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 Post subject: I Solemnly Swear I'm Up to No Good [Private]
PostPosted: June 2nd, 2013, 1:06 pm 
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I Solemnly Swear I'm Up to No Good
Private RPG between Bellatrix and motorkitty.

Bellatrix with:

Calliope Hastings

And Remus Lupin

Motorkitty with:

Eden McKinley

And Draco Malfoy


Rest in peace Carrie Fisher, the legend we didn't deserve.

Last edited by Bellatrix on June 6th, 2013, 5:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: I Solemnly Sweat I'm Up to No Good [Private]
PostPosted: June 3rd, 2013, 6:49 pm 
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My head was aching and I had to close my eyes momentarily. The bright lights from the sky above wasn't helping the situation, just as little as the loud noises were. Excitement. Too much excitement for my taste. I'd always had a very pretty exterior, with a cheerful smile and eyes that could light up an entire room, but no one had any idea of the dark sarcasm that would always threaten to lash out. I was a Slytherin for a reason. For a short moment a grin appeared on my features, remembering all the times from my past where I'd felt nothing but pure pride from being in the house I'd been sorted into.

A loud thump brought me back and I frowned, rubbing my temples. The black robes I'd earlier changed into dangled smoothly from my arms. I silently prayed that my compartment would remain empty, save for me. It would be hard enough to plaster that friendly smile on my features later, in class. A sigh escaped my lips as I looked back down on the letter on the table in front of me. A letter from Dumbledore, inviting me to join the staff of Hogwarts as their new Care of Magical Creatures teacher. I'd intended to decline it at first, but after a visit to my Gringott's vault that showed how much I'd managed to spend of my savings in my years since leaving Hogwarts myself. I let out another sigh, flattening the letter out, my eyes lingering on the swirly letters printed out in green ink. When my letters from Hogwarts had first arrived my parents had been so horrified that they weren't even sure what to do. My aunt, who was a witch and not a muggle like my parents, had shown up to save the day. Or rather to sweep me away to hers. I didn't hate my parents for shipping me off and I didn't hate my aunt for putting so much pressure on me, but when I had been seventeen and graduated from Hogwarts I just wanted to go away. I had savings. I had interests. I had dreams. And I left. Traveled mostly in Europe and my Gringott's vault was proof of that.

So unfortunately I'd been forced to admit that a job, one as a teacher in the subject I'd excelled the most at, was as good a thing as any. It'd keep food on my table at least. Even if that table would be obnoxiously large an fit teachers I didn't much care for. McGonagall was a prime example of that. She'd been my least favorite teacher and now I'd be her colleague. Another sigh. More loud noises. All the new - and old - students excited to go to Hogwarts. Some were returning after their summer holidays and some were going for the first time to the magical school for witches and wizards. I was returning home, in a way, because in spite of my many grim thoughts about the school I'd had seven wondrous years there. Seven years of being a perfect Slytherin student: clever, cunning, selfish and a bit of a brat. But I'd loved it and I hoped I'd love being a teacher there too. At least now I'd be the one taking away and giving points. The thought made me grin.

"Oh, Hogwarts," I mumbled to myself as I folded the letter away. "It'll be nice to see you again old friend."


Rest in peace Carrie Fisher, the legend we didn't deserve.

 Post subject: Re: I Solemnly Sweat I'm Up to No Good [Private]
PostPosted: June 3rd, 2013, 7:25 pm 
Rider of Rohan
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I slumped further down in my seat, my robes scrunching up under my thighs as I did so. My wand was sitting awkwardly in my pocket and I shifted position just enough so that it was no longer stabbing into my leg. Picking at my nails, I tried to drown out the mindless chatter of the other students roaming the corridors between compartments, bragging to each other about what they did over the Summer. I was willing to bet that over 90% would be exaggerated or blatant lies but hey, if the losers wanted to act like they weren't as totally pathetic as they truly were, then whatever. After all, they had me to remind them of their place. And around me, they were never allowed to forget it either, I made sure of that.

