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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 10th, 2012, 11:59 am 
Rider of Rohan
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Tony laughed quietly, mouth twisting into his usual smirking grin. "Sorry, Katniss. Birthday surprises were a one-time-only thing," he quipped. "If it'll make you feel better though I'll have JARVIS issue you an access code to the mansion for the days that you get tired of perching up in Fury's rafters." He made it sound as though he were joking but he was really perfectly serious. In fact he planned to do one better than giving the team access to the mansion he never used - though that may be their preference. That was for another time though, because he'd already humiliated himself enough for one night.

"Generous of you, Stark. Not sure it's worth it without the fireworks though," Clint replied with a chuckle.

"I'll buy you a package of sparklers."

Clint snorted. "Not quite the same."

"My god, you are so hard to please," Tony complained, playfully flicking a handful of water at the archer.

Before Clint could retaliate Tony's pocket began to buzz, his - thankfully waterproof - phone going berserk as he fished it out. A red proximity alert flashed back at him.

Well, well. Loki had decided to test the bracelet after all. Moron.

Rising from the surf Tony waved to the phone on the air. "Pepper," he said by way of explanation. No reason for anyone else to come up; he was pretty sure that Loki wasn't going to be any trouble. Putting the phone to his ear he feigned conversation as he headed back up to the mansion.


"You know I'm pretty sure that I warned you about trying to leave the mansion," Tony commented upon locating the wayward god. Loki sat on the floor near the door, teeth grinding together and breath coming in angry heaves.

Loki snarled in reply, eyes mere slits as he glared up at the scientist. "Too much...sentiment," he growled. "I will stomach no more of your pathetic human feeling. The air here is rife with it."

Tony rolled his eyes and leaned down to drag the god of mischief to his feet. "Try holding your breath," he suggested as he dragged the wobbly god to one of the couches and all but dropped him down onto it.

"Does it not tire you, Stark, to put on such displays?" Loki inquired coldly after a moment. "To offer undesired friendship to a man so above you that your own father preferred him?"

Tony stared, deadpan, while Loki met the gaze with cool disdain. "How dare you, who have nothing to offer, attempt to gain the love of these pathetic beings. Why do you care? The man your father ‘never shut up about', were those not your words? Why should you seek to bring him pleasure?"

The playboy hesitated, wondering whether or not to bother. “Because there was someone else who never shut up about him, either,” he answered eventually. “And I valued her opinion a lot more than I did my dad’s.”

Loki sneered. “Ah, yes. Sentiment again.”

“You should try it sometime,” Tony suggested, already on his way towards the kitchen for a drink; the fireworks were nearly done and everyone would be wandering back in soon anyway, no need to head back out.

Loki scoffed. “I would never willingly become so weak.”

“You know, we’re the ones who’ve kicked your ass twice now,” Tony pointed out as he disappeared into the other room. “Maybe sentiment ins’t such a handicap after all.”

He felt ridiculously smug when Loki didn’t bother to give a reply.



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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 11th, 2012, 12:32 am 
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A few minutes later, the others started to arrive.

"Hey Stark, got another one of those drinks?" Clint came plodding into the kitchen with his jeans still soaked in sea water. He snatched the drink out of Tony's hand without ceremony and took a gulp before handing it back to him. "Saw Loki sulking in the hallway. You wouldn't have anything to do with that, would you?"

"Do you even have to ask that question?" Natasha all but glided into the room, her hair neatly slicked back into a fluid dark red wave away from her face. Unlike the rest of the men who followed, she looked picture-perfect and sharp as always.

Thor shook his head, looking very much like a wet dog as the droplets splashed everyone around him. He continued to do so until Bruce finally offered the god his towel, but by then, he was almost dry. It took another good fifteen minutes until everyone settled down in the living room, and another good half an hour to explain Monopoly to Thor, who still seemed confused by complexity of the board game.

"So you mean to tell me that I am this quaint thim-bowl?" The tiny metallic object looked dwarfed in between his giant fingers. "And the cubes will tell me where to go?"

