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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: June 1st, 2012, 12:34 am 
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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Clint led the way through the corridors, taking turns or back passages whenever they were in danger of meeting any of Fury’s people. He refused to do more than glance behind him as they moved, knowing that Loki would only take pleasure in seeing the rage in his eyes or the hard line of his jaw that showed his inward struggle. Thankfully Natasha gave no indication of pain of fear because if she had he probably would have snapped before they’d left the arena.

As it stood now he hoped that Stark and Thor were ready, because if not then he was going to do everything he could to kill the Asgardian himself. And it would be slow.

Once they reached the final turn before the lab Barton halted, turning to stare coldly at the god. “There. It’s in the lab.”

With a glance in the indicated direction Loki tensed, a flash of anxious energy and anticipation sliding across his visage before it turned into a cold smirk. “Excellent. Now go and get it.”

Glancing at his partner Clint’s eyes showed a question, answered as Natasha pursed her lips in a defiant denial. Raising his eyes to Loki again, the archer jerked his head in a negative. “No way.”

“No?” the god questioned, arching one dark brow and smiling with a certain level of amusement in his dark eyes. “I’m afraid that is not the correct answer, Agent Barton.” With a thin smirk Loki held Natasha nearer to him and pressed the knife to her chin, ice crawling up the hilt and blade until it began to once again snake across the sensitive skin of her throat. “Would you like to try again?”

“Don’t!” the agent snarled. He sucked in a deep breath and glared daggers at the god, watching as the ice slowly receded while Loki simply returned the stare with a cold, twisted smile on his lips. “It’s right there,” he breathed harshly, jerking his hand to point at the lab again. “Get it yourself.”


“Oh, no, no, no,” Tony muttered. “Not now, baby.”

Thor watched as the Tesseract prototype began to spark and flicker inside the case, while Tony scrambled to stabilize it again by barking quiet order to JARVIS. “We need to get this moving, people,” the playboy called into the comm line with a touch of impatience.

Any reply that may have been made was lost in an explosion from behind, not large, but one that filled the room with a green fog. Both Tony and Thor immediately tensed, the playboy’s repulsers whirring to life and the god lifting his hammer with a deep grimace.

As the fog cleared Loki grinned wildly from across the room. Tony let loose a single blast just as Thor leapt at the other Asgardian. Neither blow fell as instead of striking flesh each met only air. With a ringing laugh that seemed to come from every corner the illusion flickered and replicated until the lab was filled with them.

With an angry scowl Thor swung Mjolnir only once, swiping though the images of his brother in useless rage. “Loki! Enough of these games. Show yourself, brother.”



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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: June 1st, 2012, 5:37 pm 
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"Well, if it isn't my fool of a brother." Loki's voice echoed through the emerald fog as the illusions continued to flicker around them. "I suppose you thought you could find me and fetch me back home? Your imbecilic notions never fail to amuse me, Thor."

"Brother..." Thor lowered his hammer and circled slowly, his red cloak billowing as he whipped his head around to focus on one illusion after another. "... do I have to beg of you to come home peacefully? You are far more protected in Asgard than you could ever be in Midgard. You will only bring destruction to its people before the Other destroys you."

As soon as the words left the god's lips, he was blown backwards into the air and through the glass table.

"Protected? Or imprisoned, brother?" Loki's voice came in a hiss. All at once, a familiar whirring noise that filled the wrecked lab. The illusions of the deceitful god abruptly vanished and the entire room exploded in a hot ball of energy and fire, forcing Tony off his feet. As he slammed against the counter, the Tesseract above his head sizzled and cracked.

"Stark," Steve said urgently through the earpiece. "Don't waste your energy. He's still outside the lab with Clint and Natasha. You have to get out there with the prototype. Banner's ready." There was a brief pause. "Fury's men have caught onto Loki's games. They're on their way."

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: June 3rd, 2012, 12:25 am 
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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“Copy that,” Tony grunted into the line. He rolled off the counter, grabbing the Tesseract and muttering a low oath as it sputtered and spat sparks within the case. “We’re running low on time, here,” he informed anyone who was listening. “JARVIS, do what you can to keep it stable. Thor,” he went on, “he’s still outside. We need to go.”

Already ahead of Tony, Thor shot out of the lab like the lightning he so often controlled, barreling down the corridor while the armored hero came behind.

From his vantage point just down the passage Clint saw them coming. At that same moment Natasha tensed just a fraction before Steve’s voice sounded in her earpiece.

“Natasha, now!”

With quick action born of experience the female agent made her move, twisting free of Loki’s grasp and swinging her legs around to knock him from his feet. Loki crashed into the wall with an involuntary gasp of surprise. Before he could move Natasha had his knife pressed to his own throat. “Having fun yet?”

Loki tilted his head back, his eyes dark with rage while his lips curved upwards in a furious snarl. He slammed the knife aside and all but flung her off of him, a certain edge of desperation clearly written in his every move and look. He had no time for this. He needed the Tesseract now.

“You will pay for that,” he hissed in promise to Natasha.

A bullet ricochetted off of his helm and he staggered, spinning to find Clint standing with gun in hand. With a snarl the Asgardian raised his fist and the air rippled, sending both Natasha and the archer flying across the empty space, until one met the wall and the latter suddenly collided with a blur of silver and red.

Thor caught Clint mid-flight and quickly set him to rights. His gaze jerked up and instantly hardened. “Brother.”

“Ah, Thor. I thought you would never join us,” Loki purred, though his tone of delight was belied by the dark and cold glint that shimmered in the depths of his gaze.

“Enough of this, Loki,” Thor replied. “Stand down. Let us end this now.”

“Oh I will end it. As soon as the Tesseract is mine.”

“That is not an option.”

Rolling his head to the side in vexation Loki glared at his brother, his gaze the type that would mean death were such things possible.

