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 Post subject: Re: I Solemnly Sweat I'm Up to No Good [Private]
PostPosted: June 5th, 2013, 12:24 am 
Rider of Rohan
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Draco's threats died in his throat and instead of coming back with a sharp comeback, he hung his head, his hair falling over his eyes to hide the glare that was directed at his shoes. The woman had him beat and they both knew it. His house wouldn't give him much bother if any at all, though Snape might give him a bit of grief. As for Dumbledore, he was a fairly useless headmaster and Draco doubted any more punishments would be given out from him. But he could pretend to feel a little guilty and try and hide the fact he was plotting ways to get back at McKinley the minute they were alone in the common room.

He rearranged his features into a neutral expression and looked up at the woman, masking the hate for her that was bubbling up inside of him.

"If you insist, Professor...?"

He couldn't remember her name, just that her first name was Calia or something and the guys had all bragged about what she'd supposedly done with them.


"Oh, please," I gave him a scathing look. "I don't need some stupid school nurse fussing over me, nor do I need some new teacher trying to act like he knows what he's doing. I'm used to this, trust me."

I rubbed at one of the red burn marks on my wrist. It reminded me of when my mother had lost her temper over the summer and used Incendio and set the living room on fire with both of us in it. I now sported a set of angry burn marks on my shoulder and back. I knew there was spells to get rid of the pain or the scars but I didn't care. I prefered to remember it. Remind me of why I hated home, why I hated Hogwarts too because things like Draco always followed me.

I felt ill remembering home and turned away from the teacher to glare out the window, hoping he'd get the hint that he wasn't welcome. Just in case he didn't, I made sure to muttere a loud,if slightly choked, 'Get lost'. I could cope with detention if he just did as I said.


 Post subject: Re: I Solemnly Sweat I'm Up to No Good [Private]
PostPosted: June 5th, 2013, 12:47 am 
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When his eyes fell to the floor I knew I'd won. I had planned on keeping a low profile, but I would never accept some measly student trying to one up me. That wasn't something I'd ever let fly. Regardless of how petty I might seem. But then again, I knew that I had it in me, luckily enough no one else did. Not even Dumbledore.

"Professor Hastings," I told him flatly, leaning back in my seat again. "Now, Mr. Malfoy, if you don't mind, I was in the middle of a book so kindly remain quiet for the rest of the journey."


Remus knew that he should say something else, but he also knew what a handful the Slytherins could be. However, he also knew that he'd need to assert himself as a teacher, to make sure that for future reference, she'd know to show at least some respect. Not that he wasn't used to disrespect, but as a professor he deserved at least the tiniest fraction of it.

"That's fine, then, but please watch your tone for next time, or I'll have to take five points from you." Without allowing the student to reply he moved back, leaving the compartment behind and instead heading towards where he'd left Hastings and the male student, frowning inwardly about this job, wondering if he'd made a mistake after all, thinking everything could be normal.


Rest in peace Carrie Fisher, the legend we didn't deserve.

 Post subject: Re: I Solemnly Sweat I'm Up to No Good [Private]
PostPosted: June 5th, 2013, 1:14 am 
Rider of Rohan
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Draco nodded in response to the professor, acting as he was chastised and humbled whereas he was simply keeping up the act of a defeated student. Once he had lured her into a false sense of security he'd make sure she paid for the way she dared to talk to him. But first he had to make sure McKinley paid for her little trick back there. She always pulled stunts like this, so it hardly surprised her. When their parents were having one of their many meetings she would often play the victim card. Her parents never cared, they could see the sly glint in Eden's eyes. But Draco's parents cared about how their family looked and always made sure he was punished. Not too severely though. In an unspoken truce the two of them always made sure to not let the other get too far into trouble. Not after the time they had almost gotten a muggle killed in a busy street. Next time they had met Draco had a red welt across his cheek from his father's cane and still had the faintest traces of blood not yet washed away behind her ear. Hurting each other was one thing, yet being hurt by their parents felt different.

Draco pushed those kinds of thought away. He didn't want himself to go easy on McKinley, especially not after this stuck-up Professor had humiliated him. Maybe being locked in a broom cupboard for a couple of days would wipe the smirk off her face.


