbouring an 'enemy of the state' ?" Dylan's voice was calm again. He had seen them through after all. "You know as well as I do that there's nowhere to run."

The doctor leaned somewhat closer to Adrianna and he looked with his piercing gaze into her eyes. "No" he whispered "You know that the only one who can save me is you... and that scares you to death." With a slight smile he just stood there, never tearing his gaze off her rather beautiful face. "The question is if you will help me.."


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
Children, rejoice, rejoice..


It doesn't matter you don't believe in God, He believes in you.

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PostPosted: November 10th, 2009, 5:40 pm 
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There was only the slightest touch of thought on the doctor's face, but Adrianna saw enough to know that he'd heard her. A simple handwritten, careless scrawl on an old scrap of paper meant he was a dead man if ever he was caught. The two knew beyond a doubt that he'd be shot down without mercy, without thought, and, possibly, without cause. Having the power of life and death in one's hand was not an everyday occurrence, and some dark, twisted part of her savoured the feel of it.

This was a repetition of everything she'd heard of and seen before. There were very few people in the city who could not claim that they'd seen someone being taken away, arrested or imprisoned somewhere because of their actions - and Adrianna had seen more than most, though she was extremely careful never to mention this to anyone. Information like this was, ironically, the kind people would kill for. Within a part of the government, she held a reasonably high position. She had so much to lose, and she knew it.

A vague animosity overwhelmed the majority of her thoughts as he answered her with insults far too accurate for her to address directly. Conversation was drifting into more dangerous waters, anger and fury were becoming more prominent in the two voices that never strayed louder than a low whisper. Words would begin to gain more sting, if they had not already. Honestly, she did not know whether or not she disliked him more because he had labeled her nothing more than some kind of servant or that he'd accused her of spilling blood. If asked, she would have said that it didn't matter whether or not what he'd said was right - it was the mere fact he'd accused her of such a thing. She would not realize that by attempting to arrest him she was doing something very similar in reverse. Nor would she admit that because the doctor was closer to the truth, perhaps even more than he knew, it hit that bit harder.
Just following orders...

She heard the words in a kind of quiet slow motion, as if they were coming to her across a vast distance. They were three words that summed up most of her life, a driving need to find somewhere safe to curl up and hide, to satisfy her selfish need for security, to find a hole where she could bury her head in the sand.

For a second, he seemed to pause. Her very slight change in tone might have triggered some kind of suspicion in him, or maybe he'd just thought of something that would help him get away, or it might just have been that he'd found a more interesting was to mock her. Remaining guarded, she let she silence stretch out as far as it would between them, waiting for her cue to answer with something scathing or condescending, whichever seemed appropriate at the time.

When the silence was broken, his infuriatingly calm façade was back in place. It would've been easier for her if he'd shouted in rage or kicked and screamed, because that was how these kinds of... situations... usually ended: whichever person who had been sent to deal with the 'criminal' being either attacked, knocked out or yelled at - and minutes later, when the Wardens arrived, said criminal being dragged bodily towards the nearest cell for interrogation. This reaction implied he'd expected this eventuality, and knew he couldn't change it - he was being entirely submissive, yet his tall form radiated the kind of defiance that was hard for those in authority to dispel.

Automatically she opened her mouth to retort, then shut it firmly again. Beyond a doubt Adrianna knew what he said was true; if he ran back to friends, family, colleagues - anyone - they would be put in as much danger as he was now. No, he was far better off leaving them and disappearing. She hated how right he was.

Fighting against the urge to lean backwards as the doctor leaned towards her, Adrianna listened carefully without saying a word. A frown and somewhat solemn expression dominated her face, while green eyes stared with something that might have been tantamount to fear.
It would have been silly to ask if he knew what he was asking her to do, because evidently he did, and knew it would cause her discomfort, to say the least; would she risk her life to save another?

Oh, but the consequences. There were far worse things than pain and death, and she was pretty sure that if anyone ever found out that she'd be subject to most of them - as would he, when they found him.
If they found him.

