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 Post subject: Fantasy RPG
PostPosted: February 26th, 2012, 5:25 pm 
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Fantasy RPG

Hi, and welcome one and all to this RPG that Cara and I have cooked up, as part of an effort to revive the RPG section!

We live in a world that has been conquered by a dragon from the North, and it's up to us, the Rebellion, to try and take back our land. However, there are some who regard change and uprisings as evil, and they will everything to fight back against us.

We, the Rebellion, have set up camp in a tiny alcove of the mountains, but no camp is safe. The others draw near, waiting for the right moment to strike out and destroy our efforts.

Character Sheet:
Other info:

Please no god-modding.
Please write with proper punctuation, capitalization and spelling.
Please no Mary-Sues or Gary Stews.
Have fun!!!


Name: Davina Kerrig.
Age: 25.
Gender: Female.
Appearance: A medium sized, blue eyed and short brown haired young woman who doesn't care about how she looks, therefore her travelling clothes are always in mess. She never wears dresses, even when she (very rarely) is present in high class meetings. Her trousers are tight to the legs and shirt is hidden under plate armour she always wear. She isn't very pretty, some of them may say her lips are too narrow or nose a little bit broken.
Personality: Very lifefull and messy as her clothes. She always say that is good to die during a fight and her bravery she proved in many battles. She is a veteran despite her young age. She is stubborn and difficult to talk and cooperate with but has rather good heart hidden under stone appereance.
History: She comes from North, when dragon took over the land, she was 16. Her parents died in dragon fire and she was only one left from the huge family she once had. She joined the Rebellion because she believes that every evil must meet sad end and she wants to be the one who will kill the creature.
Other info: She is viking type lass with a sword and axe.
Played by Cara

Name: Annora Laro
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Appearance: Long, curly blonde hair that is usally braided to keep it out of her way. Blue eyes that usually hold an air of defiance in them.
Play-By: Emilie de Ravin
Personality: Courageous, reckless, and desperate to prove herself. She will tend to bottle up her emotions rather than let them show.
History: Annora's father was one of the most honored warriors in her home village, but he was badly wounded in the most recent dragon attack. Now, he still is highly respected as one of the leaders of the Rebellion, but he resents the fact that he can no longer fight. Annora, having been secretly trained in combat by her father, longs to take his place in the fight, but is forbidden by both her parents, for her father fears for her safety and her mother thinks it not proper behavior for a young woman. Annora hates feeling caged in this way, and longs to prove herself in battle.
Other info: Her biggest strength in battle is her skill with a bow.
Played by Arabella Baggins

Name: Crutchie
Age: 16, but doesn't really know for sure
Gender: Male
Appearance: Front Row, Third from Left
Personality: Loyal, but often says things he shouldn't really blurt out at first moment. Doesn't really think before he speaks. Eternally optimistic.
History: Crutchie was born in an orphanage because his parents were killed during one of the first dragon attacks (or so he thinks), but, unfortunately, this was a very mean orphanage so the headmaster cast him out onto the streets on account of his lame leg. One of the Rebellion leaders adopted him as a 'charity project' so that everyone could feel good about themselves for taking in a homeless kid. Unfortunately, Crutchie's proved to be more trouble than he's worth, and there's been rumors about throwing him out onto the streets again.
Other info: He walks with a limp, and has to use a crutch because of that.
Played by Crutchie

Name: Gain (pronounced Guy-in) Farstride
Age: 24
Gender: male
Appearance: ... -snow1.jpg
Personality: Laid back, calm, and collected. He prefers to look at things through the bigger picture and see all aspects of a situation and try to find the most conventional way out. He is mostly quiet, only speaking when needing to, and tends to be bluntly truthful. He will not sugar coat things. "Reality is reality, there is no use playing at imagination" he often would say to those that brought this aspect of his character up, because he has hurt the feelings of others before because of this. And in this nature, he is more of a loner, preferring to keep to himself if he could help it. Also, Gain has a very dark sense of humor.
History: Gain is the *beep* son of a noble and a scullery maid. When the noble's wife found out about Gain, she had him and his mother kicked to the streets. No longer having a job, Gain's mother no longer had a way to care for the baby, so she gave him away to a traveler that offered to care for the child. The traveler was a hunter, or ranger as some people referred them. He raised Gain as his own, teaching him how to be a hunter. When the dragons came, the man he called father was killed while Gain managed to get away. He spent the rest of his life in the wild, generally staying away from large populations of people, because the dragons were drawn to towns, but rarely made their way to the forests. He stumbled upon the rebellion by accident, and with an urge for vengeance for his 'father', he joined them.
Other info: Usually wears worn, light leather cloths(the leather is cured to be waterproof), a dark green cloak, a hunting knife at his belt along with a small sword, a throwing knife in his boot, and a bow and quiver on his back.
Played by Eruraina