Without warning he attacked, sending another ripple through the air towards Thor while dropping to his knees to press his palm to the deck. Instantly ice began to spread, freezing along every wall, every inch of the surface. Around him a dozen mirror images appeared, each laughing mockingly as Loki sent yet another wave of air and shards of razor sharp ice crystals in the direction of his enemies. He swatted aside bullets from Clint and Natasha while Thor lunged at him, driving through illusion after illusion as he searched for Loki.

With a crash Thor and Loki met, both flying through the barrier behind and into a larger room, far more spacious than the corridor they had just left. The god of mischief rose from the floor with a stagger, instantly set on the defense as he cast aside the many bolts of lightning that Thor cast at him. At last one blow fell and Loki was sent flying again, hitting the wall behind him hard. His own blast of winter wind and ice sent Thor flying in the opposite direction and through the large viewing windows, into the empty sky. For a moment he lay panting, but the rest was short lived. The dark-haired god rolled to the side when the tell-tale whine of Iron Man’s repulsers suddenly sounded, narrowly avoiding the blast. His head jerked up and he instantly froze as he caught sight of the brightly glowing cube that rested safely in a case on the armored hero’s back.

A twisted grin appeared. “There you are.”


Tony barely reacted when Thor went crashing through the glass. The god could fly, he’d be fine. Raising his hands the engineer fired again, half distracted by the constant chatter from JARVIS concerning the Tesseract. The prototype was getting more unstable by the minute. This needed to end, preferably soon.



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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: June 3rd, 2012, 5:07 pm 
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Without warning, Loki lunged for Tony, knocking him straight to the ground. He snarled, placing his glowing palm over the hero's visor. As the icicles began to form, temporarily blinding the inventor, Loki grinned and placed his other hand on Tony's chest.

"A frozen casket for a man who is useless without his armor." The young Asgardian prince murmured with a chuckle. "Tell me, Mr. Stark, how does it feel to be stripped of everything you've worked for?" Loki ripped his hand away from the visor and held his palm to face-up towards the ceiling. A sharp icicle rose from his icy hand. Eyes glimmering, he brought the icy dagger down on the strap binding the Tesseract to the inventor.

"Not so fast, you crazy son of a b---h." Two bullets fired through the air, narrowly missing Loki's hand. The dark-haired god looked up slowly, his lips curling into a menacing smirk as he met Fury's gaze.

"Always a pleasure seeing you, Director." He said patronizingly as his hands closed around the cube. "However, I'm afraid I haven't much time to play your vulgar games today. I'm on a tight schedule." He dodged another bullet. "Surely you understand." As he lifted the prototype, it gave a large burst of energy towards Fury, causing the director to stumble back with a growl. But before he had a chance to attack again, the room was filled with dark emerald smoke. Loki's laughter echoed as he slipped past Fury and vanished in the fog.

"Stark." Thor's voice was desperate. "Stark, can you hear me? I am going after my brother. This quarrel is between us. But you must help me keep Fury's men away while I search for him. It is the only way. St--" The connection sizzled, then gave out.


Meanwhile, all of the agents, including Natasha and Clint, were already outside, waiting for any signs of the young god to appear. As they assembled in the darkness, a small helicopter not too far away hovered above them, also searching. Banner gripped the steering wheel and squinted at the screen.

"Steve's coordinates have disappeared. Any sign of the Captain? Anyone?"

Natasha and Clint exchanged looks. But before either of them could sneak a reply, there was an unexpected clap of thunder and lightning streaked across the sky. Thor appeared, crouched at the center of the field. As he rose to his feet, he lifted his hammer and growled.


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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: June 3rd, 2012, 7:15 pm 
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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With an angry one-eyed glare Fury kept low, gun raised as he made certain that the god was truly gone. Still wary he crossed to Tony, standing over the hero while Tony worked to break away the ice that still covered his helm. “This is Director Fury. We lost him. All agents keep ready. He has the Tesseract.”

With a grunt and a gasp Tony eventually forced his helmet open, shards of ice flying as the visor sputtered and struggled to come back online.

“How much damage is that cube of yours capable of causing, Stark?” Fury demanded, giving the other man a hard-edged stare as the hero rose to his feet.

“At the moment, enough to blow half this carrier to hell and back,” Tony replied bluntly. “Which is why we need to stop him now.”

Without further ado he left Fury behind, jogging through the debris filled corridor to the nearest computer terminal. “JARVIS, connect me to the rest of the team,” he ordered.

“---disappeared. Any sign of the Captain? Anyone?"

Tony stilled as Banner’s voice came over the line and he quickly brought up the signal map. It showed everyone but Steve. “J, where’s Rogers?”

“I am currently unable to locate Captain Rogers,” the AI informed. “His signal has gone offline.”

Tony swallowed back a hint of rising concern - there were several reasons that Steve would have fallen off the grid, but most of them weren’t good. “Guys, Loki’s got the prototype,” he stated, repeating Fury’s earlier message. “Banner, set the scanners to follow its energy signature. You find that, you’ll find him. Watch your backs. I’m headed up now.”

Bruce complied with Tony’s instructions, setting the scanners on the helicopters console to search for the prototype’s signature. His face instantly paled in alarm. “Guy’s, he’s right-”

Banner’s message was unnecessary as every agent on the deck suddenly opened fired, round after round of lead whizzing through the air in the direction of the dark haired god who had somehow appeared. Loki knelt, one knee pressed the smooth deck as the bullets came on only to fall useless before they could ever strike him.

“Hold your fire.” Fury’s voice rose above the din. When he had arrived no one was certain. “Hold your fire! Save your ammunition.”

Slowly all of the gunfire tapered off and the deck was still, the only sound coming from the rushing wind and distant screaming of the engines.

Raising his head slowly Loki’s chest heaved, his anger obvious while an edge of frantic fear could also be detected. “Where is it?”