A few seconds later, her mind rearranged the question: would you chose to save a life, or willingly become a murderer?
Something cold ran the length of her spine and she resisted shivering. Without quite meeting his eyes, she spoke.
“You realize that if they find you I cannot and will not be able to protect you,” she murmured in a voice that was barely there. “If you're seen, if you're heard, or if you falter, you'll be dead before you've heard the coming.” Hesitant though she was, her voice retained the ability to be both quiet and forceful. She hoped - for her sake as much as his - that he'd read in it that he was to get as far away from the place as possible, as fast as possible. She'd have to call the Warden after he'd left, and in any case he would not want to be around if she started to doubt her decision - but she wasn't the only one he'd have to worry about. In days past, she'd seen people turn in their friends for the rewards it brought them. If he wanted to survive as an outlaw, he'd have to be very careful about who he talked to, if anyone.

Much of this she did not say aloud, for despite this act, she knew she was not his ally, and he wouldn't trust her regardless of what she said.
Something cold seemed to burn inside her, and she knew that this did not make her a saint. This did not excuse or condone anything she may or may not have done in the past, and it did not make her a “better” person.
Doing the right thing doesn't earn you any points for morality, she mused silently, simply because it's what is expected of you anyway.
And that was a test she feared she'd already failed.

<center>- - -</center>

There was a pause as Cameron watched Garnet with a smile, and the latter looked as if she were about to liven the room with her laughter. Her face was lively and bright, and she seemed to see far beyond the drab, greyish walls and the numerous piles of ruined books that she spent her days piecing together. Contemplating for a second, Cameron found Garnet might actually have been quite suited to her job - if the use of it was changed slightly - had she need been so restricted in life. She was good at fixing things. Her natural problem-solving qualities were wasted down here, he realized. There was no such thing as creativity anymore; everyone's time - that is, everyone's except those politician's - was taken up by work. The only time they weren't working was when they slept, and he knew first hand that many would say even then it wasn't for long.

Laughing, Garnet brushed away his comment, smiling. She was still holding his hand.
“Good thing too,” he told her, “I plan to make a nuisance of myself.” his grin was charming and his head tilted slightly to one side while he looked at her from a slightly skewed angle.

It surprised him when she mentioned her parents. It wasn't that they'd never spoken about it before, and it wasn't that she had buried her feelings about their death too far beneath the surface; it was because usually when their names were uttered, something akin to conspiracy ensued. Both Cameron and Garnet knew that there was no earthly reason why her parents had suddenly disappeared, without warning, without cause. They had been amazing people in a dark time, a terribly dark time, and for so many of their students, a shining beacon of hope.

Nostalgia crept up on him, and he found himself thinking back, flicking through the years and the memories. Adrianna had introduced him to Garnet, he recalled, after a particularly eventful day she had spent “exploring the school” which, at that point in time, meant “annoying anyone who came within three feet of me”. The latter's ability to withstand his sister, throughout their teenage years had made Cameron laugh whenever he thought of it, but the two were not prone to arguments and for a pair who were so different, they got along remarkably well.

“The Sun. Stars...” he paused thoughtfully. “Don't they just sound so... far away?”
As she mentioned it, he did remember. Tales of a world, whole continents of open land, trees, grass and open sky had taught a generation of the city's inhabitants to dream of something bigger than living in an underground cave. No-one knew, to their knowledge, how far it was to the surface or if it was even possible to get up there - and honestly, some were afraid of finding out. These days, secrets had new meanings. If information was kept hidden from people, then most knew it was wise to leave it that way. Some secrets only lead to bad things happening.

“I would never have dared imagine escaping possible, without you,” she said. Cameron sat forward in his chair, innocence written on his face in a way that suggested he was not the least bit angelic. “That's because I'm such a stubborn, charming, rebellious person,” he said, “and just the kind of person who'd get a kick out of trying to pull one over on certain people.”

When Garnet seemed strangled with emotion, Cameron tried to find something to say to cheer her. As he opened his mouth, a high-pitched ringing filled the room - and most likely any surrounding rooms - with deafening noise. Still with his mouth hanging open, Cameron stared at Garnet with a questioning expression, wordlessly asking for an explanation as to why he was temporarily deaf.
“Oh,” he said as he was enlightened. “Does it not have a mute button? That might come in handy if you ever actually wanted to hear anything again.” he joked.

Standing up, silent but not ignoring Garnet, Cameron crossed the room to the door. He opened it and bowed his head a little, offering his arm to Garnet with his most dazzling smile. “I would indeed be glad if you would allow me to accompany you home, miss,” he announced softly, content to know that he could stay in her company for a short while longer.