The door of my compartment slid open and I raised my head, peeking out from behind my thick fringe, expecting Draco and his cronies but instead there was a kid in robes so big for him it looked like he was drowning in them. Obviously a first year. I smirked at him, sitting up a little straighter and tucking my hair behind my ear. He mistook my smirk for a smile and gave me a tentative grin.

"Is anybody sitting there?" He asked, his little voice still all squeaky and shy as he gestured to the clearly empty seat. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and blasted him with the sweetest smile I could muster.

"Yes, actually there is. The compartments actually totally filled with people, so there's no seats left," my tone was totally sincere and I could see the confusion crossing the kids face. I decided to put him out his misery and let him know where he stood in the world. "You're not welcome here kid. And if you're not gone within the next five seconds I'll do something with my wand that'll leave you walking funny for a week. Now beat it."

His confusion turned to terror and he scarpered, slamming the door behind him and I slouched back down in my seat, satisfied. Sure, there was a chance he'd run to the Prefects and tell them how mean I had been, but was I really meant to care? It was highly likely I'd end up in detention within the first week, so what did it matter if it was the first day or the seventh? It didn't matter t me, detention was way better than hanging around with the cretins that called themselves my classmates. The only fun I had with them was making them miserable but as great as I was, I still needed a break sometimes.

I stared out the window, watching the scenery go by as we got closer and closer to Hogwarts. When I was younger, I thought changing from being home-schooled to attending a boarding school would be fun. I never thought it would be just as much a prison as being back home, just in a different way.


 Post subject: Re: I Solemnly Sweat I'm Up to No Good [Private]
PostPosted: June 3rd, 2013, 7:57 pm 
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When the three kids who looked like they might have been third years entered my compartment they exchanged glances of confusion.

"Are these seats free?" a mousy haired girl asked, her lips tugged into a smile.

The smile that I reserved for situations I was uncomfortable in instantly appeared on my features. "I'm afraid not," I lied. "Are there no other free compartments?"

Another of the kids, a boy with dark hair, shrugged. "Might be, we didn't check."

"Maybe you could go see, because unfortunately these seats are taken." I offered a sympathetic smile, while inwardly smirking to myself. I knew that I wouldn't be able to ward off older students as easily, and I prayed no others would come wandering into my compartment.

The third years - or whatever - disappeared again, but I distinctly heard one of them whisper "what a nice lady" before they were gone. The expression made me cringe. Ugh, nice lady indeed. I was only 23, although they made me feel at least 50.

I adjusted myself in my seat, then folded my arms across my chest. I was, oddly enough, looking forward to teach as well. It could be fun, if I handled everything correctly. It wasn't that I hated people or kids, I just didn't have much patience with them. I was one who easily used sarcasm and bluntness much too often and since that was hardly ever appreciated by the "right" people it was hard for me to be liked when being myself. Unfortunately I hardly ever was myself, since it was so much easier plastering on a cheerful grin rather than letting my sharp tongue speak my mind.

Suddenly the train jolted into motion and I happily leaned back, noting that it seemed all other students had found other places to sit. It saved me from having to pretend to be nice and interested. I'd do enough of that when classes started anyway.


Rest in peace Carrie Fisher, the legend we didn't deserve.

 Post subject: Re: I Solemnly Sweat I'm Up to No Good [Private]
PostPosted: June 3rd, 2013, 8:27 pm 
Rider of Rohan
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As the train gathered speed, I wondered if maybe for once I'd get a journey in peace to think alone. At home my parents always had something for me to do, someone to impress and in school I had to share a room and was always surrounded by teachers and students. I could snatch a moment here or there but a few hours alone on a train would be bliss. But every year I ended up with Draco pestering me. As if I didn't get enough of him outside of school.

Our parents had introduced us when we were young. I'd been eight and he was seven, but he seemed older because I was such a shrimpy kid. The first day we met our parents left us alone to 'play' and he cut off all my hair with a kitchen knife. It hadn't been a pleasant experience but somehow our parents persisted in us being, if not friends, then 'associates'. We tormented each other as children, playing foolish pranks. He put stink pellets in my bed so I put Cockroach Clusters in his cereal. He gave my bedroom door a biting doorknob and so I put Bulbadox powder in his robes. Once we were old enough to have our own wands we would practise simple curses and spells on each other. His mother was not amused when I put a fault babbling curse on him and he was grounded for a week after he used diffindo and ruined an entire set of brand new robes I'd just purchased.