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 11th, 2012, 10:11 pm 
Rider of Rohan
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“Pretty much,” Tony replied to Thor’s questions. He himself had chosen not to play the first round, instead acting as the banker and instructing Thor whenever the god needed it, so that the others couldn’t be accused of ‘cheating’ if they advised him. Plus he hadn’t played a board game in... well, ever? Maybe once when he was a kid. He wasn’t even sure why he owned the thing. It was the classic version, too. Probably a gift or something from years ago.

“You sure you don’t want to play, Tony?” Clint ask, rising from his seat to grab another beer. “I bet you’d be pretty good, since it’s pretty much seeing who can make the most money and all.”

“I prefer real cash, thanks,” the playboy replied uncaringly, shaking his head when Thor rolled the dice and then accidentally moved backwards before Bruce kindly corrected him. After that mishap the god played fairly well and actually came in second after Natasha.

“This game, I like it,” he said after the first round had ended. “Another?”

Loki, who had been watching with disdain (and also interest born of boredom, not that he would ever admit it) rolled his eyes and muttered something about dull children.

Tony sipped at a scotch, gathering up all the paper money and separating it into it’s proper piles again.



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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 12th, 2012, 12:34 am 
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After the second game of Monopoly, which Natasha had won again, Loki had furiously invited himself to play as well, insisting that he could take the agent down. They allowed him to, mostly because it gave him something to do besides sulk all day. By the end of the third game, Clint had gotten very drunk on purpose in order to better tolerate the god's constant snide comments about his lack of Monopoly money. Loki had won, of course, blowing a mildly annoyed Natasha away, who seemed to give up after Loki had bought her third hotel and dominated the entire board with his property.

"Again!" The dark-haired god demanded, greedily counting his money. Even Thor looked embarrassed about his brother's behavior. Steve cleared his throat.

"Actually, I'm getting a little tired..."


"Shut up, Loki." Clint slurred as he drained the rest of his glass. "I have a better idea."

"What is it?" Bruce seemed eager to get away from the game, especially because he had been in the bottom next to Clint.

"You know -hic- what I wanna see?" The archer hiccuped. Natasha gave him a look, but said nothing. "A boxing match. Between Thor..." He pointed at the older god with a grin. "... and Cap."

Steve looked surprised.

"I don't know if that's such a good idea..."

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 12th, 2012, 1:10 am 
Rider of Rohan
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Tony, who had remained surprisingly unintoxicated in spite of his scotch, and who had spent the entire last game hacking the pentagon on his phone for fun while debating whether zapping Loki just to get him to shut up would be overkill, perked up at the idea, finally paying attention to the others in the room again.

Loki grumbled something about barbaric sports until Tony finally threatened to zap him if he didn’t “shut the hell up.” The god was silent after that, glowering at everyone and going away to sulk on one of the other couches.

Thor looked as though he were very much in favor of the idea and soon said so. “Indeed! Come, Rogers, and let us take part in this boxing match,” he insisted with a good-natured and playfully challenging grin. “I have bested Stark in the game of drinking, let us see if you can do better in this, shall we?”

“First of all, you didn’t beat me,” Tony interjected. “We quit before we finished. Second, I think I like you best when you’re drunk,” he said to Clint, who only almost-giggled in reply.

“Come on, Cap,” the archer said, leaning over and thwapping Steve lightly on the knee. “We all know -hic- that you can do it.”

Tony and Bruce both chose to keep silent, though each exchanged amused looks. Tony was all for the match but didn’t say so, content to let things play out. Laying off Steve for the night was his final birthday gift, so he wouldn’t make any comments.

Not until the Captain and the god were already having at it, at least.



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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 12th, 2012, 10:31 pm 
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"I don't know..." Steve looked a little uncertain. "Where would we do it? And besides, I don't even have my gear--"

"I'm sure Stark has something. With the size of this mansion, there has to be a fully equipped gym or small arena somewhere." Natasha raised an eyebrow in the inventor's direction.

"And if either of you get hurt-- which I seriously doubt because you're both careful men-- there's a doctor in the house." Bruce grinned and raised his glass. "Couldn't hurt to try, Steve."

