
Due to real life, Arwen the Webmaster is unavailable to respond to individual emails, like she was able to in the early days of A-U. But there are many ways in which you can contact us, and many places to get help if you need it!
So, how do you get in contact? Here's where to start:

  • Answers to the most commonly asked questions can be found in the FAQs section. Please check here first.

  • General suggestions or comments about A-U should be directed to the Suggestions & Comments section of the forum or you can also sign our guestbook. We read every comment and like to hear what people like or don't like about the site.

  • Requests for graphics (banners, layouts, etc.) should be directed to the Requests section of the forum. There are many talented graphics and web designers who would be happy to help you.

  • Questions relating to making graphics should be directed to the Graphics Resources & Tutorials section of the forum. Everyone on the forum was a novice designer at one point, and they should be able to answer your questions.

  • Questions relating to building web sites should be directed to the Site Help section of the forum. As with graphics, it's likely that your fellow A-Uers have gone through the same web issues and will have some suggestions for you.

  • Issues relating to the tag-board or chat room should be e-mailed to the A-U moderators (moderators [at] - please replace [at] with an @ symbol and remove the spaces).

  • For issues concerning recent updates on A-U, please use the comment system (click the Comments link at the bottom of each update) and tell us your views!

  • If you need to contact Arwen directly, then use the PM system on the A-U forum, and contact her through her username; Arwen the Webmaster.

  • If you're unsure about where your query fits, or you would like to become affiliates, have any news items for us, images etc then you can contact A-U at contact [at] (replace [at] with @ and remove the spaces).