“Where is the Tesseract, Thor?” the god of mischief spat. Loki waved his hands and the prototype appeared, melting up out of the air to flicker in everyone’s view, its depths swirling as it’s core shimmered in an alarming shade of violet.

“Is it supposed to look like that?” Clint muttered into his comm.


A blast of energy shot out from within the core of the prototype and struck Thor dead-center, sending the god of thunder spiraling through the air and into one of the jets, crushing the machine. At the same moment a ray of plasma struck Loki, driving him down while the cube flew from his hands.

Tony shot out from above and grabbed the case. “I believe this is mine,” he said commented airily.

Loki sprang to his feet even as he sent ice and frozen air towards the armored hero. Tony curled around the cube protectively as the ice hit, sending his environmental controls into a flurry again. The barrage ceased, however, as Thor struck Loki from the side and both gods went flying, rolling across the tarmac.

“I gotta get this thing out of here,” Tony announced, uncertain that he had been heard over the interference from the cube. “JARVIS, I need water. Now.”

“Scanning now, sir.”

“Stark!” Clint called, but too late. Tony was already arcing though the sky away from the Hellicarrier.



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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: June 3rd, 2012, 9:27 pm 
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The instant Tony left, Thor clambered to his feet and spun around. When he caught sight of his brother, motionless on the deck with his palms down, he staggered towards him and fell to his knees. Slipping his large hands around his neck, he lifted the younger god onto his lap and swallowed.

"My brother," he croaked, his voice a mere whisper in the silence. "What pain you have caused me and our father, you will never begin to understand. I do not wish to fight you." The moonlight seemed to soften Loki's features, reminding Thor of who his brother used to be. "Let go of his poisonous hatred you harbor for our people, for your family..." The god of thunder closed his eyes. "... for me."

The wind whistled around them. There was dead silence, except for the occasional shifting among the agents, who looked at each other with confusion.

Without warning, Loki's eyes flew open, like two sharp emerald stones in the darkness. His lips twisted into a snarl as he seized his unsuspecting brother by the neck with a death-like grip. Having no strength to fight him back, Thor merely watched as Loki pulled both of them to their feet.

"Our people? My family?" He spat. "How dare you? All my life, I longed for nothing more but acceptance, to be recognized an individual of worth. But I was always, Loki, Brother of Thor." His fingers tightened over Thor's neck. The blue stain from his fingertips slowly crept onto Thor's skin, freezing almost instantly. But still, the older god made no move to defend himself.

"For years I stayed silent, unwilling to speak because the mere sound of my voice was met with irritation and indifference. Do you know what that is like, brother? To be told that you were just like Thor, worthy of the throne, but only to find yourself cast away each time by the man whom you call your father?" Their faces were merely inches apart now, and Thor's skin was now a sickening blue, but he watched as Loki looked away, his breath mere wisps in the cold night air. "And you always seemed to find a pathetic glimmer of hope every time he passed you over that the next day, it would be different. Next time, he would see you for your true qualities and not as a mere creature who was the brother of his golden son."

There was a long pause, and then Thor finally moved his lips the best he could through the thin layer of ice that had completely masked his face.

"I'm sorry."

Loki dragged his gaze from the ground and met his brother's stare. A strange shadow crossed over his face as they watched each other. But as quickly as the strange look came, it went, and Loki's eyes were hard again as he tilted his head with a maddening look.

"Too late."

Suddenly, the younger Asgardian god pushed his hand against Thor's chest. As his brother let out a cry of pain, Loki smirked.

"I have come to terms with who I am, brother. And now you will understand how it feels to be filled with an empty coldness..." Loki moved closer with a soft chuckle. "... starting with your heart."

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: June 3rd, 2012, 10:36 pm 
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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As soon as they realized what was happening Natasha and Clint both acted, arrows screaming across the deck followed by lead. The distance between they and the gods, as well as Thor’s close proximity to his brother, would have made the shots too risky for any but the two master assassins. But with a simple flick of his wrist Loki brushed the projectiles aside, and ice crept upwards from his feet, building a wall around he and Thor. He would finish this.

“Where the hell is Rogers?” Fury suddenly demanded from the sidelines, where he had joined the two assassins in their onslaught. What exactly the Director thought the soldier could do was unknown, but it was a question that had been plaguing everyone’s mind for a long time now.

Loki remained on his knees, his eyes locked onto those of his brother as the ice and chill slowly continued to spread, inching its way into the very blood of the fairer-haired god. Within his grasp Thor shuddered and twitched as his body rebelled but aside from that there was no movement, no fight. Thor’s only defense was the sorrow and pity that still glimmered in his slowly dimming gaze.

“Doc, now might be a good time to get involved,” Natasha exclaimed, her usual calm tone shaken. This had not been part of the plan.

Fortunately Bruce was way ahead of her.

Flinging his glasses onto the instrument panel the physicist left the helicopter to the pilot. His body was already trembling while his eyes went from their usual calm brown to a bright, jaded green. With a pained groan that ended with a roar he was gone, leaping free of the ‘copter and sailing through the empty space, doctor forgotten and a massive green monster in his place.

He landed on the deck with a tremendous crash, filling the air with the shrieks and groans of bending metal. With a loud and deafening roar the Hulk reared up, his head to the sky before he swung around, looking for an enemy. It didn’t take him long to find one.

Loki looked up for the first time as the Hulk came crashing down. A shadow of true fear crossed his face for the first time since he had appeared on the flight deck. Dropping Thor, who collapsed and did not move, the god of mischief staggered back, his eyes blazing with both terror and rage.

Hulk smashed through the ice, avoiding the fallen Thor with more care than anyone would have thought possible as he ran headlong for the other god. Nothing slowed him, not even the human-sized spikes of glistening crystalline-ice that Loki conjured, nor the illusions meant to distract. Within seconds he had both caught up to and taken Loki, delivering a blow to the dark-haired man that would have killed most mortals. Then, with a grin as though it were a game, he proceeded to smash the god around the flight deck just as he had done that day in Stark’s suite.