Yet despite how much we despised each other, there was a familiarity in the way we interacted. I always knew where I stood with him. He wasn't like the other students. He wasn't scared of me, he matched each of my outbursts with one of his own and he stuck around. Even if him sticking around did tend to lead to more than a few scrapes and bruises and a bucket load of detentions.

Sure enough, as if the mere thought of him was enough to summon him, the door of my compartment slid open and he sauntered in, surprisingly alone.


 Post subject: Re: I Solemnly Sweat I'm Up to No Good [Private]
PostPosted: June 3rd, 2013, 8:44 pm 
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When I'd made peace with the thought that I'd spend the journey to Hogwarts alone the compartment door shuffled open again. This time there were no students outside, but instead a man in worn and dirty robes. I did my best to muster a smile instead of wrinkling my nose like I really wanted to do. This was clearly not a student; I assumed another teacher. I knew why I was on the train (reliving old memories), but why on earth would he be?

"Is anyone else sitting here?" he asked, his voice smooth. Although I wanted to lie as I had before I opted against it. Lying to students was one thing, lying to a fellow teacher was another. I shook my head, my blonde hair dancing neatly around my shoulders. At my words he joined me, sitting down opposite me after discarding a trunk as worn as his robes above his seat. "I'm Professor Remus Lupin," he added when he was situated.

"Professor Calliope Hastings," I replied smoothly. "Care of Magical Creatues," I added next, sensing his unspoken question.

He nodded. "I see. Defense Against Dark Arts."

His hair was brown and relatively mousy, and though he did have relatively good looks, it was overshadowed by his appearance. His robes weren't just dirty and worn, they were also ill-fitting. His face had scratches that seemed to come from a cat or some other animal and underneath his eyes dark circles were visible. I couldn't help but wonder why on earth he looked so haunted.

"First year of teaching?" he asked then, as the scenery passed us by outside.

It was my turn to nod. "Is it that obvious?"

My snarky tone was mistaken for cheerfulness and he smiled. Ugh. "Not really, but you look pretty young, so it was just a guess."

"I am pretty young," I mumbled. From the look on his face I realized he hadn't heard me and I pushed some stray hair behind my ear. "It's my first year. And you?"

"First year for me too."

He was still smiling and I was starting to feel a little uneasy. The journey would definitely be an annoying one. Double ugh.


Rest in peace Carrie Fisher, the legend we didn't deserve.

 Post subject: Re: I Solemnly Sweat I'm Up to No Good [Private]
PostPosted: June 4th, 2013, 10:19 am 
Rider of Rohan
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"Alright, McKinley?" He smirked at me, pushing his white-blonde hair off his face. He looked like he was in desperate need of a haircut.

"Malfoy," I nodded back. "Surprised to see your Mummy dearest let you out of her grip for another year at the big, bad school."

"You shut up about my mother," his smirk turned to a glare and I felt a twinge of satisfaction. For a moment it seemed like his hand would grasp his wand, but then his muscles relaxed and he slumped down in the seat across from me. "So who put your panties in a twist?"

"Thoughts on my panties already, Draco?" I grinned at him, giving him an exaggerated wink that I knew would infuriate him. "Naughty boy. What would mummy say?"

This time Malfoy did grab his wand and pointed it straight at me. My grin didn't waver, in fact it grew wider and I made no move to get my own wand. I was curious to see what he'd do.

"I could so easily make you do whatever I want you to do," he snarled and I raised an eyebrow. I guess his parents had finally gotten around to helping him put the unforgivable curses into practise. "Or have you screaming on the floor, begging for mercy."

"Still sounding pretty naughty," I laughed, reclining back in my seat, perfectly at ease. "So go on then, Draco. Or are you still under m-"

"Incarcerous!" Draco's spell cut me off, his face dark as ropes flew from the tip of his wand and wrapped themselves around me, leaving me totally immobile. "Silencio."