"Maybe with those five points you could buy a decent set of robes," I snapped after him, but he was already out of the compartment. Part of me hoped he would hear, that he would know his place. Professors were always a little trickier than the other students, but I was used to it.

When I came back to school it was always most difficult. The teachers would notice things, take things in. I knew they had their own guesses at what went on in my house and tried to give me sympathy so I would magically open up and spill all my secrets. As if. They were way off course. Though part of me longed to see the look on some of their faces when I explained that my parents were still convinced that Voldemort would come back and they could be faithful servants again. How would they react if I told them of how they would hold meetings, drag in muggles and toy with them and torture them and then send them home with no memory of the event? Or worse, when they had those screaming matches which ended in curses being thrown around the room, often with Draco and I being caught in the cross-fire. Or the best part, how would they react if I told them that I was expected to join them after I left school and have that mark on my arm and wait for Voldemort to return?

It probably wouldn't look very good on my report card, I figured and I snorted at the thought, staring out the window, lost in thought.


 Post subject: Re: I Solemnly Sweat I'm Up to No Good [Private]
PostPosted: June 5th, 2013, 2:20 am 
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Professor Lupin re-entered the compartment, just as I'd picked my book back up. I knew the battle with Malfoy wouldn't be over, he was much too sneaky for that, but I almost welcomed whatever he had up his sleeve. I wouldn't ever let him get away with humiliating me, and as a teacher I knew I had the upper hand.

"Is everything alright here?" Professor Lupin asked, stepping in, closing the door behind him. He eyed Malfoy carefully and I forced a smile.

"Everything is fine. Situation has been handled, although I will be accompanying Mr. Malfoy here to the headmaster's office when we reach Hogwarts. And if I'm not mistaken," I said, looking outside at the darkening sky, "We're not too far away now."

Professor Lupin nodded, walking over to my side of the table, sitting down next to me. I wanted to frown but instead just scooted closer to the window, once more picking up my book, hell bent on getting through at least another chapter before we arrived at the school.


Rest in peace Carrie Fisher, the legend we didn't deserve.

 Post subject: Re: I Solemnly Sweat I'm Up to No Good [Private]
PostPosted: June 5th, 2013, 12:10 pm 
Rider of Rohan
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Draco eyed up the two teachers in front of him, wondering if they knew each other. Two new teachers in one year, and one of them a recent student. The male teacher seemed to have some respect for the woman, Hastings, and Draco smirked to himself. Maybe once some rumours had been spread that would change. And even if it didn't, it was worth a shot. Hastings was fooling herself if she thought she could pull off being a teacher here, with him around. He still had this year and then one more before he left school and he was sure he could make them enjoyable, at least for him.


We were definetly nearing Hogwarts, I realized as the sky grew darker and the train slowly lost speed. I was already in my robes so all I had to do was make sure my stuff was ready to be removed from the train. I always hated that part, leaving my trunk on the platform for some stranger to manhandle up to my dormitory. Thankfully it had a powerful curse on it, thanks to my father who'd been the one to teach me, that made sure anyone who tried to force open my trunk would suffer a nasty shock. But there was one thing of mine I wasn't letting them get.

I stood up and pulled the small wicker basket off the overhead storage. The spare robes I'd flung over it wriggled slightly and I pulled them back to reveal the only living creature I didn't hate on sight. Ghost, my cat.

Up until fourth year I'd had an owl but Malfoy had hexed it and after that the owl never really flew right again. So when I'd come home last summer and found a scrawny white kitten in the garden, looking like it was about to starve to death, I decided he was mine. A year later he was still a scrawny little thing but his claws were sharp and he didn't leave my side.

He miaowed as I moved his basket and I scratched under his chin to make sure he knew it was okay. With him purring contendedly on my lap, I sat closer to the door, the train slowing considerably now. If I could get on one of the first carriage up to the castle I might have time to put Ghost in the common room and still make it in time for the feast. Not that I cared about being on-time, or not getting in trouble, I was just simply hungry.