As soon as Hulk was away Clint and Natasha both broke ranks, speeding across the deck to where Thor lay, completely still. Clint, bow up and ready, kept an eye on Banner while Natasha dropped by Thor’s side. He was breathing, but his skin still held the faintest traces of blue and the ice had not melted. Without hesitating Nat took her hilt of her knife and brought it down hard on the thin film of ice that covered Thor’s face. It shattered, falling to the floor with the sound of broken glass. The god gasped, shuddered, his eyes flickering but not quite opening.

“Come on, Thor,” she murmured, reaching up to brush some hair from his face with an unusual tenderness while also checking his pulse. She glanced up at Clint. “We need to get him out of here. Both of them.”

Clint nodded surreptitiously and focused on Hulk again, trying not to feel too much pleasure as he watched the scientist toss Loki into the floor one last time before seeming satisfied. Now came the hard part. Things were going to get ugly if hulk didn’t have something to keep him busy - not to mention the fact that SHEILD was all ready to move in and take Loki as soon as the Other Guy stepped away.

“Cap, Stark, if either of you can hear me now would be a really great time to show up,” he muttered. If neither man appeared then he wasn’t sure what he and Natasha were supposed to do to fix this. There was no way they alone could get Thor, Loki, and Banner away from this many agents on their own. Not without casualties, and that wasn’t an option.

“Come on, guys.”



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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: June 5th, 2012, 12:44 am 
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Steve was in trouble.

As if merely watching Clint and Natasha operate the jet wasn't stressful enough, Steve had somehow taken it upon himself to do the same exact thing. That is, take the seat of the pilot. Except this time, they weren't in a jet or helicopter. This time, he was operating an entire carrier. And it was beginning to look less and less pretty.

The captain pushed his shield off of the dashboard, then wiped the sweat off his brow as his other hand hovered over the various blinking buttons. He only had one chance to do this. One mistake could cause the carrier to jerk, and his plan would be given away. He glanced worriedly at the earpiece resting on the co-pilot chair. He had switched it off in fear that if one of them were caught, Fury would find the earpiece and stop him before he could put his plan into action. Literally. Swallowing, he looked back down at the intimidating sight before him and rolled his shoulders back. He had to relax. Panicking wouldn't help the situation. As his gaze wandered to one of the bright green levers, he could recall a voice in his head.

"You're a small kid, aren't you?"

Steve pulled his gaze from the view outside the co-pilot window and looked back at the man gripping the steering wheel. He had seen Howard Stark many times before that day, mostly because Bucky was always dragging him to the man's ridiculous shows. To be honest, Steve wasn't very fond of him. Mostly because the brazen inventor was almost gaudy with how he presented himself and his work, and Steve was very much the opposite. Not to mention that the guy had just met him and was already commenting on his stature.

"You could say that." The young Brooklyn boy replied, staring down at his scrawny arms and silently cursing to himself. It was a bad attitude to have and he knew it. But sometimes he couldn't help feeling a little pessimistic about his lot in life.

"Well. That's going to change tomorrow, I hear." Steve looked up to meet the inventor's gaze. Howard's mustache quirked as he grinned. "It's gonna be pretty painful, Rogers. You ready for that?"

"Yeah." There was no hesitation in his voice. He had never felt such raw desire in his life to prove himself. It had killed him to see his friends go and leave their mark in the world while he had to stay home. He had so much to give, but no way of giving it... until now. And if this chance meant that he could do what he had always dreamed of, then he would seize that opportunity with both hands. Howard watched him for a moment, then gave a quiet laugh.

"You know what, kid? I believe you." He directed his attention back to the front for a minute. As they sat in silence, he spoke again, but this time, it was accompanied with a yawn. "Tell you what, do you wanna take over for awhile? I'm gonna catch a few winks. We're almost back at the camp anyway."

"Me?" Steve gave him an incredulous look. "I can't fly this thing."

"Sure you can. It's easy. You just push this lever up to gain altitude, this to lower, and just ignore the other mumbo-jumbo buttons." Howard waved his hand and unbuckled himself. "They're pointless anyway. For the most part."


"Hey." The inventor put a hand on Steve's shoulder and squeezed it briefly. "You can do it, kid. Nothing to it." He grabbed his jacket from the back of the pilot chair and shrugged it on. "Besides, you never know when you'll need to know how to fly a plane. Or land it, for that matter."

Steve released himself from his seat and slowly slid over to the pilot chair, trying to mask his overwhelming nerves.

"And if I crash this thing?"

"You won't. Besides, I have three more back home." The young solider glanced back to see Howard staring back at him. "Remember, kid. Green lever is up. Blue lever is down. Don't forget it or I'll take back my faith in your abilities." And with that, he disappeared through the curtain, chuckling to himself.

Without hesitation, Steve grasped the green lever and pushed it.


"What in the hell-" Fury stumbled back as the deck began to shake. Natasha and Clint exchanged looked, then glanced up at the sky. One of the agents ran to the edge of the carrier and looked back over his shoulder, eyes wide.

"W-We're going up!"

"Who authorized this?!" The director grabbed the radio from his belt and shouted into it. "Agent Keller. What in the hell is going on? Repeat, Agent Keller!" He turned around furiously, directing his attention away from the Hulk and Loki for a brief moment. "You two-" he pointed at two of the agents standing close to him. "Go check on Keller. And bring him to me immediately." He clenched his teeth and narrowed his one good eye.

"I have a feeling I know exactly who's behind this."


As soon as the carrier was airborne, Steve exhaled and picked up his shield and earpiece, jumping over a very much unconscious Agent Keller. As he slipped the small metallic device into place, he switched it on and made a run for the door.