I had been about to finish what I was saying but his curse cut me off and all I could do was glare at him. If anyone walked by they would see what was going on, but I doubted anyone would try and get us in trouble. Plus, it'd be much more satisfying to get back at Draco myself. But for now, he was smirking at me, totally in control.


 Post subject: Re: I Solemnly Sweat I'm Up to No Good [Private]
PostPosted: June 4th, 2013, 4:38 pm 
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The conversation dwindled after I picked up a copy of one of my favorite Muggle books, as he seemed to pick up on the fact that I wanted the ride to continue in silence. I had no trouble keeping my eyes on the page as I'd already grown accustomed to Professor Lupin's ragged robes and he no longer peaked my interest. But it was hard for me to keep my mind focused, because I kept thinking back to my aunt and my parents, whom I hadn't seen since I was fourteen, and they'd decided to join me and my aunt for Christmas. It had been a very uncomfortable holiday, since they didn't seem to know how to conduct themselves around me. And they both seemed very confused that I was a witch when they weren't, still, after more than two years of knowing. It always bugged me because I didn't know how to conduct myself around them. I didn't love them, not because they had ever mistreated me or were bad people, but simply because I didn't feel the need to. They had sent me away because I scared them, loving them would only hurt me and never bring me any joy. I loved my aunt, even with all the pressure she put on me, because she did want what was best for me. My aunt, Flora Hastings, had too been a Slytherin when she attended Hogwarts but she had never been very bothered with the whole Lord Voldemort deal. She'd rooted for him, sure, but at the same time she never did anything to help him. She knew that with me being muggle born she'd never be accepted, and for all that he stood for that she agreed with, she didn't consider herself superior to the muggles. Different, but not superior. Kind of like me. I disliked everyone, regardless of them being muggles or not.

The thought made me smirk, and apparently that caught my companions attention.

"Amusing book?" he asked.

I frowned inwardly but met his eyes. "You could say that."

He nodded his head and I held the book up. "Alice in Wonderland? What's what?"

"A muggle book," I replied, eyes falling back down onto the pages. "It's more of a children's book, but I'm very fond of it."

"So are you muggle born then?"

"No," I said, the lie falling easily from my lips. It was nearly true, anyway. It was just easier telling people that my aunt was my mother, because it removed a lot of confusion. It also saved me from a lot of bullying, since being in Slytherin while being muggle born wasn't very popular.

He raised an eye brow. "Then you have a specific interest in muggles?"

"You could say that." My reply was wavering, not really answering his question. I didn't want to go into details. The fact was that Alice in Wonderland was one of the few books I could remember my parents reading to me, before I found out I was actually a witch.

There was a moment of silence, and I gratefully focused on the story in front of me instead. The copy of the book was new, although I still had the old tattered version from my childhood still in my trunk. I just didn't take it out of safe keeping, because I didn't want it to be ruined. It was something I valued more than I valued most people I'd ever encountered. I visibly shuddered when I realized that the mousy first years from my final year of Hogwarts would now be grown six years. Ugh, for that too. Hopefully they didn't remember me.

"Can I ask you a question?"

Why was he still talking? "Another one?" I said, smile still on my lips, but inwardly cursing.

He chuckled. "Yes. What house were you in? I would guess Gryffindor, but there's a Slytherin emblem on your trunk..."

"And your question is either why am I not a rude jerk like the people in Slytherin or why do I have a Slytherin emblem on my trunk if I'm a sweet and brave Gryffindor?" My eyes met his with an amused tone in my voice.

Another chuckle. Ugh. "I suppose that sums my question up nicely."

"I was a Slytherin."


"Does it surprise you?" I asked, the book now closed in my lap, since he seemed to have trouble grasping the fact that our conversation was boring me.

"It does."

Silence. Awkward silence. Ugh, again.

"I was a Gryffindor."

"Doesn't surprise me."

More silence. So awkward. Finally, when I was sure he wasn't going to speak again I opened the book, leaned back in my seat, and resumed reading. He looked like he was thinking intently. Maybe he was wondering why he couldn't see the rudeness or if I'd been miss-housed. I hadn't been. Slytherin suited me perfectly. But let him wonder, what did I care?