Name: Xavier Draganfuil
Age: 27
Gender: male
Appearance: ... 2#/d3fd1w3
Personality: Pretty much mysterious and cold.
History: Xavier's past is a mystery. His coming was as sudden as that of the dragons. One day he was just there, wrapped in his dark cloaks, holding a strange staff in his hands. Where a dragon passes, he follows not far behind. Or, if you have not encountered a dragon yet, and come across him, than a dragon won't be far away. He has a strange connection to the dragons that can not be explained. He is neither for them, nor against them. One of them, but separate from them.
Other info: Xavier is not a warrior. He could never be a good one. Because he is completely blind. He sees nothing but darkness. But with his connection with the dragons, he can see through their eyes if they're close enough. This is one of the reasons he is always found near a dragon, because it's the only way he can see. How he lost his sight is unknown.
Played by Eruraina

AKA Crutchie :)
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Last edited by Harthad on March 29th, 2012, 4:27 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Fantasy RPG
PostPosted: February 27th, 2012, 4:00 am 
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Name: Davina Kerrig.
Age: 25.
Gender: Female.
Appearance: A medium sized, blue eyed and short brown haired young woman who doesn't care about how she looks, therefore her travelling clothes are always in mess. She never wears dresses, even when she (very rarely) is present in high class meetings. Her trousers are tight to the legs and shirt is hidden under plate armour she always wear. She isn't very pretty, some of them may say her lips are too narrow or nose a little bit broken.
Personality: Very lifefull and messy as her clothes. She always say that is good to die during a fight and her bravery she prooved in many battles. She is a veteran despite her young age. She is stubborn and difficult to talk and cooperate with but has rather good heart hidden under stone appereance.
History: She comes from North, when dragon took over the land, she was 16. Her parents died in dragon fire and she was only one left from the huge family she once had. She joined the Rebellion because she believes that every evil must meet sad end and she wants to be the one who will kill the creature.
Other info: She is viking type lass with a sword and axe.



 Post subject: Re: Fantasy RPG
PostPosted: February 27th, 2012, 10:30 pm 
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Name: Annora Laro
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Appearance: Long, curly blonde hair that is usally braided to keep it out of her way. Blue eyes that usually hold an air of defiance in them.
Play-By: Emilie de Ravin
Personality: Courageous, reckless, and desperate to prove herself. She will tend to bottle up her emotions rather than let them show.
History: Annora's father was one of the most honored warriors in her home village, but he was badly wounded in the most recent dragon attack. Now, he still is highly respected as one of the leaders of the Rebellion, but he resents the fact that he can no longer fight. Annora, having been secretly trained in combat by her father, longs to take his place in the fight, but is forbidden by both her parents, for her father fears for her safety and her mother thinks it not proper behavior for a young woman. Annora hates feeling caged in this way, and longs to prove herself in battle.
Other info: Her biggest strength in battle is her skill with a bow.



Sig set and banner by the amazing Nurr!!

 Post subject: Re: Fantasy RPG
PostPosted: February 29th, 2012, 7:52 am 
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(I'll start!)

Crutchie limped into Nyfer's tent, drawing aside the flap and peeking in. Nyfer beckoned him inside, and Crutchie hobbled over to the lone chair. Nyfer always liked to pace, so there was only ever a chair in his tent when he had visitors. But Nyfer's pacing always made Crutchie nervous, and he expected this time to be no different. He sat down in the rickety chair, propping his crutch up against the side.

"Did you want to see me, Nyfer, sir?"

Nyfer stopped his pacing, only to look at Crutchie for barely a second, and then resumed walking around the tent.

"Since you came here, I have constantly been getting reports from everyone in the Rebellion--everyone, boy."

That was another thing. Nyfer only ever called Crutchie 'boy'.

"And the reports have all been about you. They say you are disruptive, you talk too much and you always look on the bright side of everything!"

Crutchie blinked. He didn't see a problem with the last reason.

"We are supposed to be telling people the truth, boy!" Nyfer continued. "Not win them over to the our side by telling them a bunch of lies how our struggle is going against the dragon and it's minions! We tell them exactly how our situation is! Do you understand me?!"