"Rogers! Stark!" Clint's voice buzzed urgently through the earpiece.

"I'm here, guys."

"Steve?! You need to get here, now. We're on the top deck. This isn't looking good. We-"

Suddenly, there was a quick static crackle and Steve could hear Fury in the background.

"Barton! Romanova! Do you know anything about this?"

Natasha's voice was calm, as always.

"The hell you don't. I'm keeping my eye on-" There was a sudden muted click, followed by another one, indicating that the earpieces had been switched off. Steve clenched his teeth and turned to the monitors along the hallway. It only took him a matter of seconds to find the screen that showed at least fifty agents on the main deck. He could see the faint outline of Natasha and Clint bent over Thor's body. The Hulk was still tossing Loki, his fist clenched firmly around the god's body. No sign of Tony. Steve drew a breath and pressed his hand against the earpiece.

"Stark, if you're there, listen to me." He took a deep breath, steadying his voice.

"Natasha and Clint are in hot water. We have to take it from here. It's going to take me at least seven more minutes to get to the main deck. I need you to get there first and take Loki out of Banner's hands before the guy does some permanent damage. Banner's going to need to jump when the carrier is high enough. Just stall S.H.I.E.L.D. for as long as you can until I get there. We can't go anywhere until this thing is high up and far away enough so we can make our escape before they can catch us. I've set the carrier on autopilot to a random destination." Steve rubbed his forehead. "But it won't hold for long if we don't hurry."

As much as Tony got on his nerves, there was no time for immature banter now. They needed to work together. It was the only way this would work. That is, if Tony was even still alive. Steve closed his eyes.

"Stark? Can you hear me?"

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: June 6th, 2012, 11:45 pm 
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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“Sir, the prototype is highly unstable. I estimate one-point-three-seven minutes until implosion.”

“What have I said about telling me the numbers, JARVIS,” Tony demanded. Behind him the huge hellicarrier was already nothing more than a small blip, but it wasn’t far enough. “Just put all we have into the thrusters and get me down there before it blows, k?”

“Power transferring now.

The around around the suit screamed and a loud crack shattered the sky as the thrusters went to maximum load - mach one, then two. It was faster than Tony was generally used to going. Fortunately he and Banner had both worked to make sure the suit could sustain such speeds. Unfortunately they hadn’t had time for proper testing - hopefully that wouldn’t be a problem.

“J, can we patch in to the others?”

There was a moment of silence before the AI came back with an answer. “Negative. It seems the prototype is interfering with our communications.

“Get them back online as soon as you can,” came the reply. Tony hadn’t expected a different answer, but that didn’t mean he had to be pleased. Things had been on the verge of messy when he’d left the carrier. Hopefully Cap would pop up and get things under control before the situation got any worse - if the soldier was even still alive, which Tony could only hope and assume in spite of the complete lack of communication and the disappearance of his signal altogether.

“We have now reached the Atlantic. One minute to implosion.”

Arching downards, Tony could see the wide expansion of green-blue ocean spreading below him while a red light on his visor screamed warnings of eminent impact. This was going to hurt.

“Forty-seven seconds.”

In his hands the case housing the Tesseract prototype began to crack while the cube within sparked and shuttered, the deep violet now spreading throughout the fragile shell that held the energy back.

“Forty seconds.”

He didn’t even slow down, though a last minute blast from his repulsers broke the glass-smooth surface well enough to keep him from slamming into the water with all the force of a super-sonic jet against an adamantium wall.

Then instantly the world was dark and silent as he slid through the dark blue waters. He could hardly even see where he was going as the case in his hands began to flash with lights that threatened to blind even through his visor. The red light kept blinking, now warning of the rising energy levels.

“Twenty-two seconds.”

“Let me know as soon as we’re deep enough, J,” Tony demanded. They were still so close to shore, a mile, maybe two? It had to be deep enough.

“Reaching minimum safe depth in four, three, two, one - minimum safe depth achieved.”

Instantly Tony released the case, shoving it away from himself as best he could before doing a half somersault and spinning through and away. “Get us out of here, JARVIS. Now!”

The thrusters blasted him upwards, ripping back through the otherwise still depths like a bullet. “What’s the count?”

“Nine seconds to implosion. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three-”

JARVIS blinked out and the visor went dark as the explosion erupted from behind him. First there was a pull before the outward force struck, sending him spiraling upwards until he broke the surface, and rocketing into the empty sky above along with a cloud of sea water and steam.

He came back down with a yell and hit the surface hard, instantly sinking below the waves again. The initial blow left him stunned and for a moment he could do was sink.

When he could think straight again he made a mental note to include a buoyancy function in the next upgrade.


As the water around Tony settled the AI blinked back to life. “...destruction complete.”

“You don’t say,” Tony snarked as the thrusters came back and soon sent him flying free of the water again. “Gimme a damage report,” he ordered as he arched into the sky and instantly shot off in the direction of the hellicarrier. “And get the comms back on.”

“Communications are online.”

“Good, put me through.”

“---rk, if you---re, listen---me."

Tony felt relief bubbling up in his chest as the voice came across his comms - a feeling that increased when he realized who it was. Steve went on, broken fragments coming through the comms while JARVIS worked to repair the remaining damage. For now all Tony could do was listen. His eyebrows shot up when Steve mentioned having set the hellicarrier to auto-pilot. The super soldier had highjacked a S.H.I.E.L.D ‘carrier? If they made it out of this Tony was going to have to compliment him - or else tease him mercilessly.

"Stark? Can you hear me?"


“Repairs complete.”

“Copy that,” Tony immediately replied. His words came through muffled by static, but hopefully were clear enough to be understood. He went over all of the information that his team mate had given him while at the same time clocking his own approach to the carrier. “I’m two minutes out.”

“Sir, the rear thrusters have been damaged. You will not be able to sustain constant flight for more than a few minutes.”