Rest in peace Carrie Fisher, the legend we didn't deserve.

 Post subject: Re: I Solemnly Sweat I'm Up to No Good [Private]
PostPosted: June 4th, 2013, 6:04 pm 
Rider of Rohan
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"Not so tough now, are you? Not got anything to say for yourself?" Draco smirked at me and I rolled my eyes again, pouting my lips, trying to convey that duh, of course I didn't because he'd cursed me. Bit slow on the uptake, Draco. "You've still got the attitude problem though. Maybe the Cruciatus Curse would help with that."

He pointed his wand at me again and the smirk slipped from lips as I focused on the tip of his wand. I waited for the pain, bracing myself. I was used to pain, that was no problem, but I despised the idea of Draco being in total control of me. I closed my eyes, comforting myself with the idea of getting Draco back. Maybe I could use this rope spell on him and shove him in the lake. The image of him sinking like a stone was way too satisfying to be healthy but it helped and I could open my eyes to a full-powered glare directed at him.

I was surprised to see he was shoving his wand away, looking nervous and I turned my head to see the witch pushing the treat trolley along the corridor. She hadn't turned around to see our compartment yet but no doubt in a second she would, and somehow I didn't think she could ignore what she saw. A poor, defenceless girl tied up and at the mercy of a male? I didn't have to guess at what her thoughts would jump to. I smirked as Draco scrambling to pull his wand back out to get me free of the ropes but it was too late.

"Anything from the trolley, dears?" The witch turned around as she spoke, and her face went from calm to shocked, her eyes widening. I made sure to put on my best terrified face, wriggling against the ropes and trying to act distressed. It worked perfectly as the witch barged in. "Are you alright?"

I faked a whimper and made my bottom lip tremble. I didn't need to do anything else, just sit back and watch as the witch grabbed Draco's arm and dragged him away with threats of teachers and the headmaster hearing about this. He sputtered excuses and reasonings, his wand now hanging useless in his hand.

I sat back in my seat, alone and free to smirk once again. I wondered how Mr and Mrs Malfoy would deal with their son being suspended or putting the House in negative points before he'd even got to the castle.


Last edited by motorkitty on June 4th, 2013, 8:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: I Solemnly Sweat I'm Up to No Good [Private]
PostPosted: June 4th, 2013, 6:31 pm 
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Loud noises from the corridor stopped whatever else Professor Lupin might have had to say. He got a look of confusion on his face, but remained in his seat. I, on the other hand, got to my feet and took a few steps towards the door, pulling it open and looking outside. Normally I would have ignored it, but since the teaching job was going to save me from financial ruin, and it did seem both fun and easy, I wanted to set a good example and take initiative.

I instantly saw the witch who always offered the passengers to buy treats off her trolley and a scrawny looking blonde kid being tugged along by the arm. When she saw me her red face distorted into an angry expression.

"What's going on?" I asked, pushing some hair behind my ear, as I noticed Professor Lupin now hovering behind me.

"Apparently this student's idea of a joke is to tie up a poor defenseless girl and then hexing her!" she spluttered angrily.

"And where is the girl now?" Professor Lupin asked from behind me, leaning much too close for comfort.

"Oh," the witch said, eyes widening. "Still in the compartment."

"Why don't I go and set her free then?" Professor Lupin asked, stepping out next to me, heading down towards where they'd earlier come.

The witch, with the most pathetic job ever, let's be honest, looked a little lost, her arm still hanging on tightly to the student.

"I'll handle it," I said, waving at her to push him into my compartment. "I'm a teacher, it's fine."


Rest in peace Carrie Fisher, the legend we didn't deserve.

 Post subject: Re: I Solemnly Sweat I'm Up to No Good [Private]
PostPosted: June 4th, 2013, 8:21 pm 
Rider of Rohan
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Draco struggled against the witches grip, cursing under his breath. His wand was still limp in his free hand and he longed to curse the witch the same way he'd cursed Eden but he didn't dare. He was annoyed at himself for cursing the girl anyway, he was stupid to do it on the train, he should have waited until they were in the common room. Then he would have had Crabbe and Goyle to help back him up, hold McKinley down and if any teachers had walked in they would have taken the fall. It wasn't that he was a coward, no matter what anyone said, he was just smart enough to keep himself out of trouble. Until now. McKinley had played it perfectly though, and part of him would have admired her little performance if he wasn't so mad.

