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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 24th, 2012, 10:55 pm 
Rider of Rohan
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Thor nodded, speaking for his friends since none of them seemed likely to venture a reply unless directly spoken to. There hadn’t exactly been time to go over the proper customs after all, and how did one address a king/god anyway. “Indeed, father. In fact some of these delicacies my friends have brought with them, that we may all partake of their gloriousness.”

“Very well then, let the feast begin!” Odin proclaimed. The hall exploded into cheers and instant music as the previously silent crowd erupted in celebration. Thor bowed with his forearm braced across his chest and the others followed his example and did the same, backing away from Odin before turning as Thor motioned them along.

“Come, friends, you dine alongside me tonight.”


Asgardian feasts were... spectacular, to say the least. The food piled high, the drink flowed like an almost literal river, the music and sound was deafening but in a pleasant sort of way. And my god could they all eat, some of them even more than Thor. All of the Avengers short of the Thunder God and the Captain were stuffed full long before the meal was close to over.
The conversation too was both enjoyable and amusing. It had taken Clint all of twenty minutes to be tracked down by some of Asgard’s most acclaimed archers, all of whom had heard of the assassins skills via Thor and who were eager to see and challenge the human. Natasha had long ago been taken aside by a tall woman with raven hair, introduced by Thor as the lady Sif. The two women appeared to have hit it off quite well. Steve had been drawn into conversation by another group of warriors, eager to hear tales of Midgardian wars.

Leaning over, Tony nudged Bruce in the ribs. “Thirty bucks says they’re swapping war stories.”

Bruce looked up and across the hall to where the women stood, laughing a little and shaking his head. “If the lady Sif is as acclaimed a warrior as Thor says then I doubt we want to know what they’re talking about. And it’s probably not a good idea to keep staring at her like that.”

Tony grinned and breathed a laugh, tossing back a drink of something that he assumed was mead or medieval beer or something. He wasn’t sure what they drank in Asgard, but it sure as hell wasn’t anything he was used to. Not bad though. The drinks were stronger than those back home, as both Tony and Clint had soon discovered. Thor hadn’t been kidding when he’d claimed that Earth’s alcohol was weak in comparison. Tony was taking it slow, not over eager to get slobbering drunk his first night here. Tomorrow maybe.

A burst of loud laughter erupted beside and across from them as Thor finished off some tale or other. Slamming his stein down upon the table the god reached across the mounds of unfinished food and slapped Steve’s shoulder. “Come, Rogers! It is time for you and I to challenge each other once again. A drinking game! I will have no excuses.” He rose from the table,and motioned for the others to follow. “You will not find our drink so easy to overcome, my friend,” he goaded. He led them all to the corner of the hall where a dozen others all stood around enormous casks. “Stand aside, my friends!” he called to the other Asgard warriors. “Taking two mugs, easily the size of Steve’s head, he passed one to the soldier.

Tony and Bruce stood back and watched, both looking amused.



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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 25th, 2012, 12:42 am 
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Steve chuckled and tried the hand the tankard back to Thor.

"I'm not sure I'm in the drinking mood tonight, Thor."

"Oh, come on Cap." Natasha was suddenly by his side. The corner of her mouth twitched with amusement. "You're among good company. And when was the last time you really inebriated yourself?"

Steve paused, considering her words for a moment. She had a point. It had been quite awhile since he had really felt the effects of alcohol. It was both a blessing and a curse. He couldn't deny the fact that part of him longed to feel normal again, even if it was slightly irresponsible. And besides, weren't people always whispering behind his back about how he was always the Golden Boy? The man who never got his hands dirty? Steve could feel his resolve waver a little.

"You don't know that it's going to affect me." The soldier finally replied in low tones to Natasha as the gods began to circle around them. The female assassin shrugged a shoulder.

"You don't know that it won't, either." And with that, she smirked and fell back into the cheering crowd.

"Come now, Rogers! Is that fear I sense in you?" Thor grinned boyishly and held up his mug high into the air. "Do you wish to deny our friends a good show of merriment and spirits?"

"Now, what kind of man would I be if I turned away an opportunity like that?" Steve returned the god's grin and stood up to clink their tankards together. "May the best man win!"

The cries and cheers erupted from the mob as the two men threw their mugs back. The liquor was strong and bitter with a kick of sweetness at the end. The soldier found that he quite liked the taste, mostly because it wasn't anything he had been accustomed to on Earth. It wasn't until the third mug that he finally began to feel the effects of the liquor. But rather than being deterred by the sudden light-headedness, the captain felt exhilarated as he picked up the fourth stein with an uncharacteristic howl of enthusiasm.

"Well, Cap seems to be enjoying himself." Clint said with a chuckle as he sauntered up to Tony and Bruce. "But my money is on Thor." Bruce shook his head with an amused look.

"I wouldn't be so sure. It's been a long time since Steve has gotten drunk. He's probably going to push himself until he passes out cold."