"Well..." The captain's resolve seemed to be weakening. "I don't really know the rules of boxing."

"I'll coach you, Cap." Natasha nudged Steve's side. "Don't worry, nothing to it. Barton and I used to spar all the time."

"I can only imagine who won those matches." Bruce chuckled, then hid it with a cough when Clint shot him a dirty look.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?" He demanded, swaying slightly. Natasha raised her eyebrow. Clint glared at her. "Fine!" He spluttered. "I'll take on your challenge, Nat. I'll coach Thor." He wrapped an arm around the god's shoulder. Thor, who didn't know any better, grinned widely. "May the best student win!"

"I will be a most studious pupil, Agent Barton. I trust your instinct in this sport of boxing." Thor patted Clint's hand on his shoulder. Loki gave a loud snort, which everyone ignored. Natasha rolled her eyes.

"May the best win, then." She said enigmatically. "Lead the way, Stark."

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 13th, 2012, 12:18 am 
Rider of Rohan
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Tony swung off the couch and led the way to the training room, just down the hallway from the spacious living area. “Gloves and tape are in the cabinets,” he informed the two agents. Passing by Steve he offered a friendly clap on the shoulder. “Don’t worry, pops. You’re in good hands.”

He smirked as he remembered the first time he had met Natasha - then under cover as “Natalie”. It was back when he had been... sick... from the Palladium. She had very neatly and quickly wiped the floor with Tony’s chief of security “Happy” Hogan. Yeah... Steve would be fine.

He stepped back as Clint dragged Thor aside, wrapping the god’s wrists with tape and tipsily explaining the rules.

“Any bets?” he muttered to Bruce as the two of them settled back on one of the couches - no need to be uncomfortable, even in the gym.

Bruce laughed quietly and observed the two opposing teams. “They’re pretty even. Steve’s got the speed, Thor’s got the brute force, plus he probably does this kind of thing all the time in Asgard.”

“He’s also got Barton for a coach.”

Bruce chuckled again. The agent was still explaining the basic rules, swinging now and again to illustrate certain moves - some of which didn’t look to be strictly legal. “Thor does looks a bit confused.”

“That is his natural state,” Loki interjected snidely from behind them. The two men ignored him.

“I’d say Steve will have the win but Thor’s going to make him work for it,” the physicist decided.

“Twenty bucks says Thor wins because Steve’s too nice to fight dirty,” Tony rejoined as the god and the soldier both finally stepped into the ring. The scientists shook hands on the deal as the first bell rang.

The first round went by fairly slowly, both men still trying to get a feel for the sport and only throwing experimental blows. After that though they became more comfortable and the moves came faster and harder. Both were actually - and unsurprisingly - good; though neither had ever traditionally boxed they had life-experience moves that went a long way to helping.

Tony had soon gone back to his phone again, not paying much attention outside of the occasional glance. Every now and then he took pleasure in shouting out random directions, just to see what would happen.

“Behind you!”

“Watch your left, Point Break!”

“Duck right, Rogers! No, right!”

Bruce had elbowed him once in the ribs before choosing to allow it, actually finding the inventors shenanigans to be fairly hilarious.

“Shut up, Stark,” Clint growled after Thor took one in the chin thanks to one of Tony’s not-so-helpful calls. The playboy simply smirked and went back to his hacking again.



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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 13th, 2012, 1:25 am 
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"BREAK!" Clint shouted drunkenly. He ran in and dragged Thor to the side. Natasha helped Steve into one of the chairs and handed him a towel.

"Having fun, yet?" She arched an eyebrow and offered him some water. The soldier gave a quirky grin and wiped his brow before taking a large gulp from the bottle.

"It feels good, actually. Where are we at?"

"Next round is a tie-breaker. Now listen close-- Barton is going to make Thor give it his all right now. It's Barton's style. You play defense. Let him get tired first. Even a god's muscles have to give out at some point. You've got agility and speed on your side. Agitate him. Thor is a like a child when he's in good spirits but once you agitate him, he becomes reckless." Natasha glanced at Thor, who was taking instructions from a very drunk Clint. The archer seemed to be giving a humorous pep talk.