"How shameful that you've done something so terrible on the first day," the old witch scolded him, giving his shoulder a shake. He glared at her, trying again to tug out of her grasp. He could see other students staring and he could feel the blood rushing to his pale cheeks.

As he pulled away he tripped over his own feet, stumbling in the corridor and hitting off the wall. His shoulder throbbed and he was about to snap and shove the witch away from her when a door to a compartment slid open and a young woman stepped out. She didn't look very old, with her innocent face and blonde hair, but she was obviously too old to be a student so he guessed she was a teacher. Great. And an older guy in scruffy robes stepped out, another teacher and Draco could barely hold back his groan as they discussed what was happening. He felt the old witch shove her into the teacher's compartment, the blonde woman regarding him as the male went off down the corridor, the trolley witch following him, looking back over her shoulder with a glare.

Draco turned to look at the young teacher, who looked familiar and shrugged his shoulders.

"Would it help at all if I said I was provoked?"


The smirk fell from my lips after a few moments as I realized I was still kind of stuck in the ropes and the witch had left with Malfoy. I hit my head off the back of the seat, the sharp pain making me wince but I didn't care. I couldn't reach my trunk, or check on my cat, Ghost, who would be curled up in his basket on the shelf above my seat, fast asleep. I was just about to make the most of my peace and try and sleep, tied up or not, when the door slid open.

I expected the witch from the trolley, but it was an older guy, his face marked with scars and his robes looked second-hand. If he wasn't obviously a teacher I would have treated him to a scathing smirk, but he was also my only chance to get out of the ropes so I tried to arrange my face into something near pleasant and hope he was nice enough to get rid of the ropes and un-curse me so I could talk again.


 Post subject: Re: I Solemnly Sweat I'm Up to No Good [Private]
PostPosted: June 4th, 2013, 9:07 pm 
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I allowed a smirk to appear on my face as I recognized his mousy face and dumb expression.

"Well, well, well," I drawled, motioning for him to take a seat. "If it isn't little Draco Malfoy getting in trouble before school has even started. Now, of course I don't want to punish someone from 'my' house, but we both know it needs to be done."

The smirk on my face grew wider, as the train continued its journey towards the castle.

"Twenty points from Slytherin, and detention." I put a hand on my hip. "I will also tell Professor Dumbledore about this, naturally."


Remus quickly withdrew his wand, pointing it at the girl, mumbling a few words and then watched the ropes fall from her body, freeing her successfully.

"Are you alright?" he asked, stepping closer.


Rest in peace Carrie Fisher, the legend we didn't deserve.

 Post subject: Re: I Solemnly Sweat I'm Up to No Good [Private]
PostPosted: June 4th, 2013, 9:25 pm 
Rider of Rohan
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Draco frowned at the woman as he sat down, wondering how she knew him. He didn't think she was a friend of his parents and he knew she was a brand new teacher. Then he remembered.

"You were in your last year when I started school," he realized, relaxing in his seat. He remembered her now, her name was Cal something-or-other. A few older boys had dicussed her, he remembered again and smirked. "I heard rumours about you before you left. Think that Dumbledore knows about what you apparently got up to?"


I wriggled my shoulders as the teacher freed me from the ropes and enjoyed the feeling of my muscles being allowed to relax. I was going to answer him, but Draco's curse was still in place and I was still unable to speak. I sighed through my nose, trying to control my annoyance.

With my now free hands, I gestured to my mouth, trying to get the point across without making a fool of myself miming it out. To be sure I mouthed the word 'Silencio' hoping that he would get the point, that was the curse Draco had used on me and this new teacher had to get rid of it. Unless he'd heard of me, then he was more likely to keep it on. God, that'd be a nightmare. I tried to keep my face innocent, sending him a pleading look.