“I know,” he said in response to her last statement. “And if we have even the slightest chance, I promise you Garnet, I'll take you.”
He meant every word.


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PostPosted: November 10th, 2009, 6:12 pm 

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Posts: 4502

Garnet looped a battered suede bag over her shoulders, smiling at Cameron. She gave a small laugh. “The alarm is rather annoying,” she said, eyes glittering with humour. “But we bookkeepers must withstand it every night. But still, it signals my freedom for another evening.” She paused, watching him, a thoughtful expression flickering across her lovely features. It was as if she caught sight of something in his gaze that had momentarily snatched away her ability to speak; then suddenly, she gave one of her radiant smiles and removed a key from her pocket. She gently ushered him from the room, turning off the light, then closed the door behind them, fitting the key in the lock and turning it. With one swift movement she tucked the key back, and looked up at him, letting his last words sink in.
“I know,” she said softly. “You’ve always kept your promises to me, to everyone. I don’t doubt you, Cameron.” Though she spoke quietly, there was huge emphasis in her words; her faith in him was tangible. Her arm slipped through his. “Come on, let’s go home. I’ve been here since the early hours of the morning, I can never wait to get away.”
As they walked out of the library, Garnet barely glanced at her surroundings. She knew her way out of her workplace, having worked in the library now for quite some time. As they went down the steps, she let out a breath, as if she had been holding it in. “Work’s done for one night, thank goodness!” she looked up at Cameron. Her arm was still linked through his, her slim fingers resting on the sleeve of his jacket. That same strange expression lingered in her gaze; a pause stretched out. She felt she had to say something, make some gesture, to express to him just how glad she was that she was not alone in her wish to get away from here. That he would go with her, if they could; that he understood.
Suddenly, as if giving up on words, she leaned forward and kissed his cheek.
“Thank you, Cameron,” she said.
Another tiny moment, before she smiled at him and turned, looking around at the town square. “Let’s go, then.” Her footsteps carried her away from the steps, her arm still in his, not dragging him along but allowing him to walk at his own pace. Garnet had never been one to drag people. They took the route that led towards their houses, which were relatively close. A slightly eerie silence hung over the underground street; a silence that would have chilled a young woman with less determination, less inner strength, than Garnet.
Sometimes people underestimated just the amount of strength that Garnet possessed, that she had possessed from a young age. Since her parents’ death she had had to be strong; she had not allowed herself to be destroyed, though her grief had been raw and terrible.
This same girl walked down the street with Cameron, happy because at last, her wish to escape the underground labyrinth that they lived in had finally been expressed, and to the one person who she knew above everyone else would understand her. Him.


~~Siggy by Lembas~~

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PostPosted: November 10th, 2009, 7:21 pm 
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They seemed to be swallowed by the darkness as the neonlights dimmed because of the late hour. But not just the lack of light yet also Dylan's thoughts became darker and darker. He did not know how long he'd been standing there with the woman who'd openly declared to be his enemy.

Only moments after he'd spoken the words, the silent plea for help, he realised what the consequences would be if he would simply disappear. It would mean that he had to give up his job, his freedom, everything he'd hold dear.. Inwardly he grinned at the irony of the situation. His lack of attachments with anyone caused that his disappearance would remain unnoticed. He would not be missed. The hospital would not question his absence, many people after all just disappeared, but after a while they would search a new doctor and Dylan Whittaker would be forgotten.

A life like a caged animal, where he would have to run and hide. Only the prospect of such a life was almost unbearable to Dylan. He was a passionate man not afraid to share his opinion or to speak up for others. He could not hide in the knowledge of what was happening around him. Captivity, no matter in what for prison, would suffocate him. He had to fight...

Adrianna's silence seemed a good sign. Dylan knew that she was considering his proposal. He seemed to have judged her character well.

“You realize that if they find you I cannot and will not be able to protect you,” she murmured. “If you're seen, if you're heard, or if you falter, you'll be dead before you've heard the coming.”