 Post subject: Re: I Solemnly Sweat I'm Up to No Good [Private]
PostPosted: June 5th, 2013, 12:25 pm 
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The rest of the ride was thankfully silent, although I was aware of Professor Lupin studying me intently from time to time and there was no mistake that Malfoy was plotting some sort of revenge. I remembered him from my time at the school; he didn't handle being told what to do very well. It wasn't over yet, but I didn't mind. It could even be fun, I realized. Once the train started slowing down I put my book away, standing up and flattening down my robes a little. I'd changed into them much earlier, even though I did mostly wear muggle clothes when I was out and about or just in my own home. Lupin got up as well, his scrawny form fixing the robe he was wearing as much as he could. When the train came to a complete halt I waved my hand at Malfoy, my wand - ebony, 13 inches, thestral tail hair for a core - hanging in my other hand, taking care not to point it in the student in a threatening way.

"After you, Mr. Malfoy," I said sweetly. "We'll be riding in the same carriage, so we can visit Professor Dumbledore together."


Rest in peace Carrie Fisher, the legend we didn't deserve.

 Post subject: Re: I Solemnly Sweat I'm Up to No Good [Private]
PostPosted: June 5th, 2013, 1:11 pm 
Rider of Rohan
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"I look forward to it," Draco smiled back, his smile and polite tone as fake as the professors. He was tempted to get his own wand out as he eyed her, wondering if she'd curse him the minute they were alone but he forced himself to saunter past the shabby professor. The threat of seeing Dumbledore hardly had Draco shaking in his robes, the old fool probably wouldn't even care.

As Draco got to the door he looked out and saw McKinley shooting straight out the doors, obviously wanting to get off the train as quickly as possible. Most other students were still chatting and laughing and the new first years were milling around looking totally lost. But he ignored them and fixed his eyes on the doors McKinley had left out of, hoping he could catch up with her.

"Shall we go then?" He turned to smirk at Hastings, hoping it would irritate her into moving a little faster.


I elbowed my way past a few Hufflepuff students who were in my way as I got to one of the first carriages. I kept my eyes fixed on Ghost, who was still purring contendedly in my arms. Most people at school had owls, which were hooting in cages set on top of the trunks piled up on the station platform. If people were stupid enough to trust their pets with someone else, that was their choice and I wasn't going to bother with them.

I scrambled on to the empty carriage, keeping a tight grip on Ghost as he squirmed a little in discomfort. Once I was seated we both settled down to wait for the carriage to fill up, unfortuantely I had to put up with other people. I just prayed it wasn't somebody too annoying.


 Post subject: Re: I Solemnly Sweat I'm Up to No Good [Private]
PostPosted: June 5th, 2013, 2:23 pm 
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"After you," I said, smile still sweet. Lupin had also made a move to leave, and I allowed the both of them to walk ahead of me. I knew that the threat of the Headmaster wouldn't have Malfoy shaking in his boots, but I also knew that I had to reassert myself in front of the student. And my fellow teacher, for that matter.


Rest in peace Carrie Fisher, the legend we didn't deserve.

 Post subject: Re: I Solemnly Sweat I'm Up to No Good [Private]
PostPosted: June 5th, 2013, 8:35 pm 
Rider of Rohan
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Draco shuffled his way through the corridor, dodging students and their luggage. He was half tempted to try and lose the teachers in the crowd but he knew he didn't have the guts to pull that kind of move so he trudged his way to the carriage and as they approached the castle he wondered absent-mindedly if he'd miss the feast or not.


Once I'd gotten to the castle I hurried my way inside. I'd been forced to share my carriage with a couple of Gryffindor's, one of them that curly-haired know-it-all girl who was always correcting me in class. Though without any teachers around to keep her safe she didn't have anything to say to me, funnily enough.

I half-jumped down the stairs and used the password, "Magic is Might" to enter the passage. The common room was one of the few places I liked about Hogwarts, the windows underwater and the sound of swishing water filling the room as I went up to my dormitory.

I placed Ghost on my bed and scratched him under the chin.

"Now behave yourself and I'll try and bring you back some chicken from the feast," I said quietly, smiling at his purring and glad that nobody was around to hear or see me. "I'll be back soon."

I have him one last pet before going back the way I'd came, hoping I'd not missed the feast.


 Post subject: Re: I Solemnly Sweat I'm Up to No Good [Private]
PostPosted: June 5th, 2013, 9:41 pm 
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I didn't take my eyes off of Malfoy for a second while we headed for the Headmaster's office. Lupin had offered to come with but I brushed him off as politely as I could. I didn't need his help; I could definitely take care of it myself. While waiting for Dumbledore to let us in I drummed my fingers against my thigh absentmindedly. As soon as I saw the Headmaster a genuine smile spread across my features. I did like Dumbledore, in spite of sometimes trying to deny it.