Last edited by motorkitty on June 5th, 2013, 12:30 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: I Solemnly Sweat I'm Up to No Good [Private]
PostPosted: June 4th, 2013, 9:51 pm 
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I rolled my eyes, remembering the old rumors about me. Also knowing they were just rumors, and that Dumbledore would know as much.

"Yeah, let's not try and get out of it by using blackmail. Whatever you think you know, is not going to hurt me in any way. Another ten points from Slytherin. Now keep your mouth shut unless you want that to become fifty." I was still smirking as I took a seat opposite him. He really had grown up, the last time I'd seen him he'd been a scrawny kid with a lousy attitude. Of course the attitude didn't seem to have changed much. I was going to enjoy making his life miserable.


Remus flicked his wand, removing the silencing spell from the girl, allowing her to speak once more. He repeated his question, this time offering also a reassuring smile.


Rest in peace Carrie Fisher, the legend we didn't deserve.

 Post subject: Re: I Solemnly Sweat I'm Up to No Good [Private]
PostPosted: June 4th, 2013, 10:28 pm 
Rider of Rohan
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Draco scowled at the teacher. There was a chance she was bluffing and he didn't care how many points she took off, nobody would dare give him any stick for it, so he decided to take a chance. He'd never dare speak like this to Professor McGonagall but he didn't really think of the blonde as a teacher. Just a stupid girl who was only a few years older than him.

"Really? You don't think it'd be a little troubling for rumours to be spread about the new teacher the minute she steps foot in the door? You think students are going to respect you after I tell them what you got up to? You're going to have a hard enough time being taken seriously because you'll only be a few years older than us, you think it'll make it better when they find out you're such a..." Draco left the word unspoken as he gave the woman an obvious up-and-down look. "Well, you know."

He knew he'd probably get hell for this but what else was new? There was no way he'd get expelled or suspended seeing as his father would never permit it, but he could piss this so-called teacher off so much that she would have it out for him. But Draco knew he could make her life miserable too and he smirked.


I rolled my eyes at his question, still annoyed at Malfoy.

"Yeah, I'm just dandy. I love being tied up and cursed before I even get to school. It's a great part of my morning routine, don't you think," I sighed. "No, I'm not alright. I have rope burn and Malfoy will no doubt continue this kind of thing once we get to school."

For once the thought of their continuing feud made me feel exhausted and I hit my head against the back of the seat again, wincing again at the pain. It wasn't like this stupid teacher would care, if he even was a teacher, I figured he could have easily been some hobo who blagged his way on the train.


Last edited by motorkitty on June 5th, 2013, 12:31 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: I Solemnly Sweat I'm Up to No Good [Private]
PostPosted: June 4th, 2013, 11:15 pm 
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Joined: 03 April 2013
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"Fifty points from Slytherin, detention for a week, and you and I will accompany each other to Dumbledore's office upon arrival. No feast for you. Oh, and your father will hear about this. My mother is an old friend of the family, he might not be too pleased. I'm also personally going to ensure that everyone knows that you're the reason for Slytherin loosing so early in the year. School hasn't even started yet." I paused, grinning still, knowing that anything he said was empty threats. Regardless of what rumors he wanted to spread - and they would be only rumors, and lies - I didn't care much. Dumbledore would speak for my side, knowing the truth already, and that was all that mattered. "Tut-tut Malfoy, getting in trouble so early on. And thinking that you can somehow beat me."

I leaned closer, placing my hands on the table in front of me, smile still wider than ever and my insides cheering happily from the feeling of putting him in his place. Especially bringing up my aunt - or "mum" - who was indeed an old friend to the Malfoy family, only by way that she too came from a long, long, long line of prestigious witches and wizards.

"A piece of advice, though," I said, the tone in my voice gaining a slight edge although my lips were still spread in a smile. "Don't threaten me, because trust me when I say that I can make your time in school a living hell. Oh, you just wait, dear little boy..."


Remus let out a sigh, sensing that the student in front of him was a typical Slytherin.

"Well, I'll go and ensure that he's given the proper punishment. Do you need anything? Once we're at school I can make sure Madame Pomfrey gives you something for the rope burns, if you want."


Rest in peace Carrie Fisher, the legend we didn't deserve.

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