Crutchie nodded dimly. He had never seen Nyfer act like this.

Nyfer took a deep breath. "The point is, boy, if this keeps up, we will have to abandon you. Leave you somewhere where you cannot endanger us any further!"

"But, Nyfer, sir--"

"No 'buts', boy!" Nyfer took a moment to compose himself, and then resumed his talk. "We could, of course, ask someone here to take you in. Maybe teach you what the Rebellion is really about, and what we're doing. Not that you could do anything to help anyways."

Ouch. That hurt.

"I've asked a few people, important people to the Rebellion to report here later. I will ask them to kindly take care of you, as it is the noble thing to do. Until they arrive, I ask you to stay here."

AKA Crutchie :)
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 Post subject: Re: Fantasy RPG
PostPosted: February 29th, 2012, 8:08 am 
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Davina Kerrig was singing. No, she didn't have good voice and she was doing it very quietly but she enjoyed this very much. She rarely sang. But this was song of defeating creatures that abandoned light and wanted to destroy the Rebellion. That was the only thing now that was important.

While she was going to Nyfer's tent, some people were greeting her, some looked at her axe with suspicion. She was known here, but mainly because of her lifefull temper that might led to good or to bad. She gave her life to Rebellion. She was her only lover.

Nyfer was in his tent, as she thought to be.

"You called me?" she asked with joyfull smile. She never reffered to him as 'sir', even if all people were doing it. The first thing she saw when she entered was a small boy. He had a crutch.

"Oh my" she tought.



 Post subject: Re: Fantasy RPG
PostPosted: March 1st, 2012, 10:42 am 
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Annora cast a dark look over her shoulder as she excused herself from her father's presence, still fuming about the conversation that had just occurred. Why were he and Annora's mother so blind? Why couldn't they see that their daughter just wanted to fight to regain their freedom, as they all did? She wanted to help, and what was she doing instead? Running errands!

A fierce wind blew her hair and skirts back as she moved. She stalked across the Rebellion's camp and into Nyfer's tent without announcing herself. She was far too upset to think of manners and protocol right now.

Once inside, however, she stopped short, holding her hands together behind her back. Annora hadn't realized that Nyfer had company. A small boy with a crutch sat in the only chair, and nearby stood...what was her name? Davina. Annora's eyes narrowed slightly. Davina was allowed to fight. Why not she?

"I'm sorry," she said, bowing her head respectfully to Nyfer. "I was not aware you had visitors. When you are able, my father wishes to speak with you."



Sig set and banner by the amazing Nurr!!

 Post subject: Re: Fantasy RPG
PostPosted: March 2nd, 2012, 2:43 am 
Lady of Strife
Lady of Strife
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Name: Gain (pronounced Guy-in) Farstride
Age: 24
Gender: male
Appearance: ... -snow1.jpg
Personality: Laid back, calm, and collected. He prefers to look at things through the bigger picture and see all aspects of a situation and try to find the most conventional way out. He is mostly quiet, only speaking when needing to, and tends to be bluntly truthful. He will not sugar coat things. "Reality is reality, there is no use playing at imagination" he often would say to those that brought this aspect of his character up, because he has hurt the feelings of others before because of this. And in this nature, he is more of a loner, preferring to keep to himself if he could help it. Also, Gain has a very dark sense of humor.
History: Gain is the *beep* son of a noble and a scullery maid. When the noble's wife found out about Gain, she had him and his mother kicked to the streets. No longer having a job, Gain's mother no longer had a way to care for the baby, so she gave him away to a traveler that offered to care for the child. The traveler was a hunter, or ranger as some people referred them. He raised Gain as his own, teaching him how to be a hunter. When the dragons came, the man he called father was killed while Gain managed to get away. He spent the rest of his life in the wild, generally staying away from large populations of people, because the dragons were drawn to towns, but rarely made their way to the forests. He stumbled upon the rebellion by accident, and with an urge for vengeance for his 'father', he joined them.
Other info: Usually wears worn, light leather cloths(the leather is cured to be waterproof), a dark green cloak, a hunting knife at his belt along with a small sword, a throwing knife in his boot, and a bow and quiver on his back.

This second character I'm not so sure about. I hope he's okay to add to the story. Not sure if he's a good guy or bad guy. He's somewhere in the grey at the moment. I hope the concept of him is okay. And his last name should mean dragonblood in irish.