"You two ready?" Bruce called out. "Tony's getting antsy again."

"Ready." Steve replied, standing up from his chair.

"As am I." The god followed suit, walking away from his coach, who seemed to be hopping from foot to foot in anticipation of the last round.

Bruce rose to his feet and stood in between them, holding his hands out. "On the count of three. One... tw-"

"NOW!" Clint cried out. Without hesitation, Thor lunged forward, his fist shooting forward out of nowhere. Luckily for the Bruce, he managed to duck just in time. Steve, however, in lieu of making sure the doctor was okay, did not. In result, he found himself stumbling backwards, completely stunned.

"Steve! Pull yourself together! Duck!" Upon hearing Natasha's voice, the captain obeyed, and was able to avoid Thor's second punch. He continued to weave around the god's arms, throwing no punches, but simply avoiding his opponents'.

"Get 'im, Thor! You're twice his size!" Clint roared.

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 13th, 2012, 1:57 am 
Rider of Rohan
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“You good?” Tony asked, rising from the couch to stand with Bruce - a safe distance from the ropes, of course. The physicist nodded with a grin, straightening his glasses and watching the fight. It was obvious to both men that Steve was simply toying with the Asgardian, tiring him out.

It was obvious to Clint, too. “Watch him! Don’t let ‘im -hic- wear y’down,” he snapped, intently focused on his “student’s” every move. Thor seemed to no longer be paying any attention to his coach, however - probably wise at this point - and was swinging and landing blows as he could. Most of them hit home but thanks to Steve’s blocking didn’t do much damage.

“Come on, Thor!” Bruce cheered, then turned right around and encouraged Steve as well. Tony didn’t play cheerleader but refrained from any further antics, content to let the last round play out as it would.

Soon Thor’s stamina began to lag, his blows becoming marginally slower. As the god staggered just a little - so small that you could barely tell that anything had happened, Natasha jerked up. “Now, Cap!”

Steve was way ahead of her. Coming up low he pelted Thor in the chest and abdomen, then the face, missing some and landing some as Thor’s defenses were slowed by his previous overexertion. They had probably been at it for a good fifteen minutes by that time, well beyond the limit for a normal round, but no one was counting.

Then, with a sweeping move of his legs that wasn’t technically legal, Steve sent the god crashing onto the mat. Bruce instantly moved to start the count, paused when Thor struggled to get up, and then started again when Steve immediately sent him down again.

“...Three... two... one... DOWN.”

Clint groaned and Natasha gave that uncharacteristic cheer again while Tony handed Bruce a twenty. Thor lay panting on the mat, momentarily seething as he huffed and glared up at the ceiling in defeat. It wasn’t a feeling he was accustomed to at all.



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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 13th, 2012, 2:20 am 
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Clint let out a stream of colorful words as he stomped off, claiming that Natasha had been playing dirty. Steve, who now felt more guilty than victorious, offered a hand to the god. Thor looked at it for a moment, then took it and allowed the captain to help him up to his feet.

"You played well, Rogers. There are very few men who can defeat the god of thunder." Thor grumbled, but he didn't seem angry with the soldier.

"Thanks," Steve replied awkwardly. "If it helps any, you probably would have done better with a sober coach."

"Yes, there is that." Thor shook his head, then chuckled. "One this is certain, I best all of you at drinking games. Those of you who do not cheat, that is." He looked meaningfully at Steve, who brought up his hands in defense.

"Hey, that's not my faul--"

"--but for the most part, you Midgardian men are weaklings." Thor declared, snatching the towel and wiping himself off with a smug look. The rest decided to let this go, particularly because the god had just lost a rather difficult match... except for Loki.

"I wouldn't say you are much stronger, Odinson. You just lost to an old man with antiquated potions injected into his flesh and yet you still boast about your strength?" Loki sneered. "You are only proving my point that you are every bit as weak as I claim you to be. Without your strength, you are nothing, Thor of Asgard. If only the Allfather could see you now, fallen to a Midgardian soldier of the past. It is pathetic."