"I am already dead.." Dylan groaned "No matter where I am." Then a sudden idea struck him. It would be dangerous, yes, very dangerous. But then it would also offer quite a new opportunity. "Perhaps.." he started in a slow whisper "You should turn me in." He looked up at her again and a misschievious grin appeared on his face and his eyes glistered. "In this way your surperiors won't suspect you. After they have seen me they put me in jail. But then you have to bust me out before the execution."

He realised that this whole plan seemed like suicide but it had already formed in his head and it was perfectly consistent. When they thought he was dead, he could strike back.

"What do you say?"


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
Children, rejoice, rejoice..


It doesn't matter you don't believe in God, He believes in you.

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PostPosted: January 9th, 2010, 7:24 am 
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[ Bumpidumpy!

IS this still alive? :( ]


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
Children, rejoice, rejoice..


It doesn't matter you don't believe in God, He believes in you.

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PostPosted: May 2nd, 2010, 6:04 pm 
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[ Just checking here to see if anyone heard something from Melda lately? ;) ]


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
Children, rejoice, rejoice..


It doesn't matter you don't believe in God, He believes in you.

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PostPosted: May 4th, 2010, 5:20 am 
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[*bounces in* She hasn't been on AU for a while, but I could give her a poke in this general direction if you want? :) ]

Even In Darkness [Updating]


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PostPosted: May 4th, 2010, 7:39 am 
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[ If you could do that! :hug: Thanks Enno! :) ]


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
Children, rejoice, rejoice..


It doesn't matter you don't believe in God, He believes in you.

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PostPosted: May 4th, 2010, 9:42 am 

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Posts: 4502

(Hooray! :-D Thanks so much Enno :hug: )


~~Siggy by Lembas~~

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PostPosted: May 4th, 2010, 3:41 pm 
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[Sorry guys! School restarted and I got kinda lost in school itself/coursework. Exams start in a few weeks too, so it'll probably be hit and miss as to whether or not I'm around, but I'll pop in every so often to assure you all I'm not dead. Thanks for waiting! :hug:]


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PostPosted: May 4th, 2010, 6:20 pm 
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[ Melda lives! :happy: I'm happy to see you around again dear! Hopefully you'll pop in this thread once again to revive this RP. :) ]


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
Children, rejoice, rejoice..


It doesn't matter you don't believe in God, He believes in you.

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PostPosted: May 5th, 2010, 6:40 am 
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Silence lay heavy all around the two, weighing down thoughts and feelings. Adrianna couldn't remember a time when she'd had to re-evaluate her position and act so quickly; usually any situation she got herself into had several routes out, of which she took the safest or easiest. There was only one road out of this, though and she was dreading every step.

After speaking, something seemed to unsettle the doctor that had nothing to do with her. The slight clue to his emotions was quickly covered, though, and immediately his cool, calm and composed exterior faced her again, impassive and a little imposing.

It was here that she realised she knew absolutely nothing about him, nothing other than his name. He worked as a doctor, therefore he must work with people; he cared enough about those he knew to want to handle his impending arrest alone and, most importantly, he wasn't giving in to this without putting up one hell of a fight.

The austere manner she'd worn before was fading ever so slightly and there was a haunted expression hiding in her eyes. Her thoughts raced in circles until they tied themselves in knots and every cold breath of air burned her lungs. Every ounce of bitterness she conjured up towards the doctor had evaporated when she'd met him and found her assumptions about his character to be wrong. Statistics told her that in the number of people that were arrested, there had to be at least some that were guilty - it was supposed to be how the system worked. When she'd been met with such temerity and innocence - two things she, personally, didn't come across often in her line of work - she found that the world she'd lived in for so long, small as it was, was very different to how she imagined it. The reality of it stung, somewhat.

The words I'm already dead, no matter where I am broke through her thoughts. She faced him with suspicion in her eyes and the way she set her jaw, but she had the overwhelming feeling the person she'd misjudged so radically was right, yet again. In this, she had the advantage - two minutes away there'd be three or four Wardens standing idle, waiting for the first cry of alarm - but she was still fighting a losing battle.

Though she had no words to assist her, she'd been about to attempt a reply, a protest, when the doctor continued, weaving and plotting a scheme that would find them both guilty for treason.

“Perhaps... you should turn me in,” she saw a hint of something like humour in his expression that surprised her, under the circumstances, “In this way your superiors won't suspect you. After they have seen me they put me in jail. But then you have to bust me out before the execution.”