"Professor Hastings, Mr. Malfoy," he said, peering at us from behind his spectacles.

"Mr. Malfoy here thought he'd start off the year by breaking school rules and threatening a teacher - I figured he could then also start it off by seeing you." I grinned at him, although my voice showed I was serious.

He sighed, although I wasn't sure if it was aimed towards me or Malfoy, and invited us in. I took a seat across from him after he'd returned to his spot behind the desk.

"So, threats?" he said, leaning into his hands. That peculiar look he sometimes had was on his features, and I had to fight a smirk.

"Apparently Mr. Malfoy wants to ensure that my teaching days are cut short, by telling everyone of what I 'did' during my final year at Hogwarts." I stretched the word slightly, and gave the Headmaster a wink. No doubt he'd remember exactly what people had been saying about me. As well as how much of a lie it was.

"Is that so?" He glanced towards Malfoy. "I would like to assure you, Draco, that Professor Hastings was an exemplary student. Regardless of what you might have heard, none of it is true, and I will make sure that everyone knows it. Personally, if I have to. I will of course have to speak to Professor Snape about your behavior, but I warn you not to get on Professor Hasting's bad side. Because although those rumors aren't true, she does have one."

When he spoke the last part he threw me a glance, one filled with both amusement and the words 'tread carefully'. I grinned again.


Rest in peace Carrie Fisher, the legend we didn't deserve.

 Post subject: Re: I Solemnly Sweat I'm Up to No Good [Private]
PostPosted: June 6th, 2013, 5:05 pm 
Rider of Rohan
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Draco bowed his head, barely listening to the headmasters words. He longed for the day that they got a new head of school, one who actually knew what they were doing and didn't favour absoloutely useless people like Hastings or Hagrid. He didn't especially care about the threat of Snape finding out but he tried to make sure his face looked like he did. Once they were done talking, he nodded.

"Yes, Professor Dumbledore, I'll be sure to remember that," he said, just wanting to get this meeting over with.


Thankfully the feast hadn't started when I got to the Great Hall and some teachers hadn't even arrived yet and students were filing in. I took my place at the Slytherin table, ignoring the chattering that filled the hall. Instead I focused on using my wand discreetly to levitate one of the floating candles over to above the Ravenclaw table. I managed to get it to move enough so that hot wax spilled over the edge and splash onto the hair of the Ravenclaw Prefect.

She screamed, jumping up and gathering everyones attention. Nobody saw me laugh and stuff my wand back into my pocket. I hoped she'd have to end up shaving her head, but burning her was good enough, I figured as she was escorted out of the hall by Madame Pomfrey.

I sent a quick glance to the teacher's table, hoping I'd not been seen by any of them either.


 Post subject: Re: I Solemnly Swear I'm Up to No Good [Private]
PostPosted: June 6th, 2013, 6:08 pm 
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Dumbledore leaned back in his chair again. "You're excused, Draco. Feel free to return to the feast."

Malfoy said nothing before walking out the door, and I let out a sigh.

"I'm sorry Professor, that this is how I start off my career as a teacher here." I half-meant it.

"Don't worry about it," he said casually. "Do you know where you'll be staying?" he asked next, changing the subject.

I nodded. The room which would be mine was on the fourth floor, at the end of a corridor, not too far from the Gryffindor common room. I didn't mind it at all, it was as good a room as any.

"I've left some things in there for you, books, suggestions of classes, I figured it couldn't hurt with some guidance since this is your first teaching job." He was smiling again, a sincere smile. "But let's go downstairs and join the fest, the poor students can't begin their eating until I've held my speech."

I grinned. "Yes, because your speeches are always so very filled with wisdom."