“Fantastic,” the playboy muttered. He ran over Steve’s information again, trying to decide what his first action needed to be. Get Loki from Banner, hold of the agents until Steve arrived, and somehow get Thor, Loki, and themselves to the jet without Fury’s men stopping them. And get Banner off the ‘carrier without him destroying everything. This would be fun.

Then of course there was the question of what to do after. They couldn’t go back to the tower or Fury would be on them before Thor could say ‘pop-tarts’.

“Steve I’ve got a problem. I need you to get to the hanger and find the jet. When you get there I want you to initiate the co-pilot - just press the big blue button to the left of the pilot’s seat. JARVIS will take over and lead you to the deck. We’ll get Thor and Loki aboard and you get out of here. I’ll stay with Banner and bring him along once he’s back to normal. Whatever you do don’t go back to Stark Tower. JARVIS’ll fly you a safehouse.”

One of the side-effects of not trusting Nick Fury - you set up a lot of contingency plans for if things go south.



just a big man with a suit of armor.

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: June 8th, 2012, 12:34 am 
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Steve breathed an audible sigh of relief when he heard Stark's orders. Relaxing, he turned away from the monitors and froze.

"Hands up, Rogers. We know what you've been up to." One of the agents raised an eyebrow, fixing his gun right in between Steve's eyes. He glanced at his partner, who shook her head and aimed her gun at the captain's chest. Steve watched both of them and gripped his shield.

"Come on, guys. I'd rather not start a fight."

"Seems like that's something you should have thought of before you operated this carrier." The female agent snapped. "Now put the shield down, Captain. Or there will be consequences."

Steve closed his eyes, sighing heavily. There was a beat of silence, and then he opened them again and lunged forward before either of the agents could react. Several shots fired, one bullet just narrowly missing Steve's ear as he wrestled both of them to the ground and knocked them both out with the edge of his shield. Shaking, he rose to his feet again.

"Sorry." There was regret in his voice as he stared down at the unconscious agents. Not willing to risk wasting another moment, he spun around and hurried down the hallway.


Five minutes later, Steve was in the pilot's chair again, inching out of the hanger. He gripped the green lever with one slightly sweaty hand, not willing to push it until they were out of the opening completely. As he rolled along at a pace that would surely cause Stark to mock him to hell and back again, he heard several cries and gunshots. Releasing his grip on the lever, he pressed his face against the window. Several agents were chasing after him, shouting and firing. One of them broke away from the cluster and made a run for the control board on the left wing of the hanger.

Silently swearing to himself, Steve turned back around. The door was already closing rapidly ahead. If he didn't hurry, then his one chance to escape would be gone in a split second. And so would the jet. Without thinking, he seized two of the red levers on either side of the speedometer. Inhaling sharply, he pulled them back. As they shot forward at an alarming rate, Steve realized far too late that they were going to collide with the side of the closing doors. He gripped the wheel and veered it to the right. He winced as the side of the plane caught against the steel door. Up. They had to go up. Shaking, he groped for the green lever and pushed it as hard as he could.

And suddenly, they were free from the doors and soaring across the night sky.

"Well, I never claimed to be a pilot." he muttered. Remembering the multimillionaire's instructions, he reached over and pressed the blue button as they approached the main deck.

"JARVIS, are you there?"

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: June 9th, 2012, 2:49 am 
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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"Affirmative,” the AI intoned. “Welcome to the pilot seat, Captain. If you’ve no objections I shall now take control of the flight.”

Without waiting for any actual objections or even an answer JARVIS took over. The jet’s systems began to hum as the AI moved through and began to process of stabilizing the craft to hover above the deck. “We shall reach the flight deck in approximately twenty-nine-point-four seconds. I suggest that you move to the rear and prepare to assist the remaining members aboard.”


As soon as Tony was within sight of the Helicarrier he sent his thrusters back into overdrive, ignoring the warnings concerning the decrease in power levels and flight capability. Banner, he saw, was still flopping Loki about like a rag doll, though it did seem that the Hulk was growing tired of the game now.

He also saw that several S.H.I.E.L.D. agents were beginning to move in on Romanova, Barton, and Banner - and there were a few too many weapons pointed at his fellow scientist for Tony’s liking. Brown eyes sparking with suppressed anger at the sight - necessary, maybe, but no way were any of Fury’s upstarts going to point guns at any member of his team - Tony shot downwards. He landed on the deck with a heavy ‘clang’, directly between his team mates and the agents.

“Sir, Captain Rogers has reached the jet.”

“Keep me posted.”

“Of course, sir.”

“Stark, call Banner off,” Fury demanded, staring at the armored hero who stood before them all, unmoving.

“I’d love to. Unfortunately he’s not actually a dog, so calling him off and ordering him to heel might be a little hard,” Tony snarked. He knew that Fury probably hand’t mean that the way it had sounded - the spy was one of the few people in the world outside of the team who seemed to have some respect for Bruce. Still, it was rubbing Tony the wrong way.

Fury simply glared across the deck, his one eye glinting cold in an order while the hands grasped his handgun in a light hold.

“Banner,” Tony called, inching nearer to the Hulk wile removing his helmet - not a great idea, since it meant JARVIS could no longer inform him of the jet’s approach, but it was necessary if he was going to get Loki away from the giant green member of the team. “Hulk,” he tried again and the green monster paused, looking back. “Drop him, Bruce,” the billionaire ordered. He was one of the few who ever still called Banner by his own name while the scientist was in ‘Hulk-mode’ - hopefully it would help. “Put him down.”

The Hulk heaved a few times, growling low in his throat when some of the agent’s surrounding them shifted their weapons nervously. “Bruce. Bruce. Look at me, buddy. Ignore the idiots and look at me.” With another low rumble the Hulk’s attention shifted to Tony again. “Come on. Just put him down.”