At once the response was a resounding no; however, the more she thought it through, the more feeble that little voice became. It got a point where she almost shook her head in an attempt to rid herself of those nagging little doubts.

The government's power resided in the fear of the people, mostly. Fear and brute force. Pulling off this plan would require a swift, sure hand, quick judgment and light steps. As an aide, she'd needed to negotiate the organised chaos of politics and step into the shoes of those with power more than once. Though she had no influence directly, her position under the Governor gave her actions significant weight; she definitely wasn't a public face, she was the one who ran the errands that the public weren't supposed to know about.
This kind of plan could work, and she knew it beyond a shadow of a doubt. That's why the tempo of her heartbeat had increased so rapidly.

A few seconds went by before she realised that, in her mind, she'd already agreed and was working out the logistics: clever lies, misinformation, alibis, proof...

Her first concern, however, was making this look convincing. There was no way he could wander over to the Wardens with her and just say ‘Hello, can you arrest me? Thank you.’ Questions would be asked, answers would be extrapolated or guessed and, one way or another, she'd end up going the same way as countless others.

No, this had to be clever. That made her think.
A chase might be sufficient enough evidence to present to anyone questioning her about her finding the doctor. She would, as she'd planned on her way here, call to the Wardens or whoever else was listening that would render ‘assistance’; ordinarily they'd get a little trigger-happy with stunning weapons they'd been issued to use against criminals or to end disputes, however with Adrianna there and fear of punishment or dismissal if they went too far, she could assure he awoke in a cell, maybe, but with nothing worse than the last remnants of a headache and a meagre food supply.

He'd have to trust her. Adrianna wasn't sure she should ask that of him.

She had so little choice, though.

For once, she was glad she came out unarmed. Quite apart from the fact the doctor may have seen such a thing as an act of aggression, she was spared having to render him unconscious herself.

The doctor was still looking at her, waiting patiently for an answer. Against what, an hour ago, she would've called her better judgment, she nodded and met his eyes in an attempt to prove that she was taking this seriously.

A quick glance at her watch told her the Wardens changed shift in seven or eight minutes, which meant somewhere around them there would be almost double the usual amount of on-duty guards around. More witnesses meant this part of their plan, at least, would work well to keep her name - in the eyes of the people who mattered at that particular moment - clear.

“Start running. I'll call to them. We'll come after you. Make sure you're not too easy to find or they'll get suspicious.” She paused, puzzling out the events that were soon to unfold in her mind. It was important that this was convincing, but nothing more than a routine bag-and-tag.

“Don't provoke them. They'll have permission to stun only - so brace yourself.”

She would've been surprised if he hadn't heard of the Warden's getting a little carried away when going after lawbreakers. He seemed to have sense, but whether or not he listened to one of his enemies was another matter.

Looking around for the quickest route out of the square, she took a few steps backwards. “Run,” she urged him, “now!”

[Woot, I'm getting excited! :teehee: I'd forgotten how awesome this is. :D
@ Goldyness: I'll post with Cameron a little later. :D]

ETA: Cameron! XD

The night was quiet, and every so often a pause in conversation would allow the pair to take a breath and relax in one another's company. The silence wasn't imposing, eerie or awkward: they both knew one another too well for that. Cameron loved to laugh and joke but this wasn't the time for that. Now it was important he stress how much he'd give for the best friend he'd ever had, and how much he'd continue to give had he the opportunity. If that meant making her smile when she felt alone or humiliating himself so she could laugh, he's do it without a second's hesitation.

As they headed out of the cover of the building, Cameron felt a wave of cool air wash over him. The gentle tingle against his skin was refreshing and he felt, as he had not for a long while, at peace with his surroundings.

They stood outside for a minute, taking in the change of scenery with no more than a quick glance; this place was drab and dull and was no place to idle with cheery thoughts in mind. The best place to be now would be a small, cozy house with a fire and something nice to drink. They'd sit and talk, using the excuse that they'd been waiting for Adrianna to come home after her unexpected departure. Cameron was close to his sister, but her inward, borderline insecure personality didn't allow for friendships she couldn't hold at arm's length. He'd known his sister to love as wholeheartedly as any person, but he knew the thing holding her back would be that she'd never breathe a word to anyone.

Such bitter irony.