He didn't reply, but he rose from his chair and I followed suit. In a few quick strides we'd made our way to the door and soon we'd headed through corridors and down steps to find our way into the great hall. Silence swept over the room as we headed for the teacher's table, me taking a seat where there was room, in between Flitwick and Lupin, and Dumbledore remaining on his feet, ready to address the students. My eyes swept across the room, over the faces of the terrified first years that had just been sorted and the few familiar faces of some of the older students. I felt excitement for the first time since I'd stepped foot in the castle in years, realizing that this might be a good thing after all. I loved animals and I knew that it could be fun teaching, and having a position of authority was something that suited me well. The speech the Headmaster gave was filled with both good information and silly nonsense - as usual - and I paid no real mind to it. I was eager to be allowed to begin eating. Before that, however, I heard the mention of my name.

"And we welcome Professor Calliope Hastings, who will be the new teacher in Care of Magical Creatures," he bellowed, his hand making a sweeping motion towards me. A few people clapped and I rose awkwardly to my feet, trying to muster a smile. I didn't mind attention of a few people but when the entire school were eyeing me up and down I felt my face burn.

Seconds later I was allowed to sit down again, some eyes still remaining on me while the others had turned their attention back towards Dumbledore. And then came the words that I'd longed to hear all night;

"Let the feast begin."


Rest in peace Carrie Fisher, the legend we didn't deserve.

 Post subject: Re: I Solemnly Swear I'm Up to No Good [Private]
PostPosted: June 6th, 2013, 7:40 pm 
Rider of Rohan
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Once I knew I wasn't in trouble, the boredom set in again and was only subdued when Malfoy sauntered in, obviously late. A few people turned to stare and I smirked at him as he sat down just a few people up from me. Crabbe and Goyle were much further down and weren't around to crack their knuckles at me, so I felt free to lean forward and tap Malfoy's shoulder.

"How was your trip to the headmasters office?" I grinned and he slapped my hand away. "Did he tell you that you were a naughty boy? Did he, gasp, threaten to tell your mummy?"

"Shut up," he muttered through gritted teach. "Or do you want me to curse you again?"

"Feel free to curse me again, but watch out for the scary with from the trolley," I laughed, the sound echoing as the hall quietened as the first years entered.

They were sorted fairly quickly, as there wasn't many this year but we got a fair few of them put into Slytherin, including one girl who looked so terrified of anything that moved that I was sure that she'd been sorted wrong. But we'd find out soon enough.

Once Dumbledore had returned, I tuned out his speech, choosing instead to amuse myself by kicking Malfoy's ankles under the table and watching his pale face scrunch up in pain. Even when he was introducing the new teachers I didn't bother looking up, they'd probably not last long anyway.

However, once the food was on the table I let myself ignore Malfoy too and eat. One redeeming feature of Hogwarts was the food. Tomato soup with thick slices of bread. Creamy mashed potatoes and roast beef with loads of rich gravy. Cooked chicken with crispy skin, bacon and sausages with chips and ketchup. Once I'd finally eaten my fill, the desert appeared and I ate so much chocolate cake I was worried I'd burst but thankfully I didn't and even had room for ice-cream.

I was so focused on eating that I barely noticed that Malfoy had barely touched his food, which was unlike him. I have his leg a gentler nudge under the table but he ignored me. I shrugged. If he wanted to mope, I'd let him. I was full and ready for getting to my dormitory, waiting for the teachers to dissmiss us.


 Post subject: Re: I Solemnly Swear I'm Up to No Good [Private]
PostPosted: June 7th, 2013, 7:38 am 
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When the food appeared I listened intently to the conversation around me. I recognized most teachers from my own time at Hogwarts and it felt strange sitting with them as an equal. Professor Flitwick spoke animatedly in his squeaky voice about this and that and I did my best to keep up. Professor McGonagall shot me a look or two but didn't join in with our conversation. Laughter filled the table occasionally and the only teacher who looked like he wanted to be anywhere but there was Snape. I'd always liked him, but I'd disliked him at the same time. He played favoritism, a lot, and as a Slytherin it hadn't bothered me. But I disliked the concept of it. I believed in rewarding anyone who was any good, regardless of their house. Of course I tended to dislike everyone, but still.

Finally, when I was so full that it felt like I wouldn't need to eat again for at least a year, Dumbledore rose to his feet again. With a few short words he dismissed the students and they all started piling out of the doors to head towards their common rooms. I sighed, sweeping some hair out of my face, remaining seated until it wouldn't look bad for me to leave.


Rest in peace Carrie Fisher, the legend we didn't deserve.

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