The whole deck was still for a moment before the Hulk complied, slamming Loki down one final time and releasing him. Tony nodded, tensing as above the engines and wind he heard the sound of the jet approaching from behind. “Good.”

Sliding his helmet back on, Tony closed the visor just in time to catch JARVIS’ report. “The 'craft is stable. We are ready to land.”

Noticing the way the agents had begun to move in on Loki now that Hulk was finished, Tony nodded and took a deep breath. Here went nothing. “Keep her off the deck, J,” he ordered. “Hover low but don’t touch down. You’re going to have to get off quick.”


“Banner and I will follow when we can. As soon as everyone is on board you fly them straight to safe house seven, got it?”

“Sir, might I remind you that you are no longer capable of sustained flight-”

“I know, JARVIS. It’s under control.”

“Very well, sir. Lowering now.”

As the jet carefully but with surprising swiftness dropped down from above Tony leapt forward, flight stabilizers bursting to life as he shot across the short space and past Banner, sweeping Loki up and away from the agents.

“Stark! What the hell-” Fury began, but it was obvious that he had been expecting this, or something very like it. Tony ignored the demands that rang in his ears through the communication lines connected to S.H.I.E.L.D’s servers, shutting them off altogether as he flew up to the open hatch of the jet and all but shoved Loki on top of the waiting Steve. He quickly doubled back and retrieved Thor in the same manner while Barton and Romanova faked at taking aim at him. What the assassins planned to do he had no idea. They had thirty seconds to make for the jet. If they chose to stay behind and keep an eye on S.H.I.E.L.D. - and save their covers, so be it. He wouldn’t blame them one bit. Okay, maybe a little bit, but not really. Mostly he would just pretend to blame them because, hey, he was a jerk like that.

Leaving Thor, who was finally beginning to stir, much as he had Loki, Tony practically fell back onto the ‘carrier’s deck as his stabilizers went out for good. Behind him he could hear Hulk roaring and knew that things were about to get ugly. Or uglier.

“Flight capabilities now non-existent,” JARVIS reported as Tony rose to his feet.

“I know,” he replied snappishly, neither needing nor wanting the report. Turning to face the agents that were quickly but cautiously surrounding him while others opened fire on the jet above, Tony raised his repulsers in warning but didn’t fire. He wouldn’t if it could be avoided. “Get the jet out of here. I got this.”



just a big man with a suit of armor.

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: June 9th, 2012, 4:57 pm 
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"JARVIS, what's wrong with his suit?!" Steve stepped over an unconscious Loki and looked out the window. The agents were beginning to swarm the main deck, closing in on Stark and Banner.

"The suit has lost power, Captain." Steve spun around and stared at the speaker incredulously.


"I have been instructed to remind you to stay within the--"

But it was too late. Steve had already grabbed the ladder hanging on the side of the jet and pushed the side door open. Without hesitation, he hurled himself out of the craft before JARVIS protest. As he scaled down the flimsy ladder, he locked his jaw and held on tight as the jet pulled closer to Tony and Bruce. His narrowed as he watched Fury assembled his men into a familiar position-- open fire. What was the man thinking? Killing Stark and Banner wouldn't solve anything. And as far as Steve was concerned, Fury wasn't going to do any more damage. Not on his watch.

As soon as they were close enough, the captain let go of the rope and hurled himself towards the deck, tumbling across until he was in front of the inventor. In one swift movement, he released his shield from the strap and wrapped his arm around Tony's shoulders as the bullets ricocheted off the adamantium. The Hulk let out a ear-splitting roar that cause several agents to lose their footing.

"ROGERS!" Fury bellowed, shoving several of his agents aside. "What the hell do you think you're doing!"

Deciding that it was best not to answer, Steve rose to his feet and hurled his shield at the closest men. As it shot back to him like a boomerang, he caught it with one hand and snatched a fallen gun out of the air with the other.

"BANNER. MOVE!" He shouted. The Hulk turned to him, faintly recognizing his name. His eyes fixed upon the soldier briefly before letting out another roar in protest. Steve opened his mouth to speak again, but he was cut off as a heavy mass shoved him back, knocking the wind out of him.

"Rogers, I won't be made a fool of." Fury growled, wrapping his hand around the captain's neck and shoving him against one of the doors. "You tell me what the is going on or I'll command all hell to break loose."

Steve closed his eyes for a moment to catch his breath. As he opened them again, he stared hard into the director's eyes and tightened his hold on the shield.

"It's for your protection that you're kept out of this, sir." It was all the definition Fury was going to get, because a moment later, the shield collided with his head and the commander fell to the ground, temporarily unconscious. As Steve stepped over him and looked up, he froze. At least two dozen guns were pointed at the fallen playboy. Banner was struggling to break free from the multiplying ropes that trapped him to the deck as the remaining agents surrounding him. But just as Steve was about to run towards the them, he caught Clint's eye.

The archer silently raised one of his arrows. He touched the red tip and fitted it into place. All at once, the soldier understood. With a nod, Steve shot across the deck and somersaulted into the air, placing himself before Tony again just as the arrow fell to the ground and exploded into flames. As the fire continued to grow and create a wall between the two men and the rest of Fury's crew on the other side with the Hulk, Steve stumbled to his feet, yanking Tony up with him.

"You've got to go. Get into the jet. We'll catch Bruce on the way down. We've only got a minute to get out of here."

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: June 9th, 2012, 5:42 pm 
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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“Sir, Captain Rogers has left the jet.”