Name: Xavier Draganfuil
Age: 27
Gender: male
Appearance: ... 2#/d3fd1w3
Personality: Pretty much mysterious and cold.
History: Xavier's past is a mystery. His coming was as sudden as that of the dragons. One day he was just there, wrapped in his dark cloaks, holding a strange staff in his hands. Where a dragon passes, he follows not far behind. Or, if you have not encountered a dragon yet, and come across him, than a dragon won't be far away. He has a strange connection to the dragons that can not be explained. He is neither for them, nor against them. One of them, but separate from them.
Other info: Xavier is not a warrior. He could never be a good one. Because he is completely blind. He sees nothing but darkness. But with his connection with the dragons, he can see through their eyes if they're close enough. This is one of the reasons he is always found near a dragon, because it's the only way he can see. How he lost his sight is unknown.

(I won't post for Xavier until I get the go ahead to use him.)


Not far from Nyfer's tent was a small camp fire. Just like most of the other camp fires in the forest, only it had been made by one who grew up in the wild. And because of that, it was made with just the right wood for it to be small with little flame, yet burn hot with coals that stayed for some time, and also gave off little to no seeable smoke. That fire belonged to Gain, and he shared it with no one because no one was willing to share it with him. He had stumbled onto the camp one day and had been held at arrow and sword point for quite some time before they finally believed he wasn't working for the dragons. But Gain didn't complain, it meant they were cautious, which was healthy for a rebellion to survive.
Gain looked up as he heard uneven footsteps. A boy with a crutch. He had seen him before, and felt sorry for the kid. Living with a limp was no way to live at all. The boy entered Nyfer's tent. He was followed by first one woman, then another. Strange, Gain thought, but he didn't think anymore on it and went back to tending his fire, and the bit of meat he had cooking over it on a spit.
"Oi, ranger, you spyin' on Nyfer's tent to tell the dragons what's goin' on?" someone called to him with a laugh. Gain had not been there long, and still some mistrusted him, especially when he disappeared for days on end into the forests.
"Shut your trap, Rufus. If I was a spy, the dragon fire would have burned you up long ago," Gain snapped back.
"Well maybe they're biding their time," another man laughed.
"Spy! Spy! The ranger's a spy!" called Rufus at the top of his lungs. They were at it again. This was the third time they had tried to rile him up by turning the camp against him...

(}--{)Imagination Inspires Ideas -Zandain(}--{)
Married Cloud Strife 9/17/08

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 Post subject: Re: Fantasy RPG
PostPosted: March 3rd, 2012, 1:08 pm 
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(Eruraina, both your characters are great! :) Feel free to use them.)

Nyfer nodded at Annora, acknowledging her request. He then turned to Davina, his hands clasped together behind his back, and started to speak.

"Davina, I can see what most do not in people. Their courage, their self-sacrifice, and their loyalty, even if it is hidden away from sight. Despite you temper, I've seen your bravery countless times in battle, and even your kind heart, though you try to hide it. If you continue this, I may be tempted to elect you as my lieutenant, or my successor to this post of leadership as time goes on. The point is--"

He paused for breath, and then continued.

"I have something for you to do. Call it a test, it doesn't matter. If you are up to the task, I'll ask you to take care of this boy, for a while--"

Here Nyfer pointed at Crutchie, who tried his best to not look guilty of anything.

"--and try to teach him to behave. Follow the rules. Do anything but disrupt the Rebellion and it's purpose. Will you take him in?"

AKA Crutchie :)
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 Post subject: Re: Fantasy RPG
PostPosted: March 3rd, 2012, 1:38 pm 
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"I guess it's possible" Davina said cautiously, trying to wage her words. "If I won't be needed at the battlefield. I think this boy could be a distraction for me but at the other hand I don't want to leave you with this problem. Plus I quite like kids."

She smiled to the boy and winked.

"If he won't hate me in one day time, I assume we could be friends" she said with amusement in voice.



 Post subject: Re: Fantasy RPG
PostPosted: March 3rd, 2012, 4:27 pm 
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Annora bowed her head respectfully and backed out of the tent, not wanting to interrupt whatever Nyfer wanted to discuss with Davina. She heard something about the child, and Davina's bravery and valor, and she closed her eyes in frustration. Why couldn't her parents see that she wanted to be like Davina, fighting for what she believed in? Why wouldn't they let her do the same?