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 13th, 2012, 2:39 am 
Rider of Rohan
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“That’s it,” Tony declared, his tone calm and light as he pointed to Loki. “You. Timeout. Now. To the basement, Rock of Ages. Let’s go.”

Thor looked mildly hurt by his brother’s stinging words but at the same time knew better than to allow them to truly hurt him. “It is fine, Stark,” he said quietly, but Tony ignored him.

“Yep, whatever, Thor,” he replied, standing in front of Loki and motioning for the god to move on. When the other man refused Tony sighed. “Don’t make me zap you. Move. It’s bed time for cranky trouble makers anyway.”

Under the treat of being ‘zapped’ again Loki relented, but only with an angry scowl and a sneer in Thor’s direction. Tony jabbed him in the shoulder as they headed out of the training room and towards the workshop/basement where Loki would be locked up for the night. Tony planned to stay down there as well just in case, working or sleeping as he felt like it far enough away that he wouldn’t disturb anyone else.

Bruce watched them go before turning to Thor, dropping a hand on the god’s bicep with a lopsided smile. “Not bad for a god who’s never boxed before. Good job.”

Thor nodded, seeming at peace with - if still a little wounded over - his loss. “Thank you, Banner.”

“You too, Steve,” the physicist said, seeing that the soldier had felt badly and wanting to make sure the man’s birthday ended of a better note. As Thor left the gym with Natasha to track down Clint before going to bed, Bruce put the gloves away. “You’re the only guy I know who would feel bad for losing,” he commented with a friendly grin. “Cheer up, Cap. Thor’ll sleep it off and his pride will be back up and healthy in no time.”



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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 13th, 2012, 2:50 am 
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Steve exhaled and helped Bruce clean up the towels and miscellaneous items.

"You're right." He rubbed his nose and glanced around the room. He felt a little sore from the last event of the night, but aside from the beating Thor in their little boxing match, he felt an indescribable sense of peace. Ever since he had been rescued from the ice, he had been tenser than ever, unable to rest or sleep for more than four hours at a time. But tonight, he felt as though he would be able to push away his worries, at least until morning. He smiled a little and started to walk out of the room. As he reached the door, he turned towards the doctor.

"Night." He hesitated. "Tell Tony I say thanks." And with that, he left.

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 14th, 2012, 2:16 am 
Rider of Rohan
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It had been just over a week since Steve’s birthday. Thor and Loki were both long gone and each of the Avengers had again gone their separate ways. Steve had been by the tower once, and Clint had dropped by to pick up some new arrows that Tony and Bruce had designed, but that was it.

After three days of being in constant company Tony had been relieved to get a break, though he had to admit... it really hadn’t been that bad.

“So I was thinking that we could boost the stocks just a little if we - Tony.”

The playboy looked up from the device that he’d been tinkering with to meet Pepper’s frustrated gaze. “Hm?”

“Are you even listening? I’m trying to talk to you about serious things and you’re just-”


“-Playing,” the woman finished sternly.

Tony, quailing a bit beneath the half-pleading half-frustrated look, dropped his tools and turned to face his assistant/girlfriend/woman-who-he-couldn’t-live-without. He gave her all of his attention, exaggerating his focus to the point where she could only roll her eyes and go on.

When she had finally finished he reached out and took the file from her hands, tossing it aside despite her protests. “There. Are we done now?”

“No, we’re not done now-” she tried, but he took her hands and pulled her towards him until he could wrap his arms around her properly.

“Pepper, we’ve talked about this.” He touched his forehead to hers, brown eyes locking on her lighter blue ones with near-serious intensity. “Just do whatever you think is best. I trust you.”

Pepper sighed. “It’s still your company, Tony-”

“And I leave the running of it to you. C’mon, it’s one of the few good choices I’ve ever made.”

“Well, that’s true,” Pepper conceded with a nod, still trying to pull away. He kissed her cheek and she stopped short.

“So,” Tony began, “I was thinking tonight that maybe we could have some dinner, maybe watch an old movie...”

“I have to fly to DC tonight, remember? There’s one last issue that we have to fix before we can get the new tower going.”