Tony’s head jerked up in alarm as JARVIS’ warning came though the comms. The next thing he knew, though, a blur of red, white and blue rolled into his line of vision and flung an arm around his shoulders while raising his shield to ward off the hail of bullets. Next to them Hulk began to roar, and all Tony could do was curse. “Steve, what the hell-”

The soldier was gone, knocked away by Fury before Tony could finish and he was left alone, crouched on one knee and firing at the oncoming agents. Fortunately - or unfortunately, depending on how you viewed it - the suit’s power resources were too low to make the blasts overly effective. A stun-not-kill sort of thing, which he supposed was good since killing was exactly what they all wanted to avoid. Quickly though the remaining power drained and Tony was forced to stop or else risk pulling too much away from the mini-reactor in his chest. It didn’t take long for the agents to surround him while Banner went down.

Okay, so maybe this hadn’t been his greatest plan.

The spangled blur returned just before the explosion from Clint’s arrow sent all of the agent’s scrambling away from the flames. Steve helped to drag the armored hero to his feet but Tony all but jerked away, his eyes hard behind the visor as an emotion that - thankfully - no one could see filtered through them. Steve was right, though. Tony was all but useless down here now that his suit was down. Still, no way was he getting into that jet until everyone else was off, selfless-to-a-fault super-soldier and all around pain in Stark’s ass included. “I’m coming. Go.”

Ripping his helmet off he sent another blast at the last few cables that were pinning Bruce down, feeling the energy drain tugging at his chest piece in an almost physical way. “Banner, jump. You hear me? Go! Now!”

The Hulk roared in protest again, but some minute level of recognition seemed to shine in the deep green orbs. “Go!”

Tony ducked as a bullet ricocheted off of his shoulder and the Hulk roared again. “Dammit, Bruce, now!” He called, backing towards the jet while Steve hovered behind him shield up and ready to protect like the damn soldier that he was. He all but shoved the solider as they reached the wildly swaying ladder. “Up. JARVIS, as soon as we’re in you get off this thing. But stick around until Banner is away.”

Tony needn’t have worried. As he and Steve both made it into the jet the Hulk made a run for it, the large green mass hurling off the side of the Helicarrier and into the inky darkness of the sky below while bullets hailed after in a futile attempt to stop him.

Sinking back against the bulkhead Tony slammed the button that pulled the ramp up and closed. "Step on it, J."



just a big man with a suit of armor.

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: June 9th, 2012, 5:58 pm 
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Steve collapsed into the back in between Thor and Loki. He flung his shield aside and let his head fall into his hands as he tried to steady himself. His golden hair was limp and stuck to his forehead from perspiration. He preferred to see things in black and white, right from wrong. But his belief system felt shaken; a part of him wanted to jump out of the plane and apologize to Fury, but a larger part of him knew that his place was here, now. He glanced at the back of Tony's head, taking in the hero's tense position. No doubt the inventor was probably angry with him for disobeying his orders. But Steve hadn't expected gratitude... not from Tony.

"Are you well, Rogers?" Steve jumped when he heard Thor's voice. He turned and saw the older Asgardian god wincing in the corner. He moved closer and gently helped Thor sit up, resting his back against the back of one of the seats.

"I'm fine." The soldier said gruffly. He looked away for a moment, then patted the god's shoulder and got to his feet. "Any sign of Banner?"

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: June 9th, 2012, 6:26 pm 
Rider of Rohan
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Tony had moved to the front of the jet, sprawled almost lazily - at least in appearance - in the pilot’s seat as he allowed JARVIS to continue with the already input course. On a screen before him Banner’s signal was viewable, a small blue blip on the viewer. “He’s below us,” he answered in reply to Steve's inquiry, his tone clipped and devoid of any feeling at all.

Pressing a series of buttons on various keypads, Tony rose as one of the walls next to Steve and Thor hissed and slid open, revealing a well-stocked first aid station. He spared at glance at Thor. “How you feeling, Point Break?”

There were shadows of lingering pain the Thor’s eyes but he gave no other indication of discomfort. His skin was still pale, and if the occasional shiver still caused him to tremble the others were kind enough not to point it out. “I will soon be recovered,” he said. “And you, Stark?” he asked, glancing between the playboy and the soldier while feeling as though he had missed something possibly important.

“Fine,” came the clipped reply. “Here.” He tossed a roll of bandages at Steve and motioned to the various cuts that marred both the soldier and the god’s exposed skin. “Try not to drip blood all over my jet, will you?”

The comment was cool and uncaring even for Tony and he felt a pang of regret as soon as it had crossed his lips. None of that regret made it to his eyes, however, which he had averted as quickly as possible.

Leaving the two standing with the bandages he set about dragging the still unconscious Loki up and strapping him into a containment unit on the very back of the jet. It wouldn’t hold the god on a good day, but thanks to the Hulk Loki was definitely not having a good day.

“Sir, Doctor Banner’s signal has been stationary for two minutes, fifteen seconds and his vital signs have returned to normal.”

Tony looked up and nodded. “Bring her down, JARVIS,” he ordered, opening another side panel to pull out a set of clothing. “I’ll get him.”



just a big man with a suit of armor.

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: June 9th, 2012, 6:43 pm 
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"What's the matter with Stark?" Thor asked quietly when Tony was out of earshot. Steve's jaw hardened and he gave a quick shrug before unrolling the bandage. He tore a strip and began tending to Thor's wounds first.

"He'll come around. You need to rest. We'll figure out what to do about your brother once we're somewhere safe." Steve glanced over his shoulder at Loki, who was suffering from a head wound. He watched the unconscious god for a moment, then turned his attention back to the gash in Thor's forearm.

Meanwhile, Bruce was crawling out of a ditch he had caused from his landing. He pushed a curl out of his face and staggered to his feet while massaging his temples. He glanced at the sky just in time to see the jet lowering towards him. He moved backwards, covering himself as best as he could without looking awkward, but gave up. It was nothing the team hadn't seen before, anyway. He sighed as the back door slid open and the ramp extended outwards.

"Mission accomplished, then?" The doctor's voice was filled with dry amusement, but there was a touch of weariness to it as well. He sighed and pushed his hair back again.

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