She jumped as she heard shouts, and turned around to see Rufus, who she had never been on good terms with, trying to rile up the camp against...what was his name? He hadn't been there long enough for her to truly get to know him. Still, the Rebellion could not afford such dissent in the ranks. If they wanted to succeed, they would need to put their trust in each other. She had heard the whispered rumors of the stranger being a spy for the dragons, but her father had dismissed them as the terrified ramblings of a people whose resolve was crumbling. As long as he didn't believe them, Annora wouldn't either.

She approached the two, her eyes flashing and her hands on her hips. "What's going on here?"



Sig set and banner by the amazing Nurr!!

 Post subject: Re: Fantasy RPG
PostPosted: March 4th, 2012, 5:48 pm 
Lady of Strife
Lady of Strife
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Gain finally jumped to his feet at the man's yells.
"Shut y'er trap you..." he stopped when one of the women that had gone into Nyfer's tent came out and inquired as to what was going on. Rufus gave an attempt at a charming and innocent smile.
"Nothin's going on here, love. Just ratting out a spy. Everyone knows he's one, that ranger. Stumbles in out of nowhere, then leaves for days on end."
"I have no reason to side with the dragons," Gain sid simply. "But I have every reason to fight against them."

(}--{)Imagination Inspires Ideas -Zandain(}--{)
Married Cloud Strife 9/17/08

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 Post subject: Re: Fantasy RPG
PostPosted: March 4th, 2012, 6:55 pm 
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Annora hardened her gaze as she looked at Rufus, the hair on the back of her neck standing on end as he called her 'love.' She had never cared for him, the way he looked at her as if he owned her, leering at her from afar...most of the time, she tried to ignore it, but his warmongering was beginning to affect the entire camp. There was such an air of suspicion around the stranger already, and Rufus seemed to hold more of a sway over the people of the Rebellion than Annora liked. If they listened to him on this matter, what else could the man persuade them to do?

"My father seems to trust him," Annora said simply, raising her eyebrows at him. "And he would not take kindly to your stirring up trouble. You would be wise to stop."



Sig set and banner by the amazing Nurr!!

 Post subject: Re: Fantasy RPG
PostPosted: March 4th, 2012, 7:14 pm 
Lady of Strife
Lady of Strife
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"Who cares what your father says? He's a fool and a coward. You should know this best. We all know your desire to fight, but he won't let you," Rufus countered with, taking a step closer. "I, on the other hand, know better than that fool."

(}--{)Imagination Inspires Ideas -Zandain(}--{)
Married Cloud Strife 9/17/08

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 Post subject: Re: Fantasy RPG
PostPosted: March 5th, 2012, 7:50 am 
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Crutchie smiled hopefully, grabbing his crutch and jumping up to his feet. "I promise I won't make trouble, really! I could cook for you, I could polish your armor, and your swords, and, and, other things, and, oh! I could wash your clothes for you, and do all your chores! I won't be a bother, promise! Really. Ask me to do anything, and I'll do it. Really."

"Except to stop talking," Nyfer said, rolling his eyes. "He never shuts up."

"I'll be quiet! I'll stop talking, really. I'll be so quiet you can hear a pin drop. I'll be as quiet as a mouse. I'll be so quiet you won't even know I'm in the room. I'll be so quiet you can hear everything that's happening in the camp. I'll be so quiet--"

AKA Crutchie :)
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 Post subject: Re: Fantasy RPG
PostPosted: March 5th, 2012, 8:17 am 
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Davina laugh.

"You can talk as much as you want...well, maybe not THAT much as you do now. Maybe you really will be useful, young man. Come with me, we should get to know each other a little. And don't worry, I don't need you working, I usually keep these things for myself. I am busy woman."

She smiled encouraging and wave her hand at the boy to come after her.

"I will take care of him from right now" she said to Nyfer and saluted lightly to show him a little respect. He was her leader after all and she was a soldier.



 Post subject: Re: Fantasy RPG
PostPosted: March 5th, 2012, 5:00 pm 
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She saw red as she glared into Rufus' ungrateful face, and her hands trembled as she clenched her fists. "The only fool and coward around here is you," she spat. "My father nearly gave his life for the Rebellion, or have you forgotten? He nearly sacrificed himself to save your skin, and the lives of everyone here." Annora tried to focus on her breathing, on keeping calm, even though every part of her itched to give Rufus what he deserved, to attack him for insulting both her and her father in the same breath.

"Whether you like him or not, he still outranks you and you have no right to dishonor him like that," she said softly. "Now, I have asked you to leave. Please do so."

Her eyes left his face for a moment, and her voice grew quiet. "It's not as if you would do any better, if you were in charge."



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