Tony visibly wilted. “I suppose we could always try an afternoon date...?”

Pepper once again rolled her eyes, but smiled, sliding her arms around Tony’s neck and kissing him on the jawline. “I suppose--”

They were interrupted by a huge and thunderous crash that was followed by the sound of shattering glass. The lights flickered and the floor trembled, and Pepper squeaked and buried her face in Tony’s shoulder as a piece of ceiling cracked and fell.

Once everything was still again she looked up. “What on earth was that?!”

Tony sighed, more upset about the ruined moment than the obvious damage that had just occurred upstairs.

“Er, Tony.” Bruce’s voice came over the intercom. “We have company. Again.”



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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 15th, 2012, 10:02 pm 
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"I must admit, I am not yet accustomed to the air in Midgard. It makes my landings rather unpleasant and painful." A slight outline of a familiar figure emerged from the rubble of the ruined ceiling in the living room. Thor brushed the debris out of his hair and gave Bruce a sheepish look. The doctor, upon seeing that the god was fine, relaxed and looked amused.

"Yes, I would advise looking into that. Though Tony has been meaning to do a little remodeling in here anyway. It's been two months since the last one." The physicist carried on as though nothing had happened. After all, Thor's visits were becoming a bit of a regularity now. "Would you like a drink while Tony makes his way up here?"

"Please." The god carefully picked his way through the pile of rubble. He was not looking forward to Pepper's reaction. As they made their way into the kitchen, the elevator doors opened.

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 20th, 2012, 5:14 pm 
Rider of Rohan
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Pepper was the first to step from the elevator, her face going from concerned frustration to outright horror when she saw the damage to the rooms. “What - what happ-” she began before catching sight of Thor. Her eyes were wide with dismay. “You broke the - the ceiling! Why would you- no, no, it’s okay,” she breathed, catching herself and shaking her head. Tony entered behind her and took in the collapsed ceiling and the debris with much more grace - it wasn’t like he himself hadn't accidentally destroyed bits of the tower a time or two.

Thor stood in the center of the mess, halfway to the kitchen, and kept his head low with almost childish shame. “I do apologize most heartily, Pepper Potts,” he said solemnly. “I fear I have cause far more damage than I intended in my coming. If you would like I would be most pleased to aid in the reparation in any way-”

“No, no,” Pepper sighed, giving the god a small, completely resigned smile. She supposed that she might as well get used to this - obviously the Tower was going to end up as the unofficial HQ/meeting place for the Avengers. Damage was most likely unavoidable. “It’s fine, Thor. I’m sure it was an accident.”

“Please, please don’t tell me that you’re here because Loki’s gone again,” Tony spoke up after a moment of silence had passed. “Because I swear to god-”

“Have no fear, Stark,” Thor said with a shake of his head and the beginnings of a smile. “My brother is safe and well-guarded in Asgard. He will not slip away again, you have my word.”

“That’s good to hear,” Bruce put in, and Tony grunted in response. “What brings you back so soon, Thor?” the physicist went on. “I thought you’d probably want to stick around Asgard for a while before coming back down.”

Thor wore a look of hesitant enthusiasm, reluctant to speak but also seemingly excited about whatever he had come to say. “I come with news far more pleasurable than I did when last I visited. My father has granted me the permission to extend to you all an invitation.”

Tony arched an eyebrow in curiosity. “And...?”

Thor smiled. “I return to Asgard in but a few days. It would be my deepest pleasure if you and the other Avengers would do me the honor of joining me in my return.”

Bruce’s eyes grew wide and Tony actually choked on his drink. “W-what?”

“It would not be for long, for I know that we cannot leave earth so undefended with the danger that is most likely coming. Yet I wish to show you my home, and... it would honor me greatly if you would accept.”

Tony just stared, looking, like Thor, both gleeful and hesitant. Bruce too was shocked. “Gosh, Thor, that’s - that’s really generous of you.”

“Then you will accept?”

The two scientists exchanged looks, Tony shrugging and Bruce looking far more hesitant than happy about the idea. Not that he didn’t want to go - such an experience would be once in a lifetime! - but he wasn’t sure how the Other Guy would handle being sucked through a vortex in space.

“Why don’t we call the others and we can all decide together?” The physicist finally suggested.

“Good idea,” Tony agreed. “You call Rogers-”

“Er, can’t,” Bruce interuped with a small grin. “He lost his cell.”

Tony froze. “Again?”

Bruce could only shrug and Tony rolled his eyes. “Then we’ll call Barton and Romanova and have them pick him up on their way in.”

“They’ll be coming from the other direction,” Bruce informed him casually, smirking as he kept his head down so that Tony wouldn’t see.

Tony gave a deadpanned look of “your point was...?” and Bruce just looked up innocently. “You could always go get him.”

Tony rolled his eyes again, muttering things about playing babysitter chauffeur to a ninety-plus year old man. After several minutes of pestering though he gave in. “Fine. You call the assassins and I’ll go pick up Rogers.”

Thor and Bruce waited until the elevator doors slid closed before sharing an amused and knowing look. That had been far too easy.

“How angry do you think he would be if he finds out that Steve has a land line that we could have called?” Bruce asked with a chuckle.

Thor grinned and slapped Bruce on the back. “You can be rather devious, Banner,” he observed approvingly.

“I try.”


Half an hour later Tony stood at the door to Steve’s apartment, looking around the neighborhood as he waited for his knock to be answered. It was a nice area; older homes, clean streets, definitely one of the older, family-friendly neighborhoods. Typical Steve territory. Simple but homey, with a public gym just up the street one way and an old fashioned cafe/ice cream parlor up the other. It was actually kind of cute.

If Tony remembered to he’d make sure and tease the soldier about it later.



just a big man with a suit of armor.

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 21st, 2012, 12:48 am 
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Joined: 05 April 2007
Posts: 742
Location: Currently reside on earth.

It had occurred to Steve once or twice that he was alone a lot of the time whenever he was away from the group. He liked it that way. Even before the experiment had happened, he had never been a particularly social person. In fact, it was still a mystery to him how he managed to befriend the Avengers within the past year or so. And surprisingly, he enjoyed their company... but he still found the need to retreat back to his solitary state every now and then.

He liked to live in simplicity. His studio apartment was barely furnished. Besides the necessary items-- an old, homely couch, table, and bed, there wasn't much else in the space. He found that even if he did want to decorate his apartment, he wouldn't know where to start. The soldier found that it was easier to remain unattached. He knew that if he tried to put more of himself into his home, the barrier he had put between himself and the bittersweet nostalgia would come crumbling down within minutes. One would never peg Steve as the fragile sort because he was always putting up a strong and serious exterior, but the solider knew that deep down inside, he was still struggling with the pain of leaving the past behind him. And once he dealt with that... well, then he would find the courage to decorate his apartment. But until then...

Steve sighed and looked back down at the book in his lap. He frowned and glanced at the cover again. Computer Information Systems: A Guide. What was he thinking, anyway? Like he could ever reach the level of comprehension where he could grasp whatever Stark was saying whenever he flipped through his hundreds of screens in his living room. Steve had too much pride to admit that the playboy's comments had gotten to him, and shortly after Thor and Loki had returned to Asgard and things had settled down, the captain had signed up for a computer class at a local community college for adults. But after the first week, he found it to be too much, and quite frankly, embarrassing. No one had recognized him in the class, thanks to his jacket hood. After that, he decided to try to study the subject himself, but now he was finding the entire thing to be pointless. There was no way he was going to be able to understand half of the text, especially without a computer.

As he rolled back his shoulders and tried to concentrate on the endless pages again, he heard a knock on the door. With a frown, he checked his watch out of habit and stood up slowly. He wasn't used to having visitors. Ever. No one knew he lived here except...

When he saw who it was through the peephole, he froze. Tony Stark. What was he doing here? It took him a full minute to recover from the shock. He turned back around and strode across the room to stuff the book behind one of the cushions. He'd rather be caught dead than have the "genius, billionaire, playboy philanthropist" discover his recreational studies. The soldier closed his eyes for a moment, then opened the door with a carefully guarded expression.


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