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PostPosted: July 18th, 2009, 12:03 am 
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Location: P3X-774, Rohan, Moya, or my TARDIS

Tension drifted through the air, clinging like spiderwebs to the air around the construction site. Nina stood tall, towering with all her six feet of height. But, as annoyed as she was, Nina felt bad intimidating this woman who clearly had no involvement in the plan changes other than to deliver them. Nina sighed, consciously softening her features. "I'm Nina, by the way. And I think this sodding lot can spare me, at least for awhile. James, why don't you come along." That wasn't spoken as a question, but as a statement. James complied, striding over to Nina until they were side by side.

"Its an adventure, then." James remarked, grinning at the woman. He didn't know why Nina had chosen him to come along, although he had a few guesses. Not many people wanted to anger giant, broad shouldered brutes like himself, and, while Nina was no where near tiny, James' nearly six and a half foot tall frame was far more intimidating. Also, James' carefree way of dealing with his problems would balance Nina's stricter, potentially volatile reactions. "I'm James" He introduced to the woman, making eye contact. Noticing she seemed a bit off set by Nina's previous display of intimidation, he added, just loud enough for Nina to hear "Don't mind her, Nina's just a monster sometimes."

Nina whacked him on the shoulder for the insult, and then called over her shoulder "Robo, you're in charge until we get back. Start on the east side. That part's staying the same, so we can finish that." Looking back to the woman she asked "Shall we be going?" making an effort to be polite.

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PostPosted: July 18th, 2009, 6:23 am 
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[ I'm not sure how to get into this actually :P *thinks* :erm: ]


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
Children, rejoice, rejoice..


It doesn't matter you don't believe in God, He believes in you.

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PostPosted: July 22nd, 2009, 1:11 am 
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Abigail was still in shock and mulling over what was all going on. The woman was admittedly not too keen on the uptake, but she was not stupid. She might have understood things better if so much slang had not been involved. The blond never was one to keep up with turns of phrase and often suffered from it even the nobles sometimes picked it up and they were awfully unhappy when asked to explain things.

Shuffling away from the dirt, Abigail brought another set of papers to her chest as if they might block her from unwanted speech. She was not overly fond of workers. Especially those who worked outside. They often made uncouth remarks at her which invariably caused her to color.

"I am Abigail," she replied calmly and with a small inclination of her head. "If you would follow me Ms. Nina, Mr. James. It is only a ten minute walk from here," she said with a more stoic air than before.

She gave a tight smile to James and another small nod of her head to Nina before continuing her walk. If the first orders were any indication of the rest of her day then it was going to be a long one. She sighed. Last time she'd been out past twelve and barely got any sleep. Oh she hoped she was wrong.

Heavens no. Hell Yeah.



Set 1: Nurr | Set 2: Me

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PostPosted: July 22nd, 2009, 6:26 pm 
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Dylan had barely put a foot over the threshold when he noticed a dusty scrap of paper which had obviously been jammed under his door. Turning the light up Dylan was able to decypher the handwriting.

For another package, come to the bridge near the marketsquare for midnight. Bring money.

No sender, Dylan noticed. He had often received a message to pick up packages of medicins when there had been an unexpected delivery. But never had he received this message at his home. Did they know? Would someone have infiltrated the black market and found out that he was a regular customer?

Dylan knew that officials kept an eye at him. His motives for working at the Communis were probably suspicious to them. But he doubted if they had discovered that much. Realising that it was almost midnight the young doctor turned and left the house as quickly as he had entered it some moments earlier, hoping that he would meet no one on his way downtown.

[ Gosh.. this is a very suckish post. I feel bad for having no inspiration.. so if anyone can help me out :P Please do . ]


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
Children, rejoice, rejoice..