"Wouldn't that be a sight to see." The archer whistled.

Suddenly, the crowd exploded into cheers again. During their brief conversation, Steve had somehow managed to jump on the table with a tankard in each hand.

"Citizens of Asgard!" He cried out, his usual immaculate hair now in disarray as he spun around. The foam from the cups sloshed over his hands as he swerved. "Can I get some love?" The noise was deafening. Even Thor joined in; it was obvious that he, too, was enjoying his friend's reaction to the liquor. "I... AM... CAPTAIN... AMERICAAA!" The soldier suddenly fell to his knees and tilted both of the mugs back. Most of the drink missed his mouth completely, but Steve didn't seem to mind nor care. He dropped both of the tankards down and pulled one of the warriors closer.

"This armor... I could really get used to it... but it's so shiny. Do you know what I'm saying? Do you have people polish this for you?" He sprung off the table and threw his arm around Thor, who looked as though he was trying to gasp for breath through fits of drunken laughter. "I should really introduce you to spandex, my friend." The captain lowered his voice to what he deemed to be a "whispering tone," but really was quite the opposite.

"It shows off your body. And you have great form. I pretend that I hate the suit. You know, the spangled one. Red, white, and blue? But I really don't because... well. It's comfortable. And I'm all for looking good and feeling comfortable." He slurred, finishing his sentence with a drunken laugh. Suddenly, his blue eyes lit up as he saw the three men standing a little ways away from the crowd.

"MY FRIENDS." Without warning, he lunged forward and grabbed Bruce's hand, yanking him into the open space. "Stark. Teach me how to do the sprinkler move that you always do whenever you think no one is watching." When Bruce gave him a bewildered look, Steve jabbed his finger at the doctor's chest. "Tony Stark, I have seen you dancing in your living room with that terrible music that young kids these days call "funky fresh." I. Am. Captain. America. CAPTAIN. AMERICA! You do not mess with the captain." He stepped back and gestured widely.

"Now. Show me the dance."

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 25th, 2012, 1:25 am 
Rider of Rohan
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Poor Bruce just stood there, desperately looking to the others for help and getting only grins and laughter in the face of his bewilderment.

Tony had never missed JARVIS and his surveillance cameras more than in that moment. He hadn’t laughed so hard in years, to the point where there were almost tears in his eyes. He didn't even care that Clint was laughing and also demanding for Tony to do the “sprinkler move that he does when he thinks no one is watching”.

“Go on, Banner, show him how to dance,” he shouted, smirking at Bruce as the physicist continued to look hesitant. Eventually though Bruce shook his head and, with a grin and enthusiasm that surprised everyone, stepped forward and showed Steve how to do the move.

Tony stood back to watch, Clint clinging to his shoulder and laughing so hard that he nearly fell. Around them the warriors cheered and Thor stepped in to join the dance, which had now evolved into an electric slide, and then a sloppy moonwalk. When the physicist then began to teach the soldier the moves to Thriller Tony choked on his drink. Damn did he miss JARVIS.

Eventually Banner staggered away, grinning like no one had ever seen and breathless as he dropped onto a bench beside Tony.

“More drinks!” Thor shouted and the hall filled with a roar of agreement again. Steve cheered along with them and downed another of the huge mugs, spilling more than he drank and still not caring one bit.

The playboy figured that neither Steve nor Bruce had had this much fun in ages. In fact, he wasn’t sure that he had ever seen Steve this carefree or happy since they’d met. The soldier was always tense, annoying, and solemn to the point of not being able to take a joke. It was too bad that he couldn’t get drunk more often; he and the billionaire might get a long better if he could.

He cheered loudly when Steve ended up on one of the tables again, apparently telling some story that Tony couldn’t actually hear over the laughter and shouts from the Asgardians around them.



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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 25th, 2012, 1:56 am 
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An hour later, it was obvious to everyone was Steve had completely lost it. But as guilty as some might have felt for not stopping him while they could have (namely, Bruce), the entertainment far outweighed their conscience. For by the end of the night, Steve was back on the tables again, swishing his dark blue cloak to and fro with one hand while raising his index finger towards the ceiling on the other.

"AGAIN, MY FRIENDS!" He bellowed. The crowd, which had only grown larger throughout the evening, surrounded the table and chorused as they had been taught to do:

"Who’s strong and brave, here to save the American Way?
Who vows to fight like a man for what’s right night and day?"

Steve began to march down the long table, kicking the plates and bowls aside as he strutted with his nose in the air. As he passed by the chicken, he snatched a drumstick and held it in the air like a baton.

"Who will campaign door-to-door for America,
Carry the flag shore to shore for America,
From Hoboken to Spokane--"

"THE STAR SPANGLED MAN WITH A PLAAAN!" The captain sang, his voice echoing throughout the chamber. The song continued with Steve spinning dramatically and saving his cloak around like a flag. When they reached the bridge, he began to drunkenly accompany the group in a voice that was entirely too low for his register.