Garnet had long since linked arms with him, and they'd begun the slow walk home that both had traversed many times before.

“Thank you, Cameron,” Garnet said softly.
The place where her lips had brushed his cheek briefly tingled and his heart sang Garnet's name; his head was filled with a low-pitched buzzing and he had to crash back to reality fast, otherwise his feet would forget how to walk. The smile he gave her summed up everything he felt; it truly spoke of love, of the pure and beautiful feeling that rippled through him every time he caught a glimpse of her smile.

Now, he thought to himself, he was content. She knew that he would be there for her, unreservedly, to help with anything and everything she needed.

A night that had seemed colourless was now bright, they walked onwards with a light step and a steady pace, ready to face the world together, even if there should only be two of them. A part of him knew Garnet would feel this, in part, too, and that gave him strength.

Now he was back within the centre of the city, the two would be nigh inseparable. He felt endlessly glad to have one friend he could trust implicitly again; after so long with colleagues that stay constantly stiff-lipped and distant, close friendship was a refreshing change.

The underground caverns he called ‘home’ would never fit in with his ideals, however, with Garnet stood beside him, he'd face a hundred corrupt governments, one after the other. The very notion of what they were planning - in the very loose meaning of the word - meant, first and foremost, treason. It also meant that if they succeeded or even if they failed, everything would change - whether this be for better or worse, that was yet to be decided.

They'd face it, though, with as much determination and bravery as their human hearts could muster.


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PostPosted: May 6th, 2010, 1:49 pm 
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Country: Rohan (xr)

Dylan waited silently as he watched Adrianna was weighing off her options. It was hard to tell whether she was in favour of his plan or if she was to call the Wardens and to turn him in for illegal activities and high-treason. Yet, he waited calmly. Realising that he'd asked more than just a favor of this woman, and above all an agent of the government, he couldn't afford to come across as rash or loose his temper again.

But from her reaction to his earlier accusations he'd already derived that she was no true loyalist. She seemed almost ashamed of her own actions. Probably another poor soul who was forced to work for Government to ensure the state's welfare and safety.. Dylan mused, but he could not feel pity for her. Her fear and compliance strengthened the Government and caused the misery of those he really pitied. He witnessed the effect of the terror, which held their city in its hold, every day at the hospital.

Finally Adrianna nodded her head in approval. Dylan breathed out, somehow relieved. Without her help he would surely end up as a corpse. Now he was still a dead man but then with more time. He would have to go underground, but with the chance to strike back.. take revenge. It would mean that he was to give up his life now. He would run from everything and everyone he knew. But he had known that this moment would come, ever since he took his decision to overstep the boundries, that fatal day, four years ago. Now the moment had come he was not afraid nor did he regret his decisions. Only the fact that he had to rely on those he did not knew, or trust, he feared. He would now loose control over his life.

“Start running. I'll call to them. We'll come after you. Make sure you're not too easy to find or they'll get suspicious.”

Dylan looked at her again and realised he did not even know her name. All the better, for when they would meet again, they had to act like strangers, like enemies. "Don't you worry. I'm not a fool," Dylan replied with a grim face. "I've seen what they are capable of, but believe me.. they don't need to get provoked.."

He took a few steps back, his mind racing over places where he could go, and glanced at Arianna for the last time before turning his back on her. "See ya" he grinned.

And then he started running. He ran down the dark alleys and zig-zagged through streets. He could not go in any house or building, out of fear that anyone else might get involved. He made way towards the the outskirts of the city, but to enter the suburbs, he would have to cross the river first. The Southern bridge, some half a mile east was the nearest passage.

The brigde!

It surely could serve as a decent hiding place for now. The doctor quickly ran to the riverbank and let his body slump in the cold water. He let out a hoarse groan as his clothing was soaked by the icy water in no time. With effort he tried to move his numb limbs and swim towards the bridge. Out of breath he climbed on the river bank again, right beneath the bridge. The place was dark and there was space enough to seclude a person.

Out of breath and trembling with cold, Dylan sat down against the stone wall, which was the foundation of the bridge and waited...


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
Children, rejoice, rejoice..


It doesn't matter you don't believe in God, He believes in you.