It doesn't matter you don't believe in God, He believes in you.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: July 23rd, 2009, 1:03 pm 

Joined: 18 October 2007
Posts: 4502

(*Waits for Meldy to post*

It seems Meldy hasn't been online for a few days now - she's maybe busy or not feeling too well at the moment, but I know for certain she hasn't given up on this RP, especially considering all the plotting that has been going into it :lol:
And Will, Meldy was planning to step in with one of her charries to RP with Dylan :-D So we'll just have to hang on for a little while until she gets back =) Which I hope will be quite soon! :lol: )


~~Siggy by Lembas~~

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PostPosted: July 25th, 2009, 12:24 pm 
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[Yup, Will, if it's alright I'll jump in with Dylan. I just need Goldy to post, then I'll get on it. :D]

The door seemeed to stand closed for an age, and Cameron began to struggle against growing impatience.Oerhaps Adrianna had got the wrong door, or she wasn't here, or she'd fallen asleep, or--

Abruptly the door sprang open and Garnet stood there, looking weary, bored and ready for a confrontation. Their presence seemed to take a moment to register, for Garnet remained in silence for a while longer, simply staring at the two - more Cameron than Adrianna - in amazement. At first, his guess would've been that he was either unwelcome or he'd come at a bad time, but before he'd had a chance to speak to repair such a mistake, a grin brightened her features and she was embracing him. The transition was quite extraordinary; one second she seemed so much older than she was, drained of life. The next, she displayed a radiance that mystified him. It was odd to think that they'd not seen one another for so long, but after all, friendship endured much worse things than distance. Cameron put an awkward arm around her, bemused but beyond happy at the warm greeting he'd received.

"Telling you I was coming back would defeat the object of us surprising you," Cameron smiled.
Adrianna was containing her vague amusement within the wry smile she wore; she'd expected some sort of display like this, but not so enthusiastically from Garnet's side. It seemed the surprise had made it difficult or even impossible for Garnet to hide her emotion, even though it did not matter: Cameron wouldn't see it unless it was pointed out to him, an action she'd contemplated briefly before dismissing. When Garnet acknowledged her, a little preoccupied, Adrianna smiled herself. "Hey. I figured you two would wanna see one another, it's been ages. Can we come in?" Adrianna was partially nervous about still being stood outside, as it seemed to make them as vulnerable as being out in the open, even if she had no reason to fear the night, but the other part of her wished to leave - there was always a moment between the three where she felt like an outsider, a scenario she wished to avoid, if not for herself then for the others. Cameron gave his sister a cautioning glance and she smiled sweetly at him, teetering on the edge of laughter. It was so much like being a child again.


The fire had since died down, and as such the light had diminished considerably. Lucius had given up trying to organize the area he occupied, and was now sat watching the embers in the grate glow faintly, swelling with heat one second and dimming the next. Darkness enveloped all within the confines of the good-sized room, but he gave no sign of wanting to illuminate the place further. There was no sound for a while, except that of the dying fire and his own breathing.

Numbness crept up his lower limbs slowly, forcing him to stand so as to let the blood circulate. There was a little pain, but he ignored it, as he did everything that inconvenienced him. There was a soft whooosh, and paper slid to the floor, gliding on thin wings, relishing it's short lived life. A muttered curse and a spluttering candle later, Lucius was kneeling beside the mess with a piece of paper in his hand, reading general reports on the welfare of the city. There were a few things that needed to be corrected, he noted, things that should be changed or at least warded off before infection set in, so to speak.
One the papers had been arranged to his liking, he exited the room and set about in search of a messenger. He found a young man of about seventeen standing about, wringing his hands and looking slightly nervous; Lucius's approach did not help, for his was hardly the friendliest face. Checking the old clockface on the wall, he took out a piece of paper from a concealed pocket and handed it to the teen.
"I need to to bring me Adrianna Hart. You'll find her there," he indicated the piece of paper with a finger, and the black scrawl that was evidently hidden beneath its folds, "make sure she's swift."

Intimidated beyond words, the lad nodded once before turning on his heels and running down the narrow passage that lead to the exit. Lucius shook his head, recounting his displeasures of the younger generation under his breath as he headed back to his room to wait. Impatience was never low, in his case, so Adrianna would hurry is she knew what was good for her.

The messenger had been waiting for another message to carry. It'd been one of sentimental significance, one he'd been asked to wait a few days in advance -- and now he'd missed it. The teen resented the Governor for that, as he knew the sender pretty well and he was sure he'd had no other choice than to move quickly and do as he was told. Anger filled him as he moved, with precision, through empty rooms and out into the open. The Government hadn't done one darned thing for them, so why should he stay?