"Who waked the giant that napped in America?
We know it’s no-one but Captain America,"

"Sing it, everyone!" The soldier cried, slapping his knee with a guffaw.

"Who’ll finish what they began?
Who’ll kick the Krauts to Japan?"


"The Star Spangled Man with a Plan!"

And as rehearsed, Thor shot to his feet, proud to have been given a solo, and raised his fist up high.

"Who’s strong and brave, here to save the American way?!"

"MEEE!" And with that, Steve launched himself into the crowd.

Bruce, who was now crying with laughter, gripped Tony's shoulder in order to stay on his feet.

"Maybe we should take him back to his room... " He gasped, his face red.

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 25th, 2012, 2:36 am 
Rider of Rohan
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Tony, with a cheshire grin that spread from ear to ear, shook his head. “Leave him be. I’m sure he’ll wind down soon,” he said. Bruce looked like he was going to argue but ended up breaking off into snorting laughter again as Steve began teaching the crowd another song.

Eventually though they were forced to finally put an end to the festivities, considering the fact that Steve fell off the table and into Tony, who he confused for Natasha. Shaking his head the playboy dragged the soldier to his feet. “Party’s over, Capcicle. Doc says it’s time for bed,” he grunted, catching Steve again as he wobbled. Bruce came up and helped to steady him as well.

“You go ahead and take him,” the physicist said, nodding towards the door and biting back another laugh as Steve tried to swat Tony away. “I’m going to help Natasha get Clint before he starts shooting arrows off of someone’s head.”

Tony tried to protest but before he had the chance Bruce was gone. Sighing the playboy dropped Steve’s arm across his shoulders and pulled him through the crowd. The irony of the situation didn’t escape him; somehow he’d always imagined that Steve would show up somewhere to scrape his wasted ass off the floor and take him home, not the other way around.



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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 25th, 2012, 1:10 pm 
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Suddenly, Steve made a grab for Tony's chin, squinting at his face. He patted the playboy's beard and let his hand drop with a lazy smile.

"Tony Stark. Who would've thought--" The captain hiccuped and closed his eyes with a chuckle. It was obvious that the effects of the alcohol were finally beginning to wind down. He was going to pass out at any minute. As he stumbled along to keep up with Tony, he spoke again.

"You must think... I'm some craaaazy man." He patted the playboy's chest, right over the spot where his chest piece was. "But I'm not! I'm a good man, I am." He hiccuped again. "But you know what?" Steve put his hand over Tony's armor again, smiling sleepily. "You are too." When the inventor said nothing, Steve frowned and jabbed him.

"Don't think that I don't know what goes on in that little head of yours. Besides the whole... you know..." The captain wiggled his fingers. "Science-y thing." He looked at Tony dead in the eye, and for a moment, it seemed as though he was completely sober. "Don't be too hard on yourself, Tony Stark. Men like you don't along everyday and I..." Now Steve put his hand on his own chest to express his earnestness. "... am lucky to have known both you and your father. That's what I think." The captain dropped his gaze and yawned widely as they approached their bed chambers. Suddenly, Steve came to a complete halt. He stared at the floor, his expression hidden by the shadow of the dim torchlight.

"I'm sorry." He said unexpectedly. "I'm sorry for being so rude. At the apartment. And... all the time." He looked up, his mouth pulled into a desperate smile. He was suddenly laughing, but it sounded all wrong. "It's just... I'm so sad." He continued to laugh, but a single tear rolled down his cheek. "I pretend like I'm not, but..." He leaned against the wall, pressing his forehead against the marble. "I'm just so sad, you know?" He shuddered, then chuckled again and waved the playboy away.

"Go join the party, Tony Stark. I can make it from here."

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 25th, 2012, 4:03 pm 
Rider of Rohan
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Shocked into silence Tony watched the soldier stagger a few steps away. His chocolate eyes were dim and startlingly solemn, bare and open and readable like they always were when he thought that no one was watching.

Steve confused him, intimidated him, reminded him of all the things that he himself was not. Steve Rogers was Captain America... and yet somehow he felt the need to remind Tony Stark, renowned asshole and selfish rich boy, that Steve was good? And more confusing, that he thought Tony was?

“I know he would have liked you. Very much.”

It hadn’t taken Tony long to realize that Steve did not like him at all, or at least, it hadn’t seemed as though the soldier did. Looking back now though how much of that had actually been the playboy’s own fault? And even though Steve was wrong, about Tony and about what he thought was really going on inside of the playboy’s head, the genius felt a brief second of childish warmth.

Maybe Steve would have liked him had he not turned out to be such a hopeless case. But the fact that the soldier seemed to not hate him, at least while drunk, went a long way to making the playboy feel not quite so disgustingly broken and irreparable after all.

Without a word Tony went after Steve and ducked beneath his arm, pulling it across his shoulders again in support when the soldier staggered. He could feel Steve look at him in dazed surprise but he avoided his eyes and simply led him down the hall. By the time they reached the room Steve was all but passed out, more hanging from Tony than walking with him. Kicking his way into the soldier’s room the playboy carefully dropped him onto the bed, pulled off all of the sharp metal bits of the soldier’s ensemble, and turned to leave.

Halfway to the door he stopped, sighed, and rubbed his jaw before tuning back. There was something he needed to say, right now when no one was around who would be able to hold it against him. “Look, we both know that I’m not any good at things like this. Actually we both know that I’m not good at a lot of things... and the only reason I’m even trying is because you won’t remember any of this in the morning, but... I get it. I get that you’re sad and probably lonely that you feel like you don’t belong here, and I know I haven’t exactly helped with that... sorry, by the way.” He took a deep breath and played with the hem of his cloak rather than looking up towards Steve. “But she would have wanted you to be happy, you know? And you have a lot of people who admire you, and they want to be friends with you. God only knows why,” he added, needing to keep up his persona even though no one was around to see it, “but they do. So you don’t have to do the lone gunslinger thing, you don’t always have to watch your back because you have a team to watch it for you.”

Sighing and feeling like a total moron Tony dropped the fabric and looked at the walls. “So I guess my point is that you don’t have to be sad all the time. You have this second chance to be happy and be admired and loved again. Not everyone gets or deserves that. So just... don’t waste it. Aunt Peggy-" he caught himself. "Peggy wouldn’t have wanted you to waste it. She would want you to be happy, and... so does everyone else. Because you’re a good guy. A pain, but a good guy. And you deserve it. So just try and remember that," he suggested. "Or don't. It's up to you.”

Having finished, and feeling like a sappy teenage girl, Tony took one glancing look at the other man before walking quickly from the room and closing the door behind him.



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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 25th, 2012, 9:44 pm 
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It was warm. Much warmer than he was used to. And he was shaking. Or...?

Steve sighed as he turned over on his side, but face-planted into metal. When he heard Thor's laughter, he groaned. Oh no.

"Who’ll finish what they began?

"-Thor, stop-"

"Who’ll kick the Krauts to Japan?"

"THE STAR SPANGLED MAN WITH A PLANNN!" Steve opened one eye just in time to see Clint finish off the chorus with Thor. The soldier grunted and pulled his pillow over his head again. He hadn't felt this awful in... well... ever. The hangover was appallingly unbearable.

"Easy does it, Cap." Clint helped the soldier sit up slowly. Steve held his head and combed his fingers through his hair.

"What did I..." He trailed off when he caught the two men staring at him with grins that stretched from ear to ear. He shook his head. "Nevermind, I don't want to know. I'm sure Stark is going to fill me in on all the details once I'm awake enough to hear them." And with that, he stumbled out of bed and staggered towards the wardrobe

"Leave him be, Barton." Thor chortled. "Come, let us join the others in the common room. We have much to explore today." And with that, the god threw his arm around the archer's shoulders and led him back out of Steve's room to give the captain some privacy.

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 25th, 2012, 10:53 pm 
Rider of Rohan
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Tony was, per usual, sprawled out on the one of the couches. In fact he had probably slept there, as he had been sitting on the balcony when everyone had finally straggled back from the feast and was also the first one up when everyone trickled out of their rooms late the next morning. Thankfully the Asgardian day clothes didn’t seem to be as flashy as the celebration garments; Tony wore breeches that were similar enough to jeans to be comfortable and a red tunic type shirt with a leather coat, wine-red, over the top of it.

Clint, hyper as a child, bounced over the back of the couch and nearly landed on the playboy’s legs. “Still sleeping, Tony?”

The genius cursed and glared at the archer, swatting at him while Thor leaned over the couch with a laugh. Tony looked tired but awake enough - years of all nighters tended to help a guy out when it came to mornings after.

“I hope the festivities have not worn you out so soon, Stark,” Thor teased cheerfully. “There is much in Asgard that I mean to show you, wonders that your world can only dream of.”

“Sounds great,” Tony replied unenthusiastically.

“I guess this means we’ll be riding horses again,” Bruce said from across the fire, trying not to look as distressed as he felt.

“Don’t worry, Doc,” Natasha said, coming around giving him the closest thing to an encouraging smile that any of them short of Clint had ever seen. “We won’t let you fall off.”

“Indeed, Banner, Atalia is a most gentle horse,” Thor said reassuringly. “She will not allow you to fall or come to harm. Show her no fear and she will tend to you well.”

Bruce didn’t look overly reassured but he smiled anyway. “If you say so, Thor.”

“I do,” the Thunder God nodded.

Tony listened to the conversation with little interest, seeming bored. Less than 24 hours and he was already itching for his tech, none of which had come along with him. At the very least he hoped to get a look at the Bifrost gate again. That was something he wanted to look into.

When Steve’s door opened Tony stiffened imperceptibly, not looking anywhere in the general direction of the room as he waited for the soldier to appear. Things were not going to be comfortable until he could be certain that the other man didn’t remember anything from last night.

“Rogers! At last you join us,” Thor boomed when at last the soldier stepped out, and Tony cringed in sympathy - Steve was bound to have a killer headache. Hopefully the man’s enhanced healing abilities would bring an end to that fairly soon.

“You look gorgeous, Cap,” Clint snickered, ignoring the look that Natasha shot him. Even Bruce had to grin and look away, too good-natured to let his amusement over Steve’s antics from last night show and embarrass the other man. Tony said nothing.



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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 26th, 2012, 12:30 am 
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Steve winced and rubbed his head. His hair was still tangled at the ends, but at least he was somewhat clean and awake now. He straightened. Was it always this bright in Asgard? He wouldn't mind going back to bed actually, but his good manners wouldn't allow him to retreat back to his room. With a painful smile, he looked at Thor.

"Don't suppose you have any coffee?"

"We do not have such beverages in Midgard, I'm afraid. However..." The god snapped his fingers. A young boy ran in through the open double doors and held up a goblet on a silver tray. Thor picked it up and handed it to the captain. "... you will find this most helpful for your headache."

Steve took the goblet and drank deeply. He spluttered, coughing as the liquid burned his throat. Thor clapped a hand on his back. Eyes watering, the captain held onto the god's arm and rose up again.

"You put on quite a show last night, Cap." Clint informed him with a note of glee. Steve winced again.

"I can only imagine how entertaining it must have been. But if you could spare me the details, I would be grateful."

"Not a chance."

Natasha, who seemed to be holding back all morning, had apparently had enough with her partner because a second later, Clint doubled over and fell to his knees.

"What was that for?!"

The assassin said nothing, but the look she gave him spoke volumes... or, enough to make the archer cease his snickering at the Captain's expense. Steve was too busy drinking to notice the violent exchange between the two agents. His head was clearing up a little now, thanks to the drink Thor had given him. He set the goblet back on the tray and exhaled slowly.

"Must have been a pain dragging me back to my room. Thanks."

"That was Tony, actually." Bruce supplied helpfully. He gave the playboy an innocent look. Steve seemed surprised. He looked at Bruce, then back at Tony on the couch. There was no trace of recollection in his face. He cleared his throat, clearly uncomfortable with the situation, then slipped his hands into his trouser pockets.

"Uh, thanks."

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 27th, 2012, 10:13 pm 
Rider of Rohan
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Tony looked up, visibly relaxing at the completely surprised and blank look that Steve was giving him. He didn’t remember. For a moment Tony considered poking fun but the recollection of Steve’s confession from the night before stopped him. “Any time,” he said instead, shrugging as if it were no big deal. “Just try not to make a habit out of it. That’s kind of my department,” he added with a quirky grin.

Thor, seeing that everyone was now ready, dropped his hand to Steve’s shoulder. “Come, my friends! The day awaits us.”

“So do the horses,” Bruce mumbled dejectedly as they followed the god from the hall. With a grin of badly suppressed laughter Tony dropped a hand on the physicist’s back.

“You could always let the big guy loose and walk,” he suggested jokingly.

Bruce shook his head with a small smile, even after all this time still bewildered by the fact that Tony talked about the Hulk like he wasn’t a rage monster who crushed everything. As they left the inner palace behind and the horses were lead up to them Bruce shook his head again. “No thanks,” he said, tentatively reaching out to pet his mount on the nose. “I’d rather not destroy anything in my first twenty-four hours here.”



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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 30th, 2012, 4:10 pm 
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Despite Thor's excitement, they were further delayed when Atalia refused yet again to let Bruce mount her. It wasn't until Natasha hopped off her horse and calmed the mare down that the doctor was finally able to climb on. The assassin wordlessly handed Bruce the reins and patted his leg.

"Come, my friends!" The god of thunder called as the rest of the group mounted on their horses. "There is much to see today." Thor pulled ahead to lead them, with Natasha and Clint at his heels. Steve lingered the in the middle of the pack while Tony brought up the rear with Bruce to make sure the physicist didn't accidentally fall off before they reached their destination.

The air in Asgard was light and fragrant with the exotic gold-dusted flowers that bloomed along the palace. The green vines crept along the cobbled path and spilled over the edges of the stone walls in delicate swirling patterns. Steve turned his head to marvel at the decorum, but Roan was too intent with keeping up to pay heed to the soldier's wishes. The captain laughed and flattened himself upon the saddle as they exited the gates.

They rode for a long while before Thor finally slowed to a stop at the top of a wide cliff. He turned, his figure a mere silhouette against the pink and yellow-clouded sky. With a smile, the god swung his legs off his mount and hopped off.

"You will be most pleased to hear that we are leaving our beasts here for now, Banner." Thor walked to the edge of the rock and peered below. Steve followed suit, placing a hand on the god's shoulder. There was a large lake at least fifty feet below from where they were standing. "The horses may alarm the creatures by the water. They will be safer up here." Thor gestured. "We shall climb down to Lake Armsvartnir by foot."

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 30th, 2012, 8:40 pm 
Rider of Rohan
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The path down to the lake was narrow and steep, but aside from a few rough spots easy to traverse. The wall of the cliff was almost artistically decorated with greenery, vines and roots winding across the surface and hiding within every crevice. Even away from the palace the air had a golden tint, giving everything a soft appearance.

The lake itself, once they reached it, was beautiful, the kind of place that people back home would have paid infinite amounts of money to see. Clint looked around, nudging Tony in the ribs as they left the cliffs and came to the shore. “I take it back, Stark,” he joked. “Next time I need a vacation I’m borrowing Thor’s beach instead. Malibu’s got nothing on this.”

Tony merely rolled hie eyes and looked around, spinning to take in the cliffs, the shore, and wondering where the creatures that Thor had mentioned were hiding. As if reading the playboy’s thoughts the god lifted his hands and made a peculiar whistling sound. The reaction was instant as the sand and grass around them exploded, round, shining bodies bursting free of camouflage and shooting skyward.

They looked something like albino bats, but instead of living in caves they skimmed along the surface of the water. Tony watched as one dove into the lake before bobbing back up, its sleek, shimmering wings folding beneath it to act like a boat. Another landed on Natasha’s shoulder, and while Clint stared at it a little warily the Russian didn’t seem bothered at all.

“I confess they are not so wondrous as the creatures of your realm,” the god of Thunder said as one lighted upon him as well. “But they are some of the more pleasant beasts in Asgard.”

“I think they’re very sweet, Thor,” Natasha replied, a rare smile on her face as she glanced at him. Clint’s face was more along the lines of what-the-heck-are-these-thing-they’re-so-creepy. “What are the called?”

Tony had already wandered away, not really interested in the names of the bat-things (he was with Clint, personally - they were creepy).

Walking through some of the higher grass Tony really, really hoped that there were no snakes. Occasionally one of the bats would swoop overhead before dive bombing into the lake. Sometimes they never came back up, or took several minutes to do so. Back up the beach Clint was standing with one on his arm while Natasha looked amused - and the archer looked like he was going to shoot something. “Come on, get it off.”

Tony snickered at the sight and wished that he had a camera. His amusement was interrupted however by the sudden swarming of what at first appeared to be birds, flitting up from the grass and from the shallow water.

“Ouch! What the-” Tony growled, flapping his hand at one of the the bird-like creatures as it whizzed in tugged at it hair. The little thing - which looked more like a pixie than a bird, with an eerily translucent body and sky blue wings - simply dodged the attack and dove at him again, tugging on his ear. Tony swore that he heard it giggle.

“Beware the Nixes, Stark,” came a laughing warning from up the shore. Thor was grinning, pleased that his friends - most of them, anyway - seemed to be enjoying themselves. “They are harmless creatures, but they do delight in pestering, and in luring the unwary into the water.”

Just as Thor had finished three or four of the sprites shot up again, humming as they all somehow doused Tony’s head in water. The playboy ducked and staggered back, huffing as the pixies swirled around him before skipping back out over the lake again.

From a few feet away Bruce laughed, trying to hide it behind his hand and failing. “I don’t think they like you, Tony.”



just a big man with a suit of armor.

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 31st, 2012, 1:13 am 
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Meanwhile, Steve was a little farther away from the group, having ventured closer to the water. The surface was completely still. Not even the light breeze seemed to bother the water, which was a perfect reflection of the trees and breath-taking sky. The soldier lowered himself to one knee and studied the lake intently before reaching out and grazing his fingertips along the surface.

"Rogers!" Steve jerked back in surprise to see Thor frowning in his direction. "I would not touch the lake if I were you. Many have said that it has been cursed by a creature of the sea." As he spoke, the ripples made from the captain's fingertips seemed to grow rapidly, expanding across the lake at an alarming rate. With a note of alarm, Steve moved back into the grass, briefly catching sight of the silvery residue where his skin touched the water.

"Uh, Steve..." Clint started forward, but Thor held his arm out to stop him.

"Remain still," the god ordered.

The rest of the team obeyed, mostly because there wasn't much else to do. A full minute passed before the ripples gradually formed a small whirlpool in the water. Natasha, who was the stillest of them all, tilted her head.

"Look," she breathed.

Sure enough, something was ascending from the water. A head, fully covered in glistening silver-blue scales, emerged from the lake. There was a low purr as the rest of the long, snake-like body surfaced behind it. The monster opened its opaque eyes, meeting the captain's gaze directly with a hiss. The rest of its body moved gently in a S-like manner as it placed its two front legs on the muddy bank and bent in closer to study Steve at a better angle.

"A Lindworm." Thor informed them quietly through the tension. "A wingless dragon, known in your realm as a sea serpent. This one seems young. I am most doubtful that its venomous bite will cause any harm." The creature turned its head and hissed in the god's direction, as if challenging his statement. "Be careful, Rogers."

Steve exhaled slowly as the lindworm turned its attention back to him. Its silvery tongue flick forth and danced along his cheek, as if to taste him.

"So what do I do?" The soldier's voice was strained as the creature continued to tease him, this time splashing him with a bit of water from the lake. Steve spluttered.

"Herdis seems charmed by you, soldier." The silky voice startled them all. It took all of Steve's control to not jump when he spotted the woman on the rock. Or was it...? "She is rarely ever so curious about Midgardian men." The woman lifted a hand The serpent tilted its head at Steve again, then sunk back into the water and circled around the maiden. The soldier took this opportune moment to retreat back to the group.

"Margygur." Thor whispered in awe when Steve joined them again.

"A mermaid?" Natasha translated with a note of incredulity. It was apparent that she was the only one who had done her research in the group.

"This is no ordinary maid of the sea, my lady." The god murmured, his gaze still fixed upon the woman, who had now taken a particular interest in Tony. "She possesses the secrets to the future, but she will only reveal them to you if she so wishes."

The maiden tilted her head. Her eyes were as silver and still as the water. The breeze gently pushed her dark curls away from her face as she stared intently at the playboy. She lifted one porcelain hand and beckoned to him. She lifted her ice-blue tail out of the water for a brief moment, her pale lips pulled into a mysterious smile.

"Come," she whispered, her voice like velvet as she coaxed Tony. "I have much to tell you, Midgardian. You must come now."

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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: July 31st, 2012, 8:55 pm 
Rider of Rohan
Rider of Rohan
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As the maiden beckoned the playboy the rest of the team turned to stare at him, curiosity, concern, or guarded caution showing in all of their faces. Tony’s own face was carefully blank as he held the mermaid’s gaze. He didn’t actually believe in magic or fortune telling, though he had to admit that there were things in Asgard that couldn’t be entirely explained by science. Still, her proposition was... interesting.

As if reading his thoughts, the mermaid smiled and nodded. “Come,” she whispered again.

Lips twisting in thought, Tony shrugged his shoulders lightly and stepped forward. Thor did the same, reaching out to stop him. “Be careful, Stark,” he warned, though he paused when the serpent raised its head to hiss in soft warning. “The Margygur are not always to be trusted.”

“Well warned, King of Thunder,” the maiden purred, raising her gaze to Thor. “But your friends has nothing to fear from me. I only wish to show him what is to come.” Her eyes fell to Tony again, thoughtful and filled with some hidden meaning. “It is not in his future to die by my hand.”

Tony stepped forward again, boots sloshing in the shallows now as he stood in front of the woman, carefully disinterested and uncaring. Nodding with approval she reached out, running a finger lightly across his jaw. “I have much to show you, Tony Stark,” she breathed. “Are you ready to see?”

She offered him her hand.

Tony looked down at it, ignoring the feeling of eyes on his back as his own traveled from the offered hand and back to her eyes. Shrugging again he took it, chills running through him as the icy feel of her skin seemed to seep into his hand.

“Tony-” Bruce began, and the mermaid’s eyes shot up.

“Do not interfere in this,” she warned, her voice losing its soft, alluring quality and turning to one of cold warning. “What I show him must be seen.” She looked down again, her voice again soft and inviting. “Are you ready?”

With a smirk that was not as confident as he would have preferred Tony replied with his usual sarcasm. “Is this the part where you kiss me and then show me all the mistakes I’m going to make from here on out?”

The mermaid laughed, a sound that held neither mirth nor menace, and raised her free hand to stroke his cheek again. “Do not fear, Tony Stark,” she whispered, leaning in until her cold breath brushed across his ear. “I am not going to kiss you.”

The next thing Tony knew, the shore was no longer beneath him, water surrounded him, and the last thing he heard was Bruce’s cry of alarm and Clint blasting out a startled curse before he was dragged beneath the waves.


As the water rushed over his head Tony had to admit to a spike of panic. The icy grip of the mermaid held tight to his wrist, dragging him down while the Lindworm swam around them. Refusing to go down without a fight he struggled, jerking and kicking until a hand came to his face again.

Do not fight me. It must be this way, it is the only way for you to see.

Through the mirk of the water the maiden’s eyes showed clearly, silver and cold as their gazes locked together. Tony blinked once, twice, his struggles slowing and soon ceasing all together. When he blinked again the water was was gone, replaced by a jumble of images and sounds that sent his pulse spiking.

Tony stood in the center of a crumbling street, armorless, defenseless, while around him the rest of his team dealt with an enemy the playboy didn’t recognize. In the sky above Thor rained down lightning whenever it was safe to do so, and in the distance a red and golden streak shot through the sky.

Tony had never gotten to watch himself fly. It was kind of cool.

Beside him something exploded but the fire didn’t touch him. He watched as Steve and Natasha fought back to back on the ground while Clint’s arrows came flying down around him. There were several S.H.I.E.L.D. agents as well, holding their own and taking down the bad guys per usual. It was going well, they were clearly winning.

Until the Iron Man came crashing into the center of the street, unmoving, and unresponsive. That was when things went wrong.

Tony couldn’t tell how it happened, the vision sped forward before he could be sure, but he watched as his greatest creation slipped out of control. As the rest of the team rushed to his aid the suit rose, straightened... and without warning opened fire on the few people that Tony actually considered friends.


One of Fury’s agents went down, then another, then another. They had all opened fire now, reluctant to take him down but aware that, for whatever reason, he was no longer on their side.

Tony watched his future self continue to try and retake control. Meanwhile, another agent died.


The prediction kept moving and Tony kept watching as he - the other him - began to tear through the city, using weapons against friends, aiding the few enemies that were left. He nearly threw up when Clint went down hard after taking a repulser blast to the chest.


“Tony! What are you doing? Stop!”

Steve’s shield came crashing down on his head, once, twice, with so much force that the visor finally broke away. Tony watched his own face appear, streaked with blood from a cut caused by the shattered visor. Steve halted his attack, surprise and worry clearly written in his blue eyes.

“Stark, what-”

The distraction cost him, and a fist that Tony no longer controlled came up and struck the soldier hard in the jaw. Tony heard and saw himself struggling, spitting curses and shedding almost-tears of horror and hopelessness as the star-spangled man went down.

The armor pinned Steve to the ground, hand hovering directly above his heart. The future Tony stared down, Steve stared up, and the whine of the repulsers filled the air.

“I’m so sorry,” Tony heard himself gasp. “Someone - the suit - this isn’t me.”

“I know,” the soldier replied.

The repulser fired and Steve was gone. Just like Hawkeye, just like the seven S.H.I.E.L.D. agents that the armor had also taken out. Gone.

With a sickening lurch the images began to fade, turning back to the murky grey of the lake.


Tony collapsed onto the muddy shore with a half-drowned gasp, his eyes still wide. His lungs screamed at him, struggling for oxygen that they had sorely missed. For a moment, past, present, and future ran together and the playboy jerked his hand to his chest, the lack of armor, the solidity of the arc reactor, and the faint racing of his heart acting as an anchor.

Up the shore the rest of the team could be heard, shouting his name and scouring along the shallows. His stomach churned at the sight of them all, the mermaid’s prediction racing through his mind again. For a ridiculous moment he hoped that they wouldn’t find him.

A cold hand fell upon his cheek and he jumped.

“Thus is your future, Man of Iron,” the maiden murmured, and it was hard to tell if her tone was one of pity or twisted pleasure. “This chance I have given, a warning, so that you may be prepared. Use it well.”

A soft splash told him that she was gone.

Shoving up onto his knees Tony kept his eyes on the ground, coughing up water and shuddering as the vision continued to swirl through his memories. The logical part of his mind insisted that he calm down, that just because some mermaid showed him a supposed future that didn’t make it true. His suit was unhackable.

Yet hadn’t Rhodey’s suit been hacked once? Remotely controlled by Ivan Vanko and used to try and kill Tony? It had taken JARVIS several minutes to regain control, and if JARVIS were to be taken out of the picture all together... Tony would be helpless up there in the sky with no access to anything that would allow him to take his suit back.

Dropping back against a boulder that rested at the waters edge Tony’s head fell back and he stared at the sky in intense thought while silent, sickening horror still twisted in his stomach. That couldn’t happen. There had to be a way. He had to think of something.

First though he had to think of a lie, because there was no way that he could tell the others what he’d just seen.



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 Post subject: Re: Avengers, Assemble! (Private RP)
PostPosted: August 1st, 2012, 12:07 am 
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"Tony!" Steve was by the playboy's side in a matter of seconds. He knelt down and shook him once, gently but firmly. "Tony, can you hear me?"

"What the hell happened down there?" Clint was clearly having somewhat of a freak-out moment. His eyes darted from Tony to the water, then back to Tony again. He dragged a hand through his hair. "Jesus, that was..." He shook his head again.

"Stark," Thor pushed Clint aside and unfastened his cloak. He helped the playboy sit up and wrapped the fabric around his shoulders. "You look unwell. Perhaps it is best if we retire early and return to the palace."

"I agree." Bruce looked worried, but he gave the playboy a hard look, anticipating his protests. "Doctor's orders, Tony."

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