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PostPosted: May 6th, 2010, 4:56 pm 
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Within seconds the doctor had taken off; his parting words still hung in the air. This, however, wasn't what was occupying Adrianna's mind. Ten.

As soon as the doctor had started running, she'd turned and headed out the way she'd planned, pausing only for a moment to steal a breath of cool air that she hoped would calm her. Back to business, though. Nine.

When she opened her eyes again, she saw the world in a slightly different light. She'd committed to this plan now, and no matter how much she disliked her circumstances she would be stuck with them - she could accept that. Acceptance came so easy for her, because the orders she'd been given every day since she'd turned nineteen were not ones to be misinterpreted, ignored or changed to suit one's self. Eight.

He'd seemed relieved, Adrianna realised, when she'd agreed to his plan of action. The man was, from what she'd seen, generally calm and controlled, but there seemed to be something in him that simply would not bow down and be trodden on. Of course she'd never admit it, but she respected him, if not for his fight for his own free will, for his selflessness. In such a situation he was already avoiding others he could drag into danger along with him. To act on selfish, somewhat 'protective' impulse was second nature to Adrianna: barely a day went by where she didn't dodge the truth or tell an outright lie to keep her little world from tearing itself into little pieces. Seven.

The thing that surprised her the most was that she found herself unwilling to betray the doctor she didn't know, even though as a ‘law-abiding’ citizen she was obligated to. Even now she felt uneasy a the thought of calling the Governor himself down here to join the manhunt, despite that being the ‘proper’ course of action; instead, she was consciously giving the doctor a good ten-count before calling the guards and going after him herself. In that way, she could cover for him, bear most of the responsibility for the hunt, steer away any unwanted attention and soothe her aching conscience. Six.

Among the Governors and the main power-holders and figure heads of the government she had very few friends. Everyone had acquaintances, colleagues and those they owed a favour; there wasn't a single person who couldn't pull some kind of strings at the last minute to get their own way or impress someone. Adrianna was no different: if it kept her in the green, she'd do it. Her life revolved around events that were morally grey at best, but she was used to it... the discomfort she was dealing with now was entirely new to her. Five.

The street at the other end of the square was looming closer; the boarded-up, mismatched buildings looked older than ever up-close and she was feeling increasingly aware of how alone she was and how much was about to happen mere seconds in the future. Four

Earlier, she'd been glad she was unarmed. Now it didn't feel quite so safe out here in the streets enshrouded in eerie shadows. The biting chill in the air nipped at the skin that wasn't under the warm safety of her jacket and she allowed herself to shudder now that no-one was around to see it as weakness. Three.

Not long now. Adrianna hoped the doctor had enough sense to run and keep running until he would somewhere that was either suitable for hiding in for a few hours until the initial search party headed back to regroup and plan their sweep of the city. After that, he'd have another small advantage over them - on the other hand, if he set out too late he'd be caught by the first wave of searchers looking for him. Two.

Oh, he'd better be ready when the storm hit.


Her cry was louder than she'd first intended it to be, however, it had the desired effect: immediately she heard the sound of barked orders and sure, marching footsteps. Once again donning her mask of impenetrable ice, she waited silently for the Wardens to catch up with her.

At first, their reaction to her presence was cautious; they seemed unnerved by how close she was to whatever had gone off. Before anyone had even the chance to utter a question, she'd already flash a handy identification badge and was signalling for the nearest guard to hand over his weapon. He obeyed, reluctantly, and pulled his secondary 'stun-gun' from its holster.

“We have a target moving due West towards the city's border,” Adrianna started, getting straight to the point. “We need a perimeter and all streets checked. I want your personal assurances that you will firstly, report back to me, and secondly, let nothing pass you by.”

The tall man nodded once then gave orders for the men to move out in teams of two and three. The low, no-nonsense tone Adrianna had used seemed to be having the desired affect: he wasn't happy about his instructions but he'd follow them to the letter or, he knew, it'd be the Governor himself that'd be having words with him.

Weapon raised high and anxiety levels even higher, Adrianna made her way through dark streets, surrounded by thoughts of a future darker than she had ever imagined.


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PostPosted: May 6th, 2010, 5:31 pm 

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Walking down the quiet street alongside Cameron, Garnet wondered, a wide smile spreading across her features, why she felt so ridiculously happy. In truth, she knew she didn’t have to ask herself why. It was an idiotic question. The answer was walking beside her right this moment, his arm linked through hers. Although her hold on his arm was feather-light, she never wanted to let go. She had to keep reminding herself not to spin round and hug him.

For a long time now, Garnet had felt as if she was waiting for something, waiting for something in her life to change. Ever since the dreadful night her parents had been taken away when she was thirteen years old, she had felt as if her life was balanced on a cliff-edge. Nothing had seemed certain or hopeful anymore. Everything had looked dark and uncertain from her viewpoint. Her teenage years had been bearable, to say the least, and she’d only felt happy when with Cameron and Adrianna. And these past few months she’d been wondering: where was her life going? What purpose did it have, what use? It had one practical use, to patch up the books the government deemed safe for the knowledge of the citizens. But that wasn’t enough. How could it be, when that career had been forced on her?

When Cameron had turned up at her door, tonight, she had been in one of her most dispirited moods. All in a moment, that had changed. Up until that point, she had wondered if she’d actually ever see Cameron again. She’d heard small reports of how he was doing from Adrianna, of course, in the time he’d been gone, but they hadn’t been enough to fulfill her curiosity. She had wanted to hear from him, his own voice telling her how he did. She’d wanted him by her side.

Adrianna and Garnet were still good friends, of course, but it wasn’t a very close friendship now, however fond of each other they were. Adrianna was so busy these days; and the rare chances the two young women had to see each other were snatched. They had shared so much in their teenage years, but things had changed now.

Allowing herself a small glance up at Cameron, Garnet felt her smile grow warmer. If only he knew how she felt. She wanted so much to tell him, but at the same time she shied away from such a proclamation; if he only saw her as nothing more than his best friend, then what would become of their long friendship? Garnet feared more than anything losing him. She feared being utterly alone in the world. She had no parents to guide her and care about her; all she had left was him.

However, tonight she felt slightly reckless. Now more than ever she wanted to tell him. He had promised that if they got the chance, they would escape this cavernous life of theirs. Garnet’s heart felt full of seemingly impossible hopes, and she could not hold back her feelings. Suddenly, she unlinked her arm from his and instead, took his hand, threading her slender fingers through his. Smiling at him, she knew that even if she couldn’t outright declare undying love, just being beside him was enough. And Cameron would never really guess the depth of such a gesture. It was enough, for now, just to hold his hand. She knew what he meant to her… even if he didn’t.

Raising her head, she frowned slightly at the sound of pounding feet, echoing in the steady silence. They sounded as if they were coming down along the street. She heard two voices shout to each other, and her heart jolted. Without knowing she did so, she gripped Cameron’s hand a little tighter.

“Wardens.” Her voice sounded a little dry. The head librarians were bad enough, but all sorts of tales had circulated around the wardens, in the service of the governor. Rumours of stun-guns and surprise arrests. Stories that chilled the blood. Sometimes, remembering that Adrianna worked for the governor made Garnet wonder exactly what her friend’s job entailed. She looked up at Cameron; she did not look afraid, but anxious.


~~Siggy by Lembas~~

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PostPosted: May 6th, 2010, 6:40 pm 
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[Goldy, I absolutely adore your banner! That girl is really pretty! :) Who is she? ]

It was a quiet night and it didn't take long before Dylan heard screams and marching feet. They were slowly drawing closer. In a last attempt to deceive his pursuiters, he took off his soaked jacket and threw it in the river so it would be washed away by the stream. Hopefully it would be found when it washed ashore further down the river.

The doctor then retreated in the dark corner, almost blending in with the wall. He didn't know how long he sat there, chilled to the bone, knees against his chest; just waiting. It was then that he realised what suspense could do to a man. Hesitation, doubt, panic, anxiousness, regret. In the moments he sat there, all those emotions seemed to tease him. Yet Dylan's sense of rationality and own willpower were stronger so he forced himself to remain calm and to wait until he was found.

Footsteps were getting louder and louder. They were moving over the bridge, above him. Dylan held his breath. Soon it would become clear how thouroughly the Wardens searched the City. And if they found him, there would be many. He just hoped that whenever he was caught Adrianna would be there, and would keep her word, for his own sake.


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
Children, rejoice, rejoice..


It doesn't matter you don't believe in God, He believes in you.

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