Dangerous thoughts, he knew, but it didn't stop his bitterness building up every time they used their influence to override the people's wishes. One day, he was sure, it would all end in a fight that would burn this place to the rock foundation it stood on.


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PostPosted: July 25th, 2009, 1:35 pm 

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"Well, I'm definitely surprised," Garnet replied, laughing. Her blue-grey eyes were very warm as she looked at Cameron. "I thought maybe you might be too busy with your work, and everything, to visit this time." She hesitated, her smile was still bright and she looked as if she had finally registered that Cameron was actually here, and that he wasn't just some hallucination she had conjured up in her mind. Finally, she looked back at Adrianna. "Of course you can come in!" she said. "I'm afraid it's not exactly very cosy in here though." She stepped back to open the door wider, to let them see the room within, the room she spent most of the days and nights in, working until she thought she might drop dead from lack of sleep.

It was a small room; it contained one tiny desk, which was covered with piles of books, and Garnet's tools for patching them together. A few of the books had been repaired, but they were only a very few; all the others - there seemed to be hundreds of them, lining the walls in bookcases, too, as they were - were tattered and looked ancient. It would take Garnet months to recover all of them. She had hardly any time to do anything else. Many people in the underground society they lived in could have break days in their careers, but Garnet's days off were seldom, very rare. Being a book keeper slowly threatened to break her spirit, and it showed on her young face as she gazed around at the dull, ominous-looking room.

She shook her head. "Well, this is it," she said. For one moment an expression of sheer despair flickered across her features, but then she remembered that in the room with her were two people who had something more in their life than this, who had better chances in life than her - and she smiled at them. Particularly Cameron. She wished for his happiness just as much as her own, perhaps even more. "So? How have you two been?" the question was general but it was directed more at Cameron, seeing as she had not seen him for so very long.

She stood there, smiling in that little room. There was something heart-breaking about it; the walls seemed to close in tightly, suffocating her, caging her in when once she might have flown free. Yet there she stood, smiling at them because she knew, that for her, at least, there was very little hope. Not so for Cameron. He had a chance to make something of himself, Garnet would very probably carry on piecing together books for the rest of her life.
The upper section of her hair was swept back from her face and tied neatly back, and the rest was left to rest free over her slim shoulders. She wore a white blouse and a faded pair of blue jeans; light blue ballet pumps adorned her feet. Her arms rested by her sides; her slim hands were like pale flowers resting against the denim of her jeans, trying not to bunch up into fists in her slight anxiousness.
They will look at my life and pity me. Think me no more than a girl who's main object in life is to put together books that no one is probably going to read anyway. A girl going nowhere. Someone to be laughed at, a figure of pity.
But she was glad, gladder than she could say that Cameron was here. Because when he was, sometimes it seemed as if there could be a little hope for her after all. A life that didn't revolve around stitching up books day in day out. As she smiled, no one could doubt that it was genuine.


~~Siggy by Lembas~~

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PostPosted: July 25th, 2009, 11:32 pm 
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"Alright, Miss Abilgail" James said. "Lead the way." He glanced briefly at Nina, a look that carried a hint of question, asking "what are we doing this for?" If Nina saw that look, she ignored it. Well, James was fairly certain she saw the look, becuase she was staring right at him, but she didn't aknowledge whether or not he understood it. Instead she nodded in agreement with James' statement.

"Yes, lets do get going." She said. "May I ask where we are headed?" She asked not to be prying, but because she felt more secure when she knew where she was supposed to be.

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PostPosted: July 26th, 2009, 11:32 am 
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As he stepped over the threshold, Cameron was dismayed to behold the interior of the room. By candlelight, the walls might've been a little warmer, but still they held no cheer, nothing that reflected Garnet at the height of her energetic persona, except the radiant light she seemed to emanate when she smiled or laughed, which was quite possibly only visible to him. A smiling Adrianna stepped in quickly behind her brother, taking in the room's appearance easily; unsurprised but saddened slightly, though she wouldn't show it. The books interested her, though, so she stepped forwards to eye a few of the repaired ones, neglecting to touch only because she feared making her friend's job more difficult, then moving onto the damaged book with legible titles.
"Of course not," Cameron pulled a face that was both joking and insulted, but was unable to hide his smile. "It's her I avoid." A finger jerked in the direction of Adrianna, who had her back turned to him but could hear perfectly well. She tossed a superior look over her shoulder, then rolled her eyes as she looked at Garnet. "You see what I have to put up with? He's impossible. Next time, I'll make sure he leaves you in peace."

Cameron had now adopted an innocent smile that he wore perfectly as he pointedly ignored his younger sibling. Instead he concentrated on Garnet, and trying to keep a reasonably straight face. "Don't listen to a word she says. I swear she's evil..."
Part of those words hit Adrianna hard. She'd debated with herself for months about her allegiance, and spent sleepless nights wondering if the place she'd taken up was the right one. Know what she was getting herself into was hard enough, but she worried about how she appeared, choosing the more profitable life - even if that was not the main reason she'd chosen it.

Silence seemed to have fallen on the trio, until Garnet asked after their welfare. Adrianna answered with her usual, swift smile "No different than usual, from where I'm stood. Arrogant councilors, more paperwork than should be possible, and petty disputes. All's normal."
Cameron had to laugh at his sister's description of her day-to-day life. Her voice had been faultlessly serious, ensuring perfect delivery of the witticism.
"Oh, it's been..." Cameron couldn't think of a word that both described his time learning the ins and outs of construction and didn't exaggerate the fact that Garnet was stuck here. "... Interesting." He finished, somewhat inadequately. The truth was, the cities boundaries were strange places. It was sometimes lonely, sometimes silent, sometimes creepy beyond imagination. There were no words for it.

The thee stood in the room, smiling at one another in silence. It was odd, it seemed as though not a minute had passed since their childhood and they were once again running around the city streets exploring, going on childlike adventures. That thought alone was enough to bring laughter to Adrianna's lips, but she held it in, afraid of ruining the moment of quiet, uninterrupted friendship - still, she was beginning to get that feeling, the one that gently nudged her onto the sidelines so Garnet and Cameron could take centre stage. She'd fight to stop jealousy ruling over her actions, but she didn't know how long it'd before Cameron just hurried up and told Garnet that he loved her, because then the painfully slow realization process would be over and she'd know whether or not she was losing him. Selfish, she knew, but they had become so close, after their parents had died - natural deaths, thank goodness - that the idea of Cameron's permanent disappearance was like the thought of cutting away part of herself. She'd try not to think of it...

A short way away, there were loud, thumping footsteps and a youth of around sixteen, seventeen, eighteen hurtled around a corner, a small, crinkled piece of paper in hand, wearing a slightly manic expression. His head was working overtime, and on occasion he slid to a complete stop to check he was headed in the right direction - at the speed he was moving, it wouldn't be surprising to learn he'd missed a turning or two.
The library was a towering structure, complete with a Greek temple-like front, including a huge colonnade what made the teen feel tiny. The front entrance was locked, by night, he knew by experience; he also know there was a side-door somewhere to permit workers and librarians entrance to the grand place if needed at some unearthly hour. However, he'd never seen this second entrance, so he had to hunt for a while before he found it, complete with lantern outside - it threw odd shadowy shapes over the ground that prodded his imagination into life.
Down the corridor, there was the indistinct sound of hushed voices, and light emanating from a candle creeping around the edges of a partially closed door.

Checking once again with the paper and the untidy handwriting, he saw the number on the door was the same, and knocked. It was a stupidly loud sound, and he regretted neglecting to cushion it, somehow - make it more understated, to prevent it disturbing the quiet as it did. A male face appeared at the doorway, an eyebrow raising slowly, comically, as he took in the messenger garb and insignia.
"I'm here for... for Adrianna Hart. Is she... is she here?" he was out of breath, but being late for an appointment with Governor Nylander was a worse fate than putting up with a few minutes' discomfort.

Adrianna, confused when she heard her name, came to the door as Cameron moved away to give her space.
"You're Adrianna Hart?" the messenger queried, hoping that he didn't have to go running after her again. Sometimes chasing people was like catching smoke.
"Yes..." she was hesitant.
"The Governor... he wants to see you."
Realization dawned on her face, and she confronted the urge to laugh bitterly. Always when she had a minute to spare. Story of the city, she thought.
The messenger stuck out the folded paper, proof that he wasn't just wasting her time at a ridiculous time of night, then retreated back down the corridor, weary, breathless, and in desperate need of sleep.
Unfolding the paper uncertainly, Adrianna took in the word written there: their location along with her name. She turned to show the other two.
"I gotta go. Apparently, there's some law against me having a life." Her small smile had a spark of genuine happiness in it; she knew the time alone between the two close friends would do them good, even if they got no closer to admitting what would surely burst forth from them soon. She hugged Garnet, wished the two goodnight and threw Cameron an I-so-own-you look. Her brother with an equally high and mighty expression that made her laugh softly, before she closed the door and followed in the messenger's footsteps back the way she'd come.


The Council Tower was empty now. She saw no-one as she wandered the corridors, although she listened intently for the sound of another human being; she seemed isolated completely from the rest of the world.
The room was alive again, she'd noticed. The fire had been built up higher than she'd seen it before that day, though she knew it was some manner of 'servant' that had performed the job, rather than the Governor; he would forego his impatience to be spared the indignity of doing such a task himself. He would never be roped into doing work that was so far beneath him.
Knocking had its time and place, she figured, so she entered without any warning except for the door's clicking as the lock slid out of its housing. Concerned but amusing, she didn't give Lucius time to speak before her words reached him.
"You've been keeping tabs on me?" It was phrased as a question, but Adrianna didn't doubt that it was any less than fact. She should really have been expecting it, but what kind of person follows their employees home?
"I was being cautious." It wasn't an explanation, but it was the best response she'd get from him on the subject, and she knew it.
"About what? Have I not won the goody-two-shoes of the year award enough times?" with a sigh, she shook her head and brushed her just shorter than shoulder-length hair out of her eyes for the second time that night.
"What am I needed for?" This time when she spoke, her voice had a more resigned tone to it than before. There was a pause.

"A Doctor Dylan Whittaker is a suspect for probable theft. I need someone to speak with him, and unfortunately for you the only one I can rely on at this time is you."
It was then Adrianna realized that the document Lucius appeared to be holding was a file, like those kept of all the cities inhabitants - for keeping criminal records, and other such personal notes.
"Alright," was her response. "Anything else?" Adrianna had guessed his answer before she heard it.
There was a finality in that note that would've made her flinch had she not been used to it, as it was she merely nodded, forgetting that he wasn't looking at her, and exited swiftly. The longer she spent in this place, the more she disliked it: it scared her, there was no hiding the fact. Her job meant spending hours trailing after forms and files and documents of importance, but this meant searching large storage facilities, offices and buildings like the Council Tower. They were all interconnected, somehow, so she never really went outside - although, next to what she saw of Garnet's job, she had by no means seen the worst of life. Briefly she wondered whether or not there was anything she'd be able to do for her friend, but the thought was washed away with the realization that she didn't have the foggiest where she was to go - a name didn't help her much.

Back outside Lucius's room, she reached for the door handle, apprehentious, before noticing a small piece of paper not unlike the one bearing her name and location pinned to the door. Once the pin was pulled free, the paper slid downwards at gravity's call, though she caught the edge of the paper with her fingertips to stop it hitting the floor. The address wasn't too far away, she wouldn't have long to walk. It gave her no information other than the guy's name and address, and aside from that all she knew is he was a possible thief, though the charge remained unproven. Adrianna had no idea how she was to go about approaching this, let alone approach it in the proper manner. It would seem Lucius had higher expectations of her than she'd first thought. The thought was irritating, but she could do nothing about it, least of all now when the door was locked - she'd checked, just in case. Being left without alternate options made her anxious.

'Night time' was beginning to settle in. Outside she almost expected to see stars, although the only picture she'd ever seen of them was a picture of an odd shape with lots of points coming out of it, and that was ridiculous idea at best. The light she saw by were the feeble street lamps that emitted little light on the best of days, and they were barely enough to stop her wandering sideways into the walls.
A door lay in a patch of light a little way ahead. Judging by its situation in relation to the streets around it, she thought it possible that she'd found the right place. Double-checking would be prudent, though, so the next time she passed beneath a lamp she took out the piece of paper Lucius had given her and identified the door in question - it was in fact opposite the house she'd seen; for a second she stood still, merely glad that she hadn't knocked before thinking and made herself look endlessly foolish.

She heaved a sigh, then pushed herself forward to knock for the doctor. There might've been a flicker in the window suggesting light, and there might've been a small sound telling her the house was occupied, but way wasn't paying enough attention to note either sign, she just hoped this 'interview' went well - and swiftly, for that matter.

Several minutes ticked by, and she was beginning to get impatient. Apparently the doctor wasn't home. To make sure, she'd knocked again, several times, so she wouldn't return to her master with the excuse 'He wasn't there' merely to proved wrong. Adrianna cringed slightly, then, because she saw very few ways forward, and non of them were to her taste. Torn between retaining her manners and willingly punishing herself, she chose the one that would cause her the least pain. She could rationalize as much as she wanted; even if it did help indirectly, she was still primarily benefiting herself.

The door was locked, she found. It didn't surprise her, but it did make things decidedly more difficult. Still, a childhood around her brother had taught her a few tricks, even if she did ordinarily have the manner to abstain from using them. Hoping that there was no-one around to consider her suspicious, she picked the lock with a small paperclip she found in her pocket from a day sorting paperwork sighed with relief as the door swung inwards.
Inside, she found that it was a similar home to her own - just the layout was different. Nothing immediately stuck out as suspicious, not that she was used to looking for that kind of thing, so she shut the door so it touched the frame and set about looking for anything out of place.

Minutes more of searching lead her nowhere, until she'd resigned herself to leaving and explaining everything to Lucius tomorrow, with a promise to look into things again, and turned to the door. There was a single sheet of paper - the city was riddled with paper today, evidently - that looked as though it had been roughly handled then set aside, shortly before being forgotten. Lifting it gently, she took a moment to deduce the general gist of what was written there. The bridge near the marketsquare.

Admittedly, she wasn't as familiar with that place as she would've liked to have been, and it wasn't small, but she was fairly confident that she'd at least run into who she was looking for on the way. If that failed, she'd come back and try to explain how she'd manage to break into his house and why she'd chosen to breach his privacy in such a bold manner. The second option was not appealing.

The lock clicked as she closed the door after she'd exited, and she hoped that that meant it was locked - the millionth time she'd wished things would go her way that night. One thing, however, had turned to her advantage: this note, no matter whether the doctor had received it or was to send it, was evidence enough for his reputation to be threatened. He would have to act to defend himself in some way. For now, though, midnight was closing in, and she had to act.

To the marketsquare it was, then.

[ [s]Hope that's okay. [/s]
Sorry for the delay. :teehee:]


Last edited by Darkheart on July 27th, 2009, 5:26 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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PostPosted: July 26th, 2009, 12:54 pm 

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Posts: 4502

Garnet smiled as Cameron and Adrianna launched into one of their familiar sibling squabbles. She had been witness to many of them in her childhood; but whatever they said to each other, she knew that there was a strong bond between them, a steady fondness, for all Cameron could jokingly call Adrianna evil. It reminded her of long ago days, but it also filled her with a strange sadness; she had no family of her own. She had been an only child, and her parents had been killed at the government's orders when she was thirteen - though their deaths had been given the shallow cover-up of "disappearances". Garnet knew that they were not missing. They had endangered the government by teaching too much too thoroughly; letting the children of this society expand their minds more than was considered suitable. Garnet remembered how they had been dragged from their house in the night, all those years ago; her helpless screams.
Abruptly, she pushed back the memory, turning her attention to the here and now. She was just about to say something when there was a loud knock on the door. Garnet flinched, worried that it would be one of the head book keepers; in truth, they abused their authority and were absolutely merciless when it came to deadlines. But it was only a young lad, a messenger, come to find Adrianna.

The relief was almost too great to hide, that it had not been someone coming for her. She smiled, hugging Adrianna back. "It was good to see you. Hopefully we can catch up again soon, when you're not too busy, of course." She watched as Adrianna and the messenger left the room. Garnet quietly closed the door, before turning towards Cameron, realising that they were now alone together, just the two of them. The silence extended a little, before Garnet spoke up.

"A pity about Adrianna," she said. "Still, she's done well, having such a high-up job. It might be stressful, but she's lucky." She smiled at Cameron. Her words spoke more than she realised; her frustration with her own job, with her life of endless labour. Walking past her desk, she rearranged a small pile of books, for lack of anything better to do. Despite herself, she felt nervous. She glanced up at Cameron again, trying to think of something to say, anything that might lessen the awkwardness. Adrianna had behaved a little like a chaperone; now she was gone, it was just them.
Finally, she said the only thing she could say; what she really felt. She had never been good at edging around matters, and she did not want there to be a distance between her and Cameron, the feeling that the only words they could exchange were pleasant smalltalk, which wasn't what she wanted at all.
"I missed you," she said. "It seems like it's been years since we last saw each other. For me, anyway. All this..." she swept a hand to indicate the dullness that was her job, "'s absolutely mind-numbing. Sometimes I can't tell which day runs into the next." She gave a small laugh, glancing at her feet, hoping she had not sounded foolish.


~~Siggy by Lembas~~

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PostPosted: July 27th, 2009, 1:18 pm 
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[ Dylan actually already went out. Should I just forget my last post and let him still be inside? ;) ]


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
Children, rejoice, rejoice..


It doesn't matter you don't believe in God, He believes in you.

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PostPosted: July 27th, 2009, 4:16 pm 
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[Argh, sorry about that. I'm an idiot. :eyeroll: I'll edit mine in a sec.]


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PostPosted: July 27th, 2009, 7:18 pm 
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Country: Rohan (xr)

[ Thanks! I feel kinda rusty playing Dylan since he's a new character.. Just like one is wearing a new pair of shoes. Do you know the feeling? :teehee: ]

At a quick pace Dylan made his way through the shadows. It was not the kind of shuffle which belonged a frightened man nor a hasty run which most people at night used to cross the streets to make sure that no one minded their business. It was the kind of walk of a confident man with a distinctive purpose and destiny. The young man was not scared by the darkness or intimidated by the nature of the secluded appointment. He was a man who lived by the day, who tried to make the most of it not caring about tommorw. And tonight his destiny had brought him to the market square.

Not many people really knew Dylan or his background. He seemed to have no family or he never talked about them, a few unidentified friends but no girlfriends. Some incident in the past seemed to be the cause of that. Colleagues sometimes joked that he better could stay over at the hospital for the night as he seemed to have no life at all but his will and passion to fix things. Yet this was not said in front of him for all knew that the hospital owed a lot to Dylan and his occasional undertakings.

Once someone said to him that he should be less careless, but Dylan had shrugged and answered that if one would not dare, one would not win. By doing this tonight, lifes could be won. A mother. A son. These drugs could be a cure for them. Dylan being devoted to saving those lifes had stepped over the invisible boundary of caution a long time ago and enjoyed the delicious feeling of adventure which was sparked by his attitude of seizing the day.

On the edge of the already mentioned square Dylan halted in a shadow of a large building which concealed his presence. The square wasn't large and sourounded by large villa blocks or office buildings. Behind every window it seemed to be dark, showing that the houses were either abandonded or that the owners were asleep. In the middle of the sqaure was a fountain with a kind of white sculpture within it. Missing the splashing sound of water, Dylan realised that it must have been turned off. It seemed to be controlled, like the many assets in life, by the Government.

The square seemed to be abandoned. Expecting it not to be midnight yet, Dylan waited silently and motionless for what was to come.


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
Children, rejoice, rejoice..


It doesn't matter you don't believe in God, He believes in you.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: July 29th, 2009, 4:25 pm 
Lady of Strife
Lady of Strife
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(Grr... as it turns out, I won't be able to join. I really wanted too, but I now have to keep rping down to only a select few rps that I know I'll be able to keep up with... I'm sorry!)

(}--{)Imagination Inspires Ideas -Zandain(}--{)
Married Cloud Strife 9/17/08

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: August 4th, 2009, 4:44 pm 
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[ Small bump :) ]


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
Children, rejoice, rejoice..


It doesn't matter you don't believe in God, He believes in you.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: August 6th, 2009, 5:44 pm 
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Country: Rohan (xr)

[ I'll be gone for 2 weeks.. I hope you guys don't go ahead too far without me.. ]


O children, lift up your voice, lift up your voice,
Children, rejoice, rejoice..


It doesn't matter you don't believe in God, He